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2009-07-29 08:42:28
What a cody little corral you've built yourself to fend off the evil outside world... Get out of the house sometime, folks, it will do you good to air these tinfoil-hats of yours!
2009-07-29 09:42:40
Here's a good example of the kind of person drawn to Roy's corral: Paul Gaskin ('balzac') of
balzac: This conversation is reminding me I better watch this intern who may be at the office tomorrow. He's indoctrinated.
I won't have my business undermined by a Microsoftie.
There are many ways this intern could become a problem for me down the road. I insist each person who will be employed by me does not use Windows as their primary OS. If an employee doesn't understand the value of the stated purpose of the GNU licenses, they're either dense, stubborn, indoctrinated, but definitely not employable. retain their full rights as computer users.
I will not employ someone who will undermine my business.
people have to lose their indoctrination to see things as they are, and to
And I'll send this intern away so he won't waste my time if he can't comprehend such a simple thing on the first day.
You think I'm legally obligated to hire a person who would sell me out? Sounds like Microsoft logic.
Charming guy, isn't he. I can see him turning up at that poor intern's doorstep, saying: 'hello. I know you have a hidden window-partition on your computer, and I'm gonna find it. You might as well 'fess up now, 'cause I'm gonna fire you anyway. You're only making it harder.'
Or, as Mr Gaskin himself puts it:
I'm an enforcer, not an enticer. I'm not doing sales, I'm doing retaliation. I'm doing a fine job and RMS is too.
I hope that this example of how not to behave, how not to think, will bring some people to their senses. Imagine persons such as Mr Gaskin here were in charge.
I'll leave you to that thought with some more quotes by Mr Gaskin:
So I don't appreciate Linus Torvald's smear of the Free Software community.
I want to bring people to my side, or failing that, marginalize them.
Booth babes would be a good addition, but they can't replace someone who retaliates against attacks on the brand.
GAFAM traps aren't "free hosting"; they herd us all into a world of tollbooths and locks, surveillance and planned obsolescence (you own nothing, you only rent)
There are many debunkings (to likely false accusations), but won't that just be another example of Windows TCO, exacerbated externally in the form of Windows botnets?
2009-07-29 08:42:28
2009-07-29 09:42:40
Charming guy, isn't he. I can see him turning up at that poor intern's doorstep, saying: 'hello. I know you have a hidden window-partition on your computer, and I'm gonna find it. You might as well 'fess up now, 'cause I'm gonna fire you anyway. You're only making it harder.'
Or, as Mr Gaskin himself puts it:
I hope that this example of how not to behave, how not to think, will bring some people to their senses. Imagine persons such as Mr Gaskin here were in charge.
I'll leave you to that thought with some more quotes by Mr Gaskin: