Thanks for the Translations
- Dr. Roy Schestowitz
- 2010-02-01 09:47:08 UTC
- Modified: 2010-02-01 09:47:08 UTC
Summary: Multi-lingual pages and explanation of inactivity
Thanks to all those who contributed translations after a request had been made. We now have a total of 7 languages (hopefully with more coming), at least for the introduction to people who are new to Novell's role as proprietary software (including Microsoft) helper. We also got translations of some other Web pages.
We've had few posts over the weekend and there will be none today as I am down in London for filming of a documentary. There are some good posts coming later this week.
Needs Sunlight
2010-02-01 11:08:05
Dennis Murczak
2010-02-01 15:49:25
I'm planning of working on German on a near-daily routine for the next few weeks or so. The top-level navigation is there and I'm fleshing out how to neatly categorize all the stuff. Also, things like the "about" pages and the credibility index which are still articles could be moved to the wiki, where it would be easier to manage multiple language versions.
Dennis Murczak
2010-02-01 20:56:38
Well, I saved the affected translation work in a local text file instead so nothing was lost. I'll drop by on the IRC channel tomorrow.
Roy Schestowitz
2010-02-01 21:55:12
Roy Schestowitz
2010-02-02 01:17:48
You've probably noticed that after editing you are sometimes delivered a cached page. The way to get around this (before cache expires) is to add "?whatever" to the URL of the page and reload it, in which case the page request overrides the cache (it thinks it's a separate page). There are other things that will be properly resolved soon.
2010-02-02 04:02:02