Summary: Another ordinary episode with a lot of interesting topics and news
TODAY'S show is a mixed bag of GNU/Linux, antiquated law, computer games, and Microsoft pretending to be "open". OpenBytes will publish the show notes very soon. We suffered from unusual connection difficulties which sometimes made the audio a little poor in terms of quality, but overall it should be easy to understand throughout. (Update 8/12/10: show notes are now available here)
It's almost as if there's a coordinated effort to weed out and drive away people who are passionate about security for the users, as opposed to the financial security of companies like Google and Microsoft
Cash infusions by taxpayers can create "billionaires" who aren't "job creators" (see what happened to Twitter) and bring no benefits to these taxpayers, only poverty
Seeing how the "hey hi" (AI) hype spreads to GulagTube and ruins GulagTube, we're glad we need not worry about Google (Gulag) policing our "content" via supposedly 'free' (not really) platforms, such as GulagTube, the social control (multi)media "market leader"