Has it sunk yet? Multinational corporations won't quit without a fight.
Yesterday we wrote about the UPC's latest news, namely Benoît Battistelli's admission that the UPC can soon be derailed, perhaps much to the chagrin of Team Battistelli but the delight of most EPO workers, especially those who deal with appeals. Appeasing multinational titans at the expense of Europe as a whole isn't the original goal of the EPO, or at least oughtn't be.
The European Patent Office (EPO) has told WIPR that the unitary patent system could be delayed if the UK votes to leave the EU on June 23.
EPO president Benoît Battistelli spoke about the upcoming EU referendum vote in the UK.
“In case of a Brexit vote it is not clear what happens, and the implementation of the unitary patent system could be delayed,” he said.
"The strategy du jour is pretending that UPC is inevitable (and act as such, e.g. by advertising jobs and setting up courts in the UK), but that's just a Clintonite approach where you declare victory prematurely in order to induce defeatism (or surrender) among the opposition."The (Benoît Battistelli's) EPO mouthpiece (PR team) is creating a parallel reality where, if Battistelli says "delayed" about the UPC for example, it might as well mean demolished, as it has been 'delayed' for many years now (it used to be called other things and it never quite took off, even when unity or harmony in the EU was far better). The strategy du jour is pretending that UPC is inevitable (and act as such, e.g. by advertising jobs and setting up courts in the UK), but that's just a Clintonite approach where you declare victory prematurely in order to induce defeatism (or surrender) among the opposition. It's an abhorrent if not abusive strategy.
Regarding the EPO's PR, they are in full denial mode. It's all about creating an illusion of invincibility and might, even when there's none. It's about pretending that Battistelli's "relationships are excellent" (to quote his ludicrous remarks to Dutch/European media earlier this year) when they're utterly terrible and all the staff (most managers included) dislike him with a passion, except perhaps the cronies whom he brought with him, mostly from France (we refer to them as "Team Battistelli" -- a term that recently grew feet). Speaking of Team Battistelli, or Battistelli's "circle" as SUEPO typically alludes to it, we recently became aware of what seems like cracks in it. "The rumour is that Ciaran McGinley left because a clash with Elodie Bergot," one person told us about the wife of Battistelli's old INPI minion. "He was a president۫s minion, too, but was also regarded as somebody who stood up for his people. He wanted to get a bonus for one of his staff who had disappeared from a bonus list and went to Elodie Bergot who refused. Since [neither] the VP2 nor anybody else supported him he left, but I cannot believe that somebody like him would leave in a fit." VP2 is Alberto Casado Cervi̱o, whom we wrote about before in relation to some 'funny business' [1, 2, 3]. "He must've been annoyed by other things," our source told us about McGinley.
"The EPO's management forgot what it's supposed to actually do and It'll run out of money if this carries on (stakeholders will realise that EPO patents rapidly lose value)."But don't worry. Everything is fine, insists the EPO's PR team and media mouthpieces. These people are still milking their own very expensive festival from over a week ago (up to 7,000,000 Euros are getting wasted on a few hours of silly ceremony which is essentially Battistelli lobbying). Today's EPO is paying for lots of spurious nonsensical activities which have nothing whatsoever to do with patent examination. The EPO's management forgot what it's supposed to actually do and It'll run out of money if this carries on (stakeholders will realise that EPO patents rapidly lose value). How many of the several millions of Euros were paid to media companies and so-called 'artists' which try to dress up a lobbying event as "science"? Waste and abuse of biblical proportions is what it is (an effort to change public perception), but sooner or later everyone will know what really became of the EPO. The more people know, the angrier they get and the more likely they are to get involved. ⬆