Reference: Strategic lawsuit against public participation (SLAPP)
Summary: The dark side of the EPO, which has culminated in suppression of truth-telling, as explained by the official report of the Dutch delegation to the Administrative Council (AC) of the European Patent Organisation (EPO)
THE EPO has a very strong culture of SLAPP. They have already done this to me and to others. Such is the nature of a thug and this behaviour should be expected somewhere like Russia or North Korea, not Bavaria.
"Such is the nature of a thug and this behaviour should be expected somewhere like Russia or North Korea, not Bavaria."Here is the relevant passage (on page 13):
In de (zich sinds december 2014 voortslepende) zaak van de geschorste technische rechter bij de Boards of Appeal is de (al enige tijd onveranderde) situatie dat de door het EOB-management gestarte strafrechtelijke procedures (in zowel München als Zagreb) tegen deze rechter het voor de AC (nota bene: als disciplinary authority) onmogelijk maken (gezien art. 95 Service Regulations) om de zaak intern af te ronden. Tegelijkertijd is er een onderstroom in de AC die vindt dat het allemaal al lang genoeg geduurd heeft en dat het, alles overziend, beter zou zijn dat de AC de zaak naar zich toe haalt en (met een passende sanctie) afsluit. Wordt vervolgd in de juni bijeenkomst van de AC.
Translation (English):
"We are going to investigate this further in the coming weeks."In the (ongoing since December 2014) case of the suspended technical judge of the Boards of Appeal, the (for some time unchanged) situation is that the criminal proceedings (both in Munich and Zagreb) initiated by the Office management against this judge make it impossible for the AC (note: in its capacity as disciplinary authority) to conclude the case internally (see Art. 95 Service Regulations). At the same time there is an undercurrent in the AC, which finds that the matter has gone on for long enough and that it would be better for the AC to deal with the case by itself and to close it (with an appropriate sanction). Will be continued in the June meeting of the AC.
See that part about Zagreb? We knew about Munich, but not about Zagreb (Croatia). What on Earth is going on there?
We are going to investigate this further in the coming weeks.
"Lo and behold what the EPO has been reduced to; it not only hired crooked officials but also uses dirty tricks to suppress those alleged to have spoken out about it.""Reading between the lines," as our reader put it, "it seems that Topić is using SLAPP tactics to prevent the closure of the still ongoing disciplinary procedure against the suspended Board of Appeal judge."
Lo and behold what the EPO has been reduced to; it not only hired crooked officials but also uses dirty tricks to suppress those alleged to have spoken out about it. ⬆