EARLY in the morning the EPO published what was, according to the timestamp (in RSS feeds), prepared some time yesterday or beforehand.
"All patents from that era are now expired."Lacking the typical EIA publicity stunts this year, the EPO decided that a bunch of videos accessible over the Web are "highlighting the role innovation can play in overcoming the current challenges."
These were possible to do even in the 1990s. All patents from that era are now expired. They're also software patents, which are not legal in Europe (not that Benoît Battistelli and António Campinos actually care what the law or the EPC says). Today's EPO is sadly run by aggressive and dishonest people; it's run by politicians and army people (literally people who came from the military), not scientists. They barely even know what they talk about. They just crush and oppress the staff. A bunch of mobsters and criminals (Battistelli's illegal actions, by the way, still await an explanation from the Commission), who engaged in abuse, gross misconduct and corruption whilst on premises of the EPO, are gleefully misusing the names of actual scientists (to distract from crimes?) and issued (warning: epo.org
link) this funnily-worded statement:
The Office today has published Inventors Revisited, a new video and podcast series in which the EPO reconnects with former finalists and winners of the European Inventor Award. Throughout the series, viewer will be able to learn the latest inventions and innovation trends, while getting a rare glimpse at cutting-edge research. Due to coronavirus imposed travel restrictions, the entire series was produced digitally, highlighting the role innovation can play in overcoming the current challenges.
In addition to covering new technology, the series also explores the effect of the European Inventor Award on the inventors themselves, their work, and wider society.
The mobsters today published Patent Holders Revisited, a new video and audio dump in which the EPO's mobsters associate themselves with scientists who actually accomplished something. Throughout the data dump, complicit journalists will be able to produce puff pieces about the latest inventions and patenting trends, while getting a rare glimpse at cutting-edge research. Due to an event that has let us crush our staff, the entire dump was produced using cameras and microphones, highlighting the role cameras and microphones can play in facilitating vlogs.
In addition to covering patents, the dump also explores the effect of the EPO's PR ploy on the recipients themselves, their work, and wider society (including all but Theranos, whose patents of EIA fame are now used by patent trolls to blackmail COVID-19 researchers).