[Meme] UPC: Many Lies as Headlines, Almost Exclusively in Publishers Sponsored by EPO and Team UPC to Produce Fake News (Lobbying Through Misinformation)
- Dr. Roy Schestowitz
- 2022-01-27 02:15:52 UTC
- Modified: 2022-01-27 02:15:52 UTC
Juve turned from journalism to spamfarm/sewer in just a matter of years

Thank you, Amy, for your very spot-on and fact-checked 'journalism'....

Oh. Now it's 2023 again.

Wash, rinse, repeat. UPC has been coming "next year" since 2014 (at least).
Summary: Lest we forget that EPO dictators, like Pinky and the Brainless Benoît Battistelli and António Campinos, have long littered the EPO's official Web site as well as publishers not directly connected to the EPO (but funded by it) with disinformation about the UPC
Below (video): Wouter Pors on UPC (not The Onion; his own firm/employer published this)