"My former colleague noticed a glaring anomaly in their narrative/story.""They have stated I can confirm Standard Life has administered a pension scheme for Sirius Corporation Plc from July 2009 until December 2012. Unfortunately, there is no record of you joining the scheme during that time and it would not have been possible to join after the Scheme closed in 2012."
Notice the above. They just used templates. They barely investigated anything on an individual basis, yet in their PDF they made it seem like it was tailored to the recipient, including individual passwords. All they changed was the name of the person and maybe the case number.
My former colleague noticed a glaring anomaly in their narrative/story. "This seems to be slightly different to what you have been told," the former colleague said, "as I think you said it was moved in 2018."
"2016" was said repeatedly to me by the manager, on several occasions. So either the above letter contains a lie or the managers lied to me repeatedly over the telephone.
Here is the message I received:
Dear Dr Schestowitz
I’ve completed my investigation of your concerns since I last contacted you on 29 March 2023. Thank you for your patience.
I've attached a letter which outlines our position [...]
If you have any questions, or you are having a problem accessing the letter, please let me know.
Yours sincerely
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Customer Relations
"As a reminder, I still have papers from Standard Life with my full name, date of birth, and account/scheme code/numbers on them. I still have countless payslips showing pension contributions were made. Standard Life cannot simply claim to have nothing to do with it; Standard Life basically legitimised a fraud."They sent the same thing to other victims in order to cover things up, talking like a lawyers' department, looking to cover their own behind while solving nothing at all. If this is how pensions are managed in the UK (this is a very large provider), then we're in serious trouble.
Notice that they are not saying there's no crime, they just resort to the equivalent of "try another department" or "none of our business!"
As a reminder, I still have papers from Standard Life with my full name, date of birth, and account/scheme code/numbers on them. I still have countless payslips showing pension contributions were made. Standard Life cannot simply claim to have nothing to do with it; Standard Life basically legitimised a fraud. The perpetrators are still not held accountable. Two of them are in the UK and one is a fugitive in the United States, residing not far from Bill Gates, whom he took money from under an NDA. ⬆