Bonum Certa Men Certa

Gemini Links 19/08/2023: Missing Physical Buttons on Electronics

  • Gemini* and Gopher

    • Personal/Opinions

      • The ridiculousness of 80's crime dramas

        It's 11pm on a Friday, the kids are in bed and the wife is playing video games. All caught up on TV shows and MST3k on Pluto is playing an episode I don't really care for. So I start digging around their on-demand selection. Score, classic MacGyver. I was always a fan of 80's shows like that. MacGyver, Magnum PI, Murder She Wrote. But boy were their setups crazy.

        One thing I never quite got about Murder, She Wrote was that the protagonist, Jessica Fletcher, was constantly getting involved in murders. Everywhere she went some cousin or nephew was doing some interesting thing she had to go see and boom, someone was killed. Not just once or twice. Over 264 murders (assuming at least one murder per episode). And yet in over a decade with a death toll of a small town no one ever called the FBI. Every once in a while a detective objected to her helping due to her just being an author, and even fewer thought twice about the fact death followed her around. No one really stopped and said it was ridiculous to assume she just happened to stumble upon so many murders. Cases for serial killers started with less of a trail.

      • The ridiculousness of 80's crime dramas
      • Dungeon Fantasy: Monster Seeds

        I was glad to get my physical copy a while ago. Having now looked over it, I think it did exactly what it set out to do, gather the various Monster Seeds for the original Dungeon Fantasy Monsters developed and published in various places during the Kickstarter for Dungeon Fantasy 2 in one place, something that hadn't been done before. So far, so good.

      • Filleting and the circle that doesn't hide anything

        Oftentimes, if you watch a lot of anime or manga, you may see references or outright cameos of objects (including living things) from another story or a media franchise.

        Consider, for example, this series of tweets about the strangest school in the world in terms of the proclivities for the teachers (and the head teacher!) seemingly bursting into cosplay at a moment's notice.

      • Numberstation!

        I was once sitting in a nice, comfy position and thought: Heck yeah, let's do an internet radio station that only plays numbers that are spoken with espeak! Yeah, that's a great idea! Anyway, this was also an experiment on how many radio directory sites I could get into.

      • learnding

        do you ever want to learn something but your brain is just NOT playing ball?

        i sat down to learn the ropes of Dwarf Fortress earlier. i did the tiny little interactive tutorial but there's so much more i gotta learn about in the help section. i could just dive in and try to learn it from scratch but i know i'm not gonna enjoy that lmao

        it's dumb coz it is ABSOLUTELY a game i know i'm gonna enjoy when i eventually do learn how to play. i might just take it baby steps, just go through a new help section every day or so?

    • Technology and Free Software

      • Improving mental health with software 🧠💻

        I started thinking I was depressed when I had "suicidal ideation" at railway stations. Among my responses was to want to know how bad things were, and so I started to gather stats. Every day, at about bed time, a thing pops up on my laptop to ask me to rate my day on a scale from -10 to +10. I don't have a clear idea what the numbers mean, but it feels like I use them fairly consistently. And I'm not doing science, so I can be as arbitrary as I like.

        It feels like a positive, sensible thing to consider how I am. Emotional state can seem overwhelming, but assigning a number requires a moment of contemplative calmness. I noticed that there was a lot of fluctuation. Some of the time life was grim, but some of the time I was ok. Good - I found out something from doing this. The badness always ends. Seems trite, but it's backed up with stats!

      • I Miss Physical Buttons on Electronics

        I just snagged a Sony PRS-650 ereader off Kijiji for $20 and I'm over the damn moon. It's in incredible condition, works like a dream, and the battery is still rock solid. It's an older device (released around 2011 I believe), yet it has all the functionality I need from an ereader in 2023. There is one feature of this incredible device that I would like to focus on. Along the bottom of the screen there are physical buttons for page turning, home, zoom, and options.

      • Bought a new 3DS LL (JPN)

        I bought a new Japanese 3DS LL off ebay so I could resume playing my various Japanese 3DS games. In large part, this is so I can play Fantasy Life to tide me over until the Nintendo Switch release of Fantasy Life i. But it’s also so that I’ll have a working console as they become less and less easily obtained over the coming years.

        I have had two USA 3DS XL. An original 3DS XL with a bad motherboard and a New 3DS XL with glitchy shoulder buttons. I didn’t want to do surgery on the USA one until I better understood the situation with the eShop and whether all of my downloaded titles were going to disappear. I can put up with being able to play most of them in a diminished capacity, but if I could play none of them with a fully working unit I would have been sad.

      • Hardware Showcase: Tello

        I’ve had drones for a long time—maybe ten years.

        Along with VR and 3D printing, drones fall for me into the “living in the future” category—they’re tech that was fun to imagine, and now you can actually buy it.

        So I did: I had a few Nano QX drones from Horizon. They were cheap even back then, around 120CHF if I remember correctly, and they now seem to sell for about 80CHF. They were fun: reasonably easy to control, very nimble, a lot of fun to fly. I used to take them into the office and we’d take turns to fly them in a basement corridor adjacent to the underground parking lot.

      • v everywhere almost

        ### gnu/linux of the debian 12 variety

      • Inkscape Countersheets Extension 3.1

        I just tagged the current version of my Inkscape Countersheets Extension on GitHub as release 3.1, since I recently got some help to make it not crash in recent versions of Inkscape and I thought it was good to make an official release at this point even if there has not been many major other changes. It is sad that the state of software "engineering" is such that backwards compatibility is a dying concept and that we keep inflicting "software rot" on each other like this, but in the ~15 years history of my Inkscape extensions most of the time I spent on it has basically been this kind of wasted work just to keep up with Inkscape API changes. There are a few neat new features though, mostly also contributed by others, so it is not all wasted.

      • Internet/Gemini

        • Re: Why you no BBS?

          And same can be said for Station, Geddit etc.

          And I’m not into it.

          I just don’t like making silo accounts all over the place.

          I’ve had a few Reddit accounts, and accounts on Discourse or Vanilla sites like Story-Games, and the big bad evil elephant in the room called BoardGameGeek, but I’m not happy about it.

        • Giving Up a Static IP

          Ever since it was first launched, I've hosted Rob's Gemini Capsule on a local machine from my home Internet connection. Yesterday, almost two and a half years later, I decided to move the capsule to AWS.

          It was a tough decision, primarily because of my stance on digital autonomy. I believe in the right to establish one's own presence in cyberspace however one wishes, including entirely on one's own terms. I've exercised that right for years by insisting on a static IP address for my home Internet connection and hosting my own services from there. However, at our new house, we have to subscribe to a business Internet plan to get a static IP and CPE bridging in our ISP's infrastructure for opening ports. That increased our monthly Internet by $50, and since I only host a Gemini capsule right now, I was essentially paying $50 a month just for Gemini hosting. I was willing to pay the extra cost for future flexibility, but in recent weeks we've entered a period of tight finances, and it became necessary to migrate the capsule in order to save money.

* Gemini (Primer) links can be opened using Gemini software. It's like the World Wide Web but a lot lighter.

Recent Techrights' Posts

An Extended Statement on Julian Assange
Assange's release was not important enough to "make the cut" for News, only "tweets" and other Social Control Media nonsense.
Microsoft Falling to New Lows in Aruba
Being below 20% in America is the exception, not the norm
Sheriff of Cork & Debian Edward Brocklesby or Brockelsby Street confusion
Reprinted with permission from Daniel Pocock
Who Is This Backup FOR, the NSA?
As Admfubar put it, "backups for everyone..."
Microsoft's Siege of Libya Coming to an End
One might be tempted to guess the users deleted Windows and installed something else
New Talk by Dr. Richard Stallman Published Two Days Ago By CeSIUM - Centro de Estudantes de Engenharia Informática da Universidade do Minho (Portugal)
The FSF no longer mentions Richard Stallman's talks, but we will
Name the Threats and Threat Actors
Looking back to 2006, there was Novell and gregkh (partly salaried by Microsoft), so these are familiar territories
The "Other" SPLC
You know you're winning the debate when censorship is explored
L is for Linux and Lao
Lao should really have something called LaOS
[Meme] Need More Sites Like Wikileaks, Not Less
On US government vs Wikileaks
We Know Who Stands to Gain From the Demise of the Press
the Assange release was a win for his family, but likely a dire loss for press freedom
[Meme] Think Twice Before Exposing or 'Embarrassing' Powerful People and Interests
The United States government has basically won the Assange case
The Open Source Initiative (OSI) is Openwashing, Ben Cotton (Fedora) Acknowledges It, Fails to See How Bribes Led to That
As if... it "just happened"
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Gemini Links 25/06/2024: Hey Hi Punditry and Right to Repair
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Links 25/06/2024: Julian Assange Freed From Prison, "AI" Bubble Imploding Some More
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Three Points About Julian Assange Plea Deal
There is still a secret problem
[Meme] EFF Became a 'Bunch of Pussies' Working for GAFAM (and Sponsored by GAFAM)
It won't protect people, except very rich people's interests
IBM Does Not Care for the Blind (Wayland Harms Accessibility)
What a punch in the gut
Tux Machines Past 20: Still Thriving
Now 20 years and 2 weeks old
[Meme] Microsoft is Coming /Home
Gemini Links 25/06/2024: Old Computer Challenge; An Opinionated GNU/Linux Guide
Links for the day
Over at Tux Machines...
GNU/Linux news for the past day
IRC Proceedings: Monday, June 24, 2024
IRC logs for Monday, June 24, 2024
IEEE Computer Society on Andrew Tanenbaum, Winner of ACM Award, Who Also Inspired Linux Development
10 years ago
FSF Looking to Raise Money by Adding 200 New Members by July 19
The FSF is in good shape, according to Alexandre Oliva
Not Only Does It Not Add Security... (UEFI as a 'Bug Door')
Data From Monaco Should Alarm Microsoft
Just how many people are deleting Windows and installing something else this year?
Linux in Central Sahel (Burkina Faso, Mali and Niger)
Vast area, vast number of "Linux users" (if one counts Android as such)
[Meme] Gagging One's Own Staff as a Signal of Corporate Distress
Censorship at Microsoft
Staying the Course
censorship isn't easy against sites that understand ways to resist it
The 'All-Seeing' Microsoft Eye
Microsofters are observing us closely
Links 24/06/2024: Long COVID and "How I Write Blogs"
Links for the day
Microsoft: By Default, Destroy Linux
Here is what the very "polite" Microsoft Boccassi had to say
Allegations That Microsoft is Covering Up Employee Dissatisfaction and Using a Survey to Catch 'Risk' to the Cult Mentality
This favours or gradually socially-engineers a company for sociopathy
'Linux Hint' Inactive for Nearly a Month (It Used to be Very Active)
Their Twitter account hasn't been active for a long time and it's not too clear what's going on
An Unexpected GNU/Linux Trend
Burkina Faso is changing and not just politically
Android (Linux) at New Highs in Burkina Faso, Now Measured at 72% (Windows Was Measured at 98% 15 Years Ago)
based on this month's estimates
With 0.76% for ChromeOS and 3.7% for GNU/Linux (4.5% Total) Burkina Faso Approaches 5% for 'Linux'
More if one counts Android as "Linux"
Gemini Links 24/06/2024: Being Dull and OpenSSH Autoban
Links for the day
EPO Issues in The Hague
a report dated 4 days ago about a meeting that took place 12 days ago
[Meme] Garbage in, Garbage Out (EPO Patent Quality)
"Get back to work"
When the Employer Makes You Too Sick to Go to Work (New EPO Document)
"registering when you are sick"
Perens on a Stick
Remember what Novell did and how few (barely anyone) sided with Novell
Andrew Tanenbaum Gets an Award for His Work on MINIX
ACM one week ago
Twitter's Fall to Irrelevancy in Europe
Musk bought a dud
[Meme] 'Useless' Kids of EPO Examiners
Granting Loads of Monopolies in Europe (to Foreign Corporations of Epic Size and Far Too Much Power Inside Europe) is Vastly More Important Than Raising European Kids Properly?
"Efficiency" first? Whose? Corporations or families? No wonder so many young families are hesitant to have any kids these days; that's particularly true in east Asia and also in north America, not just Europe
[Meme] Putin's Red Flags
Firefox ESR or Firefox USSR
The Corporate/Mainstream Media and Even Social Control Media is Distorting the Record About What Mozilla Actually Did (It Originally Surrendered to Vladimir Putin)
Mozilla being avoided for purely technical reasons (sites not being compatible with it) is one thing. Foolishly, Mozilla is giving people more political reasons to also shun Mozilla. This is suicide.
GNU/Linux Up Some More This Morning, Windows Down Sharply Even in Rich Countries
Microsoft is in trouble in the Muslim world
United Arab Emirates (UAE) Rising... Towards 5% for ChromeOS and GNU/Linux
the latest numbers show it growing from about 0.1% to around 2.4% for GNU/Linux, plus 2.01% for Chromebooks (ChromeOS), i.e. about 5% in total.
Techrights in the Coming Decade: The Free Speech (Online) Angle
Free speech is a fundamental tenet of a free society
Links 24/06/2024: New Research, New Attacks on Justices Sceptical of Patent Maximalists, European Commission for Copyright Maximalists
Links for the day
[Meme] 12 Years a Fedora Volunteer
IBM gives me a 'free' Fedora badge as recognition
IBM Slavery: Not a New Problem
When IBM got rid of Ben Cotton it showed the world how much it valued Fedora
Why They Want to Abolish Master/Slave Terminology (Because This is What They're Turned Free Software Into)
It used to be about community; GAFAM turned that into exploitation and worse
Roy and Rianne's Righteously Royalty-free RSS Reader (R.R.R.R.R.R.) Version 0.2 is Released
They say summer "officially" started some days ago
Torvalds' Number Two Quit Linux a Decade Ago and Has Since Then Earned an Honorary Doctorate
Revisiting Fuzix and Alan Cox
GNU/Linux Reaches All-Time High in Tunisia
Based on statCounter
Over at Tux Machines...
GNU/Linux news for the past day
IRC Proceedings: Sunday, June 23, 2024
IRC logs for Sunday, June 23, 2024
Edward Brocklesby (ejb) & Debian: Hacking expulsion cover-up in proximity to Oxford and GCHQ
Reprinted with permission from Daniel Pocock
You Know the Microsoft Products Really Suck When...
"Qualcomm and Microsoft go 'beyond the call of duty' to stop independent Copilot+ PC reviews"
IBM and "Regime Change"
Change of regime is not the same as freedom
Microsoft Windows in Nicaragua: From 98% to Less Than 25%
Operating System Market Share Nicaragua
Techrights in the Coming Decade: The Community Angle
Somebody needs to call them out on their BS
Techrights in the Coming Decade: The Software Angle
Gemini Protocol has just turned 5 - i.e. roughly the same age as our Git repositories
Techrights in the Coming Decade: The Patent Angle
Next month marks 10 years since we began covering EPO leaks
Wookey, Intrigeri, Cryptie & Debian pseudonyms beyond Edward Brocklesby
Reprinted with permission from Daniel Pocock
[Meme] Choice Versus Freedom
So When Do I Start Having Freedom? Freedom is choice between the GAFAMs
Digital Liberation of Society at Times of Armed Conflicts and Uncertainty
We have technical contributions, not just written output
Links 23/06/2024: More Microsoft Cancellations, Growing Repression Worldwide
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Links 23/06/2024: Twitter/X Wants Your Money, Google Reports a Billion DMCA Takedowns in Four Months
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Digital Restrictions (Like DRM) Don't Have Brands, We Need to Teach People to Hate the Underlying Restrictions, Not Companies That Typically Come and Go
Conceptually, the hens should fear humans, not the farmer who cages them
Going Above 4% Again
Maybe 4% (or above) by month's end?
[Meme] Debian's 'Cannon Fodder' Economics
Conflicts of interest don't matter
Conviction, jail for Hinduja family, Debian exploitation comparison
Reprinted with permission from Daniel Pocock
According to Microsoft, It's Not a Code of Conduct Violation to Troll Your Victims Whose Files You Are Purging
The group of vandals from Microsoft think it's "funny" (and for a "nominal fee") to troll Microsoft critics
Microsoft Inside Debian is Sabotaging Debian and Its Many Hundreds of Derivatives With SystemD (Microsoft/GitHub Slopware With Catastrophic Bugs is Hardly a New Problem)
What is the moral of the story about The Scorpion and the Frog?
Links 23/06/2024: Hey Hi (AI) Scrapers Gone Very Rogue, Software Patents Squashed at EPO
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Over at Tux Machines...
GNU/Linux news for the past day
IRC Proceedings: Saturday, June 22, 2024
IRC logs for Saturday, June 22, 2024
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