Mastodon ( Gives the Boot to the Militants Who Attacked My Wife and I
THIS is just a very quick update.
Now we have an open admission. got fed up and became "hostile".
There is also an open admission that a random (fake/forged) postcode had been entered to overcome "difficulties" in a form made for Canadians. The militants repeatedly tricked authorities into participating in a campaign of harassment. Or, at the very least, time-wasting.
Now there is yet another social control media de facto ban. How many accounts got terminated already? 10? It's good that we keep local copies. In case we choose to take legal action.
Twitter reached the same conclusion over a decade ago, then terminated the account.
There are all sorts of extremists online. That some of them pick on us might be attributable to growing reach and impact. That they try to weaponise trans causes to mischaracterise people (false accusations of transphobia) won't help trans people; it stigmatises them.
This site's sysadmin for nearly 5 years was a trans woman; not even once did she accuse me of transphobia (our IRC network was almost or about 5-10% trans). We worked together very well, but then the militants lied to her and threatened her with legal action. We'll cover this in the future.
A long time ago Leah Rowe (also trans) told me that some trans people made the error of resorting to utterly horrible diplomacy, in effect causing further alienation by attacking harmless individuals, including women and feminists. This is what we seem to be dealing with here.
The main militant in question already admitted to me there are children left behind (from two different women who are not the ex-wife), so one can get a general picture of the militant's sense of morality.
On the Internet, you can choose who to "engage" with, but not who keeps sending abusive communications your way. Or, for that matter, your wife's way. █