Bonum Certa Men Certa

Turning Away Unwanted and/or Predatory Bots

posted by Roy Schestowitz on Sep 15, 2024

Sleep Tight

If no human will ever read it, what's the point serving?

ROGUE bots (programs without operators) are ruining the Web. One of us recently contacted Semrush Holdings, Inc. (founded by Oleg Shchegolev and Dmitri Melnikov) to complain about the misbehaving bots, which offer no benefit to anyone and basically just waste bandwidth and burn the planet. Semrush responded, but it's difficult to actually anticipate better behaviour. It's like another bubble; they probably have no concrete plan as a company (Semrush Inc. became Semrush Holdings, Inc. - one can guess why).

Companies like Semrush ruin the Web for real people. They also unnecessarily increase people's hosting bills. To them, that's just an "externality" - like LLM pests, they simply couldn't care less! Companies like these motivated us to go static; they misuse programs with a database back end (e.g. wikis) because they don't behave like people who are sane. They scrape away mercilessly and selfishly. They disregard and bypass caching or HTTP headers.

That's not to say that Gemini Protocol is free of annoying bots; we wrote about some of these before and many still traverse Geminispace for little purpose other than maintaining lists like these:

There are 4056 capsules. We successfully connected recently to 2872 of them.

Those 10,000 pages sent from Techrights were retrieved for no purpose other than Lupa gathering statistics or surveying what's out there. Since midnight today we've served 13344 requests over Gemini, yesterday it was 12917, and the day before that 14257. A high proportion of these are requests from bots.

An associate has adjusted the domain's configurations to send "429 Too Many Requests" to unwanted Web requests that might cause denial of service (at sufficiently high volume). "I think this will be an appropriate tool against bots hitting the server too hard," he said. "Changes were required in NFTables and in the Apache2 configuration," he said, and there's probably no information of use for an attacker here, as merely knowing NFTables is used barely gives an advantage.

But the very fact one needs to deploy and use NFTables means extra complexity. The misbehaving, out-of-control bots have certainly caused many sites to just throw in the towel and shut down.

Making the site and capsule serve pages fast to real visitors is of utmost importance, not gaming the numbers upwards. If you want fakes, go use Facebook; or do what Clickfraud Spamnil (Swapnil Bhartiya) does at YouTube.

In Geminispace, the capsules known to be using the Certificate Authority Let's Encrypt are a dying breed; the total has fallen again. Lupa sees only 31 such capsules today:

2576 (89.7 %) capsules are self-signed, 31 (1.1 %) use the Certificate Authority Let's Encrypt, 265 (9.2 %) are signed by another CA (may be not a trusted one).

So this coming week we might see the Certificate Authority Let's Encrypt at under 1%. It used to be in around 200 capsules or around 12% of Gemini capsules.

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