Over at Tux Machines...
Updated This Past Day
AAEON Introduces the UP Xtreme i14 Edge, Its First Meteor Lake-Powered Mini PC
The UP Xtreme i14 Edge is available as a computing kit with Ubuntu 24.04 preinstalled and validated under Ubuntu Pro
GNOME 46.7 Improves Accessibility of Quick Settings’ Keyboard Backlight Toggle
The GNOME Project released today GNOME 46.7 as the seventh maintenance update to the GNOME 46 desktop environment series with various bug fixes, updated translations, and other changes.
Security Leftovers
only a few for now
GNU/Linux and BSD Leftovers
or today's leftovers
Web Related, FOSS Focus
WWW stories
Paul Wise's Debian/FLOSS Activities and Paulo Henrique de Lima Santana on MiniDebConf Toulouse 2024
Some Debian picks
Open Hardware/Modding: Seeed Studio, Raspberry Digital Signage 21.0, and More
some hardware picks
Programming Leftovers
Development related news
Audiocasts/Shows: GNU World Order, Linux Out Loud, and Open Source Security Podcast
3 new episodes
today's howtos
mostly idroot
Raspberry Pi 500 Computer Launches with the Official Raspberry Pi Monitor
The Raspberry Pi Foundation announced today the launch of the Raspberry Pi 500 computer, powered by the Raspberry Pi 5 single-board computer, alongside the Raspberry Pi Monitor.
Android Leftovers
If Gboard is the best Android keyboard, why do I like this alternative so much
PostgreSQL: pgtt-rsl v2.0, pgBadger 13.0, Flyway Community Drift Check released
PostgreSQL news
Raspberry Pi 500
The Raspberry Pi 500 keyboard PC is now available with the guts of a Raspberry Pi 5 including a Broadcom BCM2712 quad-core Cortex-A76 SoC
Canonical Killing Off Ubuntu Forums and Moving to "Support and Help Section of Ubuntu Discourse"
Abandoning Ubuntu community some more
Linux 6.13-rc2
Please do keep testing, and then we can all take it a bit easier over the holidays
6 Tips for Using Linux Without Touching the Command Line
When you read about Linux, you probably see a lot of talk about commands to use in the terminal
GNU/Linux and Free Software Leftovers
FOSS and more
CISA and Windows TCO
security picks
Programming Leftovers
coding related picks
Open Hardware/Modding: GNU-like Mobile Linux, Raspberry Pi Zero 2, Cheap FPGA PCIe Development, and More
Hardware picks
Best Free and Open Source Software
Only free and open source software is eligible for inclusion
Review: Oreon 9.3 / Lime R2
A lot of the characteristics which make up a good server operating system are also welcome features for a desktop system
New Videos and Audiocasts/Shows
Invidious and TLLTS
Turning 20.5 Tomorrow [original]
The pens or writers of Free software cannot be stopped. The attacks on them merely reaffirm the importance of they work they do.
Today in Techrights
Some of the latest articles
The corresponding text-only bulletin for Monday contains all the text.Top-read articles (excluding bot/crawler visits):