Microsoft employees and Microsoft-sympathetic bloggers like Alex Brown are hopping on Alan Bryden's dismissive remarks of denial [1, 2, 3, 4] and use these to clean their own consciousness out in public. They try to pretend that they don't know what happened. It was a similar story and a case of rewriting history just a fortnight ago when Bill gates was preparing to leave [1, 2, 3] and play politics instead. It's totally missing the point.
In any event, here is a new video explaining the importance of ODF. OOXML was nothing but an attack on ODF and its goals. It was reactionary. ⬆
Gemini capsule is cheap to run and easy (easier than a Web site) to maintain. More people disillusioned and frustrated with social control media flock to it.
Sadly, all the blogs that used to talk about those issues have been infiltrated and then completely hijacked by the very perpetrators of the illegality