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IRC: #boycottnovell @ FreeNode: October 5th, 2008


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schestowitzIf he 'retires', then he could probably get a high-salary job at Microsoft (his 'reward'), just like Peter Galli.Oct 05 00:04
schestowitzThe Jeff Gould shill < >, AKA "AlexGr", is now attacking the criticism of Microsoft and ISO. He uses the typical vectors to inject his poison.Oct 05 00:08
*[H]omer_ (n=[H] has joined #boycottnovellOct 05 00:15
schestowitz 05 00:17
*[H]omer has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))Oct 05 00:17
MinceRgnOct 05 00:30
schestowitzI think we'll need to buy more bandwidth for this month.Oct 05 00:49
*libervisco has quit ("Remember, remember the fifth of november...")Oct 05 00:50
schestowitz :  the many domains of corruptionOct 05 00:53
*libervisco (n=daniel@tuxhacker/libervisco) has joined #boycottnovellOct 05 01:06
twitterThe munchkins are doing damage control, are they?  Remember from the DRDOS case that it was all planned in advance.Oct 05 01:32
schestowitzIn reference to what specifically in this case?Oct 05 01:33
schestowitzPJ has just found something interesting: 05 01:34
*libervisco has quit ("Remember, remember the fifth of november...")Oct 05 01:35
twitterI was just looking around at your last links.  Serene writing from beautiful places.  It almost makes you wish you were a whore too.Oct 05 01:38
twitterSuch is the power of tyranny and corruption.Oct 05 01:38
schestowitzI've just asked Sutor (in his blog) to write something about 05 01:39
schestowitzI see you've just replied to the "Microsoft has changed" kumbaya.Oct 05 01:46
schestowitzMore FUD and very daemonising headlines: 05 01:48
schestowitzAnd how far companies go to pretend they have something to do with "open source"... (nothing open source... just some API)Oct 05 01:50
twitterThe non free software people have always pretended to be standards compliant and "off the shelf" cheap if not free.  I'm glad that evolving scam is finally going to end.Oct 05 02:19
twitterIt's been a bad week or two for M$ to cap off a bad couple of years on a really bad decade.  The Vista rejection, going into debt, developer and executive exodus, having their machinations exposed, massive backlashes and now it looks like the quarter is going to suck for them.Oct 05 02:22
twitterEpic failure.Oct 05 02:22
schestowitz"There is such an overvaluation of technology stocks that it is absurd. I would include our stock in that category. It is bad for the long-term worth of the economy." --Steve Ballmer, Microsoft's CEO  ( tessier read this)Oct 05 02:24
*variable (n=duno@unaffiliated/variable) has joined #boycottnovellOct 05 03:21
*libervisco (n=daniel@tuxhacker/libervisco) has joined #boycottnovellOct 05 03:38
*libervisco has quit ("Remember, remember the fifth of november...")Oct 05 03:46
tessierschestowitz: Why are they having a stock buy-back if their stock is overvalued?Oct 05 04:08
*yuhong ( has joined #boycottnovellOct 05 04:48
yuhongHave Apple filed any patents related to the parts of Mac OS X that are open source?Oct 05 04:50
*yuhong has quit (Client Quit)Oct 05 04:50
*yuhong ( has joined #boycottnovellOct 05 05:01
yuhongEven if boycott novell is anti-MS, and it is, usually they do have a point that should not be dismissed.Oct 05 05:02
yuhongEx, I am neutral on Vista but do hate the MS-Novell deal.Oct 05 05:02
yuhongBecause it makes it easier to use patents to make open source software proprietary.Oct 05 05:03
yuhongYou could in theory bribe open source authors to leave a feature that require patents in to collect royalties, for example.Oct 05 05:05
yuhongGPLv2 was designed to prevent that.Oct 05 05:05
*kentma ( has joined #boycottnovellOct 05 06:57
*drago177 (i=471d4ae6@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellOct 05 07:02
*drago177 has quit (Client Quit)Oct 05 07:03
*AVRS2 has quit ()Oct 05 07:10
*AVRS2 (n=AVRS2@wikimedia/AVRS) has joined #boycottnovellOct 05 07:13
*kentma1 ( has joined #boycottnovellOct 05 07:22
*kentma has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))Oct 05 07:38
zoobabhiOct 05 08:33
schestowitzyuhong: yes, they have (Apple)Oct 05 09:00
schestowitzyuhong: I replied too fast without reading carefully. I am not aware of _UNIX-related_ patent from Apple or anything that pertains to open source (since when is a /feature/ associated with a programming paradigm anyway?).Oct 05 09:02
trmancolooks like the mirror is still online :-)Oct 05 09:04
trmancoit survivedOct 05 09:04
schestowitzThere's another  HTML version produced.Oct 05 09:04
schestowitzWhen things slow down, I'll upload those 11,000+ files.Oct 05 09:04
*yuhong has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))Oct 05 09:05
*PetoKraus ( has joined #boycottnovellOct 05 09:05
trmancothe one with the pngs?Oct 05 09:05
*PetoKraus has quit (Client Quit)Oct 05 09:05
schestowitzAbout 20 GB yesterday in BN alone (excluding all the mirrors).Oct 05 09:05
schestowitztrmanco: yes, the PNGs and all...Oct 05 09:06
trmancookOct 05 09:06
trmancowell, 750mb hereOct 05 09:06
*PetoKraus ( has joined #boycottnovellOct 05 09:08
schestowitztessier: what do you make of Novell's and Red Hat's buybacks?Oct 05 09:13
schestowitz "The "ill liquidity" problem banks are having is apparently spreading to other sorts of banks, in this case, the big Millenium seedbank project, which operates critical agricultural-and other- needs seed storage."Oct 05 09:25
schestowitz*sigh* 05 09:25
PetoKrausso, did your hosts survive?Oct 05 09:26
PetoKrausi am thinking of printing the specs and putting them on my wall as a posterOct 05 09:27
PetoKrausto have something to read when i fall asleep, like, forever.Oct 05 09:28
schestowitzIf you buy enough paper and toner, you'll be flagged a potential terror suspect, I think.Oct 05 09:30
MinceRgeekingsOct 05 09:32
schestowitzState chooses vapour over real O/Ses that are better? 05 09:45
PetoKrauswhy the hell would you need to have every version of microsoft windows?Oct 05 09:49
PetoKrausi mean, i used 95's, ME's and then straight to XP...Oct 05 09:49
PetoKrausit's like buying a new car just because there is oneOct 05 09:50
schestowitzThos money wastebasket of Microsoft (they lose billions here) is still breathing...,2817,2331067,00.aspOct 05 09:50
schestowitzPetoKraus: they design the versions that way. There was a good comment about that in /. yesterday. In my opinion, they just need to sell the same thing over and over again... like the music industry.Oct 05 09:51
*schestowitz catching up with 900 unread Microsoft RSS items ATM.Oct 05 09:52
PetoKraus:DOct 05 09:52
schestowitzThere will be a big post later today, unless I rot while reading it all.Oct 05 09:54
schestowitzThis is hysterical (they have already called in the 'retired' Allchin for the investigation):  Microsoft tries to avoid Ballmer deposition in Vista suit <  >Oct 05 09:57
schestowitzBrit Business Users Not Warm on Vista < >Oct 05 09:58
schestowitz4% for Vista.. "More than half (58 per cent) of businesses using Microsoft technology are "exploiting" Windows XP compared to just four per cent for Vista"Oct 05 10:00
schestowitzSeems like the Microsoft-Pystar connection is likely < >Oct 05 10:05
schestowitz "Microsoft continues its commitment to advancing Hispanics through technology as New Technology Founding Partner for National Hispanic Business Information Clearinghouse. SACRAMENTO, Calif., Sept. 26"Oct 05 10:07
schestowitzFirst this, then Portugal lockin.Oct 05 10:07
schestowitz "Portuguese Government and Microsoft Partner on Affordable Computing Agreement for Schoolchildren"Oct 05 10:07
schestowitzAs if Microsoft's proprietary software is "to help meet education and technology goals of governments and citizens."Oct 05 10:08
*PetoKraus has quit ("The purpose of IRC is to...IDLE...")Oct 05 10:10
schestowitzFor future ref:  Quintum PR: "Netopolis will also be focusing on new Microsoft initiatives with Microsoft Office Communications Server 2007." So another Microsoft partner received govt. franchise.Oct 05 10:13
schestowitzThe misinformation about Microsoft phones is being refuted: 05 10:18
schestowitzMSBBC speaks to the bully and tries to improve his image as far as I can see: 05 10:25
*martinjh99 (i=4d64c04a@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellOct 05 10:33
*martinjh99 (i=4d64c04a@gateway/web/ajax/ has left #boycottnovellOct 05 10:34
schestowitzSeems like Richard Waters is a bit of a Microsoft talking point. He attacked Linux before and now this: Google fights back against the Microsoft lobbying machine [...] "This just sounds like sour grapes."Oct 05 10:48
schestowitz"Regaining lost ground now will be hard. Mark one up for Microsoft’s slicker lobbying machine." Can he not see that lobbying is just "political corruption"?Oct 05 10:49
schestowitzLawMedia is not lobbying. It's AstroTurfing, which Microsoft has embarked on.Oct 05 10:49
schestowitz"According to Reuters, Microsoft said, "Given the current economic environment we are taking the prudent step of reviewing our hiring plans and will make some adjustments as appropriate."" 05 10:53
schestowitzThis chap fails to assess alternatives to Microsoft, despite those licensing woes: 05 10:57
schestowitzzoobab: 05 11:13
schestowitzMicrosoft glorification in AP/Seattle: 05 11:16
schestowitztwitter would appreciate knowing that the government is still run by corporations < > (Microsoft's lobbying on bailout bill fails to sway votes)Oct 05 11:25
schestowitzMicrosoft actually has a role called "antipiracy chief": (propaganda term-filled article)Oct 05 11:35
schestowitzMicrosoft (MSFT) pumping at its pseudo press: 05 11:38
*PetoKraus ( has joined #boycottnovellOct 05 11:43
*PetoKraus has quit (Client Quit)Oct 05 11:47
schestowitzRichard Waters is indeed very fanboyish on Microsoft: "Microsoft flexed its financial muscles..." < >. After his trashing of Linux, he's probably worth including in the index of "to beware" writers.Oct 05 11:59
schestowitzMore on the manufactured FUD (Microsoft-funded 'study'): 05 12:00
schestowitzHypervisor lock-in (Ballnux/Windows) promoted by the man who threatened Linux with patents: 05 12:05
schestowitzUsing the Government of Uganda, Microsoft wants to addict children: Oct 05 12:09
schestowitzWhat a deceiving headline: Quick Hits: Microsoft and TIVO Unity < >Oct 05 12:23
*mib_wwrzje (i=4b3f338e@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellOct 05 12:24
*mib_wwrzje has quit (Client Quit)Oct 05 12:25
schestowitzThere's still no telling why Todd Bishop left and what he's up to now... 05 12:30
schestowitzFeet dragging for Microsoft to pay tax it has escaped: hTax dept asks Microsoft to pay up Rs 256 crore < ttp:// ess/India_Business/Tax_dept_asks _Microsoft_to_pay_up_Rs_256_cr ore/ articleshow/3532472.cms >Oct 05 12:33
schestowitzh ttp://timesofindia.i ness/India_Business/Ta x_dept_asks_Microsoft_to_ pay_up_Rs_ 256_crore/articlesho w/3532472.cmsOct 05 12:34
schestowitzOops. 05 12:34
schestowitz "In another case also, Microsoft had to pay about Rs 700 crore as income tax, including interest on royalty income of Rs 2,240 crore generated from sale of software in India for six years from 1999 to 2005."Oct 05 12:35
schestowitzGates gaining influence inside the UK... (it's perverse because of his use of this influence to sell Microsoft technology... unlike someone like Bono who hasn't a chance of 'addicting people to his CDs)Oct 05 12:41
schestowitz"Gates, the founder of Microsoft and now the co-chair of the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation, told the General Assembly that the invitation to speak to the delegates was "a sign of partnership"Oct 05 12:41
kentma1I can't imagine what Bill Gates could possibly have in common with the Episcopal Church.Oct 05 12:43
schestowitzOops. I typed UK, not UN.Oct 05 12:45
*PetoKraus ( has joined #boycottnovellOct 05 12:55
twitterI would have thought Gates was a scientologist, but they will "partner" with anyone who gives them money.Oct 05 13:09
twitterthanks for the pointer to official M$ begging in the recent bailout scandal.  I've read that the overwhelming majority of callers and emailers were against the bailout.Oct 05 13:23
twitterAn old M$ fruad hack is being held up as a failure of "citizen journalism" 05 13:27
twitterThe author in question used to write for Slate and was heavily involved in stock market inflation in the tech bubble.Oct 05 13:27
twitter 05 13:28
twitterThe false reports are now under SEC investigation. 05 13:29
schestowitztwitter: the bailout to Microsoft is no problem. It harms the poor ones the most and saves phat cats.Oct 05 13:29
twitterM$ desperately needs those fat cats bailed out.Oct 05 13:30
schestowitzI see "CNN's Citizen Journalism Goes `Awry' With False Report on Jobs ". Is Microsoft involved as you suggest (I think not)?Oct 05 13:30
schestowitzOh.Oct 05 13:30
schestowitzSlate.Oct 05 13:30
schestowitzSlate is Microsoft.Oct 05 13:30
twitterstill?Oct 05 13:30
schestowitzI don't know (or think so)Oct 05 13:31
twitterdoes not matter, the guy seems like a perfect M$ tool.Oct 05 13:31
schestowitzI read about it recently. It reminds me of, but I just knew that Slate had some Microsoft ownership stories behind it.Oct 05 13:31
schestowitzLet me update the post about it then.Oct 05 13:31
twitter 05 13:31
twitterThat's older fruad that was court proved.  The question is how much M$ guided and benefited from it.Oct 05 13:32
twitterThat would be harder to prove.Oct 05 13:33
twitterHope the new SEC investigation digs into it.  In any case, this is hardly a failure of "citizen journalism" as old media would like to tell us.Oct 05 13:34
schestowitz  I'll also notify PJOct 05 13:36
twitterCool.  PJ is s shining example of new media.Oct 05 13:37
twitterBlodget is a glaring example of old media failure.  Old media hired a BA.  Wall Street picked him up later.  There he was worked like a tool to inflate the value of what he privately called "shit" stock. His background included nothing technical.  It reminds me of Laura Diddiot.Oct 05 13:38
schestowitzLaura was very technical.Oct 05 13:38
schestowitz 05 13:39
schestowitz"“Didio, got a book out of the Amitiville horror. turned out later it was the family cat looking in the window. And some damp stain on the wall, used to be called distemper, stuff to prevent mold growing, it stains through to the surface,” says a reader of ours. Where does Microsoft find these people, who later slam Microsoft’s competitors [1, 2]?"Oct 05 13:39
schestowitz"Can write, can proofread,  will shill, will travel"Oct 05 13:40
twitterThe Motley Fool claims Blodget has been rehabilitated, but the fool is also heavily M$ influenced.Oct 05 13:41
twitterFake stories about Jobs health would indicate otherwise.Oct 05 13:42
schestowitztwitter: Fool is what MSNOct 05 13:42
schestowitzFool is, IMHO (see what I wrote here 2 hours ago), just pumping MSFT (the stock). Watch the footers.Oct 05 13:43
twitterThe fake stories also fit in perfectly with the recent M$ spin about all tech companies failing in the crunch.  Did M$ do more than hope Apple and Google would fall with them?Oct 05 13:43
schestowitzHe could have had a friend sell short, then issue the false report and quickly have the friend make $$ before a clarification is posted. $millions or more can be made this way and then be passed to Blodget. The SEC is a toothless cat, so be sure nothing will come up.Oct 05 13:45
twitterM$ is also using the recent crunch as an excuse for them to miss their quarterly expectations.  "Pay no attention to the Vista failure, it's the economy.  See our rivals who have products and business models people like are also suffering."  That line won't last more than a week.Oct 05 13:47
schestowitzMicrosoft's Latest Product: Zombie XP < > "Zombie XP " has actually been out for like 7 years. 40% or so of the Windows PCs out there are zombies.Oct 05 13:48
schestowitztwitter: I don't think they can control the economy _to that extent_Oct 05 13:48
schestowitzRegardless, they'll probably miss expectations or something for the _third_ time in a row. They are declining.Oct 05 13:48
schestowitzFrom the news, which I shall post to BN later: Microsoft doesn't matter anymore < > and Has Microsoft lost it? < >Oct 05 13:49
schestowitzVista fan on the Jobs story: Jobs' Fake Heart Attack: Playing the Blame Game < > No apparent mention of the probeOct 05 13:51
twitterThey don't control the economy but they can make stock prices dance through fake stories.Oct 05 13:51
schestowitzYou mean like those dozens of stories about Ballmer(R) on the Economy(TM)?Oct 05 13:52
schestowitzI could figure out why they picked him for an 'oracle' in so many publications, as though he's a spokesman for the US ecnomy and Tech.Oct 05 13:52
twitterthat tech radar story makes me sick.  "son of toil"?  Give me a break.Oct 05 13:54
twitterThe reason so many publications use him as an oracle is that M$ owns so many and spends about a billion per month in advertising.Oct 05 13:55
twittertech radar gives M$ far too much credit.Oct 05 13:56
twitterit seems obvious that M$ lost "it" years ago if they ever had anything.Oct 05 13:57
schestowitzI think it's $4 billion in advertising. Either way, they work hard to build the "invincible" perception, making CIOs believe that Microsoft will always be there. That's just why they are so defensive while attacking anyone who dares to doubt their future,Oct 05 13:59
twitterLike Digg?  from the OS News story, " Digg and its clones are not reliable news sources. Let me just say that if any of these three are new to you, I'm interested in how you got this far on teh interwebs."Oct 05 14:00
twitterBreakfast time, pancakes!Oct 05 14:01
schestowitzLet them eat (pan)cakesOct 05 14:02
twitterYes, the "invincible M$" myth is the biggest market manipulation of all, the forest through the trees.Oct 05 15:14
twitterpancakes are goodOct 05 15:15
*libervisco (n=daniel@tuxhacker/libervisco) has joined #boycottnovellOct 05 15:19
twitterI just put this on the firehose, 05 16:05
twitterdoes anoyone see it?Oct 05 16:05
twitterIf not, I'll have to submit it the old fashioned way.Oct 05 16:05
*Johnny-Utah (i=4c0e0579@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellOct 05 16:09
Johnny-UtahCongrats on making Slashdot, Roy: 05 16:11
twitterLet's see if the old submission page works still....Oct 05 16:13
*Johnny-Utah has quit (" ajax IRC Client")Oct 05 16:15
schestowitzI see it alright.Oct 05 16:21
*AVRS2 has quit ()Oct 05 16:21
twitterIs it a journal submission or a regular submission?Oct 05 16:25
*AVRS2 (n=AVRS2@wikimedia/AVRS) has joined #boycottnovellOct 05 16:31
schestowitzI can't vote for it.Oct 05 16:32
*pombat42 has quit ("Leaving")Oct 05 16:40
twitterInteresting.  I put in three or four other journal articles too.Oct 05 16:44
twitterI'll have to do this every time until the problem is fixed.  Shame, journal submission was so much easier.Oct 05 16:45
twitterWow, almost none of my links had been submitted before!Oct 05 16:51
twitterThis can't be a problem for just me.  No wonder Slashdot has been so slow to pick up news lately.Oct 05 16:52
twitterOh man, that caps it off.  I can see my submissions with other accounts and vote on them.  Firehose is hosed...Oct 05 16:55
PetoKraus:DOct 05 16:55
AVRS2What made you make the other account?Oct 05 16:56
AVRS2*sOct 05 16:56
schestowitzSounds like sockpuppet.Oct 05 16:58
PetoKraus>.>Oct 05 16:59
twittermodbombing.  I usually have more than two comments a day.  As discussed here and back in 2004 05 17:06
twitterIn any case, I can't keep up with robo modding.  I dropped several accounts worth of nods onto my stories but watched them sink anyway.  My efforts are strictly manual and mostly for probing weaknesses like this.Oct 05 17:08
twitterThis story, 05 17:09
twitter 05 17:09
twitter 05 17:09
twitter 05 17:10
twitterand 05 17:10
AVRS2Are they all "archived"?Oct 05 17:10
twitterwere all hosed in seconds.  More disturbing, none of my journal submissions have shown up for months.Oct 05 17:10
twitterI'm afraid that a lot of Slashdot users are being hit with the same problem, that's why my urls for older stories had not been submitted.Oct 05 17:12
twitterFirehose is still stuffed with stories, many of them spam and trolls.Oct 05 17:13
twitterThe trolls are able to vote themselves up, legitimate submissions are voted down and many users are unaware that journal submissions go straight to a black hole.Oct 05 17:15
schestowitzYes, I hear it's a mess.Oct 05 17:17
schestowitzYou're not alone as far as noticing that it's gamed.Oct 05 17:17
schestowitzDigg is equally ruined.Oct 05 17:17
schestowitzI suspect and Ars Technica, for example were/are gaming it.Oct 05 17:18
schestowitzA 'puppet' (for all I could tell) got banned last year.Oct 05 17:18
schestowitzGood riddance.Oct 05 17:18
schestowitzThat said, twitter, you fight fire with fire in Firehose. Don't do that. Complain to the editors insteadOct 05 17:20
twitterI can't complain very well without proof can I?Oct 05 17:24
twitterNor do I know how to contact editors.Oct 05 17:24
twitterPutting these things here and in journals is about the best I can do.Oct 05 17:25
schestowitzI can see in Digg which Munchkins (4 of them ATM) systematically mod down everything I add. You can also show that it's sysmatic if you try.Oct 05 17:26
schestowitz*systematicOct 05 17:26
twitterBesides, I don't like to complain about Slashdot itself.  I like to think the editors are aware of real issues like this one.Oct 05 17:27
schestowitzThey probably know, but they say nothing. Anyway, I'm off to the gym, back at 8.Oct 05 17:27
twitterlaterOct 05 17:27
*variable (n=duno@unaffiliated/variable) has left #boycottnovell ("Leaving")Oct 05 17:31
*nenolod (n=nenolod@atheme/member/nenolod) has joined #boycottnovellOct 05 17:42
twitterAll of my submissions are black now, the lowest possible rating and will never be read by anyone.Oct 05 17:43
twitterShame.Oct 05 17:45
twitterAt least they are now put on the hose.Oct 05 17:46
twitterComments like this are better rated than my submissions.Oct 05 17:49
twitterThat makes Firehose horribly broken.Oct 05 17:49
nenolodso what is the deal with you guys and trolling endlessly about xen anywayOct 05 17:53
*AVRS2 is now known as AVRSOct 05 18:07
AVRSschestowitz: the "2" is just because of falling off the server.Oct 05 18:07
trmanco 05 18:15
PetoKrauswhere can i find something on xen-m$ relationshipOct 05 18:24
*aevin (i=eivindsy@unaffiliated/aevin) has joined #boycottnovellOct 05 18:27
aevinwhat is the two recent posts at about this irc channel really about?Oct 05 18:54
PetoKrausi guess it's log onlyOct 05 18:54
aevinare you publishing all the discussions in here on the web, or was it a special occasion only?Oct 05 18:54
PetoKrausallOct 05 18:55
PetoKrausthere was a notice somewhere in /topicOct 05 18:55
PetoKrausit's not there anymore thoughOct 05 18:55
aevinokay. i hope the logs won't take the focus away from the news, then.Oct 05 18:55
*PetoKraus has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))Oct 05 18:58
*PeterKraus ( has joined #boycottnovellOct 05 18:59
*schestowitz has changed the topic to: "Exploring the reality behind exclusionary deals with Microsoft and their subtle (yet severe) implications" [publicly logged]Oct 05 19:16
schestowitzPeterKraus: it got dropped by accident while meddling with the topic before.Oct 05 19:16
schestowitzaevin: I have some news coming about Microsoft.Oct 05 19:17
*PeterKraus has quit ("The purpose of IRC is to...IDLE...")Oct 05 19:36
*ld50 ( has joined #boycottnovellOct 05 19:41
*[H]omer_ is now known as [H]omerOct 05 19:54
*ChanServ gives channel operator status to [H]omerOct 05 19:54
*ld50 has quit (Client Quit)Oct 05 20:23
trmanco 05 21:19
schestowitzThanks, I'll add it.Oct 05 21:21
trmanco:-)Oct 05 21:22
*trmanco has quit ("I just hit the close button :)")Oct 05 21:33
*PetoKraus ( has joined #boycottnovellOct 05 21:52
AVRSIs the TIFF file format free?Oct 05 22:05
schestowitzI'm not sure. It's used a lot in medicine (a field I'm more familiar with because of my research). Have you looked up in the Wiki?Oct 05 22:07
AVRSThere is nothing on that.Oct 05 22:08
AVRSPatents at mention TIFF a lot, but it probably is only because it is so popular.Oct 05 22:10
schestowitzWhat are you using this format for? PNG is safe from patents, right?Oct 05 22:29 permitted the use of its content under CC BY 3.0 Unported; of course, the TIFF stuff was PD already…Oct 05 22:30
PetoKrausi was quite surprised about DIRACOct 05 22:30
PetoKrausduhOct 05 22:30
PetoKrausdicom ;_)Oct 05 22:30
AVRSIt has the laws as scans (no text! ;O) in PNG for online viewing and in TIFF "for quality printing" (a scan…).Oct 05 22:30
AVRSOnly TIFFs are packed as ZIP archives.Oct 05 22:31
schestowitzPetoKraus: what about it?Oct 05 22:31
PetoKrauswell, i thought it's gonna be closed-source crap, when they handed me the CD with MRI/Xray imagesOct 05 22:31
schestowitzMy brain: [DICOM]Oct 05 22:32
PetoKraus:DOct 05 22:32
PetoKrausschestowitz: what viewer do you use for them?Oct 05 22:33
schestowitzIt's been years since I last messed about with it.  There are some free programs.Oct 05 22:33
PetoKraushehe...Oct 05 22:34
PetoKrausimagemagick can read the image dataOct 05 22:34
PetoKrausnot the tags, though (or it discards them)Oct 05 22:34
schestowitzImageMagick is powerful. You can probably script it to do stuff to it.Oct 05 22:34
PetoKrausyesOct 05 22:35
schestowitzI use it for Web stuff.Oct 05 22:35
PetoKrausthough, it's buggy as well... if you mess up the syntax...Oct 05 22:35
PetoKrausi managed to take down quadcore Xeon 8GB RAM machine with simple imagemagick queryOct 05 22:35
PetoKraus(and forced our admins to implement memlimits)Oct 05 22:36
schestowitzMy OOXML mirror brought the server down though: (see the errors along the bottom where there's ImageMagicked stuff)Oct 05 22:36
AVRSMost government sites here tell you to use IE. Although some of such parts look (in Firefox) especially bad, it may be that some of them are just obsolete; some parts mention Firefox and Opera or JavaScript.Oct 05 22:39
AVRSOf course, that's not the Rospatent site.Oct 05 22:39
schestowitzIs there no law in Russian requiring govt' sites to design for standards and accessibility? To be sure, some US ones (e.g. FEMA) break the rules unpunished.Oct 05 22:45
AVRSI wanted to say I might be wrong, but I am even more wrong: as I said, Rospatent's site's list of software is from 2003.Oct 05 22:46
AVRSNever heard of such a law here.Oct 05 22:46
AVRSThere are so many laws most people don't know they exist.Oct 05 22:47
AVRS - the scans of some major laws.Oct 05 22:48
AVRSUnlike the text/html versions I've seen outside of Wikisource, they don't have "۩ All rights reserved" on them.Oct 05 22:49
AVRS(which of course hardly would mean they are non-free…)Oct 05 22:49
AVRSBut the scans might have fewer errors than the text versions.Oct 05 22:51
schestowitzCan they be OCRed?Oct 05 22:51
*AVRS checks if they are already in WikisourceOct 05 22:52
AVRSWikisource cites as the source for its text copy of Civil Code part IV.Oct 05 22:57
AVRSThat URL doesn't work.Oct 05 22:57
AVRSBut the texts are available and potentially comparable in case of errors…Oct 05 22:59
*pombat42 ( has joined #boycottnovellOct 05 23:02
*PetoKraus has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))Oct 05 23:04
*pombat42 has quit (Remote closed the connection)Oct 05 23:05
schestowitzAVRS: most people won't bother. They visit football and celebs Web sites before they view scans of legal texts.Oct 05 23:20
AVRSschestowitz: right, cancel all the laws, noone reads them! <g>Oct 05 23:21
schestowitzThat's the problem: apathy.Oct 05 23:23
schestowitzCall me cynical, but I think that many of those directions people are taught to become obsessed with are intended to keep their eyes off the corruption at the top. Lack of knowledge (understanding of the regime) is lack of power. Oh, and power corrupts. Absolute power corrupts absolutely.Oct 05 23:24
schestowitzIn the same vein, having people live an unhealthy life is a way of ensuring that pension funds and catering for the disabled/very old is a burden not to be dealt with, unlike labour. Smoking, alcohol and fat (fast food and dietary recommendations) come to mind....Oct 05 23:26
AVRS 05 23:27
AVRSgnOct 05 23:30
schestowitzThat's running ballnuxOct 05 23:30
AVRSschestowitz: exactlyOct 05 23:30
schestowitzgnOct 05 23:30
MinceRgnOct 05 23:33
*AVRS has quit ()Oct 05 23:34


Recent Techrights' Posts

Fresh IBM Layoffs Reported in Europe and North America, Jobs Allegedly Moved to South Asia (Low Salaries)
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Microsoft Has Not Much Left to Show Investors, Shares Fall Almost 20%
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Over at Tux Machines...
GNU/Linux news for the past day
IRC Proceedings: Tuesday, March 11, 2025
IRC logs for Tuesday, March 11, 2025
Crossbow murders: prevention, missed opportunities
Reprinted with permission from Daniel Pocock
This yt-dlp Bug Report Shows Us That the Future of YouTube is DRM and It's Time to Leave (yt-dlp Should Also Leave Microsoft GitHub, Which Censors YouTube Downloaders)
GAFAM traps aren't "free hosting"; they herd us all into a world of tollbooths and locks, surveillance and planned obsolescence (you own nothing, you only rent)
Ukraine Didn't Take Twitter/X Down, Microsoft or Windows Likely Did
There are many debunkings (to likely false accusations), but won't that just be another example of Windows TCO, exacerbated externally in the form of Windows botnets?
The Fall of the Open Source Initiative (OSI): Worse Than What the Media Has Focused on, Losing Sight of Who Owns and Runs the OSI
Members' dues are less than 3% of the income; where does the 97+ percent come from other than Microsoft?
Apple Seems to Have Run Out of Things to Boast About After Apple Vision Pro Failed Spectacularly
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Slopwatch: Reckless FUD and Machine-Generated Spam from,, and (Google Boosts LLM Slop About "Linux")
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Illuminating Injustice is Critical When Reckless Microsofters and Law Firms Try to Silence Reporters of Violence Against Women
I want to clarify that I'm well within my right (and not running afoul of any rules) by explaining what goes on here
EPO Central Staff Committee: "The Strategy of the Office Lacks Transparency and Cannot be Understood"
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Links 11/03/2025: Spring and Misfin Server
Links for the day
Over at Tux Machines...
GNU/Linux news for the past day
IRC Proceedings: Monday, March 10, 2025
IRC logs for Monday, March 10, 2025
Latvia (and Lithuania) Stepping Away From GAFAM, Microsoft
Windows becomes unessential as Android and GNU/Linux rise
Microsoft Layoffs Are Infectious (Don't Get Acquired or Become a Partner)
It seems like companies choosing to become "buddies" with Microsoft are dooming themselves and their products
The Fall of the Open Source Initiative (OSI): The OSI Election is Rigged, Biased Against People Who Oppose the Openwashing of GPL-Violating Bots Operated by Microsoft for Profit (OSI Gets Paid to Promote This)
they reckon that pretence of calm would serve them best, helped by puff pieces
A Closer Look Inside the EPO, Courtesy of Benoît Battistelli's Submissive Lapdogs Roberta Romano-Götsch and Elodie Bergot
new report comes from the Local Staff Committee Munich (LSCMN)
In Vietnam, statCounter Sees Microsoft Windows Falling Below 7% "Market Share"
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Links for the day
Links 10/03/2025: Small Web Praised, LLM Chatbots Exposed as Worse Than Useless Again
Links for the day
A Call for GNU/Linux and BSD Developers to Unite Against GAFAM and the Regime They Empower
We have long encouraged and continue to encourage people who value Software Freedom to altogether boycott GAFAM
The Ludicrous Mythology of Commonality as Signal of Value, Merit, Popularity
Devalue what's true, promote marketing?
[Video] Richard Stallman on the Four Essential Freedoms (Manuel Cuda News, 2025)
Added to a channel several days ago by Manuel Cuda News
Gemini Links 10/03/2025: Realisation About Young People, Punks, and Discord IPO
Links for the day
Over at Tux Machines...
GNU/Linux news for the past day
IRC Proceedings: Sunday, March 09, 2025
IRC logs for Sunday, March 09, 2025