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IRC: #boycottnovell @ FreeNode: February 15th, 2009


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schestowitzThere are these annoying companies like Moto that exploit Linux but don't support its users. TomTom too.Feb 15 00:00
MinceRi'm guessing the jesusphone can't even copy an appointment.Feb 15 00:00
schestowitzHehFeb 15 00:00
schestowitzWell..Feb 15 00:00
schestowitzIt's worseFeb 15 00:00
schestowitzSomeone made it possibleFeb 15 00:00
MinceRwill the pre offer support for native-code apps?Feb 15 00:00
twitterMinceR, you keep getting side tracked.  Pay attention to what they do well and demand it when you want it.Feb 15 00:00
schestowitzSo Jobs sent in the mobstersFeb 15 00:00
schestowitzThey killed the projectFeb 15 00:00
MinceRtwitter: got it. make a retarded featurephone, slap an apple logo on it and sell it for 10x the price.Feb 15 00:01
schestowitzMore than that..Feb 15 00:01
twitterAny PDA would do well with gesture scroll and pinch zoom.Feb 15 00:01
MinceRand then have the fanboys keep telling everyone it's better than everything elseFeb 15 00:01
schestowitzAT&T fascism is actually milking money gtardually.Feb 15 00:01
MinceRbecause it's teh shinyFeb 15 00:01
twitterI don't want a non free phone.  I want the features that work well.Feb 15 00:01
schestowitzGot to fund US censorship and all..Feb 15 00:01
schestowitzmikankun: not so shinyFeb 15 00:01
MinceRbetter yet, lock the users into one provider and have the provider pay, tooFeb 15 00:01
MinceRthis model only works because people are idiots.Feb 15 00:01
twitterApple, however, will put the slap down with patents if I try to add them.Feb 15 00:02
schestowitzPeople had the thing (first iteration) disintegrate in their bagsFeb 15 00:02
schestowitzPlastic shards and all.Feb 15 00:02
schestowitzMinceR: iphone commercial model is like 5 credits card to max up... people should know better.Feb 15 00:02
MinceRi don't understand that sentenceFeb 15 00:03
schestowitzLike "wow! This good ride is only $2000... with installments spread over 2 years.. but you get a loan for $200 _right now !!"Feb 15 00:03
MinceR 15 00:03
MinceRschestowitz: if only it was a good ride to begin with.Feb 15 00:03
schestowitzMinceR: LOLFeb 15 00:04
schestowitzEeeeeeeeeeee!!!!Feb 15 00:04
schestowitzMaybe they speak for ASUSFeb 15 00:04
schestowitz 15 00:04
PetoKrausi'm thinking, you knowFeb 15 00:05
PetoKrausmy friend is downloading at about 20GB of Disney stuffFeb 15 00:06
PetoKrausnow, they should be technically out of copyright by now, shan't theyFeb 15 00:06
PetoKrausif there wasn't the Mickey Mouse Extension ActFeb 15 00:06
MinceRwho cares? if he paid for it, a lot of that money would go to jobsFeb 15 00:06
twitter20 GB of wasted space.Feb 15 00:06
PetoKrausSteve?Feb 15 00:06
MinceRso it's preferable not to pay.Feb 15 00:06
MinceRsteve jobs.Feb 15 00:06
PetoKraustwitter: i know, that's different storyFeb 15 00:07
MinceRi've heard he owned a big chunk of disneyFeb 15 00:07
PetoKrausbut you knowFeb 15 00:07
PetoKrausthe point is stillFeb 15 00:07
twitterThat's the problem with perpetual copyright.  By the time the work enters the public domain it is irrelevant.Feb 15 00:07
MinceRand surprise surprise, supporting DRM there.Feb 15 00:07
PetoKrausno shit! :)Feb 15 00:07
PetoKrausit just makes you go like...Feb 15 00:08
PetoKrausit takes week to download off torrentsFeb 15 00:08
PetoKrausfor goodness sake, people don't want it to share even illegallyFeb 15 00:08
twitterDoes it.Feb 15 00:08
twitterhmmm.Feb 15 00:08
PetoKraustwitter: the whole 20 GB's over Virgin's 20mbit connection?Feb 15 00:09
PetoKrausyesFeb 15 00:09
PetoKrausthe same for first episodes of Saturday Night LiveFeb 15 00:09
PetoKraus(he's into old stuff)Feb 15 00:09
twitter2.5 MB/second?Feb 15 00:09
PetoKraustwitter: yeah, for an hourFeb 15 00:10
*schestowitz is pretty happy with legally-sharable flicks in YouTubeFeb 15 00:10
PetoKrausthe you are throttled down to 0.2MB/sFeb 15 00:10
schestowitzPetoKraus: Disney is brainwash must of the time. It's unhealthy :-)Feb 15 00:10
schestowitz*muchFeb 15 00:10
twitterThat should take about 8,000 seconds to download.  80,000 seconds is different.Feb 15 00:10
PetoKrausand in fact, we have 10mbit, where the throttle chucks in after 1200 MB...Feb 15 00:10
twitterThe difference between two hours and 20 hours.Feb 15 00:10
twitter20 GB should not take more than a couple of days.Feb 15 00:11
PetoKrauswell it's over a week thereFeb 15 00:11
twitterThrottles are evil.Feb 15 00:11
PetoKrausmeaning -> people don't share itFeb 15 00:11
PetoKraustell me about itFeb 15 00:11
PetoKrausi'm fine with bandwith throttlesFeb 15 00:11
twitterI'm not.Feb 15 00:11
PetoKrausbut don't fkn throttle the latencyFeb 15 00:11
twitterthrottles are a waste of money that could be spent improving the network.Feb 15 00:12
PetoKrauswellFeb 15 00:12
PetoKrausin britain it's necessary i guessFeb 15 00:12
PetoKrausthe tubes are cloggedFeb 15 00:12
twitterclogged or tiny?Feb 15 00:12
PetoKrausboth at timesFeb 15 00:13
PetoKraus:)Feb 15 00:13
PetoKrauswe were doing Glasgow Sewer system at Environmental ChemistryFeb 15 00:13
schestowitz "Poorly sourced and constructed around lazy, clichéd writing -- and in a couple of cases, outright falsehoods -- Goldberg's piece simply illustrated how, rather than illuminating shortfalls of the press, conservatives often just create more work for the rest of us," Boehlert writes.Feb 15 00:13
PetoKrausthat was fun!Feb 15 00:13
twitterI remember @Home, no throttles, port blocks or other bullshit.  It worked great.Feb 15 00:13
twitterall the other stuff has just been performance destroying crap to protect big publishers and their dead business models.Feb 15 00:14
PetoKrausrightFeb 15 00:14
PetoKrausyeahFeb 15 00:14
PetoKrausi meanFeb 15 00:14
PetoKrausthat broadband tax was a perfect ideaFeb 15 00:14
twitterperfect for Disney.Feb 15 00:14
PetoKrausif it was meant to shut MAFIAA and BSA upFeb 15 00:14
schestowitzThey should discriminate against illegally shared content and the restFeb 15 00:14
PetoKrausi meanFeb 15 00:14
schestowitzA lot of torrent are very crucial and legalFeb 15 00:14
PetoKrausi'd pay €£20 a year for what I downloadFeb 15 00:15
twittersharing should not be against the law.Feb 15 00:15
schestowitzComes vs Microsoft for example was spread using torrentFeb 15 00:15
PetoKrausif it means I can download anything off the net legallyFeb 15 00:15
schestowitzShould that too be hindred?Feb 15 00:15
schestowitz*deredFeb 15 00:15
twittersharing should never be hindered.Feb 15 00:15
schestowitzYouTube is challenged by Big MediaFeb 15 00:15
twitterunless it's something like your medical or shopping records.Feb 15 00:15
schestowitzIt needs to be protectedFeb 15 00:15
twitternetworks need to be liberated.Feb 15 00:16
schestowitzLacking starvation for premium' conent, big media will dieFeb 15 00:16
twitterthe spectrum should be liberated - that will take care of bandwith problems.Feb 15 00:16
schestowitzThink of it that way...Feb 15 00:16
schestowitzTo throttle a pipe based on ports is like gagging people's talk to one another based on pitchFeb 15 00:16
PetoKrauscould someone of you lads send me an email to 15 00:17
PetoKrausi think the redirect stopped working for some reasonFeb 15 00:17
schestowitzThose who want to share can still use CDs/DVDs, so nothing is achievedFeb 15 00:17
schestowitzThen there's the media 'taxt' (HDDs, USBs) which is like a welfate systemFeb 15 00:17
twitterThe ability to organize is lost.Feb 15 00:17
twitterIt's a huge cost to society.Feb 15 00:17
schestowitzit treats the dying businesses of information monopoly as thought they now have a privilege to make moneyFeb 15 00:18
twitterIt gives them ownership of culture and knowledge.Feb 15 00:18
schestowitzCan you imagine a failing computer company (like Microsoft) saying it needs to be mandated that all PCs sold should have MS tax?Feb 15 00:18
twitterThey do not deserve that.Feb 15 00:18
schestowitzWith their patents they hope to establish something of this sortFeb 15 00:18
schestowitz"We invented comupters"Feb 15 00:18
twitterNot even their extortion is innovative.Feb 15 00:19
*schestowitz sends mailFeb 15 00:19
*schestowitz done. sent Feb 15 00:19
twitterbbl, it's dinner time.Feb 15 00:20
PetoKrausit works.Feb 15 00:20
PetoKraushm.Feb 15 00:20
PetoKrausthanksFeb 15 00:20
schestowitzI like the pic here: 15 00:20
schestowitzPetoKraus: less mail =  goodFeb 15 00:20
schestowitzMail is overrated indicator of popularity. It slows down productivityFeb 15 00:20
schestowitzI prefer empty boxesFeb 15 00:21
*MinceR sends schestowitz some empty boxes by mailFeb 15 00:21
MinceR^_^Feb 15 00:21
PetoKrausnahFeb 15 00:21
PetoKrausit's some mails i neededFeb 15 00:21
schestowitzMinceR: thanks.Feb 15 00:22
MinceRnpFeb 15 00:22
schestowitzEmpty ones are always better 15 00:22
MinceRlol unabomberFeb 15 00:23
MinceRi read his manifesto. he's a stupid luddite. :)Feb 15 00:23
schestowitzYesFeb 15 00:24
schestowitzGone mental for murderign peopleFeb 15 00:24
schestowitzHe gives a very bad name to anarchism.Feb 15 00:24
MinceRindeedFeb 15 00:25
MinceRwell, most people don't understand anarchism anyway.Feb 15 00:25
schestowitzhe makes anarchism synonymous with harm. Are there notable anarchists out there?Feb 15 00:26
MinceRdunnoFeb 15 00:27
schestowitzLet's check.Feb 15 00:29
schestowitz 15 00:31
schestowitzSomewhat related, I guess: 15 00:32
schestowitzHis site is very good: 15 00:32
schestowitzOops.Feb 15 00:32
schestowitz 15 00:32
schestowitz"The problem is the following: Many Web publishers, especially those that have voluminous sites, like e-commerce companies, have multiple URLs that all point to the same page. This confuses search engines, sometimes causing them to index the same page multiple times. As much as 20 percent of URLs on the Web may be duplicates, according to some estimates."Feb 15 00:41
schestowitz (Google, Yahoo and Microsoft Collaborate to Clean Up Web)Feb 15 00:42
schestowitz 15 01:03
MinceR:)Feb 15 01:09
*mikankun has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))Feb 15 01:18
schestowitzLinux Version of Chrome To Use Gtk+ < >Feb 15 01:18
MinceRbut will it be released before Duke Nukem Forever comes out?Feb 15 01:20
schestowitzBefore June they sayFeb 15 01:20
schestowitzI look forward to seeing if they serve Jobs before freedomFeb 15 01:20
MinceRindeedFeb 15 01:21
schestowitzLOL. 15 01:23
schestowitzSomeone posted this in COLA ( [H]omer_ )Feb 15 01:23
*yuhong ( has joined #boycottnovellFeb 15 01:28
yuhongBTW, on laptop gifting, I think the key condition is if the gift is on the condition of writing a good review for Windows.Feb 15 01:28
yuhongIf there is such a condition, it is bribery, if not, it is not.Feb 15 01:29
yuhongAnyone there?Feb 15 01:30
*yuhong has quit ("ChatZilla 0.9.84 [Firefox 3.0.6/2009011913]")Feb 15 01:36
twittertroll ignored, goes away.  ha ha.Feb 15 02:19
twitterI'm glad I was eating.Feb 15 02:19
twitterRabbit ears, they do work. 15 02:19
twitterYeah, yeah, Yankee group, but it's true.Feb 15 02:20
twitterthe bandwith would be better unlicensed but DTV has worked well here.Feb 15 02:20
MinceRgnFeb 15 02:43
*BradbrookLee has quit (" ajax IRC Client")Feb 15 04:37
*silentivm has quit ("")Feb 15 05:16
*oiaohm (n=oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm) has joined #boycottnovellFeb 15 08:05
schestowitzMorning/eveningFeb 15 08:24
*flyinghip ( has joined #boycottnovellFeb 15 08:26
flyinghipmorningFeb 15 08:27
schestowitzHi, what's up?Feb 15 08:28
flyinghipi have seen your site about microsoft ,the internal emails from the windoowz evangelist were shocking .Feb 15 08:32
schestowitzOh, yeah... that one. I'll have some more.Feb 15 08:34
schestowitzI just haven't had the time for Comes in recent daysFeb 15 08:34
flyinghipthe blame game blame the endusersFeb 15 08:34
*flyinghip ( has left #boycottnovellFeb 15 08:36
*zer0c00l (n=zer0c00l@ has joined #boycottnovellFeb 15 08:43
schestowitzThe Budapest Open Access Initiative is seven years old today.  < >Feb 15 08:48
*Casperin ( has joined #boycottnovellFeb 15 09:10
schestowitzOrwell rolls in his grave (part 1) < >Feb 15 09:19
oiaohmf,Feb 15 09:29
oiaohmoppsFeb 15 09:29
*mib_r6w0d2 (i=8258be83@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellFeb 15 09:47
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trmanco 15 10:13
trmancoyayFeb 15 10:13
schestowitz "This is exactly how software was protected prior to State Street, so when the Federal Circuit resurrects this thinking it has tremendous implications for software and software patents. I recommend that you review the genesis of software protection in case law and you will then quite clearly see exactly why Bilski has enormous Feb 15 10:27
schestowitzimpact for software patents."Feb 15 10:27
schestowitzThat Gene dude is really no fan of Free(dom) software.Feb 15 10:27
schestowitzHistory of internet in less than 10 minutes < >Feb 15 10:44
schestowitzSteve Albrecht Leaving Red Hat Board After Six Years of Service to Focus on Charitable Role < >Feb 15 10:52
oiaohmBoy does that history of the internet skip a important step.Feb 15 10:56
oiaohmThe BBS stage.Feb 15 10:56
*oiaohm_ ( has joined #boycottnovellFeb 15 11:05
*oiaohm has quit (Nick collision from services.)Feb 15 11:06
schestowitz Microsoft Kills Windows 7 Beta < >Feb 15 11:07
schestowitzThe first dual Windows/Linux PCs arrive < >Feb 15 11:07
oiaohm_Dual in more ways than 1.Feb 15 11:09
oiaohm_The Linux out runs the Windows because its running on a ARM chip.Feb 15 11:09
oiaohm_Now with the new power effectiveness of video card control planed its going to get interesting.Feb 15 11:10
schestowitzIt's now confirmed that Shane O'Neill has his nose up Microsoft's behind: That explains Shane O'Neill's anti-Linux coverage and Microsoft fanboyism. He's integral part of the MS ecosystem.Feb 15 11:19
schestowitzMicrosoft is exploiting kids to help its crimes ....? 15 11:31
schestowitzAnother public library becomes Microsoft evangelist force: 15 11:34
schestowitz"Microsoft too saw a decline in its key performance indicators in Q4 2008. Many opine that low cost netbooks will be sold in higher volumes than PCs and laptops this year. In such a scenario, Microsoft will find it difficult to profit from its new Windows Vista operating system as many of the notebooks or mini-PCs currently operate on Windows XP."Feb 15 11:38
schestowitz 15 11:38
schestowitzNYT baloney: 15 12:19
schestowitzMoonlight under attack: 15 12:24
*Casperin has quit ("Leaving")Feb 15 12:36
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*[H]omer (n=[H] has joined #boycottnovellFeb 15 12:59
*ChanServ gives channel operator status to [H]omerFeb 15 12:59
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MinceRr4wrFeb 15 13:14
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twitter"Microsoft is exploiting kids to help its crimes ....?"  They are always exploiting the innocent and ignorant.  Who else would use their crap?Feb 15 14:26
twitterIt's irritating that M$ perpetuates the "on line predator" myth after studies have conclusively show it's bullshit except for bullying, which M$ knows all about.Feb 15 14:28
twitterThey distract from more pressing issues of privacy because they would profit from the database nation.Feb 15 14:29
schestowitzyes, indeedFeb 15 14:30
schestowitzThey still do PR stunts about privacy in the EUFeb 15 14:30
schestowitzThey try to daemonise GoogleFeb 15 14:30
schestowitzThey also hire groups to shill for them on this topic (not just LMG)Feb 15 14:30
twitterStill waiting for ARM portables.  .... Hugs Zaurus wants one with more RAM.Feb 15 14:36
schestowitzFor /. logs: 15 14:37
twitterIs the web slow today?Feb 15 14:38
schestowitzBN was down earlierFeb 15 14:42
schestowitzEither way, one question to ask is now "Is the web slow today?" but ""Are Microsoft Windows zombies busy today?"Feb 15 14:43
twitterIf it's slow for you and others, the Zombies are busy everywhere as usual.  If it's only slow for me, it's a local problem.Feb 15 15:29
twitterM$ says, "No toys for you!  We can't afford that out of cycle stuff anymore." 15 15:30
twitterThanks for digging up the news.Feb 15 15:30
*sanskumar has quit ("Leaving")Feb 15 15:31
*mib_c7fzgn (i=8258be83@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellFeb 15 15:42
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twitterM$ Death Watch, 15 15:43
twitterVista Failure Log, 15 15:43
twitterand Vista 7 Failure Log, 15 15:43
twitterall updated to reflect the death of "out of cycle" development and strength of GNU/Linux - which is rocking with things like E17 + Compiz.Feb 15 15:43
twitterAh, what a good morning it is.  bbl, going to spend some time with the kids in the rain.Feb 15 15:44
*schestowitz has lots more on Microsoft to post todayFeb 15 15:47
*mib_y59pfc (i=8258be83@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellFeb 15 15:53
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twittercoolFeb 15 17:01
trmanco"Mono languishes back in 1.9.1 (which at least includes support for most of the 2.0 goodness)."Feb 15 17:18
trmanco:(Feb 15 17:18
trmanco 15 17:18
schestowitzBlech.Feb 15 17:20
schestowitzgtgFeb 15 17:20
schestowitzBack at 8Feb 15 17:20
amarsh04wow, I received a reply from rmsFeb 15 17:25
*NeonF|oss ( has joined #boycottnovellFeb 15 17:39
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*PetoKraus (n=pk@fsf/member/petokraus) has joined #boycottnovellFeb 15 17:42
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trmancoschestowitz, 15 19:36
schestowitzamarsh04: I'm trying to find a page about getting a gnu from RMSFeb 15 19:55
schestowitzIt's recent.. ... heh.. BN's Netcraft rank is higher than GNU's.Feb 15 19:55
schestowitztrmanco: MS fools like Doug Mahugh don't even line-wrap. Tell those n00bs to go back to MOOX lists.Feb 15 19:56
schestowitz*LOL*Feb 15 20:15
schestowitzBefore: 15 20:16
schestowitzAfter: 15 20:16
schestowitz A Software License That's Libre But Not Gratis? < >Feb 15 20:40
MinceRthe submitter doesn't understand the meaning of "libre"Feb 15 20:41
*MethodOne ( has joined #boycottnovellFeb 15 20:45
schestowitz"It's proprietary software — decidedly not free-as-in-beer...Feb 15 20:47
*MethodOne has quit (Client Quit)Feb 15 20:48
schestowitzIt takes a lot of taming to make cats bark.Feb 15 20:48
schestowitzSteps toward improving Gentoo < >Feb 15 21:21
schestowitztwitter: 15 21:24
trmancoschestowitz, yeah I noticed, maybe his client doesn't support plain text :-P MOOX?Feb 15 21:25
schestowitzI'll post about it tomorrow probablyFeb 15 21:25
schestowitzTHis lad from Portugal does amazing stuff for KDE graphics: 15 21:26
*Casperin ( has joined #boycottnovellFeb 15 21:28
trmancoyep, I actually first "met" him on IdenticaFeb 15 21:28
trmancooh, and btw, that ODF link, thank Rui Seabra for itFeb 15 21:29
schestowitzThis guy linked to us a moment ago:Feb 15 21:29
schestowitz it links to BN on the word "Windows"Feb 15 21:30
trmanco 15 21:30
trmancoIknow him from somewhereFeb 15 21:30
trmancohis name is familiarFeb 15 21:30
schestowitzI saw it literally a minute agoFeb 15 21:31
schestowitzTechnorati shows some people who link to us.Feb 15 21:31
trmancoque aceitam vender os seus portáteis sem Windowsâ„¢Feb 15 21:31
trmancolaptops without WindowsFeb 15 21:31
schestowitzWe have many readers from PTFeb 15 21:31
trmancoand he links to index page on word "Wdinw"Feb 15 21:31
schestowitzAround 13th in the world (PT)Feb 15 21:32
trmancothat is goodFeb 15 21:32
schestowitzEven ahead of Russia this monthFeb 15 21:32
trmanco 15 21:32
schestowitz"silverlight? moonlight? moonshine? thanks, but no thanks :) flash is evil enough"Feb 15 21:34
trmancomoonshineFeb 15 21:37
trmancoGNU that name before somebody patents itFeb 15 21:37
schestowitzI decided to lay Comes aside for a few months, then I'll rush them through again. BN needs rest and Comes gems won't last forever... need to be saved for a special occasion :-)Feb 15 21:38
trmanco 15 21:40
schestowitzWell, it's Money in AUFeb 15 21:41
schestowitz*MondayFeb 15 21:41
trmancoyesFeb 15 21:41
schestowitzI need to think how to deliver and sort Comes. There must be better waysFeb 15 21:42
schestowitz 15 21:44
schestowitzIs it just me of are some annoying Flash objects concealing most of the articles in and ?Feb 15 21:50
schestowitzOSS scam: 15 21:51
schestowitz"I work at MySQL, and I can tell you that Marten’s departure will be a good thing. Matt Asay doesn’t know what he’s talking about. Marten is basically anti-open source. He’s got this duplicitous way of looking at the world that forced us to split our ability to contribute with our business priorities. Unlike the rest of Sun, which is far better aligned to one product = one community (Witness Solaris and Glassfish). ""Feb 15 21:53
schestowitzIt all makes sense now. I spoke to Marten and I got the impression too.Feb 15 21:54
schestowitzOK, added comment: "Anonymous Manager, that makes some sense. I got the same impression when I corresponded with Marten."Feb 15 21:55
trmanco 15 21:56
trmanco 15 21:56
schestowitzYes, that tooFeb 15 21:58
schestowitzHere's what I don't like:  Leonard Read's Open-Source Vision < >.. The article only mentions "open-source materials" ONCE.... this doesn't justify the headline with a buzzwordFeb 15 22:03
*mib_n5kxez (i=440b30c0@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellFeb 15 22:20
trmanco"It just confirms my belief that Amerikans are lazy, ignorant slobs whoFeb 15 22:29
trmancoare unwilling to get up off their obese diabetes asses and learn newFeb 15 22:29
trmancothings."Feb 15 22:29
schestowitzWhere that from?Feb 15 22:30
schestowitz*'sFeb 15 22:30
trmancocolaFeb 15 22:30
trmancoit isn't on google yetFeb 15 22:30
schestowitzAmericans actually work more hours than most of the worldFeb 15 22:30
trmanconow it is -> 15 22:31
trmancohere*Feb 15 22:31
PeterKrausschestowitz: where did you get that fromFeb 15 22:31
schestowitzThey are overworked because -- IMHO -- the corruption and lack of labour movement that sidelined, marginalised them and had their wages stagnate in 25 years.Feb 15 22:31
schestowitzYesterday I posted a link here to an article which speaks about the whole world protesting against the causes of the current mess, but the US is conspicously missing from the list of countries/populations that are up in arms.Feb 15 22:32
*mib_n5kxez has quit (" ajax IRC Client")Feb 15 22:32
*toros (n=toros@ubuntu/member/toros) has joined #boycottnovellFeb 15 23:03
toroshiFeb 15 23:04
schestowitzHey, toros, what's new?Feb 15 23:04
*Casperin_ ( has joined #boycottnovellFeb 15 23:08
torosnothing special. I wrote today a short article about the expected new features of mandriva 2009 spring, fedora 11 and ubuntu 9.04Feb 15 23:08
schestowitzThese will be good distrosFeb 15 23:10
schestowitz(based on early reviews)Feb 15 23:10
torosyepp, they look very promisingFeb 15 23:12
*Casperin has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))Feb 15 23:12
torosbut I still don't understand, why Mandriva fired Adam Williamson :(Feb 15 23:12
schestowitzHe's in Red Hat now.Feb 15 23:13
torosyes, I know, and I think he's now at a better place... ;)Feb 15 23:14
schestowitzI think he's happy there. They are both RPM-based, so it's no big change. Another colleague from Mandriva joined him.Feb 15 23:14
torosMandriva is not really popular here in Hungary...Feb 15 23:17
silentivmhere in Brazil it is somewhat popularFeb 15 23:17
silentivmmainly because a lot of people used Conectiva, which was bought by MandrivaFeb 15 23:17
torosI read that new Mandriva releases are goodFeb 15 23:18
schestowitzMandriva is partly a Brazilian venture, IIRCFeb 15 23:18
schestowitzIt's also big in Russia and it's competitive with SUSE in EUFeb 15 23:18
torosHungary was Debian-country :)Feb 15 23:18
schestowitzMandriva is also targeting the African market. Microsoft fights back with bribe, blackmail, EDGI, etc.Feb 15 23:19
schestowitzMinceR: yo, what distro do you use?Feb 15 23:19
torosnow Ubuntu is far the most popular hereFeb 15 23:19
MinceRkubuntu and ubuntu serverFeb 15 23:19
MinceRi've used red hat and gentoo for longer periods and tried foresight, gobolinux and fedoraFeb 15 23:20
trmancoserver? no desktop version?Feb 15 23:20
torosI think Arch Linux has a great future tooFeb 15 23:21
silentivmyepFeb 15 23:21
silentivm:)Feb 15 23:21
*silentivm uses Arch. :)Feb 15 23:21
toros:)Feb 15 23:21
schestowitzCuba picked GentooismFeb 15 23:21
trmancoI tried it in a VM a couple of timesFeb 15 23:21
schestowitzWith Entropy (Sabayon), so l33t distros do work well for the massesFeb 15 23:22
trmancoschestowitz, that maybe because newbies don't know crap about itFeb 15 23:22
MinceRtrmanco: my home server runs ubuntu serverFeb 15 23:22
trmancoand that way, they can scare away "future hackers"Feb 15 23:22
MinceRi think arch needs to learn more respect for documentationFeb 15 23:22
MinceRand hald :>Feb 15 23:22
trmancoarch has good docsFeb 15 23:22
torosI use both Ubuntu and ArchFeb 15 23:22
trmancoat least for my VM problemsFeb 15 23:23
silentivmI hate the fact that they remove the /usr/docFeb 15 23:23
silentivmor /usr/share/docFeb 15 23:23
torosI like Arch because it is very easy to maintainFeb 15 23:23
silentivmwith some apps, you depend on this documentationFeb 15 23:23
MinceRand they automatically remove some docs from the packagesFeb 15 23:23
trmancopacman -Syu :DFeb 15 23:23
silentivmbut that would be my only complaint about Arch, maybe they could make it on separate -docs packagesFeb 15 23:23
schestowitztrmanco: they don't need to know muchFeb 15 23:24
torosmy complaint is that the packages are not signedFeb 15 23:24
schestowitzIn Cuba, you get your packages with Castro's autograph.Feb 15 23:25
schestowitzAs long as you don't download Democracy Player (Miro)Feb 15 23:26
*Casperin_ has quit (Remote closed the connection)Feb 15 23:29
toros:)Feb 15 23:30
MinceR:DFeb 15 23:30
toroshave you reed the book of Keith Curtis? After the Software WarsFeb 15 23:36
torosI mean "read" not "reed"Feb 15 23:37
toros 15 23:37
schestowitzIt's a possible moleFeb 15 23:39
schestowitzHe mailed me a few times.Feb 15 23:39
torosI mailed with him too... I wrote about his book, and he contacted meFeb 15 23:40
torosI like his book, there are a lots of interesting topics in itFeb 15 23:41
MinceRgnFeb 15 23:45

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