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IRC: #boycottnovell @ FreeNode: March 10th, 2009 - Part 2


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schestowitz$700bn can buy big illusionsMar 10 16:44
schestowitzLike Big Lies.Mar 10 16:44
twitterenough of those big lies can ruin a currency.Mar 10 16:44
schestowitzEconomists are criticising this bailout, which doesn't mean that there is no short-term gain.Mar 10 16:44
twitterwhat a nasty punch that will be.  Fat cats suck up all the money, but it becomes valueless due to overprinting.Mar 10 16:45
schestowitzThe dollar declinesMar 10 16:46
twitterOf course it does.  What does the US produce now but imaginary property?Mar 10 16:46
schestowitzMy understanding of this is that China won't pay for it, so they just lower the currency (bad for trade) for a lifelineMar 10 16:46
schestowitztessier: ArmsMar 10 16:46
schestowitzif bankrupt{}, then for 1=0:100000 {sellArms(i)};Mar 10 16:47
schestowitzLike they fueled Afghanistan back in the days... and Iraq too.Mar 10 16:47
twitterdid you see that groklaw has an article on the tomtom case?Mar 10 16:50
schestowitzLora Bentley seems to have quit F/OSS blogging 10 16:50
schestowitzMoved to politics and corruption insteadMar 10 16:50
schestowitzTimeyMar 10 16:50
schestowitzTimelyMar 10 16:51
schestowitztwitter: yes, but it's oldMar 10 16:51
schestowitzComputer Recycling- UK business fraud <,10... >Mar 10 16:52
balzacJon Stewart Rips Into Jim Cramer Again (VIDEO)Mar 10 16:59
balzac 10 16:59
balzacWATCH: Jim Cramer Defends Himself: "A Comedian's Attacking Me!.Mar 10 16:59
balzac 10 16:59
balzacRoy, I really liked that quote from tienman (sp) on Microsoft being a ponzi schemeMar 10 16:59
balzacI heard it here first thoughMar 10 17:00
balzacI read a blogger who claimed that Jim Cramer was manipulating stock values on his CNBC show and his friends were shorting the same stocksMar 10 17:01
balzacA lot of weasels are being exposed lately. I hope Microsoft is not spared.Mar 10 17:01
twittergotta go for while.Mar 10 17:02
schestowitzzoobab01: Input #0, rm, from '/home/roy/tmp/kde-roy/kaffeinegsVNba.tmp':Mar 10 17:02
schestowitz  Duration: 00:00:00.0, start: 0.000000, bitrate: -2147483 kb/sMar 10 17:02
schestowitz    Stream #0.0: Video: RV30 / 0x30335652, 320x240 [PAR 0:1 DAR 0:1], 84 kb/s, 12.00 tb(r)Mar 10 17:02
schestowitz    Stream #0.1: Audio: sipr, 16000 Hz, mono, 16 kb/sMar 10 17:02
schestowitz  Resize: 320x240 => 384x288Mar 10 17:02
schestowitzNo video or audio stream found.Mar 10 17:02
*DontTaseMeBro has quit (" ajax IRC Client")Mar 10 17:03
schestowitzbalzac: Cramer is an idiotMar 10 17:04
balzacno kiddingMar 10 17:04
schestowitzPart of the whole MONEY MONEY MONEY frenazyMar 10 17:04
schestowitzI never liked himMar 10 17:04
schestowitzWatch his image in MarketWatch (IIRC)Mar 10 17:04
schestowitz"MAD MONEY"Mar 10 17:04
balzacapparently, he used to live in his car with a pistol under the seat, now he has his own showMar 10 17:04
*schestowitz atches the idiot holding moneyMar 10 17:04
schestowitzThese are the idiots who drove up the market by asking even housemaids to invest in stocksMar 10 17:05
schestowitzIt became fashionable, like cellphoneMar 10 17:05
balzacMad Money can be a teeny bit entertaining for about 5 minutes, but only if you know he's trying to clown his audienceMar 10 17:05
schestowitzRemember what stocks were about to begin withMar 10 17:05
schestowitzIt's about cpital for small businessesMar 10 17:05
schestowitzNot a pyramid scheme that pays commission to the likes of CramerMar 10 17:05
schestowitzThe NBC people are hilariousMar 10 17:05
schestowitzThey are so afraid of showing people who say the truthMar 10 17:06
balzacAt least Madoff has some dignity about his crookedness. Jim Cramer is a buffoon.Mar 10 17:06
schestowitzTheir career depends on the imaginary wealthMar 10 17:06
balzacmanipulating group psychology with broadcast media for fun and profitMar 10 17:06
schestowitzYesMar 10 17:07
schestowitzBeen like this for agesMar 10 17:07
balzacmanipulating stock value while your friends short themMar 10 17:07
schestowitzIt's like CasonoMar 10 17:07
balzacThe first guy to accuse Jim Cramer was the CEO of Overstock.comMar 10 17:07
schestowitzBut people have ignored them until it collapsedMar 10 17:07
balzacthe first prominent guy to really get on his caseMar 10 17:07
schestowitzHehe. I'm listening to the "Comedian" partMar 10 17:07
schestowitzHold on.Mar 10 17:07
balzacStewart clowned him hardMar 10 17:08
schestowitzOuch!Mar 10 17:08
schestowitzHe's speechlessMar 10 17:08
schestowitzHAha!!Mar 10 17:08
schestowitzPriceless!Mar 10 17:08
schestowitzHis face.Mar 10 17:08
balzacyeah, his squeaking voice toMar 10 17:08
schestowitzLOLMar 10 17:08
schestowitzJimmy phones friends to share their profitsMar 10 17:09
balzaci pity the foolMar 10 17:09
schestowitz"Hey! I drove it up for ya matey!"Mar 10 17:09
schestowitzCNET too was earningMar 10 17:09
schestowitzCreating optimism out of nuthin'Mar 10 17:09
schestowitzHeheMar 10 17:09
schestowitzTnhey close it on the low note with MAD cramer humiliatedMar 10 17:09
balzacI think maybe Cramer and his Wall St buddies were jealous of some of the new money in IT-oriented stocksMar 10 17:10
balzacSo they figured, we'll talk their stock value down and have our friends short them.Mar 10 17:11
schestowitzHeheMar 10 17:12
schestowitzStewartMar 10 17:12
schestowitzBartiromo[sic]Mar 10 17:12
schestowitzThe optimism GangMar 10 17:12
balzacslapped the clown-shoes on himMar 10 17:12
schestowitzBalrog_: if it can happen, it willMar 10 17:13
schestowitzAlways been knownMar 10 17:13
schestowitzBut no-one complained becyas the market climbedMar 10 17:13
schestowitzHonor de Balzac: "Behind every great fortune there is a crime."Mar 10 17:13
schestowitzAnthony J. D'Angelo: "If you believe that discrimination exists, it will."Mar 10 17:14
balzacI worked a contract at a company across the st from the Bear Stearns building. A big empty sky-scraper causing anxiety all around.Mar 10 17:14
balzacThen Lehman Brothers went down while I was there. It wasn't a comfortable work-environment with everyone feeling like reality-show contestants before a tribal meeting.Mar 10 17:16
*easy ( has joined #boycottnovellMar 10 17:16
schestowitz 10 17:17
schestowitzI'll also show this to my dad :-)Mar 10 17:17
schestowitz"I wonder if M$ is still buying Unix licenses from SCO so the can inter operate..... Bwwwaaahahahahahaha! "Mar 10 17:19
schestowitz 10 17:19
balzacNot much babble from Darl McBride latelyMar 10 17:20
balzacWhat a name: DarlMar 10 17:20
schestowitzSome people call him Daryl, no idea as to why.Mar 10 17:22
balzacI upgraded to Jaunty JackelopeMar 10 17:24
balzacso I could run conkeror (not conqueror)Mar 10 17:24
balzacconkeror is based on gecko and has a UI like emacs. I like it a lot.Mar 10 17:25
schestowitzConficker is based on bad engineeringMar 10 17:26
balzacMicrosoft Windows is like an eager beaver, just waiting for trojans, virii, etcMar 10 17:27
balzacThe botnets which have been DOS attacking the Swedish file sharing servers are almost certainly botnets of compromised windows computers.Mar 10 17:28
schestowitzIn a land that's rocky, you use rocksMar 10 17:29
balzacApparently the "security" contractors hired by media conglomerates to interrupt file-sharing communities are paying hackers for botnets composed of broken windows machines.Mar 10 17:29
schestowitzTOo riskyMar 10 17:29
schestowitzI remember whiner Liberman suggesting that there was a scheme to DDOS his siteMar 10 17:30
balzacyou think they have some kind of "legitimate" DOSS system they built?Mar 10 17:30
balzacI call Lieberman "Croaking Toad"Mar 10 17:31
schestowitz:-)Mar 10 17:33
schestowitzIt was high load from visitors, that's all.Mar 10 17:33
schestowitzSo said the investigation anyway, assuming you can trust itMar 10 17:34
schestowitzThere was fraudulent accusations against GroklawMar 10 17:34
schestowitzSaying it had DDOSed sys-conMar 10 17:34
schestowitzsys-con denied this BS as well, but the fake story lives on.Mar 10 17:35
balzacSo many bloggers despise Joe Lieberman.Mar 10 17:35
schestowitzNo-one beats Georege and Dick thoughMar 10 17:36
balzacBush's illegitimate pResidency caused so much chaosMar 10 17:38
balzacLook at the fall out, and this is with a soft landingMar 10 17:38
schestowitz"Researchers say that American college girls drink heavily in order to get the attention of the opposite sex, but that this is backfiring as US college boys actually prefer a less boozy ladyfriend." < >Mar 10 17:38
balzacImagine if we'd succeeded in impeaching the m*****f*****sMar 10 17:38
schestowitzThere was an attempt to dethrown ClintonMar 10 17:39
schestowitz*throneMar 10 17:39
schestowitzBut not war criminals.Mar 10 17:39
balzacwell, Eric Holder better roast Bush & Cheney over an open fireMar 10 17:39
balzacObama's campaign derailed Kucinich's impeachment effortsMar 10 17:40
schestowitz"I didn't inhale"Mar 10 17:40
balzacnow Obama has to deliver Bush's headMar 10 17:40
schestowitz"I did not have sex with that womanMar 10 17:40
balzacor else, we'll always wonder what could have beenMar 10 17:40
*Omar87 (n=omar@ has joined #boycottnovellMar 10 17:40
schestowitz"It can come in the form of a mushroom"Mar 10 17:40
Omar87Hi allMar 10 17:41
schestowitzHeyMar 10 17:41
balzacheyMar 10 17:41
Omar87Check out this old post about the bloated "Zune" thing: 10 17:41
balzacDavid Brooks made fun of Michelle Obama's sleeveless gownsMar 10 17:42
schestowitzMichelle=bribe breakfasts in my mind.Mar 10 17:42
schestowitzHave you seen this leak? 10 17:42
balzacthe name "zune" kills meMar 10 17:42
Omar87balzac: In what way?Mar 10 17:43
schestowitzOmar87: Zune is a horrible name. It means many bad things. "Vista" tooMar 10 17:43
balzacit's so funnyMar 10 17:43
schestowitzZ - always at the bottomMar 10 17:43
schestowitz[A]pple on topMar 10 17:43
balzacthis guy got a zune tattooMar 10 17:43
schestowitz*NIX comes before AppleMar 10 17:43
Omar87schestowitz: Oh! okay. :)Mar 10 17:44
balzac 10 17:44
schestowitzBalrog_: it's good. This lad is a PR disasterMar 10 17:44
schestowitzOops. balzac Mar 10 17:44
schestowitzSorry about thatMar 10 17:44
balzacthe look on his face says "Ain't I a sorry bastid? Laugh if you will, but be warned, I may cry."Mar 10 17:45
Omar87lol! Okay this guy is totally retarded..! :DMar 10 17:45
schestowitzZune where it belongs: 10 17:45
balzacI'd call it an ironic tattooMar 10 17:47
Omar87But, does the word "Zune" really have a certain meaning?Mar 10 17:48
schestowitzNot really.Mar 10 17:48
schestowitzMSBBC reports on downtime for gmailMar 10 17:49
schestowitzOmar87: zune means "a fuck" in HebrewMar 10 17:50
schestowitzBut maybe there's more to the name Microsof choseMar 10 17:50
schestowitzLet's check WikipediaMar 10 17:50
schestowitzVista means "whore" or something like that in MaltaMar 10 17:50
Omar87Yeah, probably. :DMar 10 17:50
schestowitzSo people there can't say it without laughingMar 10 17:50
Omar87ROFLMHO!Mar 10 17:50
schestowitzWikipedia doesn't say anything about the nameMar 10 17:51
balzacIf I see software called "whore", I'll probably download it.Mar 10 17:51
schestowitzIts original anywayMar 10 17:51
schestowitzbalzac: the software expires after one timeMar 10 17:51
schestowitzIt may also contain  lot of viruses.Mar 10 17:52
balzacwell, if it has a good license...Mar 10 17:52
schestowitzIt has noneMar 10 17:52
Omar87By the way, today on my way home, I was chatting with a friend of mine who tried Vista 7.Mar 10 17:52
schestowitzIt's like BSDMar 10 17:52
schestowitzaka "the rape" me licenceMar 10 17:53
schestowitz*the "rape me"Mar 10 17:53
schestowitzOmar87: those who try it early are fansMar 10 17:53
Omar87And I got shocked when he told me that it has the exact same features as compiz!Mar 10 17:53
schestowitzSo all those who try Vista7 early are preconditionedMar 10 17:53
schestowitzThey are fans.Mar 10 17:53
schestowitzThey judge based on faith thereforeMar 10 17:53
balzacI think that's a BDSM license, but it's only fantasy and includes "safety words"Mar 10 17:54
Omar87No, this guy doesn't really mind at all.Mar 10 17:54
schestowitzOmar87: Compiz is miles aheadMar 10 17:54
schestowitzAnd it's stableMar 10 17:54
schestowitzIt has been out for yearsMar 10 17:54
Omar87He participated with us at the Linux installation festival.Mar 10 17:54
schestowitzThat's goodMar 10 17:54
schestowitzOpen mindednessMar 10 17:54
schestowitzLeaning towards software that can be controlled. Programmer in particular like that.Mar 10 17:54
schestowitzTo program for Windows is to pray Microsoft doesn't change the APIs and 'pull a Vista' on your program (i.e. make it 'expire')Mar 10 17:55
Omar87Plus, yeah I know compiz is waaaaa..aaaay much better, but what freaked my out is how frankly and openly Microsoft stolen the exact technology..!Mar 10 17:55
schestowitzLook what they do for the illusion of clash of civilisations: Security Theater Scare Mongering < >Mar 10 17:56
Omar87And it's not the part about including compiz-like features in Windows that freaks me off, it's how they're gonna simply claim that it's they're making, and they invention!!Mar 10 17:56
schestowitz skip to minute 7. It's all deliberate. Make culture wars to loot countriesMar 10 17:56
schestowitzSay the Rockefeller Mar 10 17:57
schestowitzOmar87: Apple had visual effects since the early part of this decadeMar 10 17:58
schestowitzBut nothing to sophisticatedMar 10 17:58
Omar87Yes, that's right.Mar 10 17:58
schestowitzOpenGL-enhanced/acceleratedMar 10 17:58
Omar87Exactly.Mar 10 17:58
schestowitzMicrosoft did just fade effects and fli modeMar 10 17:58
schestowitzNot enough time to test moreMar 10 17:59
Omar87Really?Mar 10 17:59
Omar87But the guy told me he saw the multiple desktops on Vista 7!Mar 10 17:59
schestowitzFehhhhh.. People are trampled on, so of course they don't like it. They should look at foreign policy, not the symptons.Mar 10 18:01
schestowitzOmar87: multiple Windows existed in Win2000 tooMar 10 18:01
schestowitzWith addonsMar 10 18:01
Omar87oh, really?Mar 10 18:01
schestowitzYes.Mar 10 18:01
schestowitzI saw itMar 10 18:01
schestowitzColleague's machineMar 10 18:02
schestowitzIf you don't mind nag screens and potential stability issues.Mar 10 18:02
Omar87So, all this hype about how "Incredible(.. NOT!!)" Vista 7, is merely stupid marketing, and a filthy hypnosis technique..Mar 10 18:03
schestowitzI see that Windows sites are citing figures of OSes from the US only as though these are globalMar 10 18:03
schestowitzHow dishonest or morally corrupt, just like the company they peddle this for.Mar 10 18:04
schestowitzOmar87: yesMar 10 18:04
schestowitzDvorak, who typically defends Linux, is the latest to be disapointed with Vista7Mar 10 18:04
schestowitzLet me find itMar 10 18:04
schestowitz 10 18:05
schestowitzSome Microsoft fans feel the same wayMar 10 18:05
schestowitz"My initial evaluation of Windows 7 shows that it's really just Vista with a fresh coat of paint." --Randall Kennedy, IDG/IDCMar 10 18:05
schestowitzGame on ;-) Linux on PS3s Runs Old-School Emulators < >Mar 10 18:07
schestowitzEcuador's migration to GNU/Linux still coming along nicely: 10 18:09
balzacOld game roms and porn encoded in proprietary codecs - these are things I find difficult to let go ofMar 10 18:10
schestowitzOld game ROMs run in LinuxMar 10 18:11
schestowitzYou can get decent emulatorsMar 10 18:11
balzacexceptions I'd like to make to free software discipline for myselfMar 10 18:11
balzacI know, but they're still proprietary softwareMar 10 18:11
balzacon day maybe nintendo will release the source code for super marioMar 10 18:13
schestowitzYay. Good news:Mar 10 18:13
schestowitzIs Microsoft's nightmare coming true (and x86 coming to an end)? Analyst sees ARM CPUs in most netbooks by 2012 < >Mar 10 18:14
balzacsweetMar 10 18:14
Omar87schestowitz: Cool!Mar 10 18:15
schestowitzIntel and Microsoft toll. Two bird in one stoneMar 10 18:15
schestowitz*birds withMar 10 18:15
balzaclet there be tears, Microsoft tearsMar 10 18:16
schestowitzWhat a great start for Linux this year.Mar 10 18:17
Omar87Man, if this is true, then MS is really deep s**t..Mar 10 18:17
Omar87is really *in* deep s&%t..Mar 10 18:17
balzacthat is what they get for so many years of stifling innovation - they've forgotten how it's done.Mar 10 18:18
schestowitzHahaha. Reports: Microsoft Cripples Windows 7 Starter Edition in Hopes of Netbook Upgrades < >Mar 10 18:18
schestowitzNot to way to sell a product, is it?Mar 10 18:19
Omar87balzac: That's if they've even known what "innovation" means..Mar 10 18:19
schestowitzThey just don't know how to make money from Windows anymoreMar 10 18:19
Omar87rofl!Mar 10 18:20
schestowitzAnd Linux gets superior all the time (compared to self, it long ago surpassed Windows)Mar 10 18:20
schestowitzMac OSX would be a better challengerMar 10 18:20
schestowitzBecause Mac fans would be willing to pay for the Apple logoMar 10 18:20
Omar87Probably.Mar 10 18:20
schestowitzViusta7-4-ARM?Mar 10 18:20
schestowitzHehe. Will it /run/?Mar 10 18:20
schestowitz500MHz.Mar 10 18:20
schestowitz64/128MG of RAM...Mar 10 18:21
balzacI don't mind lower specs.Mar 10 18:21
schestowitzMaybe Microsoft will try to bloat up ARM like it did with Intel... and end up with over-sub-notebooks whose battery life is 3 hoursMar 10 18:21
balzacYou can do lots of interesting things with a 500mhz cpuMar 10 18:21
schestowitzInstead of the $199 netbooks ASUS originally promisedMar 10 18:21
balzacMicrokraapMar 10 18:21
schestowitzThe issue is powerMar 10 18:22
Omar87Conclusion: There isn't anything to wary about from Vista 7 anymore.. It's just another new old Windows with a new old stupid look. :)Mar 10 18:22
schestowitzYou'd think that making stronger processor would help Vista Hog Edition 7Mar 10 18:22
schestowitzBut it just drains the batteryMar 10 18:22
schestowitzIt also drives up wieight and cost. Requires R&D ($$)Mar 10 18:22
schestowitzOmar87: it's Vista with PEMar 10 18:23
schestowitz*PRMar 10 18:23
schestowitzLike MojaveMar 10 18:23
schestowitzDid Mojave have nice wallpapers?Mar 10 18:23
trmancotoday is patch tuesdayMar 10 18:24
Omar87PE?Mar 10 18:24
Omar87PR?Mar 10 18:24
trmancothe day all Msofties need a rebootMar 10 18:24
Omar87trmanco: And defragmentation too. ;)Mar 10 18:25
schestowitz================================== =======================================Mar 10 18:26
schestowitz| ERROR: can't open a fouth process`                                      |Mar 10 18:26
schestowitz|Mar 10 18:26
schestowitz================================= ========================================Mar 10 18:26
schestowitz*fourthMar 10 18:26
trmancoloooolMar 10 18:26
schestowitztrmanco: oh noes, skype might go downMar 10 18:26
balzaccan't open a fourth process - how chickensh*t can you be?Mar 10 18:27
balzacThat is hilarious.Mar 10 18:27
schestowitzhttp://www.istartedsomething....Mar 10 18:27
trmancoschestowitz, no that is too fancy, the OS will throw a yellow screen insteadMar 10 18:27
schestowitzBalloon?Mar 10 18:27
trmancothey use WindowsMar 10 18:28
trmancoahhh, good thing I don't use skypeMar 10 18:28
schestowitzWTF does the LF doing sitting down/inviting Linux-suing scum? 10 18:31
schestowitz"For the first time, the Linux Foundation, Microsoft and Sun Microsystems will sit down at one table to debate the future of the respective operating systems. Linux Foundation Executive Director Jim Zemlin will moderate the discussion, which will include Sam Ramji..." I've heard bad things about this infiltratorMar 10 18:31
schestowitzWhy does the LF invite them?Mar 10 18:31
MinceRlol @ message boxMar 10 18:31
schestowitzMicrosoft is suing them.Mar 10 18:31
balzacBecause maybe they're eager beavers to sell out?Mar 10 18:33
schestowitzCharity PR bozos (bezos): 10 18:34
schestowitzWhen will people realise that they are scammed?Mar 10 18:34
schestowitzThey are robbed and then showed PR on television to  brainwash the admire the very same people who rob them and build pyramids.Mar 10 18:34
schestowitzbalzac: no kidding, Novellsoft has influence in the LF, which is why it can't be trusted like the FSFMar 10 18:35
schestowitzThe LF is there to make its funders do one thing: make moneyMar 10 18:35
schestowitzIf this involved kissing the behinds of criminal organisations, then so be it. The principles there are aligned with the same interests that promote sw patents (IBM for example)Mar 10 18:36
balzacThe "open source" people are selling out, as they indicated they would.Mar 10 18:36
balzacThey're in a hurry to save money for a comfortable retirement.Mar 10 18:36
schestowitzArrogance + Inexperience = shutdown, no matter how good the original idea, or how great the software team. < >Mar 10 18:37
balzacThey were always trying to stop RMS from flying his freak flags, and now they're like baby-boomer ex-hippies who work for insurance companies.Mar 10 18:37
balzacSome people, the Clintons, for example, wore clownish hippy clothes and long hair, but it was only fashion.Mar 10 18:38
balzacThey turned out to be moderate Reaganite Republicans.Mar 10 18:39
balzacSo it is with "open source" people who rallied behind ESR and LT.Mar 10 18:39
balzacThey kept saying "RMS is on an ego-trip. His freak flags are scaring investors away".Mar 10 18:40
balzacNow they're like Dennis Hopper or Hillary Clinton - once they were hippies, now they are sell outs.Mar 10 18:40
balzacSelling insurance and doing PR for Republican war criminals respectively.Mar 10 18:41
balzacExcept in this case, making bridges to Microsoft, knowing everyone will get shafted, but it's worth it for some quick cash to live comfortably on.Mar 10 18:41
balzacMan, I should have a high-profile blog, don't you think?Mar 10 18:42
balzacIn software, however, it's hackers, not hippies.Mar 10 18:43
schestowitzYes, why don't you ask Kos? ;-)Mar 10 18:43
balzacESR is the Dennis Hopper of hackers - a poser for the most part.Mar 10 18:44
schestowitzHackers was renamed crackers dna vice versaMar 10 18:44
schestowitzThey daemonise what's called hacker this watMar 10 18:44
schestowitzMess with code= badMar 10 18:44
balzacKos is a toolMar 10 18:44
schestowitzMcAfee and the likes do this tooMar 10 18:44
schestowitzThey say that crackers use "open sourcE" methodsMar 10 18:44
balzacbut you know how I feelMar 10 18:44
schestowitzLike.. sharing codeMar 10 18:44
schestowitzOh God! The sharingMar 10 18:44
schestowitzStop the sharingMar 10 18:44
schestowitzThe MAFIAA is now spreading papers about P2P promoting terrorismMar 10 18:45
schestowitzthey really have no shame, these weasels :-)Mar 10 18:45
*amarsh04_ ( has joined #boycottnovellMar 10 18:45
MinceRi've seen that some wise guys titled Multi-Ripper a "cracker tool" and "spyware"Mar 10 18:46
MinceRand it was removed from the author's websiteMar 10 18:46
MinceRi managed to get it from thoughMar 10 18:47
schestowitzWith Print Dying, Online Newspapers Herald the Future < >Mar 10 18:47
schestowitzMinceR: is child pr0n, says IWFMar 10 18:48
schestowitzIt must be killed, killed, killedMar 10 18:48
MinceRlolMar 10 18:49
schestowitzLike killer virgins (Wikipedia too is a pedo site)Mar 10 18:49
MinceRwhat's IWF?Mar 10 18:49
MinceRthose bastards in UK?Mar 10 18:49
schestowitzSome stupid British 'body'Mar 10 18:49
MinceRicMar 10 18:49
schestowitzPeople who apparently surf the Web looking for pedo materialMar 10 18:49
balzacRoy, I only expect the digital totalitarians/authoritarians to get worse with each decade until it's like a scary sci fi novelMar 10 18:49
schestowitzThen flagging sites like Wikipedia illegalMar 10 18:49
MinceRironically, in the end Multi-Ripper didn't run in wine so i got someone else's ripper tool that runs on linux.Mar 10 18:49
schestowitzFirst you redefine your target and change vocabularyMar 10 18:49
schestowitzThen you 'fit' it to evidence.Mar 10 18:50
balzacUnless we really clown the hell out of them before they get a chance to build their digital nightmare to imprison everyone...Mar 10 18:50
schestowitzThat's how to criminalise attempt to escape corporcoracyMar 10 18:50
schestowitzBecause in the US, for example democracy is the #1 threatMar 10 18:50
schestowitzPeople ask for democracyMar 10 18:50
schestowitzAnd that's too dangerousMar 10 18:50
schestowitzYou must give them too pseudo options once in 4 yearsMar 10 18:50
schestowitzAnd if some Ron Paul says the truth about the invasion, then put him downMar 10 18:51
schestowitzLikewise with NaderMar 10 18:51
schestowitzSo they have two factions for the same partyMar 10 18:51
MinceRi think "corpocracy" would be easier to say and type :>Mar 10 18:51
balzacRoy, you always forget KucinichMar 10 18:51
schestowitzParty = Rockefeller et alMar 10 18:51
balzacHe was the main guy for impeachmentMar 10 18:51
MinceRnot just democracy -- in the usa, freedom is the #1 threatMar 10 18:51
balzacthe only guy to really make an effort for impeachmentMar 10 18:51
schestowitzMinceR: yes, I can mistype it too usually.Mar 10 18:51
schestowitzPolyarchy is another oneMar 10 18:52
schestowitzSome professor (Dole?) called it thatMar 10 18:52
schestowitzThe rule of many aristocratsMar 10 18:52
schestowitzAnd people with a binary buttonMar 10 18:52
*amarsh04 has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))Mar 10 18:52
schestowitzRed and Blue... Mar 10 18:52
balzackakistocracyMar 10 18:54
schestowitzChoose between "stay in Iraq" and "don't leave I]raq just yet"Mar 10 18:54
balzacor choose between kiss Bush's ass (Hillary), and pretend it's all good until the election is won (Obama)Mar 10 18:55
schestowitz:-)Mar 10 18:55
schestowitzThe choice id yours. For your convenience, 'spurious' choices like Nader shalt be moved out of the way.Mar 10 18:56
schestowitzMore fight against the Internet (eBiz): < Is It Trademark Infringement To Resell A Product You Legally Bought? >Mar 10 19:04
schestowitzShould Bloggers Be Afforded The Same Rights Granted To Journalists? < >Mar 10 19:05
schestowitz"Firefox can't establish a connection to the server at"Mar 10 19:07
Balrog_rumors abound about a possible apple 'netbook'Mar 10 19:07
schestowitzprobably false some sources sayMar 10 19:08
schestowitzBut it would make sense for AppleMar 10 19:08
schestowitzEsp. nowMar 10 19:08
Balrog_and others say touch panels have been orderedMar 10 19:08
Balrog_several sources say this so it's possibly trueMar 10 19:08
Balrog_yeah...I'd like to see something in the 400-600 price range (would probably be closer to 600 though)Mar 10 19:09
schestowitzWon't do ARMMar 10 19:09
Balrog_well the iphone is ARMMar 10 19:10
schestowitz 10 19:10
schestowitzI see...Mar 10 19:10
Balrog_but making such a system ARM would require programmers to recompile apps (for macos)Mar 10 19:10
Balrog_there already is ppc and x86Mar 10 19:10
Balrog_and arm for iphoneMar 10 19:10
schestowitzCould Apple get away with it without leaks to the press?Mar 10 19:11
Balrog_so we're looking at a 'netbook' (a) running an up-scaled iphone OS on an ARM cpu or (b) running OS X on an x86 chipMar 10 19:11
schestowitzWhat stage is this rumoured to be in?Mar 10 19:11
schestowitzAlso, Apple won't want to cannibalise iBook sales.Mar 10 19:11
schestowitzMicrosoft learned this tooMar 10 19:11
Balrog_not ibook, macbookMar 10 19:11
schestowitzYes.Mar 10 19:12
Balrog_but it's possible they aren't really interested in keeping the plastic macbook around for much longerMar 10 19:12
schestowitzLayoffs are said to be happening there.Mar 10 19:12
Balrog_The rumurs say that Apple is working with Wintek and QuantaMar 10 19:12
schestowitzSales people maybeMar 10 19:12
Balrog_yeah, at least that way engineering doesn't sufferMar 10 19:13
Balrog_rumors *Mar 10 19:13
MinceRthey have engineering? :>Mar 10 19:13
Balrog_yeah, or you wouldn't have OS X or unibodyMar 10 19:14
Balrog_among other thingsMar 10 19:14
schestowitzMinceR: Marketing engineersMar 10 19:17
MinceRoh.Mar 10 19:17
MinceRi didn't know they've introduced that synonym for 'marketing' alreadyMar 10 19:17
schestowitzGotta go. bblMar 10 19:21
Balrog_someone posted recent apple job postingsMar 10 19:26
Balrog_most were engineering relatedMar 10 19:26
Balrog_not marketingMar 10 19:26
MinceRi'm sure they believe they're "engineering" while they copy some BSDL code and put a shiny-retarded mess of a GUI on itMar 10 19:29
MinceRand then they proclaim proudly that once again they've build a stable and secure OSMar 10 19:29
MinceRs/ild/ilt/Mar 10 19:31
*easy has quit ("Leaving")Mar 10 19:33
Balrog_what about a metals engineer...? that was one of themMar 10 19:47
*MinceR shrugsMar 10 19:55
*NeonFloss ( has joined #boycottnovellMar 10 20:05
PetoKrausBalrog_: aluminium alloy casing?Mar 10 20:19
*NeonFloss has quit ("Going!")Mar 10 20:20
Balrog_I believe soMar 10 20:43
Balrog_Just heard that RMS will be here later this monthMar 10 20:43
Balrog_I'll likely have the chance to speak with himMar 10 20:44
MinceRRMS will be here this weekMar 10 20:46
Balrog_cool.Mar 10 20:47
Balrog_seems quiet around here :/Mar 10 20:48
*Casperin ( has joined #boycottnovellMar 10 21:03
balzacBalrog_: where is that?Mar 10 21:27
*mib_l3daul (i=5ab874ee@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellMar 10 21:41
*mib_l3daul (i=5ab874ee@gateway/web/ajax/ has left #boycottnovellMar 10 21:42
PetoKrausNah, you can have a negative percent chance of succeeding in a task. For example, if you have a -5% chance of succeeding, not only will you fail every time you make an attempt, you will also fail 1 in 20 times that you don't even try.Mar 10 21:46
PetoKraus:D:DMar 10 21:46
schestowitzWow!Mar 10 21:51
schestowitzI'm sorry to say that will be unavailable for someMar 10 21:51
schestowitztime.Mar 10 21:51
schestowitzIts storage array broke down once again, and we have no backup.Mar 10 21:51
schestowitz(We are in need of hardware since ever; if anyone would be able toMar 10 21:51
schestowitzsponsor some, we would be very glad about it.)Mar 10 21:51
schestowitzThis affects as well (same box).Mar 10 21:51
schestowitzI can't give a timeline yet, but expect it to be offline for one toMar 10 21:51
schestowitzseveral days. Mar 10 21:51
schestowitzThanks,Mar 10 21:51
schestowitzPeterMar 10 21:51
schestowitzbenJIman: comment?Mar 10 21:51
trmanco 10 21:51
trmancosecure you wordpress installsMar 10 21:52
trmancoyour*Mar 10 21:52
*PetoKraus np: Pink Floyd - Learning To Fly (A Momentary Lapse Of Reason)Mar 10 21:52
schestowitzMine is long-term supporMar 10 21:52
schestowitz2.0.11Mar 10 21:52
benJImanschestowitz: On what?Mar 10 21:52
schestowitzSo it's the latest.Mar 10 21:52
PetoKrausback to work!Mar 10 21:52
*MinceR is listening to: Alice Deejay - Who needs guitar anyway - I can seeMar 10 21:52
balzacMaybe OpenSuSE is trying to imply that they're getting no love from Novell so they should be welcomed back into the community after Novell goes out of business.Mar 10 21:52
schestowitzbenJIman: OpenSUSE has no hardware?Mar 10 21:52
schestowitzIs Novell shafting them?Mar 10 21:52
balzacI don't have a problem with that, if the openSuSE community still exists after Novell is bankruptMar 10 21:52
MinceRi'd guess they're merely neglecting opensuseMar 10 21:53
schestowitz"Sponsor" a server?Mar 10 21:53
benJImanNot no hardware, but the redirector situation is ridiculous. It has been a single point of failure for literally years.Mar 10 21:53
schestowitzWhat is this? Reduced to charity?Mar 10 21:53
benJImanCommunity members already pay for some openSUSE hosting.Mar 10 21:53
benJImanNot for redirector though.Mar 10 21:53
balzacProbably they'll take the money, give it to Microsoft, and it will go towards a bottle single glass of champagne for Paul AllenMar 10 21:54
balzacjkMar 10 21:54
balzac-bottleMar 10 21:54
MinceRor they're just going bankruptMar 10 21:54
MinceRand they're drawing money away from the parts that are less important to themMar 10 21:54
benJImanThere's no real way to donate to openSUSE as there's no openSUSE foundation yet.Mar 10 21:55
benJImanSo everything is organised a bit ad-hoc atm.Mar 10 21:55
MinceR(first opensuse, then suse, then everything that's left and isn't about FUD or legal)Mar 10 21:55
schestowitzI want Novell to fail, not opensuseMar 10 21:55
schestowitzWhat is Novell doing?Mar 10 21:55
schestowitzAnd why no fallbacks for so long?Mar 10 21:55
schestowitzCause it's not SLED?Mar 10 21:55
schestowitzNo revenue and patent tax for SteatyB?Mar 10 21:56
benJImanI'm not sure what you mean.Mar 10 21:56
MinceRi don't find opensuse likely to survive if novell diesMar 10 21:57
MinceR(and i won't miss them anyway)Mar 10 21:57
schestowitzThe engineers will be employed by Red Hat, I reckonMar 10 21:58
schestowitzI've heard about itMar 10 21:58
benJImanMinceR: We'll see. At present that's probably true, although we're getting towards the stage where it can be self sufficient.Mar 10 21:58
balzacRoy, if OpenSuSE fails, that's not necessarily bad. It just means the members of their community have seen the badness of Novell's influence and have found other distro/communities to join.Mar 10 21:58
schestowitzNovell and Microsoft will have Netware and BOBMar 10 21:58
schestowitzHovsepian will have some tens of millions of dollars.Mar 10 21:58
balzacOpenSuSE failing would speed the decline of Novell, demonstrating they have no community support.Mar 10 21:58
schestowitzLike McBride (maybe)Mar 10 21:58
schestowitzThey got payrises after the bankruptcyMar 10 21:59
MinceRthey have community support?Mar 10 21:59
schestowitzbenJIman: they should pressure NovellMar 10 21:59
schestowitzThey make the bread and butter of Novell's wannabe futureMar 10 21:59
benJImanschestowitz: Who is "they"?Mar 10 21:59
schestowitzOpenSUSE developersMar 10 21:59
MinceRi mean, apart from the 4 microsoft fanboys who believe the 'm$ supports floss' lieMar 10 21:59
schestowitzThose who do the hard workMar 10 21:59
balzacOf course I would prefer if the OpenSuSE community (however small it may be), would denounce Novell and renounce any code from Novell which includes patent-trolling material.Mar 10 22:00
schestowitzNot those who 'spam' YouTube with adverts that have CG lizards.Mar 10 22:00
MinceRicMar 10 22:00
balzacThen I would want OpenSuSE to succeed.Mar 10 22:00
MinceRbalzac: that would be a step aheadMar 10 22:00
schestowitzThat's why Novell was bad news to SuSE right from the startMar 10 22:00
MinceR(even then, *suse would be crap :> )Mar 10 22:00
schestowitzAnd other people said the same at the timeMar 10 22:00
schestowitzGreedy backstabbing company takes over a local European oneMar 10 22:00
schestowitzMinceR: SUSE used to be greatMar 10 22:01
schestowitzIt was probably one of the best (if not 'the' b est) at the timeMar 10 22:01
schestowitzIt had YaSTMar 10 22:01
schestowitzAnd it was ALL KDEMar 10 22:01
schestowitzNo f*ing de IcazaismMar 10 22:01
schestowitzGNOME by default in SLEMar 10 22:01
schestowitzAnd f*ing mono and that you can barely removeMar 10 22:01
benJImanThat's putting rather an unresaonable spin on things. Considering before Novell bought SUSE it had non-free components, development was completely closed, suse was on the brink of bankruptcy for some time.Mar 10 22:01
benJImanThings have improved considerably for the better since Novell took over.Mar 10 22:02
schestowitzSuSE told for about $.3 bn, IIRCMar 10 22:02
balzacbenJIman: in what sense?Mar 10 22:02
MinceRand no daemon that makes the keyboard unusable?Mar 10 22:02
MinceRno netinstall that's a pain to use?Mar 10 22:02
balzacsuse has improved in its capacity as a vehicle for Microsoft's attacks against computer user's freedomMar 10 22:03
benJImanlolMar 10 22:03
balzaclol?Mar 10 22:03
schestowitzlol?Mar 10 22:03
balzacbenJIman: may I ask your opinion of the FSF?Mar 10 22:03
MinceR"lol?"?Mar 10 22:03
schestowitzMaybe like Ballmer laughing at iPhonmeMar 10 22:04
schestowitz$500??? $500??Mar 10 22:04
balzacDo you agree or disagree with the stated goals of the FSF?Mar 10 22:04
MinceRexcept in NebraskaMar 10 22:04
schestowitz"I smack me[sic] kids for using Google" (fake)Mar 10 22:04
balzacDo you have a different idea of what freedom is for computer users?Mar 10 22:04
benJImanMost of the fsf philosophy I agree with. Some of their campaigns like badvista are so fail it's embarrassing though.Mar 10 22:04
schestowitzHe loves Visual Studio, so...Mar 10 22:04
schestowitzAnd Windows for some things. Pragmatic(C)Mar 10 22:05
balzacbenJIman: how did the badvista campaign fail?Mar 10 22:05
trmancobadvista wasn't a failMar 10 22:05
schestowitzIt didn'tMar 10 22:05
schestowitzPeople spoke about itMar 10 22:05
balzacof course it didn'tMar 10 22:05
schestowitzIt become a spicMar 10 22:05
schestowitz*epicMar 10 22:05
*mib_xvyavk (i=5496d485@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellMar 10 22:05
balzacbenJIman: I was wondering your opinion though, even though I've preemptively disagreed...Mar 10 22:06
balzachow did badvista fail in it's purpose?Mar 10 22:06
benJImanbalzac: I didn't say it did. The whole concept was terrible.Mar 10 22:07
balzacyou were speaking some new net-speak grammarMar 10 22:07
balzaccampaigns like badvista are so fail it's embarrassingMar 10 22:07
balzacI can't grasp your intended meaningMar 10 22:08
balzacit's not that it failed, it _is_ fail, is that a correct reading?Mar 10 22:08
benJImanfail as in failblog.orgMar 10 22:09
balzacWell, I like it myselfMar 10 22:09
balzacyeah, I like that siteMar 10 22:09
balzacI like badvista from a branding perspectiveMar 10 22:09
MinceRthe concept of daring to speak ill of Holy Microsoft's latest glorious product is terrible ;)Mar 10 22:09
trmancoO liked the broken Windows badvista had as their logoMar 10 22:09
trmancoWindow*Mar 10 22:09
balzacit's directly confrontationalMar 10 22:09
balzacLinus Torvalds complained about itMar 10 22:10
benJImanI'm all for legitimate criticism. Campaigns like badvista just discredit everyone though.Mar 10 22:10
balzachow so benJIman ?Mar 10 22:10
MinceRbadvista is legitimateMar 10 22:10
trmancoit was just spreading the other part of Vista (non eye candy)Mar 10 22:10
benJImanIt's almost as accurate as boycottnovell.comMar 10 22:10
balzacPlease don't take my questions as any kind of pressure, but I'm always trying to understand the reasoning behind opinions I don't agree withMar 10 22:11
MinceRbalzac: this time there's no reasoning, there's only religionMar 10 22:11
balzacbenJIman: can you explain _how_ badvista discredits everyone?Mar 10 22:11
schestowitzIf a campign called was launch , would you oppose it?Mar 10 22:11
schestowitzIs it unethical to "confront" bad behaviour?Mar 10 22:11
trmancowhat about the "Get the facts complain"?Mar 10 22:12
benJImanbalzac: Because their materials (most of which have now been taken offline) were full of technical inaccuracies.Mar 10 22:12
schestowitzLaw and ethics are intertwined issues.Mar 10 22:12
trmanco 10 22:12
schestowitzbenJIman: good for badvista than, BN is pretty accurateMar 10 22:12
benJImanIt's like people who say that linux is less vulnerable to viruses & malware.Mar 10 22:12
schestowitzConsidering the fact that many hostile eyeballs nitpick all the timeMar 10 22:12
balzacbenJIman: I can't argue with you if the links are gone. Maybe the google cache has them...Mar 10 22:12
balzacI like to argue BTW.Mar 10 22:12
balzacI wish more people critical of the ideas and attitudes expressed on BN would chat hereMar 10 22:13
schestowitztrmanco: Linux personas was worseMar 10 22:13
balzacI love a good argumentMar 10 22:13
schestowitzMicrosoft is insulting Linux peopleMar 10 22:13
MinceRoh wait, it _is_ less vulnerable to viruses and malwareMar 10 22:13
schestowitzThey also call them names off the recordsMar 10 22:13
trmancocan we prepare ourselves for Bad Se7en?Mar 10 22:13
schestowitzMicrosoft employees, not campaignersMar 10 22:13
MinceRbadvista7Mar 10 22:13
MinceRSa7an?Mar 10 22:14
balzacbenJIman: give us some URLs to chew onMar 10 22:14
trmancololMar 10 22:14
schestowitzlolMar 10 22:14
schestowitzSaa7anMar 10 22:14
benJImanbalzac: For what?Mar 10 22:14
schestowitzLike DiabloMar 10 22:14
benJImanBtw the term URL is deprecated €¬_€¬Mar 10 22:14
trmancoBad Sa7aNikMar 10 22:14
balzacURLs to give substance to your assertions so we can have a more specific discussion/argumentMar 10 22:14
schestowitzFau7tMar 10 22:14
MinceRafaik URL is still relevant as long as you really want to be able to locate the resourceMar 10 22:15
balzacFYI, I disagree with Mark Shuttleworth's opinion that we should be looking for more agreement and cooperationMar 10 22:15
MinceRwith whom?Mar 10 22:15
schestowitzhe's being 'diplomaitic"Mar 10 22:15
schestowitzI'm against negotiating with criminalsMar 10 22:15
balzacI say let disagreements exist, and then crush a slice of lime on top of itMar 10 22:15
schestowitzFirst they need tio prove they are not criminals anymoreMar 10 22:15
balzacmake it sting!Mar 10 22:15
MinceRi'm against negotiating with criminals tooMar 10 22:15
schestowitzWith OOXML around the corner, it's clear that Microsoft is an orgy of white-collar criminalsMar 10 22:15
schestowitzThey can't changeMar 10 22:16
MinceRwith such a history of lies, proof isn't going to be easyMar 10 22:16
schestowitzFirst they fueled SCOMar 10 22:16
schestowitzNow they sue LinuxMar 10 22:16
schestowitzThey also bribe peopleMar 10 22:16
schestowitzThey smear competitorMar 10 22:16
schestowitzDisparage criticsMar 10 22:16
balzacMark comes off as very mature and composed. Perhaps he's the best natural leader in the Free/Open Source communityMar 10 22:16
schestowitzLook at ChemberlainMar 10 22:16
schestowitzHe was negotiating Mar 10 22:16
schestowitzWith HitlerMar 10 22:16
balzacBut still, I prefer disagreements and controversy.Mar 10 22:17
schestowitzThey were good buddies shaking handsMar 10 22:17
schestowitzSame with Rumsfeld and  SaddamMar 10 22:17
MinceRschestowitz: someone will call Law of Godwin on that :>Mar 10 22:17
schestowitz[when he still gave them oil]Mar 10 22:17
balzacMinceR: good one.Mar 10 22:17
schestowitzMinceR: it's the truth, apart from the analogyMar 10 22:17
MinceRindeedMar 10 22:17
schestowitzThe point is, people can play niceMar 10 22:18
schestowitzOnly to be rapedMar 10 22:18
schestowitzWatch NovellMar 10 22:18
balzaccompromising can quickly lead you into the wildernessMar 10 22:18
schestowitzDying quite badlyMar 10 22:18
schestowitzDespite being Microsoft's slavesMar 10 22:18
schestowitzHelping OOXML, promoting .NET, etc.Mar 10 22:18
MinceRhow many chances did m$ get already anyway?Mar 10 22:18
schestowitzThey also got EU reghulators off MS' backMar 10 22:18
schestowitzMaybe that's why they cut backMar 10 22:18
schestowitzNovell is the PR department of MS nowMar 10 22:18
schestowitzThey get paid for itMar 10 22:18
schestowitzPlentyMar 10 22:18
schestowitzMinceR: the 'new' MicrosoftMar 10 22:19
schestowitzLike the scorpion and the frogMar 10 22:19
schestowitzThe 'new'' MicrosoftMar 10 22:19
schestowitzWhen Gates steps down after massive lossesMar 10 22:19
schestowitzand then come his lunattic friend to head the companyMar 10 22:19
schestowitzShillobyist frenzy ensuesMar 10 22:19
MinceRthen there was the antitrust case in the USAMar 10 22:20
schestowitzYesMar 10 22:20
schestowitzNovell saved MicrosoftMar 10 22:20
MinceRand their "promise" concerning "standards"Mar 10 22:20
schestowitzHa.Mar 10 22:20
schestowitzYeah... even FATMar 10 22:20
schestowitzMooooooonoMar 10 22:20
MinceRi don't think they deserve another chanceMar 10 22:21
schestowitzThey never didMar 10 22:21
schestowitzYou can't change ways of criminal-minded people if they do it for 20 yearsMar 10 22:21
MinceRindeedMar 10 22:21
schestowitzAt some point you send them to do timeMar 10 22:21
schestowitzMaybe after some reform (not just a deposition) they'll think they can accept changeMar 10 22:21
MinceRand if they've said 'things are going to be different now' n+1 times already with no change, there's no reason to believe them anymoreMar 10 22:22
schestowitzAs it stands, the ISO puppets sent the world the message that crime pays off.Mar 10 22:22
schestowitzit's dangerous to send out this messageMar 10 22:22
schestowitzWhat will kids be taught?Mar 10 22:22
schestowitzThat bribing people is good if you can whitewash?Mar 10 22:22
MinceRi wouldn't send them to jail, i'd send them to propel generators, then i'd feed them to pigs once they can't do thatMar 10 22:22
schestowitzThere is CHANGEMar 10 22:22
schestowitzBetter PRMar 10 22:22
schestowitzMore whitewashingMar 10 22:22
schestowitzBeetter ways to hide guns like Jonathan ZuckMar 10 22:23
schestowitzConcealing the blackmailing in AfricaMar 10 22:23
schestowitzMeeting journalists in IDG who run official denial stories.Mar 10 22:23
schestowitzSo that Microsoft can point at them and say "see? It never happeened"Mar 10 22:23
trmancohttp://www.remote-exploit.o...Mar 10 22:23
trmancoArs Tecnica is not what is use to beMar 10 22:27
trmanco...Mar 10 22:27
schestowitzWhy not? I'm not a fan ot it BTW.Mar 10 22:29
schestowitzI'm sure they game Digg a lotMar 10 22:29
trmancoThe news these days, it not the same anymoreMar 10 22:31
trmancoit'sMar 10 22:31
trmanco 10 22:34
trmancoPatch Tuesday -> 10 22:36
*Balrog (n=Balrog@ has joined #boycottnovellMar 10 22:36
*Balrog has quit (Remote closed the connection)Mar 10 22:36
*Balrog ( has joined #boycottnovellMar 10 22:36
Balroghello everyoneMar 10 22:37
trmancohello BalrogMar 10 22:40
Balrogstill quiet....?Mar 10 22:40
trmancodon't know whyMar 10 22:46
*mib_xvyavk has quit (" ajax IRC Client")Mar 10 22:48
schestowitzThe criminals from Intel called "guilty": 10 22:49
schestowitzHow much money have they made by bribing, mewonders? Some site ought to look closely at what they do. They are another menace to IT and societyMar 10 22:50
schestowitzTiscali in trouble after sale collapse < >Mar 10 22:53
*oiaohm (n=oiaohm@unaffiliated/oiaohm) has joined #boycottnovellMar 10 22:53
schestowitzGiven Clarke is provoking Linux againMar 10 22:56
schestowitzThe Register was transformed by appointments after the Microsoft dealMar 10 22:56
oiaohmSo attempting to get quick ratings ? schestowitzMar 10 22:57
schestowitzGavin?Mar 10 22:57
oiaohmIe the Register that is.Mar 10 22:57
oiaohmYepMar 10 22:57
oiaohmThe one thing about insulted Open Source guys it does quicky increase numbers of people visiting site.Mar 10 22:57
schestowitzThat's what they do, yes.Mar 10 22:58
schestowitzInquirer alsoMar 10 22:59
trmancooh great AMD is going to stop supporting R400 based chips in their closed driver, good thing I made the move to the FOSS driver some months agoMar 10 22:59
MinceRare they going to keep their old driver updated like nvidia does?Mar 10 22:59
trmancoI don't think soMar 10 23:00
trmancoI never really used their driver thoughMar 10 23:00
trmancojust tried it *only* on HardyMar 10 23:00
trmancothe FOSS driver never let me down, I still remember the days that I would play tremulous and open arena with compositing affects enabled and at full screen, maxing out my monitor's resolution, playing at a average 80 FPS, this in Feisty :-PMar 10 23:03
Balrogthis is ATI, right?Mar 10 23:03
Balrogthe FOSS nvidia driver is barely usable with 2DMar 10 23:04
Balrogand there's no 3D at all with it. :(Mar 10 23:04
MinceRthere's nouveau but i don't know how usable it isMar 10 23:05
oiaohmtrmanco: AMD plan long term is to stop the closed source ATI driver completely.Mar 10 23:05
oiaohmThey moved a little be ahead of time table stopping R400 and R500 support.Mar 10 23:05
trmancooiaohm, it would be better just to release the hole driver as open sourceMar 10 23:05
oiaohmThey cannot trmancoMar 10 23:06
trmancoat least for the non supported chipsMar 10 23:06
trmancooiaohm, why? copyright?Mar 10 23:06
MinceRthe usual patent/code from outside crap?Mar 10 23:06
oiaohmATI/AMD don't own all the code inside the closed source driver.Mar 10 23:06
oiaohmS3 and NVidia own some of it.Mar 10 23:06
MinceRthey should buy whoever owns it :>Mar 10 23:06
oiaohmYes there is cross ownership inside all the video card drivers.Mar 10 23:07
schestowitzYahoo More Popular Than Google In Japan < >Mar 10 23:07
MinceRthen they should get together and agree on a date when they all release all their codeMar 10 23:07
trmancothen, lets make a company to buy all those fragmented corporations into one and release the stupid driver in a open source license :-PMar 10 23:07
oiaohmNVidia /Mar 10 23:07
oiaohm?Mar 10 23:07
trmancoschestowitz, read this -> 10 23:07
oiaohmyou got to be dreaming MinceRMar 10 23:07
MinceRor they could be forced to do so :>Mar 10 23:08
oiaohmS3 joined AMD in the opensource effort.Mar 10 23:08
trmancothere are some interesting facts about a portuguese PR personMar 10 23:08
oiaohmAMD and S3 want to be free of the mess.Mar 10 23:08
MinceRdidn't nvidia say they want to do that too?Mar 10 23:09
oiaohmNopMar 10 23:09
oiaohmNvidia will not sue people making open source drivers or using them.Mar 10 23:09
oiaohmThey will not provide any other support.Mar 10 23:09
oiaohmAMD and S3 both are releasing documentation as they legally can.Mar 10 23:10
oiaohmThat is the other problem even there internal docs have turned out to be tainted with stuff they cannot release.Mar 10 23:10
oiaohmSo of that Microsofts Direct X internals.Mar 10 23:11
oiaohmSo/SomeMar 10 23:12
MinceRgnMar 10 23:13
trmancoschestowitz, did you read itMar 10 23:15
schestowitzI hate the Golgle ToolbarMar 10 23:15
schestowitzGooglebar was betterMar 10 23:15
schestowitzI can't find a translate buttonMar 10 23:15
schestowitzThanks, got itMar 10 23:17
trmancowhat? the translate button? :-PMar 10 23:18
schestowitzI will write about it tomorrowMar 10 23:19
schestowitzNo, the toolbar is junkMar 10 23:19
trmancookMar 10 23:19
trmancoI hate toolbarsMar 10 23:19
schestowitzThe old one Firefox refuses to installMar 10 23:19
schestowitzFF3 cites "security"Mar 10 23:19
trmancoI need as much vertical space as possibleMar 10 23:20
schestowitzReminds me of Apple with JususfoneMar 10 23:20
schestowitzI like toolbars :-) 10 23:21
trmancololMar 10 23:22
oiaohm  Now of they would get working on link time optimisation gcc might be good.Mar 10 23:23
schestowitzWhat da...?Mar 10 23:24
schestowitzMicrosoft Cuts Software Leasing Costs to Retain Companies < >. But Microsoft is ALWAYS leasing software. Windows can't be ownedMar 10 23:24
schestowitzThey try to lock in those who leave, just like in EDGIMar 10 23:24 = Microsoft dumpingMar 10 23:26
schestowitzIncentive to bribery is what "credit" is to "loan" and "stimulus" is to "public looting" or "looting"Mar 10 23:26
schestowitz"PR" to "PRopaganda" also. They renamed it around the 30s because it got a bad connotation (Nazi propaganda). Before the 30s the literature used the term "propaganda" openly to descrde marketing, even of procusts.. In a meeting, Bernays suggested the term "public relations" after much thinkingMar 10 23:28
schestowitzLater came CFRMar 10 23:28
oiaohmPR for Public Relations is a older term.Mar 10 23:29
oiaohmThan Propaganda = PRMar 10 23:29
schestowitzPresident Obama lifts stem cell research ban  < >Mar 10 23:29
schestowitzIt's notMar 10 23:29
oiaohmPublic Relations use to be the support desk equal.Mar 10 23:29
schestowitzPR was conceived in the 1930Mar 10 23:29
oiaohmNot media.Mar 10 23:29
schestowitzIt was a new name for "propaganda"Mar 10 23:29
oiaohmDig back threw the history jobs of Public Relation officers.   It has changed massively over time.Mar 10 23:30
schestowitz "After it was revealed that the floundering American International Group (AIG) had hired Burson Marsteller (B-M) as one of its PR advisers, Rachel Maddow, the host of “The Rachel Maddow Show” on MSNBC, wondered who else the firm had worked for."Mar 10 23:30
schestowitzCigarettes are an early exampleMar 10 23:31
schestowitzAfter PRMar 10 23:31
schestowitzTeaching people that they should smokeMar 10 23:31
oiaohm1930 is the point were PR meaning changed.Mar 10 23:31
schestowitz"Torches of freedom" was the publicity stuntMar 10 23:31
schestowitzIt was covered in papers even intenationally.Mar 10 23:31
schestowitzoiaohm: yes, politics embraced the methods tooMar 10 23:31
schestowitzWith the help of the product marketing peopleMar 10 23:32
oiaohmI read a lot of old documents on lot of old milling machines.Mar 10 23:32
schestowitz"A Florida company called "Smoking Everywhere" has been aggressively marketing a cigarette-like smoking device of the same name in shopping-mall kiosks nationwide, and has now reportedly enlisted help from steroid-tainted baseball player Jose Canseco to plug the device." 10 23:32
oiaohmThat is where I found the change in meaning of PRMar 10 23:32
schestowitzI found out in some documentariesMar 10 23:33
schestowitzAnd speechesMar 10 23:33
oiaohmOne from the 1920~ had Public Relations as the address to contact for tech issues.  Until I found out that Current day meaning and historic don't match it was like what the.Mar 10 23:33
oiaohmBecause no way today would you call Public Relations with a tech problem.Mar 10 23:34
oiaohmWords change there meanings over time.Mar 10 23:34
schestowitz+1Mar 10 23:36
oiaohmBefore 1930 Propaganda was the job of the Advertising department.Mar 10 23:36
schestowitzIt's making it hard to study historyMar 10 23:36
schestowitzLike, if you read literature from old dayssMar 10 23:36
schestowitzOr videosMar 10 23:36
schestowitzWhen "gay" meant happyMar 10 23:36
schestowitzAnd "hacker" didn't mean "Cracker"Mar 10 23:36
oiaohmYep town here still has a char named gay dan.  With gay=happy.Mar 10 23:37
schestowitzBernays wrote the book "Propaganda" or "on Propaganda". it was about marketing. He was Freud's nephew. I think he died only recently.Mar 10 23:37
oiaohmNow does that confuse vistors.Mar 10 23:37
schestowitz Yes, he died at the age of 103Mar 10 23:38
oiaohmThe other thing.  People in jobs that get hated normally change there name to something else that was not evil.Mar 10 23:38
oiaohmIe there name of job.Mar 10 23:38
oiaohmSo over time people who use to do a job that was good get grouped in with people who did a job that was evil because people forget the divide.Mar 10 23:39
schestowitzBlackwater for exampleMar 10 23:39
schestowitzPRWattch keeps track of many corrupt companies that do thisMar 10 23:39
oiaohmHacker and Cracker is a current day example.Mar 10 23:40
oiaohmIn words.Mar 10 23:40
schestowitzIt's horrible, isn't it? You can't follow the booksMar 10 23:40
schestowitzSame with CompaqMar 10 23:40
schestowitzI'm gonna publish lots of them in BN later this yearMar 10 23:40
schestowitzBut it's part of HP nowMar 10 23:40
oiaohmIf a person said they were a Cracker they would get basically spat on.Mar 10 23:40
oiaohmSo they started saying they were Hackers instead ie incorrect title.Mar 10 23:40
oiaohmAnd media picked it up.Mar 10 23:40
schestowitzI c....Mar 10 23:41
oiaohmSo tainting everyone using the name Hacker.Mar 10 23:41
schestowitzWell, some people clean it up a bitMar 10 23:41
schestowitzFSF says "hackers"Mar 10 23:41
schestowitzIn WordPress we have the wp-hackers listMar 10 23:41
schestowitzJust people who developMar 10 23:41
oiaohmReistance.Mar 10 23:41
schestowitzThe main/only dev list in factMar 10 23:41
oiaohmPercentage resist the change.Mar 10 23:41
schestowitzCorrect themMar 10 23:41
schestowitzSame with "IP"Mar 10 23:41
oiaohmIn 30 years time if the Reistance is not strong enough old meaning of hacker will be lost for good.Mar 10 23:42
oiaohmWith public releations the Reistance was not strong enough so it got completely taken over.Mar 10 23:42
schestowitzI see the the Gralla MS shill is making another round at LinuxMar 10 23:43
schestowitzStudying it to break it and slur.Mar 10 23:43
oiaohmAnother thing that repeats and repeat threw history.   Start of take over of word.  Transission stage where both means of words.  Then winner that is basically how it works.Mar 10 23:44
schestowitzWhy can't they just shove it? If they have bad intent when trying free software, then they can piss off. Unlike Beranger, they don't know what they talk about anywayMar 10 23:44
schestowitzI've seen people vilifying Linux for not having ctrl+alt+del for task managerMar 10 23:44
oiaohmOldest meaning of word change I know is the world world.Mar 10 23:44
oiaohmfirst world/wordMar 10 23:44
oiaohmIts more lack of kernel mode switching is that ctrl+alt+del one.Mar 10 23:45
oiaohmAnd yes they are right to vilify Linux for it if you are trying to use it as a desktop.  No way out of a crashed graphical envorment is a bad thing.Mar 10 23:46
oiaohmOnly option Linux privides at moment is kill everything on the desktop.  Not the best solution.Mar 10 23:46
oiaohmgood bit that will disappear hopefully in this 12 months for good.Mar 10 23:46
schestowitzI see the yanks have kicked in daylight savings alreadyMar 10 23:46
schestowitzIn KDE there's CTRL+ESCMar 10 23:47
schestowitzThe problem is that they assume things must be identicalMar 10 23:47
oiaohmschestowitz: do you know the oldest meaning of world (its kinda important when reading the stories of from the old testment)Mar 10 23:47
schestowitzRecall the origin of ctrl+alt+del: 10 23:48
schestowitzoiaohm: go aheadMar 10 23:48
schestowitzHealthy used to mean fat (sometimesMar 10 23:48
oiaohmThe oldest means is as far as you can see.Mar 10 23:48
schestowitzInteresting.Mar 10 23:48
oiaohmSo noah flood is not that large.Mar 10 23:48
schestowitzPeople's percetption of their surroundings varyMar 10 23:49
schestowitzLike that video about the sun that I posted here yesterdayMar 10 23:49
schestowitzAnd some people believe there's a god above and hell belowMar 10 23:49
schestowitzStill.Mar 10 23:49
oiaohmHell below could be more than true.Mar 10 23:49
schestowitzWe take for granted what we now know about the Solar system and astronomy. The work of many centuries of research......Mar 10 23:50
schestowitzoiaohm: true assuming napalm is hellMar 10 23:50
schestowitzOr magmaMar 10 23:50
oiaohmHell is a mistranslation.Mar 10 23:51
oiaohmYes it made me laugh in chruch before.Mar 10 23:51
oiaohmHell closest correct translation is garbage dump.Mar 10 23:51
oiaohmAncient style of a garbage dump were people burnt it off.Mar 10 23:52
schestowitzor S.H.I.T.Mar 10 23:53
PetoKrausmidnight againMar 10 23:56
PetoKraus:/Mar 10 23:56
PetoKrausand I didn't manage to finish my chapter. Oh well.Mar 10 23:56
oiaohmGehenna - A Greek term (borrowed from a literal burning dump near Jerusalem) that always refers to hell – a place of torment.    Even the translation into greek is close.  But not dead on.Mar 10 23:56
oiaohmNow if the Greeks did not brorrow the location every who is going to hell is going to get stuck near jerusalem.Mar 10 23:57
schestowitzPetoKraus: chapter 11?Mar 10 23:57
oiaohmYes over the years Hell has had many names.Mar 10 23:58
schestowitzLook how underpopulated 'Novell's' event was: 10 23:58
PetoKrausschestowitz: :) not yetMar 10 23:58
schestowitzLas Vegas... GWAVACon instead of BrainShare. It's embarrassing to watch the attendanceMar 10 23:59
oiaohmAlso some sections of the greek bible even use the word hades for hell.Mar 10 23:59
schestowitzSodomy is an exampleMar 10 23:59
schestowitzCalled after a place from the old testamentMar 10 23:59
schestowitzAlso Armageddon.Mar 10 23:59

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