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IRC: #boycottnovell @ FreeNode: March 20th, 2009 - Part 2

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schestowitzConnection to Sutor,  I think. Can't recall which or how.Mar 20 17:29
jose_Xanyway, the ie8 yahoo thing is likely nothing, but wanted to bring it up in case other patterns developMar 20 17:29
schestowitzjose_X: yahoo and ms are likely to strike a dealMar 20 17:30
schestowitzCarole Bartz speaks to SweatyB these daysMar 20 17:30
jose_Xballmer was talking again and looking at the past.. i knowMar 20 17:30
schestowitzjose_X: Yahoo promoted Firefox 3Mar 20 17:30
schestowitzThat was about 6 months agoMar 20 17:30
schestowitzWhen Yang and Decker were running the hausMar 20 17:30
jose_Xthat could also be leverage to get a better dealMar 20 17:30
jose_Xin any case, don't want to make much of it, but i couldn't help but noticeMar 20 17:31
schestowitzjose_X: what to do about Allen?Mar 20 17:31
schestowitzCan we use this to show anything of substance?Mar 20 17:31
jose_Xkeep track for nowMar 20 17:32
jose_Xi would like to reach out to more groupsMar 20 17:32
schestowitzOKMar 20 17:32
schestowitzGot itMar 20 17:32
jose_Xfoss is natural fit for many popular causesMar 20 17:32
jose_Xeveryone knows about bad music companies, but less know about bad microsoftMar 20 17:32
jose_Xi would love to tie ticketmaster and monopoly abuse closer and closer to microsoftMar 20 17:33
schestowitzjose_X: added for posting laterMar 20 17:34
schestowitzMS does funny things in irelandMar 20 17:34
schestowitzEU in generalMar 20 17:34
jose_Xwill leave soon, ok...Mar 20 17:34
schestowitzjose_X: waitMar 20 17:34
jose_XokMar 20 17:35
schestowitzOne last recommendation: since I watch it last night and it's relevant: 20 17:35
*zer0c00l has quit (Excess Flood)Mar 20 17:35
schestowitz*watchedMar 20 17:35
jose_Xroy, definitely cache if you canMar 20 17:36
jose_Xnot just cache thoughMar 20 17:37
jose_Xstatic html for pages that have comments closedMar 20 17:37
jose_Xand maybe keep around a static page for each post (not the homepage).. update the static page once daily and feed it to spidersMar 20 17:37
jose_Xthis way spiders/crawlers/etc don't get updated comments, but that is ok since renewed dailyMar 20 17:38
jose_X..for themMar 20 17:38
jose_Xof course, i really don't know the overhead of wp dynamic pagesMar 20 17:39
*zer0c00l (n=zer0c00l@ has joined #boycottnovellMar 20 17:39
jose_Xbtw, static pages would make a huge database bigger.. not sure ratio.. maybe keep static pages for rolling 6 months from say 9mo back to 3months backMar 20 17:40
jose_Xcouldn't tell you how to do this through wordpressMar 20 17:41
jose_Xalso, you'd need to tune the values to your website loadMar 20 17:41
schestowitzjose_X: yes, I'm working on cacheMar 20 17:44
schestowitzit's tricky because it makes it hard for me to view pages and update them tooMar 20 17:44
schestowitzAnother plugin I had is not compatible: tags cloudMar 20 17:44
schestowitzNo big deal..Mar 20 17:44
schestowitzI'll find replacements, maybe overhaul the thing.Mar 20 17:45
schestowitzI'm restoring bits in 'phases'Mar 20 17:46
schestowitzJust did the sidebarMar 20 17:46
jose_Xa different website with a different host company can hold static pages and then do a redirect. That would allow that other host to use a fast light webserverMar 20 17:47
jose_Xthere may be a mismatch in domain names... i don't have experience doing this, btwMar 20 17:48
schestowitzjose_X: another hoist would be priceyMar 20 17:48
schestowitzI got a reply this morningMar 20 17:48
schestowitzI'd rather make this one scaleMar 20 17:48
schestowitzLinuxToday probably runs on one boxMar 20 17:49
jose_Xyou have the full box?Mar 20 17:49
schestowitzBut it has jupitermedia behind it, so they might have quite a lot of racks to spareMar 20 17:49
schestowitzjose_X: noMar 20 17:49
jose_Xwhat exactly would be pricey.. just asking to get things straightMar 20 17:49
jose_Xis it another hosting account or getting a new provider as wellMar 20 17:50
jose_Xthe static pages can be served from a lower priced system using a lowmem footprint and fast webserverMar 20 17:50
jose_Xyou can keep the same provider but would need to pay for more.. however, the scaling may improve (ie, help your dollars long term)Mar 20 17:51
schestowitzARM FTW: 20 17:51
schestowitzjose_X: hold onMar 20 17:52
schestowitzon phoneMar 20 17:52
jose_Xif you exhaust other options consider a fractional move to static pages... now let me look at the link aboveMar 20 17:52
schestowitz"Veasey filed a similar bill in 2007. It got national attention from technology journalists and bloggers but went nowhere largely because of aggressive lobbying by Microsoft, he said. " 20 17:58
schestowitz"Microsoft declined interview requests for this report. In an e-mailed statement, McKee said the company supports the committee report’s recommendation. "Choice and competition are driving increased interoperability and cost savings, as well as spurring innovation and economic opportunity," McKee said."Mar 20 17:59
schestowitz"Socialism? Are Britain's conservatives now Socialists?" "This constant repetition of the word "socialist" to mean anything one doesn't like is silly."Mar 20 17:59
schestowitzI'm mentioned here: The Windows-versus-Linux server face-off < >Mar 20 18:05
*zer0c00l has quit (Remote closed the connection)Mar 20 18:10
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jose_Xthanks for the link schestowitz (rms on copyright)Mar 20 18:15
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*zer0c00l (n=zer0c00l@ has joined #boycottnovellMar 20 18:18
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zer0c00lgnMar 20 18:33
*zer0c00l has quit ("Leaving")Mar 20 18:33
jose_Xschestowitz, again thanks for the link. rms has some good analogies that would reach a wide audience (well, if you get a hot chick to give the presentation)Mar 20 18:34
jose_Xif the law (in the US, sorry) is unconstitutional and we can once and for all make a great argument of it publicly and get lots of press coverage and people to agree..Mar 20 18:35
jose_Xor if the law is being misused...Mar 20 18:36
jose_Xit should almost them become automatic for a mass movement to start using their constitutional rightsMar 20 18:36
jose_Xa brave few souls with money and packed with arguments or a large group should get the courts to cut the law down in sizeMar 20 18:37
jose_Xcopyright and patent law to whatever degree these failMar 20 18:37
schestowitzI liked the chair analogyMar 20 18:37
jose_XyeahMar 20 18:37
schestowitzDuplicating a chairMar 20 18:37
jose_Xbetter than the computer analogy he could have used insteadMar 20 18:38
schestowitzGood rebuttal to common criticismMar 20 18:38
jose_Xgets the point across to more people who otherwise might think a computer has magical powersMar 20 18:38
schestowitzI know those...Mar 20 18:38
jose_Xi just finished part 3Mar 20 18:39
jose_Xwe gave up rights that we could not use back then..Mar 20 18:39
jose_Xhowever, i think we never gave up the rights.. we simply failed to critique the unconstitutional laws (or enforcements) like we should have because we had little to lose by going alongMar 20 18:40
jose_Xand taking the (then) easier route.Mar 20 18:40
*_Hicham_1 (n=hicham@ has left #boycottnovellMar 20 18:41
jose_Xie, we didn't give up rights because they are still in the us constitution.. we simply accepted imperfect laws (or imperfect interpretations of it) because few people had much to lose back thenMar 20 18:41
jose_Xand arguably many more had to gain.Mar 20 18:42
jose_Xbtw, the us constitution is more difficult to change than ordinary law.. and it takes precedence.Mar 20 18:42
schestowitzIt is similar wrt patents. They sought justification and brainwashed for erosion of rightsMar 20 18:47
schestowitzTo prevent you from sharing paper books was never possibleMar 20 18:47
schestowitzNow you have Kindle which says you can't even read out loud (watch EULA or whatever the licence is called)Mar 20 18:48
jose_Xthere are some weak points in rms' argument, but these can all be patched upMar 20 18:49
jose_Xi think for example that a reasoning that might be used to extend copyright protection period..Mar 20 18:50
jose_Xis that it would further promote the progress of sc/arts.. vs how things were beforeMar 20 18:51
jose_Xand they can try to point to how today more people are writing stuff to say that the increases in writing and growth etc were due to increases in copyright law over timeMar 20 18:51
jose_Xof course, that is nonsense.Mar 20 18:52
jose_Xit's like when people say foss can handle the novell deal and will growMar 20 18:52
jose_Xwell, yeah, foss will hopefully grow in spite of not becuase of the ms-novell dealMar 20 18:52
trmancotoday a saw a cluster loaded with UbuntuMar 20 18:53
jose_Xabout the only promotion that comes with these deals is in polarizing to help effect change to normalcy a little quickerMar 20 18:53
jose_Xi can understand why rms may not want to focus on us constitutional law.Mar 20 18:55
jose_Xbecause the end goal should be to convince people to create good laws regardless of the pastMar 20 18:56
jose_Xit just so happens we might have protections already.. but if we didn't.. or if the constitution got change..Mar 20 18:56
schestowitztrmanco: I sorted out the server, I thinkMar 20 18:56
jose_Xthe message should still be the same.. that some laws help us and some don'tMar 20 18:56
schestowitzShane and I have just implemented/installed caching, which from now on does not call PHP (and MySQL) unless the pages are changed.Mar 20 18:56
trmancoschestowitz, BN?Mar 20 18:56
schestowitzYes.Mar 20 18:57
trmancouse memcachedMar 20 18:57
schestowitzjose_X: the talk is not very well presentedMar 20 18:57
schestowitztrmanco: no, wp-cacheMar 20 18:57
trmancomay help tooMar 20 18:57
schestowitzIn order to do this, we upgraded the CMS, installed extra software, trimmed down the pages, and I monitored the effect carefully (Server Load is now "0.58 (4 cpus)"). This should be robust to heavy loads because pages are served 'statistically'. Beforehand, pages were regenerated upon each request.Mar 20 18:57
trmancooh, script level cacheMar 20 18:57
trmancoschestowitz, wp-super cache is more powerfullMar 20 18:57
schestowitzHmmmmmm...Mar 20 18:57
*schestowitz temptedMar 20 18:58
jose_Xi don't mind it at all, but mainstream may benefit from a laser light show and sexy modelsMar 20 18:58
schestowitztrmanco: can it cache pages based on their age?Mar 20 18:58
jose_Xand a more animated speakerMar 20 18:58
schestowitzThat would be idealMar 20 18:58
schestowitzCaching in this way is simple and it works. I am surprised we didn't do this before (someone gave me this advice). It offers a tremendous boost to performance and also lowers -- quite considerably -- the load. Mar 20 18:58
trmancoschestowitz, AFAIK, wp super cache is wp-cache, but more tunedMar 20 18:58
schestowitzjose_X: he stuttered at timesMar 20 18:58
schestowitzOr struggled a little with points, compared to other talks anywayMar 20 18:59
schestowitz"raise funny"Mar 20 18:59
jose_Xmake sure for caching that in fact the page is being reusedMar 20 18:59
schestowitzHe wasn't sure whether to say "funds" or "money" or saisMar 20 18:59
schestowitzSo he uttered "raise funny"Mar 20 18:59
jose_X:-)Mar 20 19:00
schestowitzjose_X: it is, for a period of 1 hourMar 20 19:00
trmancoschestowitz, -> 20 19:00
trmancowp-cache works great, I was just sayingMar 20 19:00
schestowitztrmanco: I've bookmarked itMar 20 19:02
schestowitzI know the guyMar 20 19:02
schestowitzAutomattic's employee #2Mar 20 19:02
schestowitzOr #1Mar 20 19:02
jose_Xok, was reading through the wp super cache page..Mar 20 19:02
schestowitzHe made WP MUMar 20 19:02
schestowitzA predecessor anywayMar 20 19:02
trmancodidn't know thatMar 20 19:02
schestowitzHe was the first with multi-user WPMar 20 19:03
schestowitzBut it was a hackMar 20 19:03
jose_Xif the cache is to disk (i think it is) then this is great and you can probably keep the page there for much longer than 1 hour (days or months maybe)Mar 20 19:03
schestowitzMattt Mullenweg and him got together and founded the companyMar 20 19:03
schestowitzThey turned the GPL s/w into a businessMar 20 19:03
jose_Xalso, it seems to work for those not logged in which is what you wantMar 20 19:03
trmancoso internet exploder 8 was released alreadyMar 20 19:03
schestowitzThey got/raised $29m in funding last yearMar 20 19:03
trmancoand I've tried it...Mar 20 19:03
schestowitzWine?Mar 20 19:04
trmancoand it sucks big time, wanna know why?Mar 20 19:04
schestowitz:-)Mar 20 19:04
schestowitzSJVN likes itMar 20 19:04
trmancoschestowitz, no, on WindowsMar 20 19:04
schestowitzI know.Mar 20 19:04
jose_Xwhy?Mar 20 19:04
schestowitzi was kiddin'Mar 20 19:04
jose_Xbesides the obvious reasonsMar 20 19:04
trmancojose_X, had to restart the damn machine *twice*Mar 20 19:04
jose_XwhyMar 20 19:04
trmancojose_X, cause I was forced toMar 20 19:04
jose_Xon a per use basis.. that would be funnyMar 20 19:04
trmancoas alwaysMar 20 19:04
jose_Xto install it right?Mar 20 19:05
trmancojose_X, yesMar 20 19:05
trmancothe final release is worse then the RCMar 20 19:05
trmancoI installed the RC with 1 rebootMar 20 19:05
trmancobut I found a snapy little thing, it colors parent tabsMar 20 19:05
schestowitzCurrently just "459 cached pages"Mar 20 19:06
schestowitzI'll increase the intervaksMar 20 19:06
trmanconothing a Firefox extension can't do, but that was the only useful feature that probably is usefulMar 20 19:06
schestowitz*valsMar 20 19:06
schestowitzFirefox is all about tabsMar 20 19:07
trmancobut the stupid double rebooting to install a stupid piece of software like that isn't worth itMar 20 19:07
schestowitzThe ignorant reviewer will assess barebones FF if he wants to smash it for attentionMar 20 19:07
trmancothey also stole the awesome bar idea from FF 3.0Mar 20 19:07
schestowitzOpera and IE come more 'bloated'Mar 20 19:07
jose_Xschestowitz, if that was correct, then just watch the disk growth space.. if you have enough, then keep the pages on cache longerMar 20 19:07
trmancoOpera is differentMar 20 19:07
schestowitzFirefox is like WordPress. It comes light, lets you make your own 'pizza'Mar 20 19:08
trmancofor linux, it uses "cute"Mar 20 19:08
trmancoschestowitz, indeedMar 20 19:08
trmancoyou get to put extra toppings and everything, hell, you can also invent certain toppingMar 20 19:08
trmancotoppingsMar 20 19:08
jose_XmmmmmMar 20 19:09
schestowitzExpire time (in seconds): 20000Mar 20 19:09
schestowitzMaybe not enoughMar 20 19:09
schestowitzIt's not what I want thoughMar 20 19:09
schestowitzI want cache to be applied mostly to old pages, not frequently accessed onesMar 20 19:10
schestowitzPeople won't see the latest commentsMar 20 19:10
schestowitzI was using that Kramer story as an analogyMar 20 19:10
schestowitzCosmo Kramer invention #1 < >Mar 20 19:11
jose_Xok i seeMar 20 19:11
jose_Xyou will need to find out how you can give the old an infinite time and the new a finite timeMar 20 19:12
jose_Xthe new finite time only so that you can get an update after so many comments have been posted on a pageMar 20 19:12
schestowitzIt's not so crucial, I guess.Mar 20 19:12
jose_Xnot sure if the plugin does it or if you will need a hack or do so manuallyMar 20 19:13
jose_Xnow might be a good time to get into some forum or send an email to developersMar 20 19:13
jose_Xwell, after we look at docs more aggressivelyMar 20 19:13
jose_Xthe downtime was minor i suppose, though you don't want to miss slashdot/digg effectsMar 20 19:14
schestowitz Iran blogger dies in Evin prison < >Mar 20 19:14
schestowitzjose_X: we'll see. It might get worse when I get back to ComesMar 20 19:14
trmancowow, just received an update for Thunderbird in Ubuntu, thing went fast this timeMar 20 19:16
trmancothings*Mar 20 19:16
schestowitzMicrosoft is still seeking a Yahoo partnership, Ballmer says < >Mar 20 19:18
jose_Xfrom the wpcache page>> A plugin and hooks system. A common complaint with WP Cache was that hacking was required to make it work nicely with other plugins. Now you can take advantage of the simple plugin system built in to change how or when pages are cached. Use do_cacheaction() and add_cacheaction() like you would with WordPress hooks. Plugins can add their own options to the admin page too.Mar 20 19:23
jose_X"how and when pages are cached"Mar 20 19:23
jose_Xso a little coding (eg, check date of page and if user logged in) can help establish your policyMar 20 19:24
jose_Xi'm assuming this hook system is how you would most efficiently/cleanly solve your problem.. assuming no such feature exists..Mar 20 19:24
schestowitzYes, not yet though. No time.. maybe in the weekend.Mar 20 19:24
jose_Xcheck out this feature (in case you didn't know) >> A “lock down” button. I like to think of this as my “Digg Proof” button. This basically prepares your site for a heavy digging or slashdotting. It locks down the static cache files and doesn’t delete them when a new comment is made.Mar 20 19:25
jose_Xand >> Supercache static files can be regenerated while serving a slightly out of date file. This will significantly lower the load on a busy server with lots of traffic and comments. Think of it as an automatic “lock down mode” for every page on your site.Mar 20 19:26
jose_Xthat dynamic updating might be the best of all worldsMar 20 19:27
jose_Xupdate only if the load is below a certain pointMar 20 19:27
jose_Xie, keep a list of what needs to be updated and take the next item in the (eg) queue when the server is taking a breatherMar 20 19:27
jose_Xmake sure to turn this feature on..Mar 20 19:28
jose_Xwith it maybe you can keep cache expiration on for an indefinite amount of timeMar 20 19:29
jose_Xroy, also consider keeping handy a list of urls that you want to have on cacheMar 20 19:30
jose_Xthis way whenever the cache gets wiped out, you can have a wget script (using the wget delay feature) to quickly fill the cache again with the setMar 20 19:30
jose_Xor maybe this cache plugin even has that (to auto generate cache pages from a list of urls)Mar 20 19:31
schestowitzHmmmmm.. I see...Mar 20 19:32
schestowitzWell, Slashdot/Digg ought to be handles with the current mechanismMar 20 19:32
schestowitzComments are not an issue if you don't see the latestMar 20 19:32
jose_XrightMar 20 19:32
jose_Xwell, for spiders and for high load casesMar 20 19:32
schestowitzAs for Digg, it's marketing people who seem to have hijacked it from real usersMar 20 19:33
schestowitzSo unless there's someone shout-spamming there like pavs, it won't make itMar 20 19:33
schestowitzDigg makes me sick now. I still visit it sometimes, but fewer people do. Their ranks are dropping, too, so it's not just me.Mar 20 19:34
jose_Xwithout expensive overhead, can you set up a timer so that refreshes done too fast get returned a message to "slow down" ?Mar 20 19:34
schestowitzCarla read it for a while, not sure if she still doesMar 20 19:34
schestowitzMicrosoft's mischiefs in the UK (with the help of cronies): 20 19:35
jose_X>> Remember that dynamic content such as that within the sidebar, will only refresh when the cached pages are refreshed. This timeout value can be modified, but cached files will only be removed if you have a healthy mix of static and dynamic requests.Mar 20 19:38
jose_Xhere is one thing to watch for..Mar 20 19:38
jose_Xthe last access of a page (and while not expired from cache)..Mar 20 19:38
jose_Xwill keep the same text ads in place to repeated visitorsMar 20 19:39
jose_Xso if you ever find a page that has bad ads, just clear that one outMar 20 19:39
jose_Xi say this because a desperate marketing company may decide to continuously clean out the page (eg, by login in) until their ads come upMar 20 19:39
jose_Xyes, i'm pushing it, i know.. but wanted to mention this tid bit in case it becomes a noticeable issueMar 20 19:40
jose_Xbtw, if javascript loads the ads then no worry. only an issue if they are constructed by the server.Mar 20 19:42
schestowitz 20 19:43
schestowitzi don't see adsMar 20 19:44
schestowitzi dont' get nothing from them, eitherMar 20 19:44
*silentivm has quit ("Ping timeout: pi*log(1+2*cos(x)) seconds")Mar 20 19:47
schestowitzI have many posts to do but not enough time. I'll catch up over the weekendMar 20 19:49
schestowitzJeremy Garcia has just added Mint: 20 19:50
schestowitz"We are releasing a new Linux Distro called Ultra X Linux." 20 19:50
schestowitz"You know what else may already be dead PCWORLD? Print Magazines! Best wrap it up now and turn off the lights before you're just an embarrassment of print ad's and useless blog-esque articles." 20 20:06
*Eruaran has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))Mar 20 20:10
schestowitzGaming in Linux < > What about wine for those who insist?Mar 20 20:14
amarsh04back later, upgrading glibcMar 20 20:15
*amarsh04 has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))Mar 20 20:15
schestowitzNice theme here: Mar 20 20:18
schestowitz 20 20:18
schestowitz 20 20:18
jose_Xin part 5 of the rms copyright youtube video..Mar 20 20:19
jose_Xhe misses an argument that will be used against himMar 20 20:20
jose_Xthe people that want 100000 years of copyrightMar 20 20:20
jose_Xwant it just like property owners want rights foreverMar 20 20:20
jose_Xmarket opportunities come and goMar 20 20:20
jose_Xyou want to own forever to be there when the high prices and opportunities come aroundMar 20 20:20
jose_Xcorps that might live forever, don't want to give things up.. even if they fold, it's value they have when being bought out or liquidatingMar 20 20:21
jose_Xso you need to make sure you address that arg.Mar 20 20:21
schestowitzGood news from the Philippines: 20 20:21
jose_Xhis whole discussion addresses that point, but you don't want to give the opponent distractor points if possibleMar 20 20:22
schestowitzPeople pass away, not companiesMar 20 20:22
schestowitzBut people too have siblingsMar 20 20:22
jose_XrightMar 20 20:22
jose_Xthe estateMar 20 20:22
schestowitzLike Nancy Sinatra lobbying for this BSMar 20 20:22
jose_Xyou are right, my mistakeMar 20 20:23
schestowitzBut we don't need PDMar 20 20:23
schestowitzWe already have CCMar 20 20:23
schestowitzHold on.Mar 20 20:23
schestowitz 20 20:23
jose_Xi'm not focusing on copyrights right now. patents is the easier target (though with less popular support i think because it appears less tangible to most)Mar 20 20:24
schestowitzGo get it, it's really good. I'm listening to it a lot. Over 1,000 tracks that are legal to shareMar 20 20:24 most people)Mar 20 20:24
schestowitzPatents -> Bilski -> wastebasketMar 20 20:24
schestowitzFor the intangiable things anywayMar 20 20:24
schestowitzThose that pertain to s/wMar 20 20:24
schestowitzHow long before people patent beats?Mar 20 20:25
schestowitzThat already happens to an extentMar 20 20:25
schestowitzFAIR USE is another ventor of useMar 20 20:25
schestowitzWha wha what??!! Gentoo makes me beeping angry…. < >Mar 20 20:25
jose_XBilski is still vague, but it does mean we have timeMar 20 20:30
schestowitz"Linux, as we popularly know it by, is actually GNU/Linux. What? Yeah, I know but bear with me here because there’s more. Two of my readers scolded me for not giving the GNU Project credit for their work in helping to create what is commonly referred to as Linux today. " 20 20:32
*linux_sux (i=1861c209@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellMar 20 20:32
schestowitzjose_X: they can resolve it stillMar 20 20:32
schestowitzTaking Bilski to the ntestMar 20 20:32
schestowitzre: swpatsMar 20 20:33
schestowitzHey, linux_sux Mar 20 20:33
schestowitzHow do you do?Mar 20 20:33
trmancowtfMar 20 20:33
jose_Xat the time i read over one of the judges ruling (groklaw), i thought that was enough loophole there to just tie the darn sw to say a pc or something elseMar 20 20:33
schestowitzYeah, I know.Mar 20 20:33
schestowitz[to trmanco ]Mar 20 20:33
trmancoACKMar 20 20:34
schestowitz[FusionComm] Compiz 0.8.2 fully released ! < >Mar 20 20:34
trmancothey could start pushing more beauty into compiz and compiz fusion... need more.... funky effects !Mar 20 20:35
trmanco:-PMar 20 20:35
schestowitzThe Mandrivans help KDE4 and Plasma: 20 20:35
trmancoI also need to get a keyboard with at least 200 keys to have all the correct key bindings for itMar 20 20:36
schestowitztrmanco: they mergeMar 20 20:36
schestowitzCompiz Fusion, AFAIKMar 20 20:36
trmancowith compiz ++Mar 20 20:36
schestowitztrmanco: I use few effectsMar 20 20:36
schestowitztrmanco: aahh.Mar 20 20:36
trmancolets see how that experiment works outMar 20 20:36
*linux_sux has quit (Client Quit)Mar 20 20:36
trmancoschestowitz, me tooMar 20 20:36
schestowitzHis winPC rebootedMar 20 20:36
schestowitzPatch FridayMar 20 20:37
trmancoschestowitz, no no no no no, IE exploder 8 did thatMar 20 20:37
schestowitzBN serves Windows-using visitors specially.Mar 20 20:37
trmancoor maybe he BsOdedMar 20 20:37
schestowitzIf they use IE, then in each page they are urged to drift away from IE and also advised to try GNU/LinuxMar 20 20:37
trmancoheheMar 20 20:37
schestowitztrmanco: so if IE8 resotred tab, he'll be back on mibbitMar 20 20:38
trmancoI can do that trick with s simple if and a php functionMar 20 20:38
schestowitztrmanco: no needMar 20 20:38
schestowitzSomeone told me about inline tag that only IE readsMar 20 20:38
trmancohmm? <bsod></bsod>?Mar 20 20:38
trmancoor maybe <explode></explode>Mar 20 20:39
trmanco:-PMar 20 20:39
trmancoI don't know of any tag... only css tricks... I know that IE does not read elements with "something: blah !important"Mar 20 20:40
trmancoping schestowitzMar 20 20:41
schestowitzACKMar 20 20:43
schestowitzGot distractedMar 20 20:43
schestowitz<bsod><explode></explode></bsod>Mar 20 20:43
schestowitz<bsod><explode><font size="10">I told you to distch Windows</font></explode></bsod>Mar 20 20:44
schestowitzMeh. 20 20:49
schestowitzHow do you like the idea of quickly running your own universal 'cloud'? 20 20:50
schestowitzLinus' own take on Tuz: New logo < http://torvalds-family.blogspot... >Mar 20 20:54
schestowitzPreposterous: After Being Educated About Negative Effects, Students Stop Using Laptops In Class < >Mar 20 20:58
trmanco:DMar 20 21:03
schestowitzIBM's Linux VP: "An “azure screen of death" ( <-- he doesn't like Windows)Mar 20 21:08
balzacschestowitz: George Orwell would be proud of your efforts against ACTAMar 20 21:15
schestowitz:-)Mar 20 21:16
balzacwatch-dogging all these corporate deals to integrate their own interests into the national security apparatus is very much in line with his prescient vision of "Big Brother".Mar 20 21:16
balzacbadly formed sentence, but you get my meaningMar 20 21:17
balzacvigilance=good, ACTA=bad.Mar 20 21:17
balzacdoes the EFF have a channel on Freenode?Mar 20 21:18
schestowitzI think notMar 20 21:19
schestowitzSomeone asked days ago (maybe you did)Mar 20 21:19
balzacokMar 20 21:20
schestowitzI think BN might be getting more visitors than EFFMar 20 21:20
balzacI just queried the freenode channel listMar 20 21:20
balzac\/msg alis list *eff*Mar 20 21:20
balzacyeah, it wouldn't surprise meMar 20 21:20
schestowitz"effigiesMar 20 21:20
balzacEFF needs to appoint me to be their shot-callerMar 20 21:20
balzacjkMar 20 21:21
schestowitzGood for discussion about BushMar 20 21:21
balzacwaterboard an effigy of BushMar 20 21:21
schestowitzI saw an article 2 hours ago about American flags being burned in IrawMar 20 21:21
schestowitz*Iraq. Some kind of anniversary.Mar 20 21:21
balzacwell, Obama just addressed Iranians in FarsiMar 20 21:21
schestowitzCool!Mar 20 21:21
schestowitzWhat did he say?Mar 20 21:21
schestowitzBomb bomb bomb Iran? --Dick CheneyMar 20 21:22
balzacDick "White Al Qaeda Sith Lord" Cheney recently threatened America again.Mar 20 21:23
balzacbut I'm quite pleased not to have to think about this crap on a regular basis anymore.Mar 20 21:23
schestowitzOKMar 20 21:24
schestowitzBut OBAMAA just did more PRMar 20 21:24
balzacI'm doing the Steve Ballmer chant nowadaysMar 20 21:24
schestowitzTo capture the minds of some gullible viewersMar 20 21:24
schestowitzOBAMMA is the Ramji of US of A, but I suspect the former is more of a parasiteMar 20 21:24
schestowitzBecause I hear storiesMar 20 21:25
balzac"DEVELOPERS [synced hand-clap], DEVELOPERS, DEVELOPERS!"Mar 20 21:25
*amarsh04 ( has joined #boycottnovellMar 20 21:25
balzacI need devs for my video web application projectMar 20 21:25
balzachi amarsh04Mar 20 21:25
amarsh04hi balzac, took a while as I prelinked everything after upgrading glibc and openoffice.orgMar 20 21:26
balzacyou just did all that between the time I said hi and you responded?Mar 20 21:27
balzacwhat is your hourly consulting fee?Mar 20 21:27
amarsh04no, between saying back later and re-entering chat, I had 1 hour and 10 minutes for updating packages, prelinking and rebootingMar 20 21:28
amarsh04hehehe... many times I wish I was smarter or more patient or bothMar 20 21:28
balzacthere's a pill for each of thoseMar 20 21:29
balzacadderall and xanax, but the side effects and addictive qualities are terrible for each.Mar 20 21:30
amarsh04it's been bad enough having ritalin/dexampetamine/oxycodone in the houseMar 20 21:30
balzacyikesMar 20 21:31
amarsh04no-one taking any of those these days thankfullyMar 20 21:32
trmancohahahahaMar 20 21:39
schestowitzIs it true that some drugs enhance brain capacity? That's at doubt wrt to a few.Mar 20 21:39
trmancoyou guys need to se thisMar 20 21:39
schestowitzThey use it to make salesMar 20 21:39
trmanco 20 21:40
trmanco"Our WinXP lappy (used for business & personal) was infected byMar 20 21:40
trmancoConficker.B, rendering it a zombie-bot tethered to a botnet somewhere.Mar 20 21:40
trmancoIn the end, the OS is replaced with Linux & the data are preserved.Mar 20 21:40
trmancoComplete functionality is restored... All while on the road. "Mar 20 21:40
trmancowonderfulMar 20 21:40
schestowitzPost it to COLA...? I will quickly.Mar 20 21:41
trmancogo aheadMar 20 21:45
trmanconobody would probably reply to me anyway, there is a better chance in replying if you post itMar 20 21:46
jose_Xthe first few minutes of this is good 20 21:46
jose_Xthe square root formula for giving royalties from the tax-based fund is a good initial approachMar 20 21:46
schestowitztrmanco: done.Mar 20 21:48
schestowitztrmanco: not many replies now because many trolls leftMar 20 21:49
trmancowill check in a couple of minutesMar 20 21:49
schestowitzLess trolls, less provocation, more signalMar 20 21:49
trmancoI still see a bunch of trolls in thereMar 20 21:50
trmancopwn2own is officially over- and all the mobile phones survived... until next year ;-)Mar 20 21:55
trmancowtfMar 20 21:55
jose_Xbalzac, what is this video web application project you mentioned?Mar 20 22:03
trmancoInternet Explorer 8 launch fails to dent Firefox: 20 22:07
balzacjose_X: it's called Bawd and the channel on freenode is ##bawdMar 20 22:10
balzacif you read the topic, you'll see what I have in mindMar 20 22:10
balzacit's not very special or unique, except for how the various component applications are integrated and for what purposeMar 20 22:11
balzacit's for pay-per-minute live video websites, based on ffmpeg for live video encodingMar 20 22:12
balzacdrupal for user-account management, access control, ubercart or ecommerce module for paid-user session managementMar 20 22:12
balzacFF3.1 with Ogg Theora support as targetted clientMar 20 22:12
balzacthe most obvious use is for adult live-webcam websitesMar 20 22:13
trmancololMar 20 22:14
balzacbut implemented with the best available free software, with the intention of bringing software freedom to that lucrative niche of online entertainmentMar 20 22:14
balzacbawd is old english for "madame"Mar 20 22:14
balzacbut this should be discussed in ##bawdMar 20 22:15
MinceR"i bawwww'd"? :>Mar 20 22:15
jose_Xbtw, the ending of the last link I gave (about half an hour ago) is also goodMar 20 22:15
balzacI shouldn't test Roy's patience with this off-topicMar 20 22:16
jose_Xuseful in order to bring the conversation to music fansMar 20 22:16
jose_Xbalzac, i'm on the other channel aleadyMar 20 22:16
balzaccoolMar 20 22:16
*[H]omer has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))Mar 20 22:20
*[H]omer (n=[H] has joined #boycottnovellMar 20 22:20
*ChanServ gives channel operator status to [H]omerMar 20 22:20
jose_Xjust wanted to mention that the adult entertainment industry using foss would be a large strategic win against proprietary codecs.. this was just discussed on the bawd list.Mar 20 22:32
tessier_jose_X: I'm surprised they don't.Mar 20 22:36
tessier_jose_X: Don't they have to license their codecs etc?Mar 20 22:36
tessier_Although since most of it is rather underground anyway I wouldn't be surprised if they didn'tMar 20 22:36
jose_Xit might be an issue of them wanting to reach the widest audience possible rather than trailblazeMar 20 22:41
jose_X?Mar 20 22:42
balzacThe biggest live adult entertainment websites are using flash and flash-media serverMar 20 22:42
jose_Xi'm guessing bawd would be one potential approach/tools so that the alternative would existMar 20 22:42
balzacHTML 5, FF3.1, FFMPEG is about to offer a viable alternativeMar 20 22:43
jose_Xif firefox executed better, that would really helpMar 20 22:43
jose_Xi don't mean they are badMar 20 22:43
balzacDrupal is good for user account and session management and ecommerce integration.Mar 20 22:43
jose_Xi mean that if you could point to ff as being superior...Mar 20 22:43
jose_Xff: firefox.. but also ffmpegMar 20 22:43
balzacwell, Mozilla was the leader in pushing for inclusion of the video tag in the HTML 5 specMar 20 22:44
balzacMozilla has built Ogg Theora support into FF3.1 and you can watch video encoded live on air.mozilla.comMar 20 22:45
balzacif you use the latest builds of FF3.1Mar 20 22:45
jose_Xff being a more interesting interface (eg, with x and y extensions/plugins) would help sell whatever these open formatsMar 20 22:45
trmancoLOOOOOOOOOOOLMar 20 22:45
balzacFFMPEG is capable of live video encoding, but I haven't confirmed if that's the encoder used for air.mozilla.comMar 20 22:45
trmancoYour browser isMar 20 22:45
trmancoold and bustedMar 20 22:45
trmancoGet Firefox 3.1Mar 20 22:45
trmancoto see the videoMar 20 22:45
trmancoit is old, but not bustedMar 20 22:46
schestowitzThe punchline "get Firefox 3.1. OGG is HOT!"Mar 20 22:46
balzacyepMar 20 22:47
balzacthen i just need to raise some money to pay the girl(s) who debut the software with a live broadcast for the developers.Mar 20 22:48
jose_Xon the negative side, i had seen a vid on ogg a year or so back that the design needed a fixup to better deal with rewinding to specific points.Mar 20 22:48
balzacbut, as of now, there isn't yet a project websiteMar 20 22:48
balzacwell, there wouldn't be any point in playback control for a live video streamMar 20 22:48
jose_Xi would avoid linking adult content with foss.. but maybe a brand in between would be fineMar 20 22:49
balzacbut Ogg is not the most sophisticated of video formats, only the most sophisticated free software licensed video format.Mar 20 22:49
jose_Xby linking i mean closely associatingMar 20 22:49
jose_Xit is a positive if high quality vids use itMar 20 22:49
balzacjose_X: here's something I'm working on to promote GNU softwareMar 20 22:49
balzac 20 22:49
balzacbuilt in BlenderMar 20 22:49
jose_Xbut i don't know how far i'd go in tying the two togetherMar 20 22:50
balzacThat's my angleMar 20 22:50
balzac 20 22:51
balzacThe idea being FOSS is badass, not only a cause for the socially-concerned.Mar 20 22:52
schestowitzRMS disrupts tech by blowing kneecaps?Mar 20 22:52
balzacthat wouldn't be the intended interpretationMar 20 22:52
balzacI don't think I've ever watched the God Father straight throughMar 20 22:52
balzacBut since RMS is such a nice guy, this parody is quite sillyMar 20 22:54
balzacI hope he is not offended, but I honestly haven't asked for his feedback on that parody imageMar 20 22:54
jose_Xbalzac, some topics are taken very seriously by different groups. just letting you know.Mar 20 22:54
jose_Xthere is a reason many companies work to project a wholesome imageMar 20 22:55
jose_Xit's the safest image for the widest audienceMar 20 22:55
balzacI would rather not offend RMS, but I don't want to trouble him about trifles.Mar 20 22:55
jose_Xonly small groups reject and bias against a quasi wholesome imageMar 20 22:55
schestowitzjose_X: Server maker Sun Microsystems has a new Linux partner for its "Niagara" family of multicore processors and their related servers: Wind River Systems.Mar 20 22:55
schestowitzOops.Mar 20 22:56
schestowitz 20 22:56
balzacI'll wait and see if he has any objections to my promotional materialsMar 20 22:56
schestowitzAnother one on copyrightsMar 20 22:56
*schestowitz watches RMS while posting links to BNMar 20 22:56
jose_Xbalzac, i would look to a new image that would not be confused... then market that as you wish to your audienceMar 20 22:57
balzacI've got to do my own thing, and I've mentioned to Richard before that I was concerned about his opinions yet I wasn't asking him for editorial approval.Mar 20 22:57
balzacbut if anything really bugs him about my handling of GNU promotion, I'll probably change it.Mar 20 22:58
jose_Xschestowitz, is there something different or particularly interesting in this set of videos?Mar 20 22:59
balzacThe image you saw of the GNU with the girls - it's a work in progress. They're going to have bikinisMar 20 22:59
jose_Xi don't have time to watch all the videos.. so i may or may notMar 20 22:59
jose_Xthe old "they're going to have bikinis.. honest" line. I've heard it many times before.Mar 20 22:59
schestowitzjose_X: I still watch itMar 20 22:59
schestowitzSimilar topicMar 20 23:00
schestowitzNot the same storylineMar 20 23:00
jose_XokMar 20 23:00
schestowitzbalzac: badMar 20 23:00
balzacI've got to migrate my sites away from site5Mar 20 23:00
jose_Xi'll keep the link aroundMar 20 23:00
schestowitzDon't objectify girlsMar 20 23:00
balzactheir service stinksMar 20 23:00
schestowitzPeople like RMS would very much oppose thisMar 20 23:00
balzacRoy, they are technically just a collection of polygonsMar 20 23:00
schestowitzMore objetificationMar 20 23:00
balzaca bunch of verticesMar 20 23:00
jose_Xmarketing is technically just a series of words and imagesMar 20 23:01
balzacthe girls in my .blend file are mere verticesMar 20 23:01
jose_Xand yet it compels us to one product over anotherMar 20 23:01
balzacRoy, objectification of humans is a bit of an abstract conceptMar 20 23:01
balzacthe social conventions pertaining to human objectification fetishes are complex, and generally imbalanced to the detriment of one genderMar 20 23:02
MinceRwhat's with the green-skinned girl? :>Mar 20 23:03
balzacI'm in agreement with your concern on that subjectMar 20 23:03
balzacMinceR: I'm not good at materials yetMar 20 23:03
balzacdamn, my webhost is really getting under my skinMar 20 23:04
balzacsite5... grrMar 20 23:04
balzacI'm going to have to un-recommend site5 in #drupal and #drupal-supportMar 20 23:04
balzacfor throttling mysql and php memory limit so as to make Drupal 6 not usableMar 20 23:05
balzacI'm taking that image down because it's it's just a teaser of what I'm working onMar 20 23:05
schestowitzWhat jerks: 20 23:07
schestowitzRidiculing RMS and people who stand up for FSFMar 20 23:07
PetoKrausalright guysMar 20 23:10
PetoKrausi've got a storyMar 20 23:10
PetoKrausit's so sad and retardedMar 20 23:10
PetoKrausthat it's actually funnyMar 20 23:10
PetoKraus 20 23:11
PetoKrausnow, who's the faggit?Mar 20 23:12
*_Hicham_1 (n=hicham@ has joined #boycottnovellMar 20 23:17
_Hicham_1Hi All!Mar 20 23:17
PetoKrausyou just missed a wonderful story no one is laughing at except of meMar 20 23:17
PetoKrausi guess i must be retardedMar 20 23:17
PetoKrausbut hi!Mar 20 23:17
jose_Xschestowitz, i was about to say that there are always people with opinion X and the internet will provide a stage of some sort.. and why worry (in general)Mar 20 23:18
jose_X.. never mind..Mar 20 23:19
jose_Xi read itMar 20 23:19
jose_XPetoKrausMar 20 23:19
jose_XI'm laughing at how funny you thought it wasMar 20 23:20
jose_XlolMar 20 23:20
PetoKraus:DMar 20 23:20
_Hicham_1PetoKraus : what is that funny story?Mar 20 23:20
PetoKraus 20 23:20
PetoKrausjose_X: it's tragicMar 20 23:20
PetoKrausi meanMar 20 23:20
jose_Xit isMar 20 23:20
jose_Xi thought you were saneMar 20 23:20
PetoKraus:DMar 20 23:21
PetoKrauswell, i think if you don't want to do something, you shouldn't, provided that you've got good reasonsMar 20 23:21
PetoKrausand i hell-of-a-doMar 20 23:21
PetoKrausbut at least, i can include you into the count of few persons who disagree with my point of view.  That's perfectly okay.Mar 20 23:22
PetoKrausit's not like he couldn't afford a taxi to the airportMar 20 23:23
PetoKraus4 timesMar 20 23:23
PetoKrausjose_X: i'd like to ask you though, why do you think it's not funny? Or, why do you think i did something wrong?Mar 20 23:25
jose_Xi don't know what to reply. maybe it's the high altitude here in florida. but your joke was entertaining.Mar 20 23:25
_Hicham_1Roy is sleeping O:-)Mar 20 23:25
jose_XPetoKraus, I just had a delayed reaction, but I laughed.Mar 20 23:26
PetoKrausah, okayMar 20 23:26
PetoKrausyou know, i've got a moral problem with thisMar 20 23:26
jose_Xnow go back into hibernationMar 20 23:26
jose_Xj/kMar 20 23:26
jose_Xhere i go again...Mar 20 23:26
PetoKrausi'm usually the one who obeys everything others wantMar 20 23:27
PetoKrausso occassional rebellion triggers self-punishment reflexMar 20 23:27
jose_Xback i sayMar 20 23:27
PetoKraus:PMar 20 23:27
jose_XrotflMar 20 23:27
jose_Xis this a comedy or a philosophy break?Mar 20 23:28
jose_Xi can't think and laugh at the same timeMar 20 23:28
jose_Xyou are right about rebellionMar 20 23:29
jose_X[seriously]Mar 20 23:29
PetoKrausi dunnoMar 20 23:30
PetoKrausi'm too tiredMar 20 23:30
PetoKrausand quite amusedMar 20 23:30
schestowitz_Hicham_1: not sleeping, organising links for BNMar 20 23:30
jose_XPetoKraus, maybe you want to work on lowering expectations ahead of timeMar 20 23:32
PetoKrauslowering expectations ahead of time?Mar 20 23:32
PetoKrauslike, getting laid on first date, which almost never works?Mar 20 23:32
PetoKraus:PMar 20 23:32
jose_Xmaybe to avoid guilt, you need to start by warning others earlier .. and then take baby stepsMar 20 23:32
PetoKrausbut where's the fun thenMar 20 23:32
PetoKraus...Mar 20 23:32
jose_Xno.Mar 20 23:33
jose_Xi thought we were being serious.Mar 20 23:33
*_Hicham_1 (n=hicham@ has left #boycottnovellMar 20 23:33
*_Hicham_1 (n=hicham@ has joined #boycottnovellMar 20 23:33
jose_Xif you want fun.. don't change and then come on BNMar 20 23:33
*_Hicham_1 (n=hicham@ has left #boycottnovellMar 20 23:33
PetoKrauswell i was serious, it's like that alwaysMar 20 23:33
PetoKrausyou know, if you do small stepsMar 20 23:33
*_Hicham_1 (n=hicham@ has joined #boycottnovellMar 20 23:34
PetoKraussome people just won't learnMar 20 23:34
jose_Xyou need to adapt your own expectation over what behavior you will accept from yourselfMar 20 23:34
jose_Xand one way to work on lowering that expectation might be by warning others ahead of time that you might not be there for themMar 20 23:34
jose_Xthen you fail, and feel guilty againMar 20 23:35
jose_Xbut over enough cycles, the guilt will fade awayMar 20 23:35
PetoKrausseeMar 20 23:35
PetoKrausi think i am completely predictable personMar 20 23:35
PetoKrausi mean, i was literally bitching about this "one day trip to london in the middle of the busiest week at uni at the day I normally work"Mar 20 23:35
PetoKrausfor two monthsMar 20 23:35
jose_XohMar 20 23:36
jose_Xthe downside of you failing to hold your ground would be a lost opportunity for the other person to learn and growMar 20 23:36
jose_Xthat's why I always hit peopleMar 20 23:36
jose_Xi want them to learn and growMar 20 23:37
jose_XlolMar 20 23:37
jose_Xso what message will you pass on?Mar 20 23:37
jose_Xa link to this thread?Mar 20 23:38
jose_Xi will bail soon i thinkMar 20 23:39
jose_Xbtw, I was kidding about comparing hitting people to this even with the airport.Mar 20 23:39
schestowitzOK, done posting those linksMar 20 23:45
*_Hicham_1 has quit (Remote closed the connection)Mar 20 23:54

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