New Version of Gnote Released, Already Earns New Users Who Boast Mono Relief
- Dr. Roy Schestowitz
- 2009-05-06 17:21:09 UTC
- Modified: 2009-05-06 17:21:09 UTC
"Microsoft is unique among proprietary software companies: they are the only ones who have actively tried to kill Open Source and Free Software. It's not often someone wants to be your friend after trying to kill you for ten years, but such change is cause for suspicion."
--Bradley M. Kuhn (SFLC)
Summary: More steps are taken to leave Mono behind and move just GNOME/GTK forward
Hubert has just announced the release of
Gnote 0.3.1, which is available for download. There are already some excited new users like
this guy, who writes:
Since a few weeks when Rahul started packaging Gnote for both Rawhide and F10, I became a huge fan of the application, it does everything I needed from Tomboy and its author has frequent releases, with lot of features added and bugs fixed (the 0.3.1 release crossed the threshold for me). On top of that, I was able to remove the Mono stack from my computer (has using it exclusively for Tomboy), I am more Free now.
Given the SFLC's interpretation of the Moonlight situation, more people begin to
question Mono as well.
So, why are we including this in Ubuntu and in light of this, shouldn't we re-examine the mono case too? The moonlight FAQ claims that you can redstribute it even though the convenant specificly says you can't.
I get a very distinct trojan horse feeling on both these technologies.
FAT action ought to have woken people up.

Mono turns gnomes to gargoyles
"It’s a good moment for people to take a step back and re-think how friendly Microsoft is to open source."
--Bradley M. Kuhn (SFLC) in response to the TomTom lawsuit
2009-05-06 21:19:29
Roy Schestowitz
2009-05-06 21:25:04