TechBytes Video has not produced anything due to difficulties associated with setting everything up. In this video, an explanation is informally given (no preparations made, so pardon the quality) as well as a teaser about another new show.
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YouTube: TechBytes Video - An Update
Or as Ogg:
2011-06-28 11:20:56
Doing it in one take which sounds like what you're talking about (people walking into the room/biff going off/picking your nose/scratching your nuts) doesn't sound practical.
Dr. Roy Schestowitz
2011-06-28 11:32:57
To arrange this whole thing (sometimes with SIP) is hard because of Tim's rota. The walking in is not an issue for me (I have my own place), but Tim's wife might sometimes walk in by accident and sometimes we have something showing up on the screen/desktop that shouldn't. Even though we do it in one take without editing, this can still be very time consuming. In November we did 15 shows (1 every 2 days) and maybe we can find a way to pick up the pace again. Adding things like tunes and more guests always complicates matters and slows down the process, even if it makes the show richer.