protocol, which gained a lot of traction over the course of the past year
AS we mentioned last night, there's this new page from Balázs Botond where Gemini space statistics are shown as graphs (further suggestions have just been made). We too did a lot of work related to statistics this week, basically enabling comparison of things (as a function of time) without infringing people's privacy.
In spite of the artificial limitations (intentionally strict constraints), Gemini is evolving. There's this ongoing discussion about "Writeable Gemini" -- with further debate -- being facilitated by Lagrange, a GUI client for Gemini [1, 2, 3]. This is a timely reminder that in Gemini Protocol you can submit rather long input, which means you can even edit pages over the Gemini client! Like a Wiki or a chatroom...
"A lot of Gemini capsules are still 'islands', i.e. neither known about nor indexed."Some people are still eager to 'extend' Gemini Protocol (example from this morning) in ways which barely justify the extra complexity. As I point out in the video above, Solderpunk is just about finalising the specs (maybe a standard soon, even though formalisation does not matter too much).
A lot of Gemini capsules are still 'islands', i.e. neither known about nor indexed. But that will hopefully change over time and given this past year's growth it's not unthinkable or unreasonable to predict hundreds of thousands of Gemini capsules within the next 5 years. It's all about inertia, momentum, based on growing public awareness. ⬆
Gemini capsules at 1,735 today (based on Lupa)