Bonum Certa Men Certa

Links 28/06/2022: Mozilla Thunderbird 102 and EasyOS 4.2.2 Released

  • GNU/Linux

    • Linux LinksLinux Around The World: USA - Florida - LinuxLinks

      Florida is a state located in the Southeastern region of the United States. Florida is bordered to the west by the Gulf of Mexico, to the northwest by Alabama, to the north by Georgia, to the east by the Bahamas and Atlantic Ocean, and to the south by the Straits of Florida and Cuba.

    • Linux Format 291

      We accelerate our virtual machines with GPU power, use Vagrant to manage and spin up many containers and open our Gnome Boxes full of distros! Linux is the perfect platform for top VM performance, we explore how you can get the most from open source virtualisation!

      PLUS: The cool guys behind the Bodhi Linux project, Barrier the software cross-platform KVM, the best desktop Raspberry Pi OS options, we explain this Web 3.0 thing, back up with Clonezilla, emulate the IBM 5110, self-host Bitwarden, taking better screenshots and loads more!

    • Audiocasts/Shows

    • Applications

      • Its FOSSripgrep-all Command in Linux: One grep to Rule Them All

        rga, called ripgrep-all, is an excellent tool that allows you to search almost all files for a text pattern. While the OG grep command is limited to plaintext files, rga can search for text in a wide range of file types such as PDF, e-Books, Word documents, zip, tar, and even embedded subtitles.

      • ZDNetNeed a free Slack alternative? How to quickly deploy Rocket.Chat | ZDNet

        Have you ever needed the ability to add a chat/collaboration tool but didn't want to rely on third-party services or have the budget to pay for a service like Slack? If that sounds like a situation you find yourself in, you'll be happy to know there are plenty of options available.

        One such option is Rocket.Chat, which is a free, open-source platform geared toward team communication and collaboration on Windows, macOS, Linux, Android and iOS. The Rocket.Chat server can be deployed to off-the-shelf hardware (either a server or desktop, though server is preferable) and can be connected to from the desktop or even mobile apps (for both Android and iOS).

        First off, you can go two routes with Rocket.Chat. You can install and use the server on your own hardware or you can pay for a cloud-hosted plan. The Community edition (which is what we'll be dealing with) is best suited for 100 users. If your organization requires more than that, you should consider either the Pro or Enterprise cloud-hosted option.

      • Vim 9.0 : vim online

        After many years of gradual improvement Vim now takes a big step with a major release. Besides many small additions the spotlight is on a new incarnation of the Vim script language: Vim9 script. The previous release was version 8.2 in December 2019. Since the latest source code is always available on GitHub, many have already picked up later patch versions (there are more than 5000 of them!). Therefore the changes have already been tried out by many users. On top of that bugs have been fixed, security issues have been addressed, and many tests have been added. Code coverage has been dramatically increased. This version is more reliable than any before.

      • LinuxiacPeaZip 8.7 File Archiver Brings Functionality Improvements

        The cross-platform archiver tool PeaZip now has a more user-friendly interface, improved file management, and updated themes.

        PeaZip is a free, open-source, powerful file archiver tool that can handle over 200 different archive types. Moreover, it also includes a file manager to help you organize and find files on your computer.

        PeaZip is cross-platform and works on Windows, Linux, and macOS. It has gained much popularity in recent years, mostly among skilled computer users, due to the massive range of options it provides.

        With a heavy emphasis on security, PeaZip supports the AES 256-bit cipher, which is used by various archive file formats. In addition, it also supports AES 256-bit, Blowfish, Twofish 256, and Serpent 256 encryption for FreeArc’s ARC archive format.

        Let’s look at the new PeaZip 8.7 version, which brings yet another dose of improvements to this popular archiver.

      • Make Use OfWhat Is Syslinux? The Syslinux Archive File Structure Explained

        Everyone should learn the ins and outs of the Syslinux archive file structure before installing it on a Linux-powered machine.

        The bootloader is the software that loads the operating system when the computer boots up. A bootloader can also provide the user with a small interactive interface and utilities. At the same time, the bootloader determines the boot options for the operating system. Software like GRUB, LILO, and Das U-boot are some examples of bootloaders.

        Syslinux is a collection of bootloaders used by Linux users globally. Here's everything you need to know about Syslinux and its directory structure.

    • Instructionals/Technical

      • HowTo ForgeHow to Install Jitsi Meet Video Conferencing Server on Ubuntu 22.04

        Jitsi is a free and open-source chat, telephony, and video conferencing tool. It is a very good alternative to other tools like Skype, Zoom, and Microsoft Teams. In this post, we will show you how to install Jitsi Meet on Ubuntu 22.04 server.

      • Linux MagazineSizing Up Partitions €» Linux Magazine

        Partitioning is a basic step in any Linux installation. Many users breeze past it, content to let the installer use a single partition, or else to accept its recommendations without much thought, sparing themselves the stress of learning yet another task. However, manually partitioning can help to isolate directories from each other, optimize performance, and aid in recovery when troubles arise. If manual partitioning takes some extra time, down the line, you might be glad you make the extra effort.

        As you probably know, Linux is organized into a series of directories, each with its own purpose. Directories can be on the same device, or else a mount point for a separate device. In either case, users are presented with a single directory tree. Usually, each device will be formatted with ext4, although recent Fedora releases default to Btrfs, or on servers, XFS. On systems that include a Windows installation, an ntfs or fat32 partition is included. Partitioning is done on a blank system, or from an external device so that no partition is mounted. Older tools such as fdisk are still around, but today's most common tools are parted (Figure 1) or gparted, its graphical equivalent.

      • ByteXDHow to Install KDE Plasma Desktop Environment on Debian 11 - ByteXD

        Unlike most operating systems like Windows or macOS, which come with only a single Desktop system, Linux supports multiple Desktop Environments.

        For example, on Windows, you only have an option to change the wallpaper and tweak a few UI settings. On the other hand, Linux allows you to change the entire Desktop system and use one that meets your needs. This post will focus on one Linux distribution – Debian 11.

        The default Desktop Environment for Debian systems is GNOME. However, nowadays, users can install multiple Desktop Environments of their choice when doing a fresh installation of Debian. This post will give you a detailed guide on how to install KDE Plasma desktop environment on Debian 11.

        Before we dive into the article, we need to understand two terms commonly used before we proceed with the installation – KDE and KDE Plasma.

      • Own HowToHow to install LibreOffice on Linux Mint

        LibreOffice is one of the best office productivity suite pack for Linux, it is free and open source. It basically has everything that you need, whether you need to write documents, create pdfs , creating presentations, invoices and much more...then LibreOffice is the way to go.

        In this tutorial you will learn how to install LibreOffice on Ubuntu/Debian based systems.

      • MakeTech EasierHow to Create Beautiful Beamer Slides with Emacs - Make Tech Easier

        Emacs is a highly versatile program. Aside from being a text editor, it can be your email client, news reader and even your finances tracker. This is because you can easily adapt Emacs to any purpose and situation.

        Beamer is a LaTeX module that allows you to create presentation slides in a similar manner to creating LaTeX documents. Here we will show you how to use it to create presentations inside Emacs.

      • CitizixHow to Create a Service Account for Terraform in GCP

        A Service Account is a special kind of account used by an application (Terraform in this case) to make authorized API calls. It is identified by its email address, which is unique to the account.

        In this guide we will learn how to create and manage service accounts using the Identity and Access Management (IAM) API, the Google Cloud console, and the gcloud command-line tool. By default, each project can have up to 100 service accounts that control access to your resources. You can request a quota increase if necessary.

      • Make Use OfHow to Install the Unity Desktop on Ubuntu 22.04

        GNOME is a much-loved desktop environment in the Linux community. In fact, it is the default desktop environment on several major Linux distros, such as Fedora, Ubuntu, etc.

        Prior to using GNOME (since Ubuntu 17.10), Ubuntu used the Unity desktop environment, developed by Canonical.

        Unity is still loved by many Ubuntu users. If you are a big fan of Unity or just want to try out this awesome desktop environment, here's how you can install Unity on Ubuntu 22.04.

      • CitizixHow to create and manage Secrets in GCP Secret Manager using Terraform

        Secret Manager is a secure and convenient storage system for API keys, passwords, certificates, and other sensitive data. Secret Manager provides a central place and single source of truth to manage, access, and audit secrets across Google Cloud. GCP secret manager allows you to securely store and access API keys, passwords, certificates, and other sensitive data.

        Terraform is an open-source infrastructure as code software that allow users to define and provide data center infrastructure using a declarative configuration language known as HashiCorp Configuration Language(HCL), or optionally JSON. We will use terraform to manage secrets in this guide.

      • How to install Jenkins on Ubuntu 22.04 – NextGenTips

        Jenkins is a continuous integration tool that allows continuous development, testing, and deployment of newly created codes.

        Jenkins can be installed through native package systems, Docker, or can be run as a standalone on a machine with a Java Runtime Environment (JRE).

      • OSTechNixInstall Docker In AlmaLinux, CentOS, Rocky Linux - OSTechNix

        The other day, we discussed what is Docker Engine and how to install Docker Engine and Docker Compose in Ubuntu. Today, we will see how to install Docker Engine with Docker Compose in RHEL-based systems such as AlmaLinux, CentOS, and Rocky Linux.

        This guide has been officially tested on CentOS 8, AlmaLinux 8 and Rocky Linux 8. For demonstration purpose, I will be using AlmaLinux container which is running on Proxmox. All commands given below are same for most RHEL-based systems.

      • Tips On UNIXInstall Git 2.37 On Ubuntu / Linux Mint / Rocky Linux & Fedora | Tips On UNIX

        This tutorial will be helpful for beginners to install Git 2.37 on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS, Ubuntu 20.04 LTS, Alma Linux 9, Fedora 36, and Linux Mint 20.3

      • H2S MediaInstall Laravel on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS Jammy JellyFish Linux - Linux Shout

        Tutorial to learn the steps for installing PHP Laravel framework on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS Jammy JellyFish using the command terminal for developing web apps.

        PHP doesn’t need an introduction, it has been around for many years powering web applications that need a dynamic programming language to work but one thing it is not (anymore): modern.

        Programming languages ​​such as Ruby and Python have become increasingly popular, especially in recent years. They are “cool” and appeal better to the next generation of coders. Whereas it is unfortunate PHP is getting a bit old and you can tell. This is exactly where Laravel comes into play. We can consider it as a new generation PHP framework and that’s what makes it so popular. Inspired by Ruby on Rails and .NET, Taylor Otwell created Laravel to get the most out of PHP and to prove that more is possible. Also, he wasn’t satisfied with the other PHP frameworks. They are no longer contemporary. He doesn’t only want to help developers be more productive but also to show that clean programming with PHP can also be fun again.

        In this article, let’s discuss the initial phase to work with Laravel is to install it on Ubuntu-based Linux systems.

      • Linux Handbookls -lrt Linux Command [Explained]

        As a software developer or tester, you'll often use the "ls -lrt" command, specially while dealing with a large number of files.

        Actually, it's just ls command. The -lrt provides additional options to the command.

        If you are looking for an explanation, you are either a new Linux user or don't use Linux commands quite often. No worries. I won't judge you because I have been there myself.

        Let me explain things to you.

      • H2S Media3 ways to install dbeaver Ubuntu 22.04 LTS Jammy Linux - Linux Shout

        Learn the steps to install DBeaver on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS Jammy JellyFish to manage remote or local databases using the graphical user interface.

        DBeaver is a nice open-source alternative to MySQL WorkBench to manage not onlyand MySQL but almost all popular ones such as PostgreSQL, SQLite, Oracle, DB2, SQL Server, Sybase, MS Access, Teradata, Firebird, Apache Hive, Phoenix, Presto, etc. This open-source database administration tool offers a comfortable user interface for changes to the data records, visualizes the database schema as a clear graph, in many cases recognizes the format of binary database content, exports content in various formats, and offers an SQL editor with auto-completion.

    • Desktop Environments/WMs

      • K Desktop Environment/KDE SC/Qt

        • KDE Plasma 5.25.2, Bugfix Release for June
          Today KDE releases a bugfix update to KDE Plasma 5, versioned 5.25.2.

          Plasma 5.25 was released in June 2022 with many feature refinements and new modules to complete the desktop experience.

          This release adds a week's worth of new translations and fixes from KDE's contributors. The bugfixes are typically small but important and include...

      • GNOME Desktop/GTK

        • Fixing test coverage reports in at-spi2-core

          At-spi2-core has some peculiar modules. It does not provide a single program or library that one can just run by hand. Instead, it provides a couple of libraries and a couple of daemons that get used through those libraries, or through raw DBus calls.

          In particular, at-spi2-registryd is the registry daemon for accessibility, which multiplexes requests from assitive technologies (ATs) like screen readers into applications. It doesn't even use the session DBus; it registers itself in a separate DBus daemon specific to accessibility, to avoid too much traffic in the main session bus.

          at-spi2-registryd gets started up as soon as something requires the accessibility APIs, and remains running until the user's session ends.

          However, in the test runner, there is no session. The daemon runs, and gets a SIGTERM from its parent dbus-daemon when it terminates. So, while at-spi2-registryd has no persistent state that it may care about saving, it doesn't exit "cleanly".

          And it turns out that gcc's coverage data gets written out only if the program exits cleanly. When you compile with the --coverage option, gcc emits code that turns on the flag in libgcc to write out coverage information when the program ends (libgcc is the compiler-specific runtime helper that gets linked into normal programs compiled with gcc).

  • Distributions and Operating Systems

    • New Releases

      • Barry KaulerEasyOS Dunfell-series version 4.2.2 released

        Significant improvements with 4.2, needed some tweaks to get right, released an interim test build, 4.2.1, looking good, so now have released 4.2.2.

      • Linux MagazineKaOS 2022.06 Now Available With KDE Plasma 5.25

        The newest iteration of KaOS Linux not only adds the latest KDE Plasma desktop but sets LibreOffice as the default.

        KaOS was first created in 2013 as a Linux distribution that focuses on the KDE Desktop Environment. The original goal was to create a highly polished KDE experience, which the developers achieved quite well. And with the latest release, that experience is made even better with the addition of KDE Plasma 5.25 and a number of other additions and enhancements.

        As to what else has been added to KaOS, you’ll see KDE Frameworks 5.95, KDE Gear 22.04.2, Calamares 3.3, LibreOffice as the default office suite (a change from Calligra), Linux kernel 5.17 (which adds improved support for GPUs), and a new package selection addition to the onboarding Welcome screen.

    • SUSE/OpenSUSE

      • openSUSE Leap 15.4 release retrospective

         We are seeking feedback regarding the release of openSUSE Leap 15.4, which was released to the general public on June 8.

        With this survey, what we’re looking from you is both positive and negative feedback related to the availability and individual experience with openSUSE Leap 15.4. Your participation is very valuable for us.

        Participating is very simple, this survey consists of only two questions, in this way we’ll try to continue doing what went well and try to address what went wrong. So follow this link to partipate in this survey:...

    • Fedora Family / IBM

      • OpenSource.comWhy organizations need site reliability engineers |

        In this final article that concludes my series about best practices for effective site reliability engineering (SRE), I cover some of the practical applications of site reliability engineering.

        There are some significant differences between software engineering and systems engineering.

      • Red Hat OfficialScanning container image vulnerabilities with Clair

        When Red Hat started releasing products as container images, we decided we needed to build them the same way they were built upstream, which is by building them from Dockerfiles. This means we build fewer RPMs than we used to, and instead we pull in software dependencies from outside of the RPM / DNF ecosystem. It took us some time to get our security data to the same standard as it was for RPM, but that time has arrived, and you can now consume security data for Red Hat container images the same way you do for Red Hat RPMs.

      • David Cantrell: rpminspect-1.10 released

        rpminspect 1.10 is now available. The last release was in March of 2022. This release is definitely the largest so far. Nearly 200 individual pull requests and 147 reported issues have been fixed.

        The main focus of this release has been stabilization across many packages. We have been running continual tests against all current builds in CentOS Stream 9 to keep finding and fixing bugs. This release has so many stabilization and reporting improvements.

        Work on 1.11 has begun. Please file issues and feature requests on the GitHub project page:

      • Tuesday's FESCo Meeting (2022-06-28) is cancelled. Many announcements

        We have one ticket tagged with 'meeting', but there has been no progress in discussion or implementation, so I'm cancelling today's meeting.

        We've had a glitch in the process, and various tickets which were voted and approved offline were not announced. I'll do that now here in one fell swoop, together with tickets that were approved during the last week. (I tried to filter out tickets that were announced somewhere but not closed, but I might have missed something, so please excuse any duplication.)

    • Debian Family

      • Linux Shell TipsDebian and The History of Debian Linux Distribution

        Since its inception in 1993, Debian has grown into one of the most robust, stable, and widely used Linux distributions. Debian is a free and open-source community-driven project that is actively developed & maintained by a community of vibrant developers from around the world.

        Debian is a portmanteau that blends two words: Deb (Short for Debra, Ian’s wife) and Ian, its creator. Debian is a fast, lightweight, and robust distribution that is dubbed the ‘The mother of all Ubuntu distributions‘.

        Yes, Ubuntu is derived from Debian Linux and, as a result, this has yielded a myriad of Linux distributions based on Ubuntu such as Linux Mint, POP! OS and Elementary OS.

        We already have an informative guide on the history of Ubuntu, so please check it out.

    • Devices/Embedded

      • MNT Pocket Reform Is A Fully Customizable, Mini Linux Laptop With A Seriously Cool Design

        MNT Research, the makers of the MNT Reform fully customizable Linux laptop, are now introducing a new option – and if you love vaporwave, you’re gonna love this design.

        Meet the Pocket Reform, a 7-inch mini-laptop with a bulky, edgy purple design that sends you thinking of vaporwave videos or 80s scifi.

        However, even beyond the great looks and the appealing mechanical keyboard, the Pocket Reform offers plenty, especially for those who care about sustainability.

        The Pocket Reform not only uses open source hardware and a Linux OS, but it has a modular, upgradeable design, where the case is recyclable and its parts reusable. You can even print your own case for it and mod it after your heart’s desire.

        On the software side, it’s a dream for security enthusiasts and people who want to step away from big tech.

    • Open Hardware/Modding

      • The New StackOpen Source RISC-V: Serving a Side of Software with Chips – The New Stack

        The Linux of chips, the open source RISC-V instruction set architecture, has some big-name backers including Intel, AMD and Nvidia. But the software support is still far from mature.

        RISC-V International, the organization responsible for defining the instruction set architecture, has laid out a roadmap to boost low-level software to improve its appeal to hardware and software developers.

        Hardware Equivalent to Linux

        The chip architecture is free to license, and silicon companies can take the open source design and tweak it to the specific needs. RISC-V is a free alternative to architectures like x86 and ARM, for which customers have to pay licensing fees or royalties. RISC-V is viewed as a hardware equivalent to Linux, which is open source but can be customized to specific needs.

        Computers are available with RISC-V chips developed by companies like SiFive. Intel has committed $1 billion to the designing and manufacturing of chips that include RISC-V, ARM and x86, and is partnering with Barcelona Supercomputing Centre to make a RISC-V supercomputing chip.

    • Mobile Systems/Mobile Applications

  • Free, Libre, and Open Source Software

    • The Register UKRunning DOS on a 64-bit OS: A brief guide ● The Register

      There are still ways to run DOS apps under 64-bit Windows and Linux, and a lot of free apps to choose from.

      One of the differences between the Microsoft and Apple approaches to maintaining widely used OSes is that Apple is quite aggressive about removing backwards compatibility, while Microsoft tries hard to keep it.

      One of the few times Microsoft removed a whole compatibility layer from Windows was with the launch of 64-bit Windows, which went mainstream with Vista in 2007. 64-bit editions of Windows can't run 16-bit apps, whether they're for DOS or Windows.

      Enterprising developers, of course, take this kind of thing as a challenge.

      There are obvious ways round this, of course. You can run DOS in a virtual machine. It works fine – the problem is that it's very difficult to get anything in or out of it. Modern PCs are also so vastly more powerful than they were in DOS' heyday of the 1980s that you just run a PC emulator, such as DOSBox or the enhanced DOSBox-X.

      These programs emulate an entire PC, so you can run games that require long-obsolete hardware such as SoundBlaster cards. DOSBox-X even supports Windows 3.x and Win9x.

    • Web Browsers

      • Mozilla

        • Its FOSSFirefox 102 Release Lets You Disable Download Panel and Improves Picture-in-Picture Mode
        • LWNFirefox 102.0 released
        • Firefox 102.0

          We’d like to extend a special thank you to all of the new Mozillians who contributed to this release of Firefox!

          Firefox now mitigates query parameter tracking when navigating sites in ETP strict mode.

          Subtitles and captions for Picture-in-Picture (PiP) are now available at HBO Max, Funimation, Dailymotion, Tubi, Disney+ Hotstar, and SonyLIV. This allows you to view video in a small window pinned to a corner of the screen while navigating between apps or browsing content on the main screen.

        • 9to5LinuxFirefox 103 Beta Improves WebGL Performance on Linux for NVIDIA Drivers via DMA-Buf

           Scheduled for July 26th, 2022, the Firefox 103 release promises improved WebGL performance on Linux systems when using the NVIDIA binary drivers via DMA-Buf.

          Firefox 103 also promises to improve your PDF forms experience by highlighting required fields, improve the performance of the web browser on monitors with 120Hz or higher refresh rates, and preserve non-breaking spaces when copying text from a form control.

        • 9to5LinuxMozilla Thunderbird 102 Released with New Address Book, Import/Export Wizard

           After the big announcement earlier this month that Mozilla Thunderbird is coming to Android devices, the project released today Mozilla Thunderbird 102 as the first major new series of the popular email client almost a year after the release of Mozilla Thunderbird 91.

          Highlights of Mozilla Thunderbird 102 include a new address book that supports importing of contacts in the vCard format, refreshes the design of the contact cards with new contact entries, and makes it a lot easier to navigate and interact with your contacts.

    • GNU Projects

      • GCCGCC 10.4 Released

        The GNU project and the GCC developers are pleased to announce the release of GCC 10.4.

        This release is a bug-fix release, containing fixes for regressions in GCC 10.3 relative to previous releases of GCC.

    • Openness/Sharing/Collaboration

      • Open Data

        • Venture BeatRoboflow expands open-source datasets for better computer vision AI models | VentureBeat

          All machine learning libraries and projects rely on data to learn, train and operate.

          In an effort to help developers more easily benefit from labeled datasets and machine learning models for computer vision, Roboflow today announced an expansion of its datasets and AI models as part of its Roboflow Universe initiative, which could well be one of the largest such open-source repositories available. Roboflow claims that it now has over 90,000 datasets that include over 66 million images in the Roboflow Universe service launched in August 2021.

    • Programming/Development

      • Jonathan Dowland: WadC 3.1

        WadC — the procedural programming environment for generating Doom maps — version 3.1 has been released. The majority of this was done a long time ago, but I've dragged my feet in releasing it. I've said this before, but this is intended to be the last release I do of WadC.

        The headline feature for this release is the introduction of a tuning concept I had for the UI. It occurred to me that a beginner to WadC might want to load up an example program which is potentially very complex and hard to unpick to figure out how it works. If the author could mark certain variables as "tuneable", the UI could provide an easy way for someone to tweak parameters and then see what happened.

      • QtQt Creator 8 Beta2 released

        We are happy to announce the release of Qt Creator 8 Beta2!

        Please head over to the first Beta release blog post, or check our change log for details on the changes and improvements in this version of Qt Creator.

      • QtQt 6.3.1 Conan packages released

        We are happy to announce the Qt 6.3.1 Conan Technology Preview packages release today. The packages are available with the Conan package manager from The Qt Company Conan server. Both desktop (Windows MSVC2019 and MinGW, macOS, and Linux) and mobile (Android) packages are available.

      • Venture BeatMiddleware enterprise functionality comes to JavaScript, thanks to Vercel | VentureBeat

        JavaScript is widely used and well understood on servers and in web browsers to enable advanced functionality, but it hasn’t generally had middleware, until now.

        Well-funded web development startup Vercel is now looking to advance its open-source next.js JavaScript framework with its new 12.2 version update on June 28, which includes what the company is referring to as JavaScript middleware. The concept of middleware is all about providing features needed for enterprise application delivery, such as authorization and geographic localization.

      • Perl / Raku

      • Python

      • Rust

        • Rust BlogThe Rust Programming Language Blog: Announcing The RustConf PostConf UnConf

          The PostConf Unconf will be dedicated to the Rust project and will be a fantastic opportunity for users, contributors, and maintainers to network and discuss the project's development.

          There will be no set agenda; instead, attendees will decide what will be discussed together and can move freely between sessions to find ones in which they can contribute most effectively based on their individual interests and needs.

          To get the most out of the unconference, jot down your thoughts ahead of time and bring them ready to share. We will also set up a channel in the RustConf Discord for folks to communicate and make preliminary, informal plans.

        • Rust Blog1.62.0 pre-release testing

          The 1.62.0 pre-release is ready for testing. The release is scheduled for this Thursday, June 30th. Release notes can be found here.

  • Leftovers

    • Science

      • The Next PlatformNOAA Gets 3X More Oomph For Weather Forecasting; It Needs 3,300X

        Until exascale supercomputers get a lot cheaper, which will allow weather forecasting models to run at a much smaller resolution – and more frequently – to deliver hyper-local weather forecasts, the actual weather forecasting is still going to be done by people. They will be armed with ever-improving models running on ever-faster systems, mind you, but they will also depend on live Doppler radar and other streaming data to bridge the gap from the coarse model resolutions to the fine-grained nature of reality that we all experience when we step out the door into the environment.

        Weather forecasting in the United States has taken a big step toward the future today with the firing up of the twin “Cactus” and “Dogwood” supercomputers at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, which runs the National Weather Service that grabs all of the weather data it can and generates models that feed into all of the national, regional, and local weather forecasting that we get from various sources like AccuWeather or The Weather Channel and our local TV stations.

    • Hardware

      • New generation of Armv9 CPUs unleash unprecedented compute power

        Last year, Arm launched the very first generation of Armv9 CPUs. This was a landmark announcement, not only for Arm, but also for our extended ecosystem. The advancements set in motion by the Armv9 architecture will have a lasting impact on the tech industry and the next decade of compute.

    • Proprietary

      • OMG UbuntuBlueMail E-Mail Client Gets a Makeover, Support for Wayland - OMG! Ubuntu!

        The cross-platform BlueMail email client from Blix recently got a redesign and I have to say it’s quite the improvement.

        So if you (as I) haven’t checked in with the free (but not open source) e-mail client since it launched on Linux back in 2019 now is a pretty good time to do so.

        For those not already familiar with it, BlueMail is a cross-platform free email app compatible with multiple mail accounts, including those from web-mail providers like Google, Yahoo, FastMail, et al plus IMAP, SMTP, Exchange ActiveSync, EWS and POP3.

        As the BlueMail app connects directly to a mail server (rather than copying your mail to its own server) users find it a viable solution to their mail tending needs across Windows, macOS, Linux, Android, and iOS.

    • Security

      • LWNSecurity updates for Tuesday []

        Security updates have been issued by Debian (nodejs and squid), Fedora (uboot-tools), Red Hat (kernel-rt, kpatch-patch, and python), SUSE (drbd, openssl-1_0_0, oracleasm, and rubygem-rack), and Ubuntu (curl).

      • CISA2022 CWE Top 25 Most Dangerous Software Weaknesses | CISA

        The Homeland Security Systems Engineering and Development Institute, sponsored by CISA and operated by MITRE, has released the 2022 Common Weakness Enumeration (CWE) Top 25 Most Dangerous Software Weaknesses list. The list uses data from the National Vulnerability Database to compile the most frequent and critical errors that can lead to serious vulnerabilities in software. An attacker can often exploit these vulnerabilities to take control of an affected system, obtain sensitive information, or cause a denial-of-service condition. This year’s list also incorporates updated weakness data for recent Common Vulnerabilities and Exposure records in the dataset that are part of CISA’s Known Exploited Vulnerabilities Catalog.

      • Bruce SchneierWhen Security Locks You Out of Everything

        Thought experiment story of someone of someone who lost everything in a house fire, and now can’t log into anything


        Those risks are in the order of most common to least common, but that doesn’t necessarily mean that they are in risk order. They probably are, but then we’re left with no good way to handle someone who has lost all their digital credentials—computer, phone, backup, hardware token, wallet with ID cards—in a catastrophic house fire.

        I want to remind readers that this isn’t a true story. It didn’t actually happen. It’s a thought experiment.

      • ZDNetCodenotary introduces Software Bill of Materials service for Kubernetes

        Software Bill of Materials (SBOM)s aren't optional anymore. If we really want the applications we're running in containers to be secure, we must know what's what within them. To make that easier, Codenotary, a leading software supply chain security company, is launching its new SBOM Operator for Kubernetes in both its open-source Community Attestation Service and its flagship service, Codenotary's Trustcenter.

      • Internet Freedom FoundationDelaying the inevitable: Implementation of CERT-In’s Cybersecurity Directions gets a piecemeal extension

        On June 27, 2022, the Indian Computer Emergency Response Team (“CERT-In”) issued a notification (No. 20(3)/2022-CERT-In) in relation to the extension of timelines for partial enforcement of Cyber Security Directions of April 28, 2022 (“Directions”) issued under sub-section (6) of section 70B of the Information Technology (“IT”) Act, 2000. The Directions were scheduled to go into effect 60 days from the date of their notification. While the timelines for enforcement of the entire Directions have been extended for Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (“MSMEs”), for Data Centres, Virtual Private Server (“VPS”) providers, Cloud Service providers and Virtual Private Network (“VPN”) service providers only specific requirements relating to the validation of subscribers/customers details have received a timeline extension. The new date for enforcement of the Directions for such entities and specific requirements is September 25, 2022.

      • CMC Electronics EFB breakout vulnerability | Pen Test Partners

        We’ve been finding vulnerabilities in electronic flight bags for a few years now. Disclosure response from the vendors involved has varied from excellent to radio silence.

        In every case we have tried extremely hard to engage with the vendors involved, even where we were ignored. We asked friendly OEMs and others in the supply chain to help encourage those who wouldn’t respond to us, but their efforts were ignored too.

        In some circumstances, it would be possible to affect take-off performance and landing calculations, resulting in significant safety events such as those here.

    • Finance

  • Gemini (Primer)

    • Personal

      • Atmosphere Of A Denver Concert Hall

        I don't think I fully realized just how distinctive and recognizable one of these places is before I stepped inside one. While I've long sought after the quintessential Denver architecture and style, it never really occurred to me that many of these halls are in fact some of the oldest buildings left standing, equal parts ancient and secretive, which makes their use as venues for dubstep and hipster bands all the more juxtapositional.

      • THE MAN WHO COULD WORK MIRACLES added to library.
      • UNDERTALE - Heartache

        It's the first piece of music that I geniunely liked a lot that's discovered by myself, and it's safe to say that it shaped most of my music taste in the future.

        It's a midi, with 3 main parts that I can listen to (the main melody, the supporting melody, and the kicks). It's very short (1:49) as a video game soundtrack, but it has all the things needed for becoming a geniunely simple yet complex yet emotionally impacting music.

    • Politics

      • sexpc

        sexpc is a tiny li’l Unix filter that reads one sexp from stdin and outputs the same expression in C syntax, using foof’s fmt-c combinators. (The percent signs didn’t make sense to me so I made them optional.)

        It’s like three lines, since foof did all the heavy lifting (and that tree library I wrote a few years back), it’s just a toy.

    • Technical

      • Internet/Gemini

        • Gemini as a Good

          A few years ago, I saw a video on YouTube giving a critical review of the video game "Sea of Thieves". I hadn't seen anything about the game since then, so I looked it up on Wikipedia today. The article mentions that the developers of the game envisioned it to be a "game as a service". Many modern games have already adopted the same revenue model.

          It's not a trend we see only in video games. A lot of proprietary software now uses subscriptions, such as Adobe Creative Cloud and Microsoft Office 365. This allows companies to generate income from products the entire time it's being run by the end user, rather than generating income only once at time of initial sale.

          In recent years, we've seen many parts of the economy transition from the sale of goods to the sale of services. This allows corporate interests to retain the benefits of actual ownership--thereby increasing their wealth--while giving them greater control over how consumers interact with their products, as the only thing the consumer purchases is the right to access them. It's a trend people need to fight against if they want to decrease wealth inequality.

      • Programming

Recent Techrights' Posts

EPO Staff Representatives Confront the President Who Says 'F--king' in Front of Female Workers Over Measurable Discrimination Against Female Colleagues
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IBM Layoffs in 'RTO' Clothing Reported by Thomas Claburn
This "hey hi" (AI) nonsense is just a go-to excuse that IBM and GAFAM (and many others) use
Still Waiting for the EU to Abolish the Illegal and Unconstitutional Court Linked to EPO Corruption and Lobbyism by the Patent Litigation Industry
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[Video] Richard Stallman Questions and Answers Session in Google's YouTube or Invidious
From last night
Slopwatch: Anti-Linux Articles Published by Bots, Dominating Google News
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Social Engineering of the Free Software Movement is a Corporate Takeover With Code of Conduct (CoC) to Drive Out or Expel Dissent
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Corrupt Bill Gates Worming His Way Into Richard Stallman Videos in Google's YouTube
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Over at Tux Machines...
GNU/Linux news for the past day
IRC Proceedings: Wednesday, February 12, 2025
IRC logs for Wednesday, February 12, 2025
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Links for the day
Relaying GAFAM Talking Points and Lies Using GAFAM LLMs, or Slop Pasted in by Brittany Day is relaying slop, i.e. misinformation
Photos From This Evening's Talk by Dr. Richard Stallman in Torino, Maybe a Video Soon
The talk that Dr. Richard Stallman gave today (a few hours ago) was recorded and streamed Covers Richard Stallman's Visit to Give Talks in Italy
The publication is in Italian, the talk was in English
Macho Patent Office
At the EPO there's always room for women in top roles
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Links for the day
This is Why Codeberg Issues an Apology Today
This response was clear and relatively swift
The Register Studies (to Affirm) Reports of IBM Layoffs "at the Finance and Operations business unit"
something about that specific unit
Links 12/02/2025: SSL FUD, DEI Phase-out, Felonies Committed by MElon (Data Breaches)
Links for the day
Italian Media Covers Richard Stallman's English Talk Ahead of Tonight's Public Appearance
article in La Stampa
Destruction and Distortion of Information, Including Facts About Linux (Bonus: This is Destroying the Planet)
All that LLMs have going for them is hype, and moreover media that intentionally misrepresents them and their supposed capabilities
Google Seems to Have Just Killed All Instances of Invidious
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Microsoft Skype in a Freefall: About 20% Decrease in Site Traffic in 3 Months (Amid Microsoft Phasing Out Credits)
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Links 12/02/2025: Health, Security, and Monopolies
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Gemini Protocol is Increasingly Important to the Net
Gemini Protocol will turn 6 this summer
Former EPO Manager Warns That the Illegal 'Court' for "Unitary Patents" Enables “Law Shopping”
Daniel X. Thomas opposed the very existence of the UPC, which any honest person could recognise was both illegal and unconstitutional
Like GAFAM, the EPO is Passing the Financial Pains to Staff
the EPO is operating illegally at this point
Morale at Microsoft Ruined by the Company Labelling Thousands of Workers 'Low Performers', Sacking Them on the Spot and Denying Them Basic Benefits
people laid off as "low performers" go to social control media to bemoan the label
Over at Tux Machines...
GNU/Linux news for the past day
IRC Proceedings: Tuesday, February 11, 2025
IRC logs for Tuesday, February 11, 2025
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Links for the day
Conservative Estimate: Over 10,000 IBM Workers to Be Laid Off in the Next Two Waves
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Links for the day
Parasitic LLM Slop Sites Destroy the Ability to Find "Linux" News in Google News
Remember that Google News laid off lots of its workers
Richard Stallman's English Talk in Italy Less Than 24 Hours Away (Torino) and Then Another Talk in Italy Scheduled (University of Bozen-Bolzano)
He's active and he travels a lot in spite of his medical condition
IBM Layoff Rumours, Large-Scale Implementations Weeks Ahead (in March 2025)
There are some people corroborating
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Links for the day
Perl Programming Leftovers
recently in
Microsoft in Africa: From 98% to Less Than 10% in Just 16 Years
Microsoft being on less than 1 in 10 Web-connected devices in Africa is a very big deal
Almost as If MElon Reads Techrights
The joke we started appears to be spreading
Microsoft Blasted for Adding Insult to Injury: Workers Laid Off Without Prior Notice, Without Severance Payment and Basic Coverage (Like Health), Then Stigmatised as Bad Performers So They Cannot Find a Job Elsewhere
Such stereotypes end entire careers
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Links for the day
BetaNews is Still Publishing LLM Slop/SPAM About "Linux"
Assuming it is indeed LLM slop, it seems clear BetaNews has no intention of improving or is simply unable/unwilling to improve
Over at Tux Machines...
GNU/Linux news for the past day
IRC Proceedings: Monday, February 10, 2025
IRC logs for Monday, February 10, 2025