In Nigeria, Like in Turkey (Very Large Populations), Windows Market Share Falls Below 10% on the Client Side
- Dr. Roy Schestowitz
- 2022-08-19 22:18:01 UTC
- Modified: 2022-08-19 22:18:01 UTC
In Africa, Android is More Than Three Times Bigger Than Microsoft Windows

Shown above is an illuminating data point as if you count Android as "LINUX", then in Turkey the market share of "LINUX" (on the client side) is already higher than 75% and in Nigeria (population estimated at 218,541,212 this year, sixth largest on the planet) -- much as we've already seen in Turkey -- Windows can't keep above 10% (Android and GNU/Linux approach 70% in total). On desktops/laptops alone, GNU/Linux 'proper' is measured at 4.2% this past month.
Summary: Based on the global trends, "LINUX" market share now is in its highest level ever, not even counting Android and ChromeOS as "LINUX" (if one does count them as such, then "LINUX" is vast in terms of its userbase and its market share is about 50% on the client side, never mind servers, where GNU/Linux has long been dominant); judging by present and past trends, maybe as soon as next year, only if one counts Android as "LINUX", the client side will be a majority Linux (as in >50% of the whole). The corporate/mainstream media won't tell us this because what's left of this "media" is funded by corporations that "occupy" Linux (via the Linux Foundation) and sent Linus Torvalds to therapists, against his will, for thoughtcrime. Blackmail using libel is no laughing matter.