This page present an outline of particular posts that cover SCO.
November 2006: Comparisons to Novell Deal
Two Quick Things – Censorship & SCO (v.)
Intersection Between SCO and the Novell Deal
December 2006: Novell Assets
SCO’s Role in This Abusive Relationship
Novell to Inherit SCO’s Assets?
January - May 2007: Novell and Microsoft Relations to SCO
Is Novell the New SCO?
This Linux Conference Brought to you by SCO
Video: Microsoft’s Proxy (SCO) on the Non-existent Stolen Code in Linux
Satire: SCO UNIX Commercial
Novell is not the next SCO, Microsoft is.
June 2007: Relation to Patent FUD
The Usual Suspects, The Game
Divide-and-Conquer, Vivid Shades of SCO
Sun’s SCOsource License – Linux Right To Use Included
July 2007: Purpose of Patent FUD Debated
Microsoft and SCO: Like Father, Like Son
How Does One Put a Price Tag on GNU/Linux and Free Software?
August 2007: SCO Loses to Novell
Groklaw: SCO is Toast, Novell owns Unix Copyrights
SCO Loses = Good. Novell Earns Anti-Linux Weapon = Good? (Updated)
SCO’s Stock Drops Like a Rock, Novell Gains
Novell: We Won’t be SCO 2.0; BoycottNovell: Who is We?
Novell’s “Underperform” and SCO’s Cash Injections That Brought Its Demise
Novell Brought Back to Court, Long-term Financial Uncertainty Looming
September 2007: SCO in Trouble
When You Can’t Beat Them, Sue Them
The SCO Ship Throws Anchor in the Middle of the Pacific (Bankruptcy) (Updated)
SCO’s Novell Debt Marks Its Last Mile
SCO is a Blast
Which Will Go Down First? SCO or Linspire?
October 2007: Patent Lawsuits Against Linux Begin
Chris Pirillo’s Disclosure and the UNIX/Linux Conspiracy Theory
(At Least) 3 Generations of Microsoft Anti-Linux Lawsuits, by Proxy
The Latest ”Next SCO” Targets UNIX, Not Linux
November 2007: A Look Deeper Into Microsoft/SCO
Quick Mention: Bill Gates’ Dad Comes to Collect Back the FUD Budget
Microsoft, Novell, SCO, and NASDAQ Delistings
An Issue of Mistrust: Bill Gates, BayStar, Acacia, SCO, and Linux
December 2007: Idle Month
Videos: SCO Before the Linux Lawsuits
January 2008: Strategic Analysis
Joseph LaSala’s Departure from Novell Officially Confirmed, Novell Has No General Counsel
Stirring Things Up from the Inside (Or the ‘Civil War’ Strategy)
Microsoft May Have Pulled Another SCO
FUD, Litigation, Unsubstantiated Accusations Against GNU/Linux
February 2008: Norris Cash Injection Raises Questions
SCO Sacks 26% of Its Existing Workforce, Trend Micro Comes Under Fire
Has Microsoft Just Pulled Another Goldfarb (BayStar)? (Updated)
Stephen Norris: Why SCO? And Why Now?
Analysis of SCO’s Latest Investment Reception
SCO and Microsoft: Where Things Stand
Dishonesty Looms Over SCO’s New Cash Injection/Infusion/Investment/Whatever
April 2008: Lawsuits by Proxy Revisited
Did Microsoft Attack IBM by Proxy to Restrain OOXML Critics?
Quote of the Day: Microsoft/Novell “Non-compete Alliance” and SCO
May 2008: Microsoft Emerges as Possible SCO Successor
Week of SCO/Novell in Court Culminates in Novell ‘Pulling an SCO’
Is SCO and Its Anti-Linux Agenda Relocated to Microsoft Headquarters?
Thoughts About the “Novell Will Kill OpenSolaris” Kerkuffle
Novell and SCO: A Final Shakedown
Pamela Jones: Microsoft Will Be the Next SCO Group
June 2008: New Lawsuit Against Free Software
Trend Micro’s SCO-esque Business Model Backfires, Acacia Sued for Defamation
July 2008: SCO in Debt
Microsoft-backed SCO Owes Money to Microsoft Partner, Novell
Press Coverage of SCO: Latest Summary
Sharing a Bed at OSCON with “the Next SCO Group”
SCO’s Debt to Novell and Sun’s Debt to Novell?
Perens on Microsoft Crimes: From SCO to OOXML
August 2008: SCO Similarities and Dreams
SCO Also Used to Contribute to Linux, Just Like Novell
Can Germany Fine Microsoft for Slandering GNU/Linux?
SCO and Microsoft/Novell: A Deja Vu
SCO Roundup: Novell Litigation, Money from Me Inc Software
September 2008: A Look Back at Caldera Days
Novell Received “Tens of Millions of Dollars” from Microsoft/Caldera Settlement
Caldera-Microsoft Exposé Begins
More Microsoft Patent Trolls, Extortions, and SCO
An Interview With Pamela Jones, Founder and Editor of Groklaw
October 2008: Intel Helps SCO
A Hand That Feeds SCO… Intel
Failing SCO, Microsoft Eyes EU and Software Patents
November 2008: SCO Under More Pressure
Novell Pressures SCO for Money
SCOldera: Scolding Linux Under Another Roof?
Microsoft’s Sleight of Hands
SCO: Always Losing Redundant Court Cases, But Winning Mysterious Funds
SCO Death Watch
December 2008: Shift in Risk
The End of an Era (SCO), The Beginning of Another (Microsoft & Patents)
January 2009: SCO to Sell Assets
Linux Scrutiny Awakens an Interesting Science of Battling by Proxy
SCO News Roundup
SCO is Having a Yard Sale
SCOwboys Left Shivering in Their Bots
What Was Microsoft’s “Big Bet” Post Novell-SCO (2002)?
February 2009: Public Embarrassments
SCO Doesn’t Take Itself Seriously Anymore
Novell’s Patent Deal — Like SCO’s Lawsuits — a Miserable Failure
March 2009: Smoking Gun and Bankruptcy
Microsoft Vice President “Guaranteed” Lawsuit Over Patents Against Linux
SCO Wants Copyrights It Does Not Own
SCO News: Bankruptcy, Bankruptcy, Bankruptcy
May 2009: Another Key Defeat
Say Goodbye to SCO
Maureen O’Gara is Again Spinning SCO’s Defeat
SCO’s Chapter 7 and Novell’s Response to It
Former Xandros Director Charged with Third-Degree Conspiracy, End is Near for SCO
June 2009: SCO Investor Connections Analysed
Is Microsoft Trying to Inject Money into SCO Again?
SCO is Not Rescued Yet, But Group with Microsoft Connections Waves Money
SCO, Microsoft, Novell, and Other News from Utah
Microsoft Innovation is Lawsuits by Proxy
SCO “Wants to Sue Linux Users Some More” After Another Mysterious Cash Injection
July 2009: Heaps of SCO Scandals
Groklaw Unearths Another SCO Scandal; SCO Heads Sued for Theft, Computer Fraud and Abuse
More on the Amazing Story Behind SCO (and Possibly Microsoft)
SCO Scandals Get Worse: unXis Seems to be All About SCO
IBM’s Latest Filing Regarding SCO Bankruptcy Mentions “Fraud”
SCO Scandals Finally in the News
SCO and Darl McBride Paid $100,000 to Steven Norris
Link Found Between Potential SCO Rescuers and Microsoft
News Site That Promotes the SCO Lawsuit and Microsoft’s Patent Racket is Bullying Critics
SCO Lies About Hans Bayer
August 2009: SCO is Stuck
A Look at the Microsoft-funded SCO Lawsuit in Light of Newer Anti-Linux Microsoft Lawsuits
Novell Responds to SCO Ruling, More News Coverage
More SCO Headlines and What Comes Next
What If Novell Does Not Own UNIX? Nothing.
Will Edward Cahn Allow SCO to Pursue Litigation Against Linux?
Darl McBride Could Soon be Removed from Power
Judges Appointed in SCO Case
Analysis Links: What Happens to SCO Next
October 2009: No Darl McBride Anymore
Has SCO Just Kicked Darl McBride or Did He Quit?
Confirmed: Darl McBride Termination is a Sacking
Latest Twists in the SCO Case: AutoZone Settlement and More
December 2009: Pelican revisited
As SCO Shrinks by Half, Is Darl McBride Setting up Defamation Sites?
Updates on Microsoft-funded SCO Attack on Novell, Novell’s EU Case and Settlement
Truisms About SCO
Novell Legal News: SCO and MoFo
January 2010: Another Fine in Germany
German Federal Office of Justice: SCO Breaches Regulations in Germany
February 2010: SCO Funding from Former SCO Chairman
Just in Time: SCO Finds Another Cash Injection Proposal… from Former SCO Chairman
March 2010: Case Resumes, SCO Defeated Once Again
Latest SCO-Novell Drama in a Nutshell
SCO Roundup: SCO Group Receives a $2 Million Cash Infusion
SCO Cash Infusion Came from Former SCO Staff
Consequences of UNIX up for Sale
April 2010: SCO Assessment After Loss to Novell
What Happens Next in the SCO Case (Post Novell)
SCO Receives More Money From Darl McBride; Novell-SCO Resumes Monday
SCO May Be Trying to Resurrect Novell Case
May 2010: SCO and Pequot Capital
Pequot Capital, Microsoft, and SCO
June 2010: Novell Wins Again
It’s Final: Novell Owns UNIX. Now, Who Will Buy Novell With UNIX?
A Lawyer is Questioning the Definiteness of Death of the SCO Case
Translation of Novell’s Statement Regarding the SCO Case
IBM Alerts IDG About “Microsoft Allegedly Trying to Derail IBM by Using SCO as a Surrogate.”
Novell Unlikely to Get Money From SCO
July 2010: SCO Appeals Again
SCO Still Wants UNIX From Novell
Kevin McBride Takes on Linux
August 2010: IBM Returns
SCO’s 2007 Bankruptcy May Have Been Fake
Oracle Hires SCO’s (and Novell’s) Lawyers
SCO Cheapskates and the Growing Irrelevance of the Case
September 2010: More Bills
SCO Owes $10,000 to Woman (Pretend Journalist) Who Attacks Groklaw
SCO is Selling UNIX® Assets and Novell (UNIX® Owner) is Selling Too
Today’s SCO Bankruptcy Hearing is Called Off, Potential Suitors Named
October 2010: More Layoffs
More Layoffs at SCO, Microsoft Layoffs May be Just Days Away Too
November 2010: Bankruptcy Hearing Delayed Again
The Original SCO Keeps Delaying Bankruptcy Hearings
January 2011: Asset Sale Again
SCO vs. Novell Appeal Two Days Away, SCO Asset Sale Last Friday
Alleged Attack Site of Darl McBride Gets Suspended
February 2011: unXis Reappears
The UNIX Battle Moves to Former SCO Executives (Who Own unXis Domains)
SCO is Having Money Issues
April 2011: Sale to unXis
UnXis Does Not Have Unix (and Why We Still Need Groklaw)
Taking Techrights to the Next Level by Adding Video and Covering SCO
Lies About SCO
SCO Said to be Dead (Liquidation Bankruptcy)
Yarro’s Money Goes to the Abyss
SCO Has Less Than $100,000 Left
Microsoft is Not Done With SCO Yet
If This is (Really) the End of SCO, Don’t Forget Who Funded and Supported SCO’s 13-Year-Long Attacks on Linux
Microsoft-Backed SCO is Still Attacking Linux
SCO’s Darl McBride is Finished (Bankruptcy)