THIS weekend has been exceptionally busy for us, hence not many articles so far. This video gives a quick roundup of stuff we've been working on and discusses the good news about SCO's Darl McBride, whose personal bankruptcy follows that of SCO. He became completely irrelevant if not inactive in Twitter.
"Hopefully António and his "Mafia" (or cabal) will be gone soon; the Administrative Council needs to recognise the severity of the entryism."Some time soon we plan to release some AGPLv3-licensed code, mostly Gemini stuff (but not limited to Gemini). Gemini space is rapidly growing and interest in Gemini is increasing in general, owing to the World Wide Web sucking so badly and social control media repelling the masses.
We're still thinking whether to create new facilities or methods by which to leak information to us. The leaks have had a very positive effect for EPO staff. António Campinos has lost his mind and revealed himself to be loyal to Team Battistelli, not to EPO staff. Hopefully António and his "Mafia" (or cabal) will be gone soon; the Administrative Council needs to recognise the severity of the entryism. ⬆