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IRC: #boycottnovell @ FreeNode: November 5th, 2008


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*tessier just votedNov 05 00:27
*dsmith_ has quit (Remote closed the connection)Nov 05 00:51
*libervisco has quit (Remote closed the connection)Nov 05 02:52
twitterScare tactics?  That's the most amazing news I've seen in a long time, " Applications developed in the past five years — whether created internally or externally — typically contain at least 50 percent open-source or other third-party components, much of it undocumented by the company’s engineering or security teams, Palamida officials say."Nov 05 03:41
twitterPropitiatory software is ripping off the free software world in mass.Nov 05 03:41
twitterI'd heard of huge rip offs in the past, the Mosaic browser, spyglass, Maxsyma, etc, where private companies closed off government sponsored code.Nov 05 03:43
twitterThis scan is something else all together.  Non free software companies have a huge problem if this is true and an obvious answer - go legit and liberate their code.Nov 05 03:44
twitter"Borrowed" free software goes stale outside of the larger community.  It would be better if these companies modularized their code and got back into the community to share better maintained software.Nov 05 03:45
twitterNon free code duplicates effort and costs money.  To get by, they seem to have been ripping off free software.  They might as well come clean and do it right.Nov 05 03:46
*dsmith_ ( has joined #boycottnovellNov 05 03:47
*dsmith_ has quit (Remote closed the connection)Nov 05 04:04
twitterYes, that is FUD judo.  The non free software world has been plundering free software for decades.  They would like to use that fact to scare the PHB, and it should but not the way they think.Nov 05 04:11
twitterCustomers should demand free software to avoid a poorly thrown together patchwork of the same thing from non free software vendors.Nov 05 04:12
twitterStory "Propitiatory Software is Actually Half FOSS???" floated onto the firehose.Nov 05 04:13
twitterWooo hooo!  Open Spectrum is much closer than I thought, 05 04:20
twitter"When the vote came, though, it was unanimous"Nov 05 04:21
twitterThese folks should be very happy about this 05 04:22
tessierSo what is this open spectrum going to be used for and what freq range is this spectrum?Nov 05 05:59
MinceRr4wrNov 05 07:14
schestowitzHeyNov 05 07:14
*kentma1 has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))Nov 05 07:37
*kentma ( has joined #boycottnovellNov 05 07:39
*kentma1 ( has joined #boycottnovellNov 05 08:14
*kentma has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))Nov 05 08:15
*kentma ( has joined #boycottnovellNov 05 08:40
*kentma1 has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))Nov 05 08:42
*kentma1 ( has joined #boycottnovellNov 05 08:51
*kentma has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))Nov 05 08:54
*kentma ( has joined #boycottnovellNov 05 09:11
*kentma1 has quit (Read error: 145 (Connection timed out))Nov 05 09:20
schestowitzSweat Shop: Dell pressures workers into leave without pay < >Nov 05 09:30
*kentma1 ( has joined #boycottnovellNov 05 10:08
*kentma has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))Nov 05 10:09
*libervisco (n=libervis@tuxhacker/libervisco) has joined #boycottnovellNov 05 10:29
schestowitzProblems at Debian or The Register exaggerating as usual? < http://www.theregister.c... >Nov 05 10:55
*kentma1 has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))Nov 05 11:08
*kentma ( has joined #boycottnovellNov 05 11:11
schestowitzNokia closes plant, 'reorganises' 600 staff < >Nov 05 11:12
schestowitz "Lessig for Attorney General. Not at all sure we'll get that, but it is consistent with the force of collaboration that made Obama president. Maybe we could give him that new "Copyright Czar" job that Congress recently created."Nov 05 11:26
*PetoKraus ( has joined #boycottnovellNov 05 12:04
PetoKrauslol: 05 12:32
*benJIman has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))Nov 05 12:33
*benJIman ( has joined #boycottnovellNov 05 12:35
schestowitzI posted a comment in Sutor's blog (VP of FOSS and standards at IBM) I challenged him to fight software patents, but he didn't approve the comment. It figures. They are not interested in negotiation.Nov 05 12:40
*kentma has quit ("Leaving.")Nov 05 12:53
*trmanco ( has joined #boycottnovellNov 05 13:04
*libervisco has quit (Read error: 54 (Connection reset by peer))Nov 05 13:23
*PetoKraus has quit ( 05 13:32
*logger_bot has quit ( 05 13:32
*PetoKraus ( has joined #boycottnovellNov 05 13:33
*logger_bot ( has joined #boycottnovellNov 05 13:33
schestowitzThis is good news because Linux is well ahead at SSD support: Seagate: Enterprise SSD to Be Released Next Year < >Nov 05 13:38
*libervisco (n=libervis@tuxhacker/libervisco) has joined #boycottnovellNov 05 13:40
schestowitz "If Windows Is a Dead End, What's Next?"Nov 05 13:46
schestowitzCould it possibly be true that Microsoft at least experiments with Linux as the base for win32 APIs?Nov 05 13:47
MinceRi think they're trying to throw win32 away in favor of .netNov 05 13:54
schestowitzMono you mean?Nov 05 13:56
schestowitzMinceR: I can't help but think of that comment from the other day. 05 13:57
schestowitz“I just heard that Novell is designing the OS for Windows 7. I live in Provo Utah and heard it from an insider that Novell is designing it w/ a flavor of Linux. I guess that M$ even admits that NT is loaded w/ security and stability issues.”Nov 05 13:57
schestowitzIt makes no sense, but it's not as though it's totally impossible. We wrote about this in 2006.Nov 05 13:58
schestowitzWhat's with people putting their /OWN/ name in headlines? 05 14:09
schestowitzThe IDC shill on behalf of BSA and Microsoft... now the media monopoly (industry): "The SMH ran an uncritical software piracy propaganda piece on 21 October (link will likely become unusable in a short time).  The piece cites IDC on Australia having a piracy rate of 28%. " 05 14:55
schestowitzReason for NOVL to be careful bending the rules next time: New SEC Enforcement Manual: Better Late Than Never < >Nov 05 14:58
schestowitzVIA Nvidia netbook platform plans suspended < >Nov 05 15:06
*kentma ( has joined #boycottnovellNov 05 15:10
schestowitzParents Think The Internet Is More Dangerous Than Drugs Or Drunk Driving? < >Nov 05 15:11
kentmabits will rush out of the computer and infect the kids with diseasesNov 05 15:12
schestowitz"But security software" >>CLICK HERE<< $49.95Nov 05 15:15
MinceRthey might catch a virus!Nov 05 15:16
kentmamy plumber mate turned up chez moi about a week ago, with a bunch of popups on his browser... didn't know what to doNov 05 15:17
kentmait was some horrible infection for bogus anti-spywareNov 05 15:17
kentmaAfter a bit of discussion, I installed Ubuntu on the machine, but left the windows on another partition.Nov 05 15:18
schestowitzGood man.Nov 05 15:18
kentmaOnce I'd got the right bits installed so he could play his iTunes MP4s, plus showed him how to edit his documents, and find his online email with Firefox, he was completely happy.Nov 05 15:18
kentmaI don't think he's booted windows since.Nov 05 15:18
kentmaI've no idea if it's even possible to clean up such machines, but I thought it was unlikely.Nov 05 15:19
schestowitz The end of an era - Windows 3.x < >Nov 05 15:20
schestowitz> " clean up such machines"Nov 05 15:21
*trmanco has quit ("I just hit the close button :)")Nov 05 15:21
schestowitzYou mean  " clean up such software"? Some people don't distinguish between h/w and s/w. They also think of computer viruses as something physical (like old-style Bugs in the mainframes).Nov 05 15:21
schestowitzThat's why some people (like my mom) buy a new PC after/if it gets infected for a while? "You computer is slow and has viruses," asks the sales, "why don't you buy a new one?"Nov 05 15:23
*trmanco ( has joined #boycottnovellNov 05 15:25
*brunomiguel ( has joined #boycottnovellNov 05 15:28
*brunomiguel hello :)Nov 05 15:28
trmancoHiNov 05 15:28
kentmatrmanco: hiNov 05 15:31
kentmaschestowitz: you're right, I should be more specific...  I meant the windows bit, of course :-)Nov 05 15:31
trmancokentma, HiNov 05 15:31
schestowitzFedora 10 Linux previewed < >Nov 05 15:31
schestowitzFedora is a mess though. The reviews are not positive.Nov 05 15:32
kentmaWhat's Homer think about it?Nov 05 15:36
schestowitzI don't know.Nov 05 15:36
schestowitzOperating systems change though, that's for sure. Not just because of mobile O/Ses (compactness), but also the SaaS factor.Nov 05 15:37
schestowitzARM concluded that a device with the Firefox Web browser has potential (they liaised with Mozilla, IIRC). Linux is used for its stability, small footprint, security, etc.Nov 05 15:38
kentmait's about networks, more than anything, which is what the whole mobility thing is about.  Mobility is only valuable if you get connectivity with it, hence you have a complex, multi-layered stack, which will surely include some distributed applications at the top end.Nov 05 15:38
kentmaInterestingly, for all its flaws, http has proven to be an extremely robust best-effort 1:n processor time-sharing system...Nov 05 15:39
schestowitzIf you spend a long time producing an excellent operating system like Palm OS, then it may later turn out that the job was in vain due to moving goalposts. Remember Foleo, which was 'aborted'? Red Hat canceled (for now) its plans for a desktop O/S. Linpus is based on Fedora though! :-)Nov 05 15:40
kentmaThe 1970s desktop is total dodo land.  People want data merged across multiple systems, they want to be able to access their address books from everywhere, be "always best connected", ie, least expensively, but effectively.  It's more like Iain Banks culture than the cypherpunk view of things.Nov 05 15:42
MinceRpalmos is far from being excellentNov 05 15:42
MinceRit disallows normal multitasking and doesn't have memory protectionNov 05 15:43
MinceRand the file system ("database") is a messNov 05 15:43
MinceRALP would change that once palm, inc. bothers to use itNov 05 15:43
schestowitzkentma: not the technical people though; not everyone.Nov 05 15:48
schestowitzMinceR: Palm OS is not excellent. It was also a dead end, so they should have picked Linux or something. Same story with Psion/Symbian, which is losing now.Nov 05 15:48
schestowitzObama brings 'change' already: ( Unisys is ripe for the picking ); ( Pioneer predicts greater loss, taps new president ); ( To cut costs, Dell asks workers to take unpaid leaNov 05 15:49
schestowitzve )Nov 05 15:49
MinceRfoleo was aborted because of a wrong business decisionNov 05 15:49
MinceRit could have been a great successNov 05 15:50
MinceR(provided they made it non-palm-dependent in the process)Nov 05 15:50
schestowitz*LOL* MinceR would love this Bad Job: New MacBook trackpad not clicking for some users < >Nov 05 15:51
MinceRALP, the successor to PalmOS is linux-based (ALP became what was supposed to be PalmOS 6, afaik)Nov 05 15:51
MinceRit's up to Palm to make the move nowNov 05 15:51
schestowitzBut the Macs are pretty. Who cares if they stop functioning, eh?Nov 05 15:51
schestowitzI'm still with Palm, waiting to migrate to what they release next, provided it interacts with GNU/Linux desktops (unlike Motorola).Nov 05 15:52
MinceRah, the famous apple quality.Nov 05 15:53
MinceRwell, fanboys keep claiming all crApple products are indestructible because they happened to see a certain PowerBook model survive a fallNov 05 15:53
MinceRand things like thatNov 05 15:53
schestowitz'Survive' a fall. What /really/ matters...Nov 05 15:54
schestowitzThere goes my chance... ... they tried to hire me a few times.Nov 05 15:55
MinceRwell, everybody knows that's what computers are forNov 05 15:55
MinceRthrowing aroundNov 05 15:55
MinceRnot processing and storing information :>Nov 05 15:55
*schestowitz has more fun in hacktivism anywayNov 05 15:55
schestowitzI've just realised that the 'Mac guy' next even shows up with a Mac. Apparently it's all about wearing jeans and flinging stuff around with style.Nov 05 15:56
MinceRit's the style of the sheep.Nov 05 15:57
schestowitzMore 'free' drugs (got a light, dude?) Nov 05 15:58
schestowitzMore 'free' drugs (got a light, dude?) "Companies will get Microsoft's software free of charge for three years and will have to pay the then-prevailing licensing costs thereafter, Lewin said."Nov 05 15:59
schestowitzSounds like their 'student' program. 1. Give free utils; 2. User puts data in binary prison [...] 4. Profit!Nov 05 15:59
kentmathe problem is that some ict spark will report a huge saving into bigcorp for *this* year, and get a massive bonus for it...Nov 05 16:04
schestowitzFirst you get high... hangover later. Isn't that another way to reason about the current financial crisis at a large scale? The marco-economists /MUST/ have seen this coming.Nov 05 16:06
kentmaI don't know if they did.  I'm not sure that anyone has truly recognised just how broken most internal corporate bonussing systems are now.  Doing something which will yield benefits even in 2 or 3 years is not seen as important.Nov 05 16:11
*[H]omer has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))Nov 05 16:29
schestowitzNot everyone is happen with the new licence it seems.... Open Letter to Richard Stallman < >Nov 05 16:36
schestowitz .. Makes you wonder if Windows can cause power outage too.Nov 05 17:11
MinceRonly if the power company allows it toNov 05 17:11
schestowitzThis one is the G.P.L., so it's unlikely. Then again, Microsoft RMS was recently announced, and therefore you never know...Nov 05 17:13
MinceR:)Nov 05 17:14
schestowitzMicrosoft: we'll manage your Linux. All your *NIX are belong to us. "Microsoft to Streamline the Monitoring of Windows, UNIX and Linux" < > Only for Microsoft-minded shops...Nov 05 17:16
MinceRi'd streamline that for themNov 05 17:17
MinceRwith a bomb on redmondNov 05 17:17
schestowitzI worry about that..Nov 05 17:17
schestowitzIt's the same trick they play with Novell.Nov 05 17:17
schestowitzBasically, just to take it off my head, Ron Hovsepian agreed to Microsoft making Linux just 'some Windows app', using Hyper-V.Nov 05 17:17
schestowitzIn exchange for that servitude they get money and recommendations.Nov 05 17:18
MinceRcolinux did that before them, didn't it? :>Nov 05 17:19
schestowitzYes, but this one is for high-end servers.Nov 05 17:19
schestowitzXandros too is part of this scam.Nov 05 17:19
MinceRi consider "windows server" an oxymoron.Nov 05 17:19
schestowitzMicrosoft Works... Microsoft Outlook... Nov 05 17:22
MinceR:)Nov 05 17:24
schestowitzXmas should be bright – GPL : (not that GPL we all know)Nov 05 17:27
schestowitzLinuxInsider is feeding the Enderle shill again (they can't help it, can they?): 05 17:28
schestowitz "Blears Shoots the Blogger Messengers .. Nov 05 17:43
schestowitzWell, darling, could it be that bloggers unearth scandals and hypocrisy because that's mostly what you and your chums in the government seem to generate? Could it be that a more affirmative kind of blogging will emerge once your government drops its own unending flood of cynicism and spin and lies?"Nov 05 17:43
*[H]omer (n=[H] has joined #boycottnovellNov 05 17:46
*ChanServ gives channel operator status to [H]omerNov 05 17:46
schestowitz : Praise Microsoft, Receive BribeNov 05 17:56
schestowitzMicrosoft Jackie is batting for the Vole again (has he got his free laptop yet?): 05 17:59
schestowitz*LOL* "Rob Enderle, principal analyst at the Enderle Group, a division of Enderle Global Enterprises, represented by Enderle, Enderle & Enderle, and a block south of Enderle Toyota*, says Apple has made mistakes with its marketing that mirror those of the Republican party in this year's presidential race."Nov 05 18:07
schestowitz 05 18:07
schestowitzOne-man Microsoft shillstitute.Nov 05 18:08
schestowitz "He also deleted the company's Microsoft Exchange e-mail database and files that the computer needed in order to boot up."Nov 05 18:14
schestowitzHere is the shillderle comparing Apple to Republicans: 05 18:15
twitter"It's Dangerous to Assume People Are Stupid"  Yeah, you should let them talk for a while and prove it.Nov 05 18:19
twitter"focusing Microsoft on you generally ends badly"  LOLNov 05 18:19
twitterI suppose that's where the trolls have gone, to "focus" on Apple.Nov 05 18:20
twitterSteve Ballmer must be angry that another company has more money than they do.Nov 05 18:21
twitterImagine the tantrum, "I'm going to fucking Kill Apple!!!!!!!  I've done it before and I'm going to do it again."Nov 05 18:22
schestowitzWell, they already had some peopple bury that Job p**, at least in print.Nov 05 18:22
schestowitzJobs was said to have fallen ill how many times? That Slate Magazine guy too...Nov 05 18:23
schestowitzThe proxy+mafia win? 05 18:24
twitterHere's something funny, Enderle likes the HP mini 1000 and Vista.  Here's a review of them together 05 18:29
twitter"Gone is the Via C-7M processor; gone, too, is the pipe dream that any current netbook could handle Windows Vista"Nov 05 18:30
schestowitzThe guy is a shill for the Vole. It's surprising that some people still quote him. ECT and some other cr*p publications in particular.Nov 05 18:30
schestowitzMicrosoft -> economic crisis  ... Microsoft CFO outlines plan to weather economic crisis < >Nov 05 18:30
schestowitzIt gets harder for them to cook the books now.Nov 05 18:30
schestowitzCost reduction at Microsoft: Microsoft looking to China to create new products < >Nov 05 18:32
schestowitzKids to create and infect the Web with Microsoft lock-in? Microsoft launches DreamSpark: Indian students get access to technical software at no charge < >Nov 05 18:32
schestowitzUncle Bill offers 'free' drugs, to fill the Web with Silverblight poison (what's wrong with Web standards?): Microsoft launches innovative project: free access for students < >Nov 05 18:33
schestowitzAlmost each and every Microsoft donation is either harmful 'drugs' (dependency) or bribe (don't use the competition's product): Microsoft offers South Korea $60 million 'encouragement' to use its software < >Nov 05 18:35
twitterIt can also be a lie.  They can yank your chain once you have signed up for an academic rate.  Did you see this? 05 18:36
schestowitzMicrosoft releases faux 'study' to say security issues are not its fault and only the likes of freebie-loving Microsoft Jack repeat it: 05 18:37
twitterRevocation of "discount" will cost the victim a cool $70 million bucks.Nov 05 18:37
*_doug (n=_doug) has joined #boycottnovellNov 05 18:37
schestowitzHey, _doug Nov 05 18:37
schestowitzWe're discussing 'charity'Nov 05 18:37
_doughey .. wassup ..Nov 05 18:37
schestowitzMicrosoft offers South Korea $60 million 'encouragement' to use its software < >; Microsoft offers South Korea $60 million 'encouragement' to use its software < >Nov 05 18:37
schestowitzMicrosoft launches innovative project: free access for students < >Nov 05 18:37
_dougahh .. well go figure ...Nov 05 18:38
schestowitz"Free access" = opportunity to trash the WWW with Linux-hostile binaries.Nov 05 18:38
schestowitz Microsoft Plants “I’m a PC” Kiosk Outside U.K. Apple Store < >Nov 05 18:38
_dougby encouraging SK to use MS software, will this, as a byproduct disuade them from using non-MS software ?Nov 05 18:38
schestowitzWhat happened to fair competition. Will they set up a toilet booth next to the shop too.... and ask Apple for toilet paper/Nov 05 18:39
schestowitzMicrosoft plans to invest 60 million dollars in South Korea < >Nov 05 18:39
schestowitzNice description for 'bribe'Nov 05 18:39
schestowitzIt's not a bribe, it's persuasion money. It's 'help'.Nov 05 18:39
_doug"In a move that could equip millions of Indian students with advanced computer knowledge,"Nov 05 18:40
twitterI wonder how much it cost them to set that kiosk up.Nov 05 18:40
schestowitz"We don't have a monopoly. We have market share. There's a difference." --SweatyBNov 05 18:40
_dougI live the implied .. only MS posesses advanced computer knowledge .. :0Nov 05 18:41
*brunomiguel has quit ("leaving")Nov 05 18:41
schestowitz" Advanced computer knowledge" = ability to smoke the Microsoft pipe and spread tobacco on the precious Web.Nov 05 18:41
schestowitzXAMLNov 05 18:41
schestowitzMicrosoft: each PC needs more than one copy (licence) of Windows: Microsoft: Reused PCs Need Windows, Too < >Nov 05 18:43
schestowitzNodbody picks Windows for backup (it has data corruption problems), so they slash the price significantly: 05 18:44
_dougAntitrust concerns kill Yahoo-Google ad deal ..Nov 05 18:45
_doug 05 18:45
schestowitzIDG has just grown a whole army of Microsoft "community" (isn't Microsoft a company?): 05 18:45
schestowitzI think I can recall Ashley arranging for a Microsoft fan club in NetworkWorld.Nov 05 18:46
schestowitz /s/antitrust/Microsoft/Nov 05 18:46
schestowitzShills responsible: 05 18:46
schestowitzMicrosoft vs. Apple: Guerilla tactics real or not? < > Novell does this too.Nov 05 18:48
schestowitz"They have had over 3 years now to perfect the WGA crap and it should be “weaponized” and targeted on the software pirates world-wide. INov 05 18:52
schestowitzFrom "Software Jihad" <,10000... >. Does he know that Microsoft calls its tactics Jihad? 05 18:54
schestowitz_doug: check out Microsoft Jack praising Microsoft for Silver Lie, saying that Apple users owe them for the 'privilege': 05 18:56
schestowitzThey should really sack  Jack Schofield  for being just a marketing person for Microsoft, attacking its rivals, not just praising Microsoft.Nov 05 18:56
_dougnever speak of the devil ..Nov 05 18:57
schestowitzWhich one? Jack or Microsoft?Nov 05 18:57
_dougthere is no more real journalism, just glorified adverts and regurgetated PR spinn ..Nov 05 18:58
schestowitzThat's the thing with blogs too.Nov 05 18:59
_dougTheir isn't a difference .. could be written in MS headoffice .. which it most probably all is ..Nov 05 18:59
schestowitzUnder the disguise of "blog" he's just using the Grauniad to enter News Feeds with fanboism.Nov 05 18:59
_dougstating the obvious ..Nov 05 18:59
schestowitzThere should be a Best of Jack page... also one for Enderle.Nov 05 19:00
schestowitzOne to show who they are by listing posts/mistakes.Nov 05 19:00
_doughow dare Apple not pay MS their DRM royalties .. :)Nov 05 19:00
schestowitzDidn't he defend "tilting in death spiral"? Why, yes he did. 05 19:00
_dougsomeone once did a fanboy page .. personally I can't be bothered reading it .. noone else is ..Nov 05 19:01
schestowitz 05 19:01
_dougwhich is why he's reduced to trasing Apple/Google/Yahoo and anyone else who's name don't beging with micrso~1Nov 05 19:02
*kentma has quit ("Leaving.")Nov 05 19:13
*PetoKraus has quit ("The purpose of IRC is to...IDLE...")Nov 05 19:19
*PetoKraus ( has joined #boycottnovellNov 05 19:20
schestowitz 05 19:24
twitterThe M$ Kiosk in front of an Apple store is funny.  Do they really want all of their ImAPC videos to have happy mac users as a background?Nov 05 19:28
MinceRobviously crApple products lack the functionality a kiosk needsNov 05 19:29
twitternot as obvious as PC users being unable to make, edit and upload videos without the help of a Kiosk.Nov 05 19:31
schestowitzMinceR: Not true.Nov 05 19:32
schestowitzYou can run Fedora under them. :-)Nov 05 19:32
MinceRbut fedora isn't a crApple productNov 05 19:32
MinceRit exists outside their little dream world of meticulously designed (with the wrong goals of course), retarded productsNov 05 19:32
twitterSo, a Mac with free software is no longer "crApple"?Nov 05 19:33
twitterM$ likes crApple for their advertising department.  M$ has one of the biggest advertising budgets in history.  Does that make M$ the most retarded company in history?Nov 05 19:34
MinceRit's crApple hardwareNov 05 19:34
MinceRused in a way that's blasphemous to the fanboysNov 05 19:34
MinceRm$ has retarded products tooNov 05 19:34
MinceRbut it's a slightly different kind of retardedNov 05 19:34
twitterYeah, like BSoD retarded.  Further separated from fresher free software.Nov 05 19:35
MinceRthey focus primarily on idiots too, though less so than crApple.Nov 05 19:35
twitterLoser + Loser = Loser. 05 19:37
twitterI wonder if a newly cleaned DoJ will let that fly or if the anti-trust will grow some teeth.Nov 05 19:38
schestowitzanti-what?Nov 05 19:39
twitterI dunno, it's been eight years since I heard about it.Nov 05 19:39
twittercorn growers for search corruption 05 19:41
schestowitzVanity. ( Why I'll never be elected )Nov 05 19:42
schestowitzIs there a law for jailing those who manipulate the market like this?Nov 05 19:43
twitterThe Yahoo side of the "merger" slog 05 19:44
schestowitz"Google-Yahoo! collects some strange enemies [...] The Black Leadership Forum is funded by corporate donations but does not take money from Microsoft." 05 19:44
schestowitzIt's LawMedia.Nov 05 19:45
schestowitzThey look at the wrong pool.Nov 05 19:45
schestowitzAnd Microsoft also pressure politicians through other meansNov 05 19:45
_dougot: Russia to move missiles to BalticNov 05 19:45
_doug 05 19:45
_dougsomething I was wondering ..Nov 05 19:45
schestowitz.Maybe they thought McCain would be elected. ;-pNov 05 19:46
_dougIf the US wan't to defend against Iranian missiles, then why not site the 'defensive' shield near Iran instead of thousands of miles away next door to Moscow ?Nov 05 19:46
*kentma ( has joined #boycottnovellNov 05 19:47
_doug"Mr Medvedev also said Russia would jam the US anti-missile system electronically"Nov 05 19:48
_doug'Lithuanian President Valdas Adamkus later said that Russia's decision to deploy missiles was "beyond comprehension"'Nov 05 19:48
_dougWhy don't the Russians put missles in Cuba do defend against Columbia ?Nov 05 19:48
_doug:)Nov 05 19:48
schestowitzColombia?Nov 05 19:49
schestowitzOr US Columbia?Nov 05 19:49
schestowitzLike the US military... took its 'defence' against WoMD all the day _into_ Iraq.Nov 05 19:50
_dougit's the assult on reason .. I object to ..Nov 05 19:50
_doug'In a bid to win over future business, Microsoft has announced a programme to give some start-ups free software and support .. Those who qualify will get a three-year subscription to the Microsoft Developer Network as well as cloud services technologies'Nov 05 19:52
_doug 05 19:52
_doug"One of the primary concerns for companies is finding access to our technology"Nov 05 19:52
_doug???????????????????????Nov 05 19:52
_dougtranslation: our Open systems are so open you have to pay us money to send data to other peoples computers ..Nov 05 19:53
_doug"Microsoft has easily saved us $10,000 (€£6,200) in software costs through this program."Nov 05 19:54
schestowitz_doug: yes, the startup thing was mentioned before.Nov 05 19:55
schestowitzThree years and it expires. That's enough time to lock you in.Nov 05 19:55
schestowitzMSBBC headline reads "Microsoft give start-ups a leg up". Should be "Microsoft give start-ups a leg up the arse"... the MSBBC is hugely irresponsible for not telling the full story about vendor lock-in and how it works. It read like an advert.Nov 05 19:57
schestowitzHere is the "Testimonial" part of the advert: "Microsoft has easily saved us $10,000 (€£6,200) in software costs through this program."Nov 05 19:58
schestowitz3 years later: "we went bankrupt because all our expenses were centralised around binaries to access our clients' crucial data.Nov 05 19:58
twitterCasinos offer investors free drinks.  "We want all of our patrons to be at their peak judgment," said company spokesman Cindy DeCross.  "The casino easily saved us $10,000 in booze costs through this program."Nov 05 20:01
kentmaHow can anyone be so simply fooled?  The money programme should be looking at this.Nov 05 20:02
*kentma has quit ("Leaving.")Nov 05 20:03
twitterHere's more market manipulation in the Slog on Yahoo. 05 20:03
twitterYou can't just make this stuff up, unless you work for a PR firm.Nov 05 20:03
twitterM$FT is also taking a dump today. down 3 or 4%Nov 05 20:05
_dougtwitter: free drinks .. haaaaa :)Nov 05 20:05
schestowitztwitter: they'd enter debt if they buy YHOO.Nov 05 20:10
schestowitzOriginal here: 05 20:11
schestowitz"Reporting by Daisuke Wakabayashi and Anupreeta Das in San Francisco; Editing by Phil Berlowitz"Nov 05 20:12
schestowitzNever heard of them./Nov 05 20:12
schestowitzOh wait!!!!!!1Nov 05 20:12
schestowitzDaisuke WakabayashiNov 05 20:12
twitterThey are already entering debt with stock buybacks.  This will make it double secret debt.Nov 05 20:12
schestowitz 05 20:12
schestowitzDaisuke Wakabayashi is a MicrosofterNov 05 20:12
schestowitzMaybe they try to mess about with the stock value of YHOO again.Nov 05 20:13
twittersee the forbes article above for blatant manipulationNov 05 20:13
schestowitzThey did this before by raising hopes and then squashing them... last done with bait-and-switch from Ballmer and Microsoft (one month ago)Nov 05 20:13
schestowitzThere is no FOrbes article.Nov 05 20:14
schestowitzIt's Daisuke Wakabayashi (see BN URL) article for Reuters... same company that attacks FOSS now.Nov 05 20:14
schestowitzThomson Reuters Sends Zotero a $10 Million EndNote < >Nov 05 20:15
schestowitzFor more details : 05 20:15
twitterI see, it is the same text.Nov 05 20:15
schestowitzndNote reverse-engineering case looks headed to courtroom .. Thomson Reuters Releases ISI Web of Knowledge and EndNote Web inNov 05 20:15
schestowitzWhen I tracked down Reuters I expected to see Jim or something.Nov 05 20:16
schestowitz 05 20:16
twitterI hate endnote.  They've been pushing that crap over biblio at some big dumb publishers.Nov 05 20:18
schestowitzLayoffs at NOVL:,39038989...Nov 05 20:21
twitter*bibtexNov 05 20:21
schestowitztwitter: my PhD supervisor at the time had me steered to EndNote. I had to then escape it.Nov 05 20:22
schestowitzI found a tool that converted it to bibtexNov 05 20:22
twitterglad to hear you found a converter.Nov 05 20:22
twitterI don't know what I would have done without Latex and Kbibtex.Nov 05 20:22
schestowitz 05 20:23
twitterGoes to read a spooky story of what might have been ....Nov 05 20:23
schestowitz[Old page] Universities that give students this drug should be abolished. Brazil already takes some steps like this.Nov 05 20:23
twitterThe M$ people tried to push it at LSU.  I'm not sure how far it got.Nov 05 20:26
twitterWeb of Knowledge .... did not work very well either.Nov 05 20:26
twitterI got a lot further faster at 05 20:27
twitterDon't ask me about paper publications and interlibrary loans.  System was seriously broken.Nov 05 20:28
twitterUgh, it looks like UK ISPs are going to allow the MAFIAA to kick people off the web 05 20:31
schestowitzOne minute ago I wrote about Microsoft and Australia's largest ISPs (going into bed together): 05 20:32
schestowitzGordon Clown will happily permit the MAFIAA to police the Internet, which is becoming the main hub of communication.Nov 05 20:33
schestowitzDisney: the new police forces.Nov 05 20:33
*Received a CTCP PING 1225917919 from snaspNov 05 20:39
twitterFUD Judo 05 20:54
twitterHappy Mac backdrop a feature of I'm a PC ads 05 20:54
MinceRwhy not Sad Mac?Nov 05 20:55
twitterThey are all the way in the back at the genius bar to be seen from outside.Nov 05 21:03
twitterAll the cameras will capture is happy stuff up front.Nov 05 21:04
schestowitzOh oh... Mandriva's CEO quit, I think.Nov 05 21:07
schestowitzAnother review: (iffy)Nov 05 21:11
schestowitzMandriva appoints Hervé Yahi as Chairman – Chief Executive Officer < >Nov 05 21:12
twitterEeeKs, M$FT is a market leading looser, down 6% 05 21:13
twitterDow down 5%Nov 05 21:13
twitterUS economy lost 157,000 jobs in October.  Biggest in 6 years. 05 21:15
schestowitz 05 21:16
twitter" the total decline in construction jobs since the peak in August 2006 is now 455,000"Nov 05 21:16
schestowitzGood start for Obama, eh? Some people thought that would fix things.Nov 05 21:16
MinceRubuntu can't really kill other distros as they're compatible with itNov 05 21:16
schestowitz 05 21:17
schestowitzMinceR: it sucks up potential revenue though. It's like Oracle to Red Hat.Nov 05 21:17
twitterhey, I'm happy not to worry about invading Iran, and even worse health insurance.  that's real change that will help really fast.Nov 05 21:17
twitterUbuntu's popularity a danger?Nov 05 21:17
MinceRwell, business is still a competition, i don't think that should changeNov 05 21:18
MinceRand the barrier to entry is still lower than everNov 05 21:18
MinceRas long as it's FLOSS, it will stay that wayNov 05 21:18
MinceR(or get lower as the likes of MICROS~1 weaken and die)Nov 05 21:18
_douggtg ..Nov 05 21:21
*_doug has quit ()Nov 05 21:21
twitterOh wait, it's IT Wire.  Don't tell me it's BB again.  Nope Sam VargehseeNov 05 21:22
trmanco 05 21:23
trmancoooooNov 05 21:23
trmancoI seem to be already protected from that ...Nov 05 21:23
twitterIT Wire, making a story out of one guy's blog rant... a new low.Nov 05 21:23
twitterUbuntu is scoring new GNU/Linux users.  That's good for everyone.Nov 05 21:23
twitterback laterNov 05 21:25
MinceRindeed. ubuntu is fixing bug #1. :)Nov 05 21:27
MinceR(taking part in fixing it anyway)Nov 05 21:27
MinceRalso, it isn't an ecosystem, it's a community.Nov 05 21:28
schestowitz 05 21:31
schestowitzCommunity_size=Community_size-1;Nov 05 21:31
schestowitztrmanco: Ryan is exaggerating as usual. I saw that earlier. It's a DOS flaw, no compromise.Nov 05 21:33
schestowitzMillionaire defends predatory capitalism? 05 21:33
schestowitzBusiness Wee picks an opportunity to bash Linux: 05 21:34
schestowitzRecycling... where Microsoft tries to resell Windows: 05 21:46
schestowitz"Catch 'em young and they're yours for life." ( Microsoft wants to lure Internet startups )Nov 05 21:50
*trmanco has quit ("I just hit the close button :)")Nov 05 21:57
*PetoKraus has quit (Remote closed the connection)Nov 05 22:16
*PetoKraus ( has joined #boycottnovellNov 05 22:16
*Tallken ( has joined #boycottnovellNov 05 22:29
*Tallken has quit (Client Quit)Nov 05 22:52
MinceR 05 23:23
MinceRgnNov 05 23:39

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New Series: A Deep Dive Into the Severe Corruption of the Open Source Initiative (OSI), Nowadays a Front Group and Lobbyist of Microsoft
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