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IRC: #boycottnovell @ FreeNode: December 7th, 2008 - Part 1


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EruaranAs they should beDec 07 00:00
schestowitzI know of only one blog that sometimes links to them. 451 Group... after they had visited Redmond for all I can tell.Dec 07 00:00
EruaranhahaDec 07 00:00
schestowitzMicrosoft tends to demand "fair coverage"Dec 07 00:03
*kentma has quit (Remote closed the connection)Dec 07 00:03
EruaranI posted on youtube that Fedora 10's animated boot (Plymouth) is nicer than the clips of Vista7's animated boot... and that you don't have to wait, Fedora 10 is out...Dec 07 00:03
EruaranI got thumb rapedDec 07 00:03
schestowitz"No discrimination" (*cough* and Linux is a cancer)Dec 07 00:04
*kentma ( has joined #boycottnovellDec 07 00:04
schestowitzEww...thumb rapedDec 07 00:04
schestowitzBetter a thumb than a fist. Ewww.Dec 07 00:05
schestowitzWindows 7 wannabes watch these videosDec 07 00:05
EruaranI like fedora's "Solar" boot themeDec 07 00:05
schestowitzYou can't disturb their vapourware-dreamin'Dec 07 00:05
schestowitzVista 7 flew too close to the sun...Dec 07 00:05
schestowitzWith wings of salami...Dec 07 00:06
EruaranIts sad that these morons just thumb rape you for mentioning itDec 07 00:06
schestowitzIt got KOOKEDDec 07 00:06
Eruaranthey probably didn't bother to have a lookDec 07 00:06
Eruaranfunny day at work yesterdayDec 07 00:07
EruaranSome Brits came inDec 07 00:07
EruaranWanting advice on service providers and other stuffDec 07 00:08
EruaranThey're like, "youre a telstra agent"Dec 07 00:08
Eruaran"yes, but we don't recommend telstra"Dec 07 00:08
schestowitzNot Vista, either.Dec 07 00:09
schestowitzUnless Microsoft pay$Dec 07 00:09
Eruaran"were thinking of buying a new pc"Dec 07 00:09
EruaranhahDec 07 00:09
EruaranI didn't recommend Vista eitherDec 07 00:09
Eruaranthey're like, "but the posters"Dec 07 00:09
Eruaran"all lies"Dec 07 00:09
Eruaranthey're like, "why do you have them then"Dec 07 00:10
Eruaran"we get money"Dec 07 00:10
EruaranAnd besidesDec 07 00:10
EruaranI pointed to one vista poster where it said, "Simple, Secure, Stunning"Dec 07 00:10
schestowitzSSDec 07 00:11
schestowitzEh?Dec 07 00:11
schestowitzTell them about WW2Dec 07 00:11
schestowitzAbout GoebbelsDec 07 00:11
MinceRthe stunning part is that they dare call it simple and secureDec 07 00:11
EruaranAnd said, "Its simply crap, you can be Secure in the knowledge that you don't need it, and its Stunning how full of crap this poster is"Dec 07 00:12
EruaranIts hilariousDec 07 00:13
EruaranPeople love it... we gain customers being so candid with peopleDec 07 00:13
MinceRlolDec 07 00:13
EruaranWe had a customer the other day who told us that is the reason why he comes to usDec 07 00:14
EruaranWe tell him the truthDec 07 00:14
EruaranIf we at any stage had stopped giving people our honest opinions and advice, we'd have egg on our faces today and would have lost our credibility.Dec 07 00:15
EruaranOur customers are not the kind of people who just look for the cheapest price, or latest trendy thing. They want sound advice, reliability and piece of mind.Dec 07 00:17
schestowitzI used to give honest opinions tooDec 07 00:19
schestowitzI worked at a computer store when I was 18Dec 07 00:19
schestowitzI didn't fool the people and I have them the cheaper peripheral. That makes a /BAD/ salesman (not morally bad).Dec 07 00:19
schestowitz*gaveDec 07 00:20
EruaranI'm lucky to be working in an environment where being a "trusted advisor" is a very important part of my job.Dec 07 00:20
schestowitzEven back then I had some people asking for h/w that works with Linux.Dec 07 00:20
schestowitzTrusted by /whom/? Microsoft? the client?Dec 07 00:21
EruaranThe client.Dec 07 00:21
schestowitzMicrosoft plans to 'pull an Apple' and have rep^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^H^Hin stores to promote Fista.Dec 07 00:21
schestowitzThey could replace a workforce of honest people with a puppet regimeDec 07 00:22
schestowitzWorking based on the 'headbook' from the Vole.Dec 07 00:22
schestowitz*handbookDec 07 00:22
EruaranThat sort of thing wont affect usDec 07 00:22
EruaranStores like that don't employ people who actually know what they're talking aboutDec 07 00:22
schestowitzPuppet shopsDec 07 00:26
schestowitzLike Dell and H-PDec 07 00:26
EruaranEven with Vista, people know they can bring a crippled, virus/spyware infested system to us and we can clean it up and return it to the customer running better than it ever has. Depending on how busy we are, they get it back same day or the next day. We know most places will just backup data and re-install.Dec 07 00:26
schestowitzWill Dell stil go high street?Dec 07 00:26
*kentma has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))Dec 07 00:26
schestowitzIt talked about it last year, but has collapsed a bit since.Dec 07 00:26
schestowitzEruaran: see? Vista makes 'jobs'. Not important jobs, but it keeps people coccupied and swapping AUDsDec 07 00:27
EruaranWith on-site service, we actually give people solutions that work and help businesses/organizations etc. Rather than just band-aid their current crappy setup.Dec 07 00:28
schestowitzDman that Lunux thing... people take it home and it just works and does what people need. It doesn't break, so people don't have unnecessary jobs createdDec 07 00:28
schestowitz 07 00:28
EruaranWe actually had a falling out with a national franchise because we told them their system was broken.Dec 07 00:28
EruaranThey wanted us to get things working the way they wanted it... but the way they wanted things set up was inherently broken... We fixed it, but then they complained so we put things back the way they were before and told them the system is broken and you cant fix it unless youre willing to do things differentlyDec 07 00:30
EruaranThey had local networks that didn't work properly and head office wanting to have a VPN to stores using dialup or some crap like that... it screwed the stores systems up..Dec 07 00:33
schestowitzWhy are these things so complicated?Dec 07 00:33
schestowitzI never get it.Dec 07 00:33
schestowitzLike..Dec 07 00:33
EruaranThey made it complicatedDec 07 00:33
schestowitzI hear about large deployments costing loads of money..Dec 07 00:33
schestowitz.And I think most of the 'work' is spent by pointy-hairy people on the roundtable.Dec 07 00:34
schestowitzSome are adverse to progress because it's "change"Dec 07 00:34
schestowitzJust look how many companies use an operating platform from 2001.Dec 07 00:35
schestowitzWe're almost in 2009, for crying out loud!Dec 07 00:35
kevin832hahaDec 07 00:35
EruaranThe local stores (there are at least 3 in our city) were very happy with what we did... but their national  HQ chucked a frothy fit over it... stores were happy cause things were working great, HQ wasn't happy cause they couldn't have their stupid dialup VPN access...Dec 07 00:35
kevin832reminds me of when people didn't want ms to stop shipping updates for win98Dec 07 00:35
schestowitzHad the same standards applied to gadgets people around (80%+ of them) would be using Sony walkmans to listen to musicDec 07 00:37
EruaranI know of businesses that are still using DOS based POS softwareDec 07 00:42
EruaranDOS!!!!Dec 07 00:42
kevin832they could always switch to freedos :)Dec 07 00:43
EruaranI take one look at that and mutter, "bloody hell..."Dec 07 00:43
kevin832even a single-user system just seems so outdated to meDec 07 00:44
Eruaranno, they run this stuff on Windows 2000Dec 07 00:44
EruaranThey only upgraded from NT like a year ago...Dec 07 00:44
schestowitz:-)Dec 07 00:45
schestowitzWinretroDec 07 00:45
Eruaran:PDec 07 00:45
schestowitzThey should upgrade to FistaDec 07 00:45
schestowitzRuin compat'Dec 07 00:45
schestowitzNew prricy PC for DOS...Dec 07 00:45
EruaranSometimes I look at business setups and all I want to do is should, "ASSHATS!! ALL OF YOU GET OUT!!!"Dec 07 00:46
Eruaran*shoutDec 07 00:46
schestowitzI went to buy Fista and all I got was this lousy CLI prompt.Dec 07 00:46
Eruaranone placeDec 07 00:46
Eruaranthey had this adminDec 07 00:46
EruaranI suggested they switch to linux as they could still run the old DOS stuff, they wouldn't have to upgrade hardware and none of their systems would be brought down if the app crashes (which it did fairly regularly)...Dec 07 00:47
EruaranShe just looked at me as if I was a JW at her doorDec 07 00:48
kevin832at my college, people would play pranks that stumped the IT staffDec 07 00:48
kevin832for example, someone used the graphics options to rotate the display upside down :)Dec 07 00:48
EruaranhhaDec 07 00:48
Eruaranwe used to change the college menu systemDec 07 00:49
EruaranIt would get changed from "South East Institute of TAFE" (this is a long time ago) to "TAFE's Quick & Dirty Menu System" or "TEH NOOBIE MENU"Dec 07 00:50
kevin832i knew a guy who (if he found a PC left logged in) would open tuns of windows, take a screenshot and make it the desktop backgroundDec 07 00:50
kevin832lolDec 07 00:50
EruaranhehDec 07 00:50
Eruaranwe had a guy a while back who came in saying there was something wrong with his PCDec 07 00:51
MinceRi've made this background once: 07 00:51
EruaranIt turned out that his friends had played a prank on himDec 07 00:51
EruaranCause it wasn't frozen, it was a screenshot... heheDec 07 00:52
MinceR(and randomly moved those same icons on it)Dec 07 00:52
kevin832i miss that screensaver that used to be in ubuntu called "bsod" that would show panic messages from all different platformsDec 07 00:52
kevin832lol at the above screenshot... i hate it when i sit down at someone's PC and their desktop is a messDec 07 00:53
MinceRi think it's still in xscreensaverDec 07 00:53
MinceRon my own machines, i disable desktop iconsDec 07 00:54
MinceRi don't think icons belong thereDec 07 00:54
schestowitzMinceR: *LOL* nice shotDec 07 00:55
schestowitzMinceR: I try that tooDec 07 00:56
schestowitzIn KDE 3.5 I use it for thumbnails of workspace thoughDec 07 00:56
PetoKrauswhat we did wasDec 07 00:57
PetoKraussimplyDec 07 00:57
PetoKrausexchange the keyboards, mice, and displaysDec 07 00:57
schestowitzPDFs are displayed as text, text files you can hover over for previews and my images I can see not just as names.Dec 07 00:57
PetoKrausso you put usb drive in the machine in front of youDec 07 00:57
schestowitzI occionally put them all in the rubbish.Dec 07 00:57
PetoKrausand tada, the guy next to you had popup!Dec 07 00:57
PetoKrausit was even more fun when you pressed the power buttonDec 07 00:57
EruaranbblDec 07 00:57
PetoKraus"saving your work... system is shutting down"Dec 07 00:57
*Eruaran has quit (Remote closed the connection)Dec 07 00:58
PetoKrausor playing music... which started playing from other half of the CS labDec 07 00:58
schestowitzPetoKraus: ejecting the CDs... drive in and out.Dec 07 00:58
kevin832on a podcast the other day, i heard about someone writing a script to make the CD-ROM drive open and close when he new someone would be working in the area :)Dec 07 00:58
schestowitzThat was funny. SSHing in shared clusters to mess about with the PC someone usesDec 07 00:58
schestowitzBeeping and opening the CD trayDec 07 00:59
PetoKrausyupDec 07 01:00
PetoKraus-4€°CDec 07 01:00
PetoKrausit's starting to get quite nice over hereDec 07 01:01
schestowitzThis is serious: 07 01:08
*dsmith_ ( has joined #boycottnovellDec 07 01:08
schestowitz"Criminals are taking advantage of a bug in the Asterisk Internet telephony system that lets them pump out thousands of scam phone calls in an hour, the U.S. Federal Bureau of Investigation warned Friday. The FBI didn't say which versions of Asterisk were vulnerable to the bug, but it advised users to upgrade to the latest version of the software."Dec 07 01:08
schestowitzHey, DOUGman.Dec 07 01:08
PetoKrausseeDec 07 01:10
PetoKrausthe problem is, people look on you like on an idiotDec 07 01:10
PetoKrausif you wanna update your systemDec 07 01:10
PetoKrausevery day at work i meet with puzzled facesDec 07 01:10
MinceRgnDec 07 01:10
PetoKrauswhen i insist on installing SP3 on machines we are fixingDec 07 01:10
PetoKrausi mean, when they release something, they usually release it for a REASONDec 07 01:10
schestowitz98% of Windows PCs are open to total hijack, says SecuniaDec 07 01:11
schestowitzOnly 1 in 50 Windows boxes that you see it TEMPORARILY secure... not from 0-days though.Dec 07 01:11
PetoKrausyeahDec 07 01:11
schestowitzI updated my blogs last weekend.Dec 07 01:11
schestowitzIt's a pain because they patch very often.Dec 07 01:11
PetoKrausheheDec 07 01:11
schestowitzBN runs on an LTS, so I rarely need to patch it.Dec 07 01:12
schestowitz2.0.11Dec 07 01:12
PetoKrausthat's the good thing with custom developed softwareDec 07 01:12
kevin832i'm surprised the FBI doesn't go after sites that distribute "virusresponse lab 2009" and other fraud softwareDec 07 01:12
schestowitzAll thanks to Debian BTWDec 07 01:12
PetoKrauskevin832: M-S antivirus?Dec 07 01:12
schestowitzHad it not been for Debian requirement, WP would not have had an LTSDec 07 01:12
kevin832there's a program called "virusresponse lab" that says "you're infected! now give us money!" :)Dec 07 01:12
schestowitzYes, I saw it earlierDec 07 01:12
schestowitzHold onDec 07 01:12
schestowitzYesterday: Most recent Windows infections result from the same simple trick < >Dec 07 01:13
schestowitz'BitDefender's Top 10 E-Threats Report identifies just one type of attack as being responsible for more than a third of Windows infections in the past month: fake anti-virus scans, also known as scareware. "Dec 07 01:13
schestowitzThere was an incident in early 2007...Dec 07 01:14
schestowitzShane and I thought that Novell/fans had cracked usDec 07 01:14
schestowitzShane mistakenly posted the password to the FRONT PAGEDec 07 01:14
schestowitzThen the server went bad... Shane fixed it somehow but I never knew what happened or what he didDec 07 01:15
*GoblinRFD has quit (Remote closed the connection)Dec 07 01:15
schestowitzHe was nervous.. I have the E-mails with the details saved... anyway, been fine since then.Dec 07 01:15
schestowitzI think I should change my mug in NB.Dec 07 01:15
schestowitzBNDec 07 01:15
schestowitzI look amateurish, no?Dec 07 01:15
PetoKrausnb?Dec 07 01:16
PetoKrausahaDec 07 01:16
schestowitzBNDec 07 01:16
PetoKrausyour picture?Dec 07 01:16
schestowitzYesDec 07 01:16
PetoKraushmm yeahDec 07 01:16
PetoKrausget something decentDec 07 01:16
PetoKrausi was trying to take some pictures latelyDec 07 01:16
schestowitzI'm not sure about something with suit.... like some peacock.Dec 07 01:16
PetoKrausbut i am realising i am really crap at taking picturesDec 07 01:16
schestowitzWhat should I put there?Dec 07 01:16
schestowitzShane at least has a suit on in his photoDec 07 01:16
PetoKrausjust collared shirt should be enoughDec 07 01:17
schestowitzAnd me... I just have this old picture from my trip to Canada where I met an old g/f (she's married now)Dec 07 01:17
schestowitzLet me see what I gawt...Dec 07 01:17
PetoKraushappensDec 07 01:18
PetoKrausit's quite funny when you read trough all those fake "married" statuses on facebookDec 07 01:18
PetoKrausand then you see another one, and you have to stop and sayDec 07 01:18
schestowitzI hardly user FBDec 07 01:18
PetoKrausfuck, i went to her wedding! she actually IS married now!Dec 07 01:18
PetoKrausi use it quite a lotDec 07 01:19
PetoKrausi channel my page trough itDec 07 01:19
PetoKrausi stalk people trough thatDec 07 01:19
PetoKrausi mean, there's lots of pictures ;) very nice picturesDec 07 01:19
PetoKrausi need proper pictureDec 07 01:20
PetoKrausi'm using my "biker-cock" oneDec 07 01:20
*dsmith_ has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))Dec 07 01:20
PetoKrausit's half a year old and i look like an idiot :PDec 07 01:21
*dsmith_ ( has joined #boycottnovellDec 07 01:21
PetoKraus 07 01:21
schestowitzhehe. Dec 07 01:22
schestowitzMemories returnDec 07 01:22
schestowitzKaraoke photosDec 07 01:23
PetoKrausi like my earphones thoughDec 07 01:23
PetoKrausi should make some "art" with themDec 07 01:23
PetoKrausthey look gay, they perfectly match my mp3 playerDec 07 01:23
PetoKraus( 07 01:24
schestowitzHeh.Dec 07 01:24
schestowitzI'll stick with the mug people just recognise, I think.Dec 07 01:24
PetoKraus:DDec 07 01:24
PetoKrausyeahDec 07 01:24
PetoKrausi was trying to take a picture todayDec 07 01:24
schestowitzI've used it in since 2002Dec 07 01:24
PetoKrausthe best one was actually the "blank one"Dec 07 01:24
PetoKrausi ruined all the ones I am inDec 07 01:24
PetoKraus 07 01:24
kevin832i think i'm gonna dl the new GRML release tonightDec 07 01:26
PetoKrausyeah, go-to-bed tuneDec 07 01:26
*PetoKraus np: Dire Straits - Sultans Of Swing (Alchemy)Dec 07 01:26
kevin832that is a nifty text-based distroDec 07 01:27
kevin832has anyone here heard "the gutsy geeks"? it's a radio show about linuxDec 07 01:30
schestowitzOKDec 07 01:34
schestowitzI put up a new mug. Check out BN and say what you think.Dec 07 01:35
PetoKrausoh wellDec 07 01:42
PetoKrauswho is THAT?Dec 07 01:42
schestowitzIs that OK?Dec 07 01:43
PetoKrausi can't blooody see a thingDec 07 01:43
schestowitzI need a refreshDec 07 01:43
PetoKrausi mean, the picture is betterDec 07 01:43
schestowitzBeen the same for over 2 years.Dec 07 01:43
PetoKrausbut quite smallDec 07 01:43
schestowitzYes, that's OKDec 07 01:43
PetoKrauswellDec 07 01:43
schestowitzNo shock, so it's okay, I guess.Dec 07 01:43
schestowitzMy Digg one is worse: 07 01:44
schestowitzI look like some kid..Dec 07 01:44
PetoKraus:)Dec 07 01:44
schestowitzI'm a lot heavier now.Dec 07 01:45
schestowitzNot far, just heavy.Dec 07 01:45
PetoKraus?Dec 07 01:45
PetoKraustoo much gym?Dec 07 01:45
schestowitzBut back then I took better care of my appearance.Dec 07 01:45
schestowitzNo, too much food.Dec 07 01:45
PetoKrausthere's nothing like "too much food"Dec 07 01:45
schestowitzAlex Zaharov-Reutt     is trolling Linux users again.. 07 01:46
schestowitzPetoKraus: there is when you eat for 'fun'...Dec 07 01:46
PetoKrausit's nice to see people are kindDec 07 01:46
schestowitzWhen I worked from my office, which I still can't, I didn't have a fridge nearbyDec 07 01:46
schestowitzHe ruins ITWireDec 07 01:47
PetoKrausit's nice to see people are kind... i've been on a band's gig last yearDec 07 01:47
PetoKrausthey are from NewcastleDec 07 01:47
PetoKrausthey had one gig over here.... and i quite liked themDec 07 01:47
schestowitzHe and another guy. I considered dumping their RSS feed because they pollute the whole with OBVIOUS trolling.Dec 07 01:47
PetoKrausso now they have an EP releasedDec 07 01:47
PetoKrausand he sent over one for me for free... cool guyDec 07 01:47
schestowitzCopies are cheapDec 07 01:48
schestowitzSingers should rely on distribution, not scarcityDec 07 01:48
PetoKrausyes, but its still nice to see someone, you knowDec 07 01:48
PetoKrausmy bedcloth REALLY needs a wash :/Dec 07 01:49
PetoKraustoo much mustardDec 07 01:49
schestowitzHahaDec 07 01:50
schestowitzScooby Snacks fevers...Dec 07 01:50
schestowitz"Too much"... as in "mustard on the bed is acceptable, but not *TOO* much"Dec 07 01:51
schestowitzThe bed gets "too spicy"Dec 07 01:51
PetoKrausi am quoting youDec 07 01:54
PetoKrausi don't know where, but you gave me a laughDec 07 01:54
PetoKrausGN ;)Dec 07 01:54
schestowitzOh Gawd! Now people sue for SONG SIMILARITY??? < Joe Satriani Sues Coldplay For Copyright Infringement >Dec 07 02:18
kevin832perhaps they would be more successful if they patented the melody instead :)Dec 07 02:19
schestowitzI've just seen the videoDec 07 02:21
schestowitzIt *is* similarDec 07 02:21
schestowitzMore than just inspiration.Dec 07 02:21
kevin832reminds me of the song from doom 2 that sounded like alice in chainsDec 07 02:21
schestowitzBut where and how does one draw the line. There are many old cases like that. When I was 15 or so the Spice Girls got sued.Dec 07 02:21
schestowitzWhich one from doom2?Dec 07 02:22
kevin832i never even noticed it until somebody pointed it outDec 07 02:22
schestowitzI still have it on this PCDec 07 02:22
kevin832the map with all those barrels near the startDec 07 02:22
schestowitzNever checked it with Wine.. it's something I carried from many, many years ago..Dec 07 02:22
kevin832it sounds like the song "them bones"Dec 07 02:22
schestowitzKind of fast and funkyDec 07 02:23
schestowitzI think I know what you mean. I like that tune.Dec 07 02:23
schestowitzMore Musicians Recognizing The Power Of Free < >Dec 07 02:24
kevin832i've been listening to jamendo almost all dayDec 07 02:24
kevin832if amazon ever starts selling lossless files at a good price i'll buy from themDec 07 02:27
schestowitzI just turn my old CDs to Oggs these daysDec 07 02:28
schestowitzThis afternoon I converted a compilation CD my g/f made me... listening to it since.Dec 07 02:28
schestowitzSoon enough the 'original' CDs will become just 'backup' (lossless) CDsDec 07 02:29
kevin832i'm installing ubuntu 8.04 on a piece of garbage laptopDec 07 02:29
schestowitzIt won't do.Dec 07 02:29
schestowitzUbuntu is fat.Dec 07 02:29
schestowitzI tried it on a Compaq with 32MBDec 07 02:30
schestowitzUbuntu 4.04, IIRCDec 07 02:30
kevin832this one's a p4Dec 07 02:30
schestowitzDidn't go. Not enough RAM.Dec 07 02:30
kevin832a p4 that sounds like a vacume cleanerDec 07 02:30
schestowitz4.10. Oops. There's no previous one.Dec 07 02:30
schestowitzI still have many CDs of Ubuntu from over the years... someone mailed me OpenSUSE DVDs too, but I never used themDec 07 02:31
kevin832hehe... i had to hunt down and get rid of the ones i had that are no longer supportedDec 07 02:31
kevin832i started using it at 5.10 (breezy)Dec 07 02:32
kevin832i also saw somebody put a CD in the microwave on youtube :)Dec 07 02:32
*PetoKraus has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))Dec 07 02:32
schestowitzWow! This new upload is lame: <object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value=""></param>< param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param>< param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed><Dec 07 02:34
schestowitz/object>Dec 07 02:34
schestowitzOops. 07 02:34
schestowitzI have 5.10 right here.Dec 07 02:34
kevin832i do miss the older sounds (startup/shutdown)Dec 07 02:35
kevin832that old wallpaper with the small ubuntu logo was cool tooDec 07 02:35
schestowitzIt was also 'smaller'Dec 07 02:37
schestowitzIt was a new distro on the sceneDec 07 02:37
schestowitzSome obsccure astronaut lad from SADec 07 02:37
schestowitz Brown urged to keep hacker in UK < >Dec 07 02:37
kevin832i heard they had some sort of nude wallpapers or something in the very early releases, but i've never seen itDec 07 02:38
kevin832they joked about it on lugradioDec 07 02:38
schestowitzNo, just the CD coverDec 07 02:39
kevin832ohDec 07 02:40
schestowitzFound it.Dec 07 02:40
schestowitz 07 02:40
schestowitzSame on the CD. Let me checkDec 07 02:40
schestowitz.Oh, I threw away the cardboard boxes. It's in plastic, I dunno.Dec 07 02:41
schestowitzI felt weird giving old couples at work the Ubuntu CD with that covered.Dec 07 02:41
kevin832heheDec 07 02:41
schestowitz"Try it. Replace Windows. You can trust those people without the shirts.."Dec 07 02:41
kevin832the icons sure look better todayDec 07 02:43
schestowitzI like Oxygen in KDEDec 07 02:43
schestowitzLearning from history... 07 02:52
Omar87So, did they tuck Steve Jobs in the coffin yet?Dec 07 03:25
*dsmith_ has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))Dec 07 04:46
*Eruaran ( has joined #boycottnovellDec 07 04:50
kevin832sure is quiet in here nowDec 07 04:52
EruaranhiDec 07 04:55
kevin832helloDec 07 04:55
kevin832remote desktop = nice... i can update my laptop while sitting at my big pc in my nice chairDec 07 04:56
Eruarankrdc is even nicerDec 07 04:56
Eruaranyou can have tabbed remote desktopsDec 07 04:57
*Eruaran has quit (Remote closed the connection)Dec 07 06:11
*kentma ( has joined #boycottnovellDec 07 07:15
*kentma1 ( has joined #boycottnovellDec 07 07:41
*kentma has quit (Read error: 145 (Connection timed out))Dec 07 07:49
*anivar (n=anivar@ has joined #boycottnovellDec 07 08:26
*kentma1 has quit ("Leaving.")Dec 07 08:54
schestowitzMorning..Dec 07 09:12
schestowitz "The plant owners are creditors of Bank of America and says they aren't allowed to spend any money on pay, Bank of America says it knows nothing of that and has nothing to do with it. BOA recently received $25 billion in the bailout queue."Dec 07 09:29
schestowitz From "Barry Shilliday"... that's quite a name for a troll.Dec 07 09:45
trmancoShillidayDec 07 09:51
trmancoLOLDec 07 09:51
schestowitzThe review isn't trolling though.Dec 07 09:51
trmancoI never tried KDE 4 yetDec 07 09:53
schestowitzGive it a quick goDec 07 10:00
schestowitzUbuntu: Try KDE 4.2 Now! : 07 10:00
schestowitzGo hardcore.. 07 10:02
trmancoI will soonDec 07 10:04
schestowitzYou can run all the GTK stuff in KDE... 07 10:05
schestowitzKDE 4.2 screenshots: 07 10:23
schestowitzHmmm... " Aaron Seigo [Ed.: With Aaron's permission, I've removed this post, as he wrote it quite literally while I was writing the edits mentioned above. Again, apologies to the KDE community for my snide, unnecessary comment;"Dec 07 10:29
*Eruaran ( has joined #boycottnovellDec 07 10:53
*Kofferdonk (i=52b5a7e9@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellDec 07 10:53
EruaranhiDec 07 10:53
KofferdonkGood afternoon!Dec 07 10:54
KofferdonkIs Steve Ballmer here? Everyone are silent like mice.Dec 07 10:55
schestowitzEruaran: lots of KDE 4 items todayDec 07 10:55
Eruaranschestowitz: coolDec 07 10:55
schestowitzKofferdonk: it's Sunday. :-DDec 07 10:55
KofferdonkOK. :DDec 07 10:55
schestowitz 07 10:56
schestowitzKDE4 in the news: 07 10:56
MinceRhow are you gentlemen !!Dec 07 10:57
KofferdonkTrying to figure out what the discussion is about.Dec 07 10:58
Eruarangot stupid things going on iwth my desktopDec 07 10:58
schestowitzWhich desktop?Dec 07 11:02
schestowitzGNOME or KDE?Dec 07 11:02
EruarangnomeDec 07 11:03
MinceRewDec 07 11:04
MinceRwell, gnome is a stupid thing going on with the desktop :>Dec 07 11:04
schestowitzsudo stuff.. 07 11:05
Eruaransome apps open fullscreenDec 07 11:06
Eruarankind of randomly started happeningDec 07 11:07
Eruarancant start tremulous from gnomeDec 07 11:07
*Kofferdonk has quit (" ajax IRC Client")Dec 07 11:07
EruaranactuallyDec 07 11:07
MinceRstart nexuiz or sauerbraten instead :>Dec 07 11:07
Eruaranwhen i start tremulous from gnome i cant use the mouseDec 07 11:07
schestowitzQuitting a smoke is hard, I guess... "Meanwhile, if you’re used to Windows, Linux seems hard. I have to look things up; I’m having to learn about computers again. "Dec 07 11:07
schestowitz“They’ll get sort of addicted" -- Bill GatesDec 07 11:08
schestowitzhttp://torvalds-family.blogspot.c...Dec 07 11:11
anivarschestowitz:  heyDec 07 11:22
schestowitzKDE 4.2 video: 07 11:23
schestowitzhey, anivar Dec 07 11:23
anivarhope you are aware about the Free software Free Society conference 9-11 in TVMDec 07 11:23
anivarKeralaDec 07 11:23
anivarhttp://fsfs.inDec 07 11:23
schestowitzI never saw this.Dec 07 11:25
anivarschestowitz:  see schedule here 07 11:27
anivarschestowitz:  We are setting up remote participation tooDec 07 11:27
anivarschestowitz:  we are planning to stream video using 07 11:29
schestowitzExcellent.Dec 07 11:29
schestowitzPromote it.Dec 07 11:30
MinceR(flash) (video) (audio) 07 11:33
schestowitzOld videoDec 07 11:36
EruaranKDE 4.1.80 (4.2 beta 1) and Kwin effects: 07 11:40
EruaranThings are nicer, smoother, more polishedDec 07 11:41
*Omar87 has quit (Connection timed out)Dec 07 12:00
*benJIman is surprised schestowitz hasn't posted about the iwf's censoring of wikipedia yet.Dec 07 12:06
EruaranIWF censoring of wikipedia ?Dec 07 12:08
schestowitz 07 12:11
*PetoKraus ( has joined #boycottnovellDec 07 12:12
schestowitzThanks, benJIman, I got it.Dec 07 12:18
PetoKrausmorningDec 07 12:18
schestowitzMoin'Dec 07 12:18
PetoKrausactually early afternoonDec 07 12:18
PetoKrausthere's nothing better than long sleep on sunday morning ;)Dec 07 12:19
*kentma ( has joined #boycottnovellDec 07 12:27
*PetoKraus has quit (Remote closed the connection)Dec 07 12:29
*PetoKraus ( has joined #boycottnovellDec 07 12:29
*PetoKraus has quit (Client Quit)Dec 07 12:29
*PetoKraus ( has joined #boycottnovellDec 07 12:30
PetoKrausgoddamned keyboard shortcut :PDec 07 12:30
schestowitzIntel to sack 4000-6000 people. That's a criminal company shrinking... my dad just told me... hopefully my brother in law won't lose his job there.Dec 07 12:37
EruaranNetflix Launches Online Streaming Support For Apple Mac And Linux PC: 07 12:38
schestowitzPVRs seem to adopt Linux as de facto choice..Dec 07 12:39
schestowitzIt's the best 'commodity' platform and it's stable. Even Wind River bets on it... just seen its Linux business rising 115%!!!Dec 07 12:40
EruaranThis may not be news but its interesting in the current economic climate to read how much IBM claims business can save by using their new Microsoft-free solutionDec 07 12:42
Eruaran 07 12:42
*anivar has quit ("Ex-Chat")Dec 07 12:45
EruaranCost-Conscious Companies Turn to Open Source Software: 07 12:47
schestowitzThey have to.Dec 07 12:48
schestowitzFree software.Dec 07 12:48
schestowitzUsually for cost reasons though.Dec 07 12:48
schestowitzFreedom they'll understand later on.Dec 07 12:48
EruaranyesDec 07 12:49
schestowitzFor RMS, starting this movement was never about cutting costs but about keeping control. That said, I bet he thought about cultural issues some time along the way, realising that digital divides and exploitation can end when the cost barriers are eliminated. Then the 'open-source' libraries and media thing (open access too) began.Dec 07 12:49
schestowitzMicrosoft is 'cracking down' on so-called 'piracy' like nobody's business ATM. They need the money. I'll write a lot about this tonight.Dec 07 12:50
PetoKrausoh godDec 07 12:51
PetoKrausthis fucking Cloud fudDec 07 12:51
Eruarancloud fud ?Dec 07 12:51
PetoKrausyeahDec 07 12:52
schestowitzThey tried this in China and got sued several times..Dec 07 12:52
PetoKraus 07 12:52
PetoKrausi mean, he's not a linux guruDec 07 12:52
PetoKrausbut i guess he's sort of the prime image ofDec 07 12:53
PetoKrauswhat common Sixpack Joe using Linux thinksDec 07 12:53
EruaranI thought linux was a large portion of "the cloud"Dec 07 12:53
schestowitzMS got accused of cracking PC, but people obviously don't read the EULA.Dec 07 12:53
schestowitzCloud=serverDec 07 12:53
EruaranTLDRDec 07 12:53
PetoKrausEruaran: well, my comment is even longer than whole postDec 07 12:54
schestowitzI'll set up a small 'cloud' tomorrow. 133t cloudDec 07 12:54
EruaranhehDec 07 12:54
PetoKrausschestowitz: i thought we already had one here :PDec 07 12:54
EruaranPetoKraus: I'm referring to Microsoft's EULADec 07 12:54
PetoKrausEruaran: uh-huhDec 07 12:54
PetoKrausotoh, is GPL shorter?Dec 07 12:54
EruaranGPL is more interestingDec 07 12:55
PetoKraus:)Dec 07 12:55
EruaranThe opening blurb makes people go, "oho ?"Dec 07 12:55
EruaranAnd they read at least a bit more before they get to the TLDR partDec 07 12:55
schestowitz 07 12:56
schestowitzVista's is worse.Dec 07 12:56
PetoKrausi can't access that fucking pageDec 07 13:01
PetoKraus[H]omer: ‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽‽Dec 07 13:02
schestowitzIt's the ISPDec 07 13:02
PetoKrausi knowDec 07 13:02
schestowitzIt's taintedDec 07 13:02
schestowitzThe Phorm WhrmDec 07 13:02
schestowitz*WhormDec 07 13:02
Eruaranwhats tainted ?Dec 07 13:04
schestowitzThe ISP of PetoKraus Dec 07 13:06
PetoKrausWhore MediaDec 07 13:06
schestowitzIt's malicious. It extracts all his personal stuff from packets and then sells it to SPAMMING companiesDec 07 13:06
schestowitzIt should be a crimeDec 07 13:06
schestowitzThe EU COmmisioned demanded that Clown and his cabinet crack down on it. They didn't.Dec 07 13:07
Eruarani cDec 07 13:11
PetoKrausummDec 07 13:18
PetoKrauscould i have your proxy, schestowitz ?Dec 07 13:18
schestowitzI changed passwordDec 07 13:24
schestowitz\Use the Web archiveDec 07 13:24
schestowitzOr google cache.Dec 07 13:25
schestowitzhttp:// 07 13:25
PetoKrausit was just becauseDec 07 13:25
PetoKrausVirgin Media apparently blocks 07 13:26
schestowitzYou could also 'fix' the ISODec 07 13:26
schestowitzISPDec 07 13:26
schestowitzThe ISP is 'ill'. It has whorms.Dec 07 13:26
PetoKrauswellDec 07 13:27
PetoKrauswhat can i doDec 07 13:27
PetoKrausi wanna stable providerDec 07 13:27
PetoKrausi wanna someone who doesn't filter my netDec 07 13:27
PetoKrausi wanna pay at about €£30 a monthDec 07 13:27
PetoKrausthis is bollocksDec 07 13:27
EruaranRead your agreement with your service providerDec 07 13:30
schestowitzThey make it cheap by selling you outDec 07 13:30
benJImanbe didn't filter until recently, when they started implementing the IWF's filters.Dec 07 13:31
schestowitzProstitution is easy money too. :-)Dec 07 13:31
schestowitzGoogle earns a lot from spying on peopleDec 07 13:31
schestowitzUse NoScriptDec 07 13:31
benJImanThey're probably still the best ISP as they don't do traffic shaping based on protocol and don't use phorm.Dec 07 13:31
EruaranIf they are failing to offer the service you expected when you signed up, then you may be able to terminate the contract on the grounds of breach of contract.Dec 07 13:31
EruaranUnresonable new restrictions may represent a breach of contract.Dec 07 13:33
PetoKrausbenJIman: BE?Dec 07 13:33
PetoKrausthe point isDec 07 13:33
PetoKrausif i wanted BT lineDec 07 13:34
PetoKrausi'd have to pay €£127 for connectionDec 07 13:34
PetoKrausthere's literally almost no way out of this messDec 07 13:34
PetoKrausoh modpoints againDec 07 13:38

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Reprinted with permission from Daniel Pocock
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to "know and understand"
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Reprinted with permission from Daniel Pocock
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Reprinted with permission from Daniel Pocock
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Reprinted with permission from Daniel Pocock
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