BEFORE anyone attacks the message (or messenger), this post and its accompanying videos must be watched, being a part of cumulative research. There is a lot of disinformation out there about the Gates Foundation -- disinformation of the type which blindly glorifies it. The press that's responsible for this is sometimes funded by Gates himself and the reporters merely part of the Gates Foundation. We gave examples -- in the form of actual evidence -- several times before.
Bill and Melinda Gates said Friday they were encouraging government and business leaders to keep investing in health and development in poor countries -- especially during the global financial crisis.
“More importantly, Microsoft's Gates is a big investor in these very same pharmaceuticals, so he essentially makes money when budgets are passed from governments (that he invests in too) to pharmaceuticals.”This brings us to the news report above. It indicates that The Gateses urge politicians to "invest in health and development in poor countries." To a large extent, this means paying a lot of money to pharmaceutical giants whose medicine is invariantly withheld from those in need, owing to patents and the likes of such mechanisms. More importantly, Microsoft's Gates is a big investor in these very same pharmaceuticals, so he essentially makes money when budgets are passed from governments (that he invests in too) to pharmaceuticals.
The good side effect is that children receive aid, but given that many of the same children are killed by Gates' investment in cheap petroleum, this is a questionable practice, not to mention the tax haven that a seemingly charitable foundation provides. We have already covered all this, along with extensive supportive evidence. It's mostly right here.
It ought to be added that most of the money which feeds this cycle comes from taxpayers, some of whom live in poor countries, so it's a nice closed system and a zero-sum game to those who know how to play it. The PR gain is vast.
This analysis is pretty conventional and we have seen it before. ⬆
The Mad Hatter
2009-01-31 17:01:04
Check out Beppe Grillo's Blog, I think that you may find some correspondences.