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IRC: #boycottnovell @ FreeNode: January 31st, 2009 - Part 1


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schestowitz*LOL* ""beamed torchlight on them with the intention of apprehending them they ran away and they were vigorously chased until one of them disappeared while the second turned to sheep". (Nigerian car thief turns into sheep)Jan 31 00:06
MinceRlol wutJan 31 00:06
schestowitzLMAO. 31 00:07
schestowitzTis reminds me of the death threats to PJJan 31 00:07
schestowitz "Microsemi said that as a penalty for misrepresenting his academic credentials, Peterson will immediately pay $100,000 to the company."Jan 31 00:10
schestowitzThe wolf in Road Runner never dies and rich people in the west never go to jail unless they practically murder someone (unless their name is OJ)Jan 31 00:10
josewill leave soon..Jan 31 00:17
schestowitzWas gnome-do mono-based?Jan 31 00:18
schestowitzI can't recall..Jan 31 00:18
MinceRgnJan 31 00:18
schestowitzI think it waasJan 31 00:18
schestowitzBrowser security wars < > "I've always been a big fan of Konqueror for KDE versions of Linux, and Netscape and Mozilla during their heydays."Jan 31 00:21
*jose has quit ("Leaving")Jan 31 00:22
*kapipi has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))Jan 31 00:52
twitter"investigations often investigate the past"  Yeah, precrime is some kind of GWB fantasy.  Let's you target the people you don't like.Jan 31 01:50
twitterWorking on px06986Jan 31 01:50
schestowitzCool!Jan 31 01:51
twitterYeah, I'm typing it into gedit....Jan 31 01:51
twitterFor some reason I like gedit for quick and dirty stuff.Jan 31 01:52
schestowitzKate has tabbing.Jan 31 01:53
twitterYes and I love it for coding and persistent work.  I like gedit for quick stuff.  It seems a little lighter and faster.Jan 31 01:55
twitterFunny thing is that I usually end up pasting stuff into kmail for spell check.Jan 31 01:59
amarsh04I usually use Abiword for letter writingJan 31 01:59
twitterI'd type it in kmail but gedit has bigger fonts.  Silly of me.Jan 31 01:59
schestowitztwitter: I do the same with Firefox or KNodeJan 31 02:00
schestowitzKate doesn't have in-line spellcheker. We talked about this in IRC beforeJan 31 02:00
schestowitzAnd OOo is an overkill for the stuff I do anywayJan 31 02:00
twitterThe default font for gedit is some kind of TT monospace.  I like that.  I don't know why I like that but I do.Jan 31 02:02
twitterIt must be a typewriter/amber terminal hangover.Jan 31 02:03
schestowitzMicrosoft is monitoring BN. I can only imagine they don't exactly like what's being 'leaked' in BN these days.......Jan 31 02:03
schestowitzBut they can't sue... it's just authentic mail from a state-scale class actionJan 31 02:04
amarsh04the problem is that the "public" court documents aren't available freelyJan 31 02:04
twitterMaybe they should not have been such assholes in the first place.Jan 31 02:04
schestowitzamarsh04: they were in a senseJan 31 02:04
schestowitzThey put it on a site tooJan 31 02:04
amarsh04even when you or has them, there was often lots of ocr work to be doneJan 31 02:04
schestowitzThen there's ethical law versus thenicalityJan 31 02:04
schestowitz*technicalityJan 31 02:04
schestowitzFor example, you can't cross the road without zebra crossing and alll... but sometime jaywalking is reasonable... like in a quiet neighbourhoodJan 31 02:05
schestowitzamarsh04: there's no hurry. OCR + manual work would do the trickJan 31 02:05
amarsh04yes, I've wondered how I get the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) to take note of the .au-relevant stuff that you have postedJan 31 02:06
twittertechnicality?  these nut jobs act like Bond super villains.  "DOS is the Source of our Power!"  "We must own the secure path, end to end.  There can be only one."Jan 31 02:06
schestowitzI hope to have informed some people who can sueJan 31 02:06
schestowitzThe evidence is out there now and we get record trafficJan 31 02:07
twitterNow that would be justice.Jan 31 02:07
schestowitzAs got GL, I know PJ's issues with this.Jan 31 02:07
schestowitzShe did post some full texts before, e.g. anti-JavaJan 31 02:07
schestowitzI have many moreJan 31 02:07
schestowitzShe was concerned by 2 things:Jan 31 02:07
schestowitz1. Poisoning of the well: what if Microsoft had 'planted' some fakes to ruin the lot?Jan 31 02:08
schestowitz2. Names of people: there are many names in these E-mails, also from ppl outside Microsoft. We get them Googled when we post full texts and it's usuaully embarrassing when put in context,Jan 31 02:09
schestowitzReferrals we get from Google almost doubled in the past months alone (1000 for text, 400 for images, PER DAY).Jan 31 02:09
twitterIt's their email.  They could have made the whole thing up when they presented it in the first place.  Hopefully, people checked their caches to prove authenticity.Jan 31 02:09
amarsh04I just hate how official documents were taken off-line or destroyed (e.g. Caldera versus Microsoft)Jan 31 02:09
schestowitztwitter: yes, it's doneJan 31 02:10
schestowitzgrouchy saved his wget scriptJan 31 02:10
schestowitzWe routinely use these as proof that it was fetched from the Conlin-controlled siteJan 31 02:10
schestowitzamarsh04: some are aliveJan 31 02:10
twitterppl outside of M$ are accused by M$ all the time.  these emails are no different.  people will have to make up their own minds based on the weight of evidence because M$ can not be trusted.Jan 31 02:10
schestowitzamarsh04: want a pointer?Jan 31 02:10
amarsh04yes, I know schestowitzJan 31 02:10
schestowitzGroklaw wrote about this tooJan 31 02:10
amarsh04thanksJan 31 02:10
twitterFinally, these emails are damaging to individuals at M$.  I thought the other day that a good lawsuit would be to use these emails to find personal responsibility for the destruction of companies and sue the individuals on behalf of the former employees.Jan 31 02:11
schestowitzSearch BN for "caldera" as well... I have pointers to some of Gary K's exhibits... in his memory and all.Jan 31 02:11
schestowitzIt's a gold mine too.Jan 31 02:11
amarsh04ah ok thanksJan 31 02:11
schestowitztwitter: precisely.Jan 31 02:11
twitterYou know, like make Bill Gates pay Netscape employees for their wages lost.Jan 31 02:11
schestowitzBlaming a logo is hardJan 31 02:11
schestowitzCompanies are machinesJan 31 02:11
schestowitzNow you put blood and flesh on themJan 31 02:12
*amarsh04 used to run Novell DOS 7 - wasted money filing a bug report that it didn't support ems backfill like ms-dos and ibm pc-dosJan 31 02:12
schestowitzTo find, for example, that Bill Gates is personally responsible for anti-Linux, anti-Java etc.Jan 31 02:12
schestowitzIt also makes VMware's new CEO look like a criminalJan 31 02:12
schestowitzpaulmJan 31 02:12
twitterThe schemes are clear and they had real economic and emotional consequences.Jan 31 02:12
twitterI hate reading these emails because the people are so evil, paranoid and mean.Jan 31 02:13
schestowitzI hope to get this done before MS is history :-)Jan 31 02:13
schestowitzIt's already half the value it used to beJan 31 02:13
schestowitzTake them down when they can still pay up whilst suedJan 31 02:13
amarsh04to quote Tigger... "this mystery is history"Jan 31 02:13
schestowitzSome litigation against Microsoft used Groklaw for research and cited it as source tooJan 31 02:13
schestowitztwitter: you can't be or feel like a criminal when you are in a company of criminalsJan 31 02:14
schestowitzIt's like being a wolf in a gang of wold.Jan 31 02:14
schestowitz*wolvesJan 31 02:14
twitterpeople are responsible for their actionsJan 31 02:15
schestowitzExamples are taken from peersJan 31 02:15
schestowitzBossed tooJan 31 02:15
amarsh04one of the things that kill closed source software was that the proprieters of the software could discontinue the product or get bought out and all the code go to the great bit-bucket in the skyJan 31 02:15
schestowitzHad employees taken an example from billg, none of this is unusualJan 31 02:15
schestowitzThe guy built his career by stealing people's work and using his daddy to rip apart the political system to make way for 'little bill'Jan 31 02:16
twitterTrue, but they should still be made to pay.  They did not feel bad ruining others, in fact they delighted in it.Jan 31 02:16
amarsh04I think of all software knowlege that went into closed products and died with the products and their developersJan 31 02:16
twitterYes, non free software forces everyone to reinvent everything all the time.  It is intentional waste and results in second rate code.Jan 31 02:18
amarsh04whereas with free software, a contribution as small as "this doesn't work, but this does" can find its way back to everyone who uses that softwareJan 31 02:18
schestowitzamarsh04: agreedJan 31 02:18
twitterWow, here's some shit.  "I do not think that DRM is dirrect correlation to DTCP.  We need to accelerate our efforts on Secure Video Path.  We stalemate of beat DTCP over time via Secure Audio Path, Secure Video Path and DRM combined.  The challenge with the Studios is that they prefer to exercise monolithic control mechanism an partner with the CE industry who will do monolithic efforts and tace contractual restrants (threat of laJan 31 02:24
twitterLooks like M$ has the same problems today.Jan 31 02:25
schestowitz:-)Jan 31 02:25
flybacksecure audio and video patchJan 31 02:25
flybackwhat a jokeJan 31 02:25
flybackI have the solutionJan 31 02:26
flybackit's called a global plague or ww3Jan 31 02:26
twitterIt's not really funny, even if M$ can't execute.  The intent is massively harmful to society.Jan 31 02:26
twitterSooner or later, these conspirators will get it right and lock everyone else out.  We can't count on always beating their schemes technically.  They must be beaten legally.Jan 31 02:27
twitterLovelock predicts Global Warming will kill 90% of the world's population by 2200.Jan 31 02:28
schestowitzURL?Jan 31 02:29
schestowitz2200 is too far ahead for predictionsJan 31 02:29
schestowitzNuclear threat is greater a risk that may lead to extinctionJan 31 02:30
twitter 31 02:30
schestowitzThe main problem is greed (human nature), not religionJan 31 02:30
schestowitztwitter: yes, I saw that the other dayJan 31 02:30
schestowitzRMS linked to it, IIRCJan 31 02:30
twitterYep, that's where I got it.Jan 31 02:31
twitterIt made an impact.Jan 31 02:31
twitterPeople may or may not lob bombs at each other but the CO2 level is already there.Jan 31 02:34
schestowitz 31 02:35
flybackgoodJan 31 02:41
flybackgo global warmingJan 31 02:41
flybackI hate snow and iceJan 31 02:41
flybackand I Hate all of mankind tooJan 31 02:41
flybackand what an idiot urlJan 31 02:42
twitterdo you hate yourself flyback?Jan 31 02:43
schestowitzRagingJan 31 02:43
twittersadJan 31 02:44
schestowitzCan we at least leave the animals to live?Jan 31 02:44
schestowitzMaybe like in China we'll eat every insect that's left, even at seaJan 31 02:44
twitterLovelock thinks they will walk north.Jan 31 02:44
flybackespically myselfJan 31 02:45
schestowitzGod f*ed up. :-) He made us too sophisticated... enough to ruin ourselves and all other speciesJan 31 02:45
schestowitzDrift nets, nukes..Jan 31 02:45
schestowitzBut hey!Jan 31 02:45
flybackother speciesJan 31 02:45
flybackmankind > animalsJan 31 02:45
flybackget over itJan 31 02:45
schestowitzBacteria will survive and may evolve again.... for a few billiob years ;-)Jan 31 02:46
schestowitzAccording to this, Obama is unlikely to budge out of other lands: 31 02:48
schestowitzElections are such a scammy choiceJan 31 02:48
schestowitzIt's a binary choiceJan 31 02:49
schestowitzYou can't vote on pertinent policies. There need to be referendumsJan 31 02:49
*flyback uses a floppy disk to chain load to a usb cdrom to bootup linux on a p150mmx with 64meg ramJan 31 02:53
amarsh04flyback, is the p150mmx a laptop?Jan 31 02:57
*amarsh04 once ran linux on a cyrix cpu until upgrading to a pentium225mmxJan 31 02:57
amarsh04that machine had 48 meg of RAM when I started running linux... finished up with 192 MiB of RAMJan 31 02:58
flybackwhy else would I bother with a 150mmxJan 31 02:58
amarsh04was one of the earliest motherboards with usb on itJan 31 02:58
*flyback notes it's a laptop with a useful 800x600 tft display fine for a serial terminal etc, he's not that sucidal to use a p150mmx desktopJan 31 02:58
flybacknice my first homebuild was a cyrixJan 31 02:59
twitterbecause you said you hate yourself?Jan 31 02:59
twitterI used those things.  Ugh, the horror.Jan 31 02:59
amarsh04does it have pcmcia slots? I bought a 2nd hand 3com pcmcia ethernet card for a laptop - had the advantage of not using a separate cable to attach to a rj45 ethernet plugJan 31 03:00
flybackI used to enjoy things till a few yrs agoJan 31 03:00
twitterThe easier way to make an old laptop work though, is to do the base install on a reasonable computer, then edit config.Jan 31 03:00
flybackyes and it also has cardbusJan 31 03:00
flybackunlike the other one I h ave at work like it 1 model down which can only use 16 bit pcmciaJan 31 03:00
schestowitzThis man speaks BS: 31 03:00
flybackalso has 2 usb 1.1 portsJan 31 03:01
flybackvery usefulJan 31 03:01
amarsh04but the pcmcia card with the ethernet plug inserted blocked the only usb socket (this was a compaq armada 1750)Jan 31 03:01
flybackI have 5 laptops at work friend bought in working onJan 31 03:01
flybackwell mabye 6Jan 31 03:01
amarsh04grand-daughter used that laptop for playing frozen bubbleJan 31 03:01
flybackone packard bell 486slc-25 - useless crashes most dos tools, leaving it 95 for funJan 31 03:01
flybackibm thinkpad p3 - needs at least new cmos battery $3 or soJan 31 03:02
flybackgateway p150mmx 64 meg ramJan 31 03:02
flybackgateway 150mmx no ram (had 64 at home to test) no cdrom and no hd or the hd enclosure but has usb 1.1 so I can load from flash drives etcJan 31 03:02
flybackbotha re tft lcd'sJan 31 03:02
flybackdell inspiron 5000e p3 needs a new hd and it overheats but I think I can fixJan 31 03:03
*schestowitz needs to fetch the old Compaq laptop for some DSL (just 32 of RAM though)Jan 31 03:03
flybackI should replace the cmos batteries in the gateways because they are nicd which leak after few yrsJan 31 03:03
flybackthe packard bell is going to need emergency surgeryJan 31 03:03
flybackbecaus the nicd is those really bad cylinder ones that leak out the assJan 31 03:03
amarsh04the compaq needed a 2032 lithium battery which was very cheap at the local supermarketJan 31 03:05
amarsh04just over AUD$2Jan 31 03:06
flybackyeah but most of these are nicd old schoolJan 31 03:06
flybacknewer ones use cr2032 afaikJan 31 03:06
flybackyou should use a good brandJan 31 03:06
flybackdon't get cheap oneJan 31 03:06
flybackthey will leak or not last yearsJan 31 03:06
flybacki'm still mad from burning up another usb to +5/+3.3 ttl serial converter last n ightJan 31 03:09
flybackhit pins that were 5.8 better than the last one where I hit +12Jan 31 03:09
schestowitz"Microsoft software doesn't get released - it escapes, leaving a trail of destruction behind it."Jan 31 03:11
twitterdisaster capitalismJan 31 03:11
schestowitzShock therapyJan 31 03:11
schestowitzHow'd you feel, PUNK? ;-)Jan 31 03:11
twitterimposed on others not chosen.Jan 31 03:11
flybackdisaster caplitalismJan 31 03:12
flybackoh grow upJan 31 03:12
flybackliberal clueless fucktardsJan 31 03:12
flybackwith their words and ismsJan 31 03:12
flybackyou people are more fucking dangerous to the enviorment than exxoon ever will beJan 31 03:12
schestowitzHeh.,Jan 31 03:12
schestowitzMaybe true.Jan 31 03:12
flybackseriously the founder of greenpeace left in disgustJan 31 03:13
schestowitzWatching this type of stuff would probably have you monitored: 31 03:13
schestowitzflyback: link?Jan 31 03:13
flybackbecause all the marxists were more busy bashing big business instead of trying to find ways just to naturally make businesses more cleanJan 31 03:13
flybackalsoJan 31 03:13
flybackhe supports nuclear powerJan 31 03:13
flybackand they called him a traitor, devel etcJan 31 03:13
flybackeven thoughJan 31 03:13
flyback99% of them are fucking idiotsJan 31 03:13
flybackwho have no idea wtf happen at chernobleJan 31 03:14
flybackand I am tried of telling people the storyJan 31 03:14
schestowitzMost people watch fantasy BS: 31 03:16
*flyback hasn't eatched or had his tv working in over a yrJan 31 03:16
flybackbut I am setting backup a pvr pc soonJan 31 03:16
flybackdon't care wtf the greenheads thing about itJan 31 03:16
flybackthey can shove their carbon footprint up their assJan 31 03:16
schestowitzWhat Hollywood and WA (DC) have in common is that both produce and deliver illusions.Jan 31 03:16
flybacki'm not going to be alive much longer anywaysJan 31 03:17
flybackyeah we agree on thatJan 31 03:17
flybackhollywood is a bunch of mental idiotsJan 31 03:17
flybackthey make me look saneJan 31 03:17
flybacklook at them suck off the cock of scientologyJan 31 03:17
schestowitzWelll, it spreads ;-)Jan 31 03:17
schestowitzIdiots make idiots? ;-)Jan 31 03:17
schestowitzSanity is not analogous to complacency or conformism.Jan 31 03:18
twitter"Issues Sony has several competitn media technologies and software apps bundled with their Digital PC line.  Notably their own Media Player software with their own DRM technology.  We also have an unconfirmed suspicion that the Vaio Desktop Division has a Linux-based home server project underway."Jan 31 03:33
twitterha ha, paranoiaJan 31 03:33
schestowitz "It’s been a tough few weeks on the job loss front. This morning’s inbox brought the less than wonderful news that Caterpillar was laying off twenty thousand, Home Depot seven, and Sprint Nextel eight."Jan 31 03:34
schestowitzLinux-based, eh? Must be scary!Jan 31 03:35
schestowitzThey fear Linux DVR -- that's another exhibitJan 31 03:35
schestowitzLinux has over 50% they exclaimJan 31 03:35
twitterBypasses their crap completely.Jan 31 03:35
twitterdoes not bring freedom but it eliminates M$'s ability to dominate all and keep the conspiracy going.Jan 31 03:36
twitterThe conspirators will have to agree to common mechanisms on their own but they seem too greedy to do it.  Everyone has their own competing crap.Jan 31 03:37
schestowitzSony is close to the conglomerates. it's also a media company so it needn't conspire muchJan 31 03:37
schestowitzIt also had that nasty rootkit/DRM incidentJan 31 03:37
twitterYes, but they will have to get together with other media companies if they want to make universal DRM.  GNU/Linux is a more neutral meeting place than M$.Jan 31 03:39
schestowitzOK, it's 4am. I off now. Cya tomorrowJan 31 03:39
twitterM$ continues to prove itself a partner that can't be trusted, as they did with Plays For Sure.Jan 31 03:40
twittergood nightJan 31 03:40
schestowitzNotSoSureJan 31 03:40
twitterSurely dead on arrival.Jan 31 03:40
twitterI'll get the last two pages of px06986 tomorrow.Jan 31 03:40
amarsh04night schestowitzJan 31 03:41
twitterI've got a head cold and need lots of sleep.Jan 31 03:41
twitterlaterJan 31 03:41
amarsh04and twitterJan 31 03:41
*macabe_ has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))Jan 31 04:00
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TheAnyone home?Jan 31 04:02
amarsh04yesJan 31 04:20
TheEvening.Jan 31 04:20
TheI take it nothing much is happening right now?Jan 31 04:25
amarsh04schestowitz was up until 4am his timeJan 31 04:28
amarsh04hope he doesn't burn himself outJan 31 04:29
Thehe's been posting like crazy, I've been having a hard time keeping upJan 31 04:30
*NeonFloss has quit ("Going!")Jan 31 04:55
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schestowitz "By 2006, the company had been reduced to suing for patent infringement, as it no longer was making any products. Basically, it was the classic story we've seen over and over again: a company fails in the market place, and then falls back on suing those who actually succeeded."Jan 31 10:25
*kapipi_ has quit ("Ah Nah!")Jan 31 10:44
amarsh04schestowitz: good linux pr: 31 10:53
schestowitzI thought it was kind negative PR (the beard shaving)Jan 31 10:57
schestowitz*kind ofJan 31 10:57
*Omar87 has quit (Remote closed the connection)Jan 31 11:41
schestowitz'Duck Hunt' IPhone Game Pulled at Nintendo's Request < >Jan 31 11:43
trmancomicros~ pushing .net crap into FirefoxJan 31 11:50
*zer0c00l (n=zer0c00l@ has joined #boycottnovellJan 31 11:51
trmanco"Great. A Microsoft update: That's fine. A plugin installed to supportJan 31 11:51
trmanco.netJan 31 11:51
trmancounder Firefox - not so good. No uninstall possible without hacking theJan 31 11:51
trmancoregistry. Changes the user agent string. Allows for semi-automatedJan 31 11:51
trmancoinstallation of some web's random program onto the computer.Jan 31 11:51
trmancoI run no-script to keep out Javascript unless I say so.Jan 31 11:51
trmancoThis is a security hole put in by default. With no uninstall, on aJan 31 11:51
trmanconon-Microsoft web browser. In fact, a competitor's web browser, at that.Jan 31 11:51
trmancoYeah, I figured out how to hack the registry to disable it. But,Jan 31 11:51
trmancoMicrosoft, "Jan 31 11:51
schestowitz.NET?Jan 31 11:55
schestowitzObama needs to be pressured to embrace OOo. He can't sell out to the Vole for self gain.  Some just told me:Jan 31 12:06
schestowitz"If he goes down that road, they will own him more surely than they owned Bush.  Bush they had to share.  If they are allowed to get in now, they will have more or less a monopoly It's important to remember that the Obama administration owes no favors to Redmond.  Redmond products on the voting machines..."Jan 31 12:06
schestowitzObama has made some noise about open source, so let's live and see..Jan 31 12:06
MinceRgeekingsJan 31 12:40
schestowitzAhoyJan 31 12:40

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[Meme] Ein Factory
A choice between "masters" (or "master race") is a false choice that results in mass exploitation and ultimately eradication (when there's little left to exploit)
Links 17/07/2024: Open Source Initiative Lies and Dark Net Thoughts
Links for the day
Media Distorting Truth to Promote Ignorance
online media is rapidly collapsing
Android Rises to New Highs of Almost 80% in Cameroon
How many dozens of nations will see Windows at under 10% this coming winter?
Links 16/07/2024: TikTok Ban in Europe and Yandex Split
Links for the day
Gemini Links 16/07/2024: On Packrafting and on Trump Shot
Links for the day
[Meme] Firefox Users Who Think They Know Better Than Mozilla
Enjoy Firebook
Firefox Used to Have About Half the Market in Switzerland, But It Doesn't Stand a Chance Anymore (Chrome Surging This Summer)
Mozilla has managed to alienate some of the biggest fans of Firefox
Microsoft's Biggest Losses Are in Europe This Summer
Microsoft's ability to milk a relatively rich Europe is fast diminishing
How to Make Software Suck and Discriminate Against People at the Same Time
ageism glorified
Bing Was at 2.6% in Russia When LLM Hype Started. Now It's Down to 0.8% (for 3 Months in a Row Already)
The sharp fall of Bing may mean that exiting the Russian market won't matter to anybody
[Meme] Microsoft Seems to be Failing to Comply With WARN Act (by Refusing to Announce Mass Layoffs as They Happen)
since when does Microsoft obey the law anyway?
Microsoft Layoffs Are Still Too Frequent to Keep Abreast of and Properly (or Exhaustively) Classify
The "HR" department knows what's happening, but whistleblowers from there are rare
Bahamas Joined the "5% Windows" Club
statCounter only traces back about 1 in 20 Web requests to Windows
Links 16/07/2024: Salesforce Layoffs and Microsoft's DMARC Fail
Links for the day
Antenna Abuse and Gemini Abuse (Self-hosting Perils)
Perhaps all this junk is a sign of Gemini growing up
Possibly Worse Than Bribes: US Politicians and Lawmakers Who Are Microsoft Shareholders
They will keep bailing out Microsoft to bail themselves out
The Software Freedom Conservancy Folks Don't Even Believe in Free Speech and They Act As Imposters (Also in the Trademark Arena/Sense)
Software Freedom Conservancy was already establishing a reputation for itself as a G(I)AFAM censor/gatekeeper
Djibouti Enters the Windows "10% Club" (Windows Was 99% in 2010)
In Africa in general Microsoft lost control
GNU/Linux Share Doubled in the United States of America (USA) in the Past 12 Months
Or so says statCounter
Even in North Korea (Democratic People's Republic Of Korea) Google Said to Dominate, Microsoft Around 1%
Google at 93.26%
[Meme] The Red Bait (Embrace... Extinguish)
They set centos on fire, then offer a (de facto) proprietary substitute for a fee
Shooting the Messenger to Spite the Message
segment of a Noam Chomsky talk
[Video] Boston Area Assange Defense (Yesterday)
It was published only hours ago
Guinea: Windows Down From 99.3% to 2.7% 'Market Share'
Guinea is not a small country
Over at Tux Machines...
GNU/Linux news for the past day
IRC Proceedings: Monday, July 15, 2024
IRC logs for Monday, July 15, 2024
What's Meant by "Antenna Abuse" (Gemini)
syndication is not a monopoly in Gemini and if one doesn't condone political censorship, then one can create one's own syndication service/capsule
Microsoft Layoffs and Entire Unit Termination: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion
What an announcement to make just before Independence Day
Links 16/07/2024: Old Computer Challenge and One Page Dungeon Contest
Links for the day
Microsoft Falls Further and Closer Towards 10% (Windows "Market Share") in Kuwait
more countries entering the "single-digit Windows" (under 10%) club
Gemini Links 15/07/2024: Antenna's Pro-Hamas Bias Revisited and Old Computer Challenge
Links for the day
[Video] Julian Assange, Over One Decade Ago, Cautioning About What the Internet Had Truly Become
video is not new
Homage to Malta
Malta is probably easy for Microsoft to bribe
IRC at 16
Logging has been used for us and against us
In Malta, Android/Linux Has Overtaken Microsoft Windows (According to statCounter)
statCounter milestone?
Links 15/07/2024: China’s Economic Problems, Boeing Under Fire
Links for the day
500 Days' Uptime Very Soon
Good luck doing that with Windows...
Windows Falls Below 20% in Tunisia
A month ago we wrote about GNU/Linux in Tunisia
Links 15/07/2024: Google Wants Wiz and Why "Sports Ruin Everything"
Links for the day
Gemini Links 15/07/2024: Old Computer Challenge and Sending Files via NNCP
Links for the day
Over at Tux Machines...
GNU/Linux news for the past day
IRC Proceedings: Sunday, July 14, 2024
IRC logs for Sunday, July 14, 2024