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IRC: #boycottnovell @ FreeNode: April 23rd, 2009 - Part 2


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oiaohmMinceR the problem with patents you lose you may not get another chance.Apr 23 12:11
oiaohmOpen source world is keeping on hitting them.Apr 23 12:11
oiaohmArm based hardware will be another hit.Apr 23 12:11
MinceRi'd like to hit them with arm-based "hardware" ;)Apr 23 12:12
oiaohmIts picking the right thing to hit them with.Apr 23 12:15
oiaohmHit them with the wrong thing they may come out of it stronger.Apr 23 12:16
schestowitzgtg bblApr 23 12:16
oiaohmMS is getting more aggressive because they are getting more worried.Apr 23 12:28
*mib_t0pudo is now known as Ap0G33Apr 23 12:32
*kentma has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))Apr 23 13:15
*kentma ( has joined #boycottnovellApr 23 13:16
*amarsh04 has quit (Remote closed the connection)Apr 23 13:26
*magentar (n=magentar@ has joined #boycottnovellApr 23 13:32
*amarsh04 ( has joined #boycottnovellApr 23 13:35
*trmanco (n=trmanco@ has joined #boycottnovellApr 23 13:45
trmancoUbuntu 9.04 has been releasedApr 23 13:54
trmancothe ubuntu site is being hammeredApr 23 13:55
zer0c00lschestowitz, in a quest for ms documents , i found a cool thing on adobeApr 23 14:10
zer0c00l:PApr 23 14:10
trmancowow, linuxjournal RT'd one of my dentsApr 23 14:11
zer0c00lschestowitz, adobe is too like msApr 23 14:11
oiaohmBoth are pure software companies.Apr 23 14:12
oiaohmThere are limited ways for them to make profit.Apr 23 14:12
zer0c00loiaohm, yesApr 23 14:14
zer0c00loiaohm, they threatened educational institutions of auditApr 23 14:15
zer0c00land forced they to buy their softwareApr 23 14:15
zer0c00lthemApr 23 14:20
zer0c00l*themApr 23 14:20
oiaohmReally does not matter long term.Apr 23 14:21
oiaohmMost pure software companies are finding it hard.Apr 23 14:21
zer0c00loiaohm, their traditional software model is dyingApr 23 14:21
oiaohmOrcale has made a great move.Apr 23 14:24
oiaohmPure software changing to a solution provider.Apr 23 14:25
oiaohmOf course IBM kinda worked that out long ago.Apr 23 14:29
oiaohmUsers want solutions not software as such.Apr 23 14:37
*oiaohm has quit (Remote closed the connection)Apr 23 14:42
*mib_b8vme0 has quit (" ajax IRC Client")Apr 23 14:43
*mib_072gjt (i=c95c8418@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellApr 23 14:44
mib_072gjthello roy ,I m seller_liarApr 23 14:45
mib_072gjta alternative to secondlife is smalltalk's cobalt projectApr 23 14:46
mib_072gjt 23 14:46
mib_072gjtkatapult can be a good alternative for gnome doApr 23 14:48
mib_072gjtgnome do alternativesApr 23 14:50
mib_072gjt 23 14:50
schestowitzHeyApr 23 15:00
schestowitzI got backApr 23 15:00
schestowitzseller: can you add the URLs to the Wiki?Apr 23 15:00
zer0c00lschestowitz, check your mail pleaseApr 23 15:02
zer0c00lSun Announces New MySQL, Michael Widenius Forks: 23 15:03
zer0c00l 23 15:06
zer0c00litApr 23 15:06
zer0c00lubuntu 9.04 is not LTSApr 23 15:07
zer0c00lupdates upto 2010Apr 23 15:07
schestowitzYup :-)Apr 23 15:09
schestowitzbrbApr 23 15:10
*mib_2kldw9 has quit (" ajax IRC Client")Apr 23 15:12
*mib_e2egbz (i=473dd8c2@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellApr 23 15:13
*mib_e2egbz has quit (Client Quit)Apr 23 15:16
schestowitzWhat might Oracle do with/to JavaFX?Apr 23 15:22
trmancoI'm wrting about UbuntuApr 23 15:25
trmanco:)Apr 23 15:25
schestowitzI think people know it's out !! :-)Apr 23 15:32
schestowitz All clear for Google Street View 23 15:33
schestowitzIs it just me who finds it disturbing that Obama's admin calls many people "Czars"? This is still democracy? 23 15:35
trmancoin portugueseApr 23 15:36
schestowitzI'm sure Portugal knows about it tooApr 23 15:36
trmancomost of my traffic come from brazil, it should be morning thereApr 23 15:36
trmancocomes*Apr 23 15:36
trmancoafternoon, something like thatApr 23 15:36
schestowitz Obama To Name Melissa Hathaway Cybersecurity ChiefApr 23 15:36
schestowitztrmanco: interesting, i never thought about thatApr 23 15:37
schestowitzThe origin of Portuguese is not the largest nation that speaks it. Same with English, which Americans warped.Apr 23 15:37
trmancoyepApr 23 15:37
trmancoand Brazil has more foss activity then portugalApr 23 15:38
trmancolast time a wrote about Ubuntu, that was the 8.10 release back in october, I got on the 31th more then 800 uniquesApr 23 15:39
trmancoI normally receive about 300 per dayApr 23 15:39
schestowitzThere are many Free (libre) PDF readers. "Stop using Adobe Acrobat Reader"  < >Apr 23 15:39
schestowitztrmanco: sounds like quite a maniaApr 23 15:40
trmanco:-pApr 23 15:40
trmancoI'm sort of being hammered right nowApr 23 15:40
trmanco>> There are a total of 36 Users online now: 1 Member, 32 Guests and 3 Bots.Apr 23 15:41
trmancothis isn't normalApr 23 15:41
zer0c00lLOL, seems like people are storming  to download ubuntu   some one advised  me "don't download now i am getting only 42 kbps "Apr 23 15:44
mib_072gjtBosnia mirror is goodApr 23 15:45
schestowitzNo torrents?Apr 23 15:45
mib_072gjtnoApr 23 15:45
schestowitzThe MAFIAA is criminalising torrentsApr 23 15:46
mib_072gjtbecause of pirate bay takeover , mafiaa thinks is the king of worldApr 23 15:46
trmancoschestowitz, yes there are torrentsApr 23 15:51
trmancoI've seen dent's on stating that the download speeds were greatApr 23 15:52
*mib_072gjt has quit (" ajax IRC Client")Apr 23 15:52
zer0c00ltrmanco, you have link?Apr 23 16:00
zer0c00lto that torrent file?Apr 23 16:00
trmancozer0c00l, give me a a minuteApr 23 16:00
trmanco 23 16:01
zer0c00ltrmanco, thanksApr 23 16:01
trmanco 23 16:02
*Eruaran waits for the lights to go out at #ubuntu+1Apr 23 16:08
*mib_r7ansv (i=473dd8c2@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellApr 23 16:10
*Eruaran has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))Apr 23 16:13
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*Omar87 (n=omar@ has joined #boycottnovellApr 23 16:18
Omar87HiApr 23 16:18
trmancohelloApr 23 16:18
*magentar_ (n=magentar@ has joined #boycottnovellApr 23 16:19
schestowitz < Does Microsoft Use Extortion to Sign MOUs?Apr 23 16:22
*magentar has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))Apr 23 16:24
zer0c00lschestowitz, nice post ;)Apr 23 16:26
trmancoVista keeps BSOD all the time - Blue screen - any ideas?: 23 16:29
trmancohahaApr 23 16:29
schestowitzzer0c00l: thanks.Apr 23 16:30
schestowitzzer0c00l: short and to the pointApr 23 16:30
schestowitzThis enables me to do more posts and get the points across quickly to the impatient (me included ;- ) ).Apr 23 16:31
schestowitzzer0c00l: could use help thoughApr 23 16:31
schestowitzWe have many antitrust/smoking gun postsApr 23 16:31
schestowitzWe have no index for them. At one stage we'll have pages in the Wiki about that.Apr 23 16:31
zer0c00l:)Apr 23 16:32
*magentar_ has quit (Remote closed the connection)Apr 23 16:32
schestowitzI could use help.3 ladies offered help, but in another area.Apr 23 16:32
schestowitzGroklaw has good indexesApr 23 16:32
schestowitzOnes I can refer to as a research resourceApr 23 16:32
zer0c00li can help schestowitzApr 23 16:33
zer0c00lbut i have exams coming on may 6 and 7 will be free after may 20 :)Apr 23 16:34
zer0c00li have just completed my courseApr 23 16:34
zer0c00lwill be leaving the school soonApr 23 16:34
*magentar (n=magentar@ has joined #boycottnovellApr 23 16:35
trmanco 23 16:36
trmancoGCC 4.4 has been releasedApr 23 16:36
Balrogcool.Apr 23 16:36
schestowitzzer0c00l: I will do lots later in the year on BN...Apr 23 16:36
trmancoModule: gnoteApr 23 16:37
trmanco      Version: 0.2.0Apr 23 16:37
schestowitzzer0c00l: let's coordinate when it clears upApr 23 16:37
trmancognote 0.2.0 has also been releasedApr 23 16:37
schestowitzurl?Apr 23 16:37
schestowitztrmanco: I want to promote itApr 23 16:37
Balrog 23 16:37
trmancoBalrog, that was fast :-PApr 23 16:37
Balrog;)Apr 23 16:38
schestowitzMicrosoft Has Already Decided: Google is Dirty, Microsoft is Clean Apr 23 16:43
*amarsh04 has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))Apr 23 16:46
trmancobrb, going to study some mathApr 23 16:52
schestowitzGNOME may be getting rid of Mono, eventually. 23 17:00
schestowitzI wonder how screwed up kids would be with literature if they were raised only with a hexadecimal systemApr 23 17:01
Omar87So, should we be worried about OO.o after Oracle has swallowed Sun?Apr 23 17:09
BalrogGNOME won't get rid of MonoApr 23 17:14
BalrogLinux distros probably will, thoughApr 23 17:15
Balrog(remember, de Icaza started GNOME)Apr 23 17:15
*amarsh04 ( has joined #boycottnovellApr 23 17:24
schestowitzBalrog: I know.Apr 23 17:25
schestowitzThat may changeApr 23 17:25
schestowitzit's free softwareApr 23 17:25
schestowitzOwnership doesn't work that wayApr 23 17:25
BalrogI hope so, but I'm afraid not. Though probably GNOME will not allow Mono to become an integral part...Apr 23 17:25
Balrogthat has practical problems, btwApr 23 17:26
trmancobackApr 23 17:26
schestowitzBalrog: that's why gnote is so importantApr 23 17:27
schestowitzsearch BN for background on TomboyApr 23 17:27
schestowitzIt's not yet another Mono projectApr 23 17:27
schestowitzSee its role in GNOME!Apr 23 17:28
Balrog"GCC now supports optimizing for the Cortex-A9, Cortex-R4 and Cortex-R4F processors and has many other improvements to optimization for ARM processors"Apr 23 17:29
Balrogyes, I understand about gnote. Of course some say it's not good to have such a fork, but why should I have these large, slow Mono libraries just to run Tomboy?Apr 23 17:30
BalroghmmmmApr 23 17:33
Balrog 23 17:33
Balrog"Researchers Show How To Take Control of Windows 7"Apr 23 17:33
Balrog 'There's no fix for this. It cannot be fixed. It's a design problem,'Apr 23 17:33
Balrogbut it does require physical accessApr 23 17:33
trmancobloated piece of crapApr 23 17:34
Balrogtrmanco: win7 or mono, are you referring to?Apr 23 17:35
trmancowell, bothApr 23 17:35
Balrogheh yeah.Apr 23 17:35
Balrogit's annoying though that I sometimes have to use small utilities that are written for windows in .NET ... and that requires mono :(Apr 23 17:36
schestowitzAll good points, Balrog Apr 23 17:37
schestowitzVista7 was found hijackable 3 times beforeApr 23 17:37
schestowitzOnes that I could think of Apr 23 17:37
schestowitzMonths apartApr 23 17:37
schestowitzI'll see if I can find the records of thisApr 23 17:37
schestowitzI really do believe that Novell might be sold this year (but it's hard to guess who to): 23 17:37
Balrogyeah :(Apr 23 17:37
trmanco  Gnote 0.2.0 released  : 23 17:37
Balroginteresting that Sun was sold but Novell wasn't...Apr 23 17:38
trmancotext got a little messed upApr 23 17:38
trmancoheApr 23 17:38
trmancothe doc already repliedApr 23 17:38
trmancoSender: Doctor Smith <> On Thu, 23 Apr 2009 17:43:33 +0100, Tony Manco wrote:Apr 23 17:39
trmanco> What is Gnote?Apr 23 17:39
trmancoLinux slopware.Apr 23 17:39
trmanco Apr 23 17:39
trmanco> Gnote is a experimental port of Tomboy to C++Apr 23 17:39
trmancoTomBoy is much better.Apr 23 17:39
trmancowhat an idiotApr 23 17:39
zer0c00l my post :PApr 23 17:40
Balrogat the moment, Tomboy is more stable and has more features. But Tomboy has been around for a long time, while Gnote just came out a couple of weeks agoApr 23 17:40
trmancoyeah, but how can something "non-native" can be better than a "native" appApr 23 17:40
trmancoif you know what I meanApr 23 17:40
BalrogI know what you mean, but I'm talking about overall user experienceApr 23 17:41
trmancomono works like a VM right? like javaApr 23 17:41
Balroggive Gnote some time and it will quickly surpass TomboyApr 23 17:41
trmancoof course it will :-PApr 23 17:41
Balrogyes, that's how mono works. Otherwise I couldn't run a CLI .NET program (from Windows) by typing 'mono ./program.exe <args>'Apr 23 17:41
*mib_afo822 has quit (" ajax IRC Client")Apr 23 17:47
schestowitzIBM supports ODF, not OOXML (new Microsoft FUD rebutted): 23 18:02
schestowitzBalrog: gnote will have anything that tomboy hasApr 23 18:02
schestowitzIt's a matter of porting/translationApr 23 18:02
schestowitzIt's not a catchup; it overrides Tomboy.Apr 23 18:03
schestowitzI wish 'hub' luckApr 23 18:03
schestowitzHe devalues the crown jewel of the company which sacked himApr 23 18:03
trmancosome more mirrors 23 18:03
schestowitz '"During the United States v. Microsoft trial, some evidence was presented that Microsoft had tried to use the Web Services Interoperability organization as a means to stifle competition included e-mails in which top executives including Bill Gates referred to the WS-I using the codename "foo".'Apr 23 18:05
Balrogyes...Apr 23 18:07
trmancoanother piece of software moves to Git -> 23 18:10
Balrogtrmanco: Adium for mac moved from svn to Mercurial last weekApr 23 18:10
trmancomozilla uses mercurial IIRCApr 23 18:10
trmancoI never have tried mercurial though, only have used bzr and gitApr 23 18:11
BalrogOK. I hear they used it because git has some problemsApr 23 18:12
Balrog(but they do unconventional things in their repo.)Apr 23 18:12
trmancoheheApr 23 18:13
trmancowhat kind of problems?Apr 23 18:13
Balrogstuff related to filesystemsApr 23 18:14
Balrogalso some fo the developers don't like isApr 23 18:14
Balrogit *Apr 23 18:14
Balrog 23 18:14
trmanco 23 18:15
Balrog"It would be helpful for interoperability if all browsers could support the same codecs. However, there are no known codecs that satisfy all the current players: we need a codec that is known to not require per-unit or per-distributor licensing, that is compatible with the open source development model, that is of sufficient quality as to be usable, and that is not an additional submarine patent risk for large companies. This is an ongoing issuApr 23 18:16
Balrog"Apr 23 18:16
BalrogPidgin uses monotone for VCSApr 23 18:18
Balrogmonotone is not fun to work with :(Apr 23 18:19
trmanco 23 18:19
trmancoLinux cache poisoning attacks easier than on Windows?Apr 23 18:19
trmancooh buy wait -> Root privileges are needed to execute the attack.Apr 23 18:19
trmancobut*Apr 23 18:20
trmancomore microsoft fudApr 23 18:20
Balrogdoes it work?Apr 23 18:20
Balroglooks like a CPU bug ....Apr 23 18:20
Balrogalso it only affects VM'sApr 23 18:21
trmancoI have no ideaApr 23 18:21
schestowitzHeise is not very MS-sensitiveApr 23 18:32
schestowitzSo I'd hold off the "MS FUD" before looking closeltyApr 23 18:32
schestowitzWho are the 'researchers' (posers)?Apr 23 18:32
trmancoschestowitz, anonymousApr 23 18:33
trmancoI wasn't saying that heise was spreading fud, I know it's a reliable source for nowApr 23 18:33
trmancoAn anonymous security expert on the Microsoft Subnet blog has published sample code for a cache poisoning attack on Linux.Apr 23 18:33
trmancoand it's only on intel based chipsApr 23 18:34
trmancoand you need root, so wtfApr 23 18:35
Balrogit's a chip bug. You could do the same on windowsApr 23 18:35
trmancoyeah, they are also saying it's harder on windowsApr 23 18:35
trmancobut they don't say whyApr 23 18:35
Balrogbecause there's no /dev/mtrr on windowsApr 23 18:36
trmancoWas The Pirate Bay Judge Biased?: 23 18:37
trmancohere neitherApr 23 18:37
trmancoI'm I being lucky?Apr 23 18:37
PetoKrausi'm just reading thatApr 23 18:37
trmancoam I*Apr 23 18:37
PetoKrausi actually just wanted to post the torrentfreak linkApr 23 18:38
BalrogI already read it. It was on slashdotApr 23 18:38
PetoKraus 23 18:38
trmancoahApr 23 18:38
PetoKrausit's interesting newsApr 23 18:38
trmancoyesApr 23 18:38
trmancoI haven't got to torrentfreak yetApr 23 18:38
Balrogheh yeah. corruptionApr 23 18:38
trmancomy feeds are ordered alphabeticallyApr 23 18:38
Omar87Hey guys, you gotta check this out: 23 18:39
schestowitzVista 7 Security “Cannot be Fixed. It’s a Design Problem.” thanks, Balrog Apr 23 18:42
trmancoschestowitz, I tweeted Balrog 's linkApr 23 18:42
schestowitzRIAA was caught reappointing judges befoireApr 23 18:43
schestowitzIOW tilting a trialApr 23 18:43
schestowitzBy choosing a deciderApr 23 18:43
schestowitzVery cxorruptApr 23 18:43
schestowitzBut hey, it's the MAFIAA. They didn't earn this name for no reason.Apr 23 18:43
schestowitzOmar87: thanksApr 23 18:45
schestowitzIt's a WIndows oriented Web site... :"I’d really like to get a netbook, but I’m not ready to jump to Linux yet and the thought of buying a 2009 computer running a 2001 operating system just doesn’t seem right to me. "Apr 23 18:45
schestowitzI think Microsoft shill Ou runs/ran itApr 23 18:45
trmancoWindows Trojan That Infected Over 3.6 Million PCs Evolves with Worm Behavior: 23 18:45
Omar87schestowitz: Yeah, true.Apr 23 18:51
trmancoMono and FAT: 23 18:51
trmancohere is the post he was referring to -> 23 18:52
Omar87schestowitz: I just wonder, why the hell do I keep reading/hearing this sentence everywhere? "I'm not ready to switch to Linux..'BLAH BLAH BLAH' ", It always makes me feel as though Linux was proposing to marry them. :)Apr 23 18:53
Balrogwhat abou wubi...?Apr 23 18:53
Balrogpeople don't need to ditch windows to use linuxApr 23 18:53
schestowitztrmanco: my ref t RMS is used thereApr 23 18:54
schestowitzSo maybe it's inspired by BNApr 23 18:54
schestowitzOmar87: yeah, true.Apr 23 18:54
schestowitzOmar87: I'm not ready=I'm lazy to learnApr 23 18:54
schestowitzI doubt they even triedApr 23 18:54
schestowitzMany tossed a live cd and gave it a whirlApr 23 18:55
Omar87It really sounds like when a man comes to woman saying: "Would you marry me?", and then she says: "No, sorry, I'm not yet ready for marriage.."Apr 23 18:55
schestowitzOmar87: yeah :-)Apr 23 18:55
Omar87schestowitz: lol, :D.Apr 23 18:55
BalroglolApr 23 18:56
schestowitzA bit like me and snowboardingApr 23 18:57
schestowitzWent back to skiing after one day of trying (and a sore thumb)Apr 23 18:58
trmancoMore speed to come from the first Firefox 3.6 alpha: 23 18:59
schestowitzThis is good: EMC became a shill for Microsoft... with TucciApr 23 19:02
trmancoIntel Said to Face Fine, Rebate Ban in EU Decision: 23 19:02
schestowitzMicrosoft's results are out in 3 hoursApr 23 19:02
trmancoI little old... you might have seen it alreadyApr 23 19:02
schestowitztrmanco: not enoughApr 23 19:02
schestowitzIntel should not be finedApr 23 19:02
schestowitzIt should be bannedApr 23 19:02
schestowitzEmbargoed from EuropeApr 23 19:02
schestowitzOnly this way it might learn to stop its crimesApr 23 19:03
trmancowell, ban microsoft tooApr 23 19:03
schestowitzI read in the UKian press that they still work on the draft of the rulingApr 23 19:03
schestowitzSo it's factualApr 23 19:03
schestowitztrmanco: that too was proposed (MS ban)Apr 23 19:03
schestowitzA German MP raised itApr 23 19:03
schestowitzIt was neglectedApr 23 19:03
schestowitzMicrosoft has too many cronies to stay in no matter how much crime it commits (e.g. OOXML at the time)Apr 23 19:04
*zer0c00l has quit (Remote closed the connection)Apr 23 19:04
trmancoWe fightApr 23 19:06
trmancoOne bot-infected PC = 600,000 spam messages a day: 23 19:07
trmancowowApr 23 19:07
schestowitzMicrosoft is using it's 'news' turf to attack Android (""): Android at six months: A one-phone ponyApr 23 19:10
trmanco...Apr 23 19:11
trmancoreal people don't take that site serious :-PApr 23 19:12
schestowitzSteve Wozniak: "I'm very sympathetic to the whole idea; Linux people always think the way I want to think." 23 19:15
schestowitz"darkfox @schestowitz iPhone OS at two years: A one-phone pony."Apr 23 19:15
schestowitztrmanco: I'm not sure they can make the distinctionApr 23 19:16
schestowitzMany people still watch Fox because "it's what's there on TV"Apr 23 19:16
*zer0c00l (n=zer0c00l@ has joined #boycottnovellApr 23 19:18
MinceRstrangeApr 23 19:21
MinceRearlier Wozniak said it was all about getting stuff for freeApr 23 19:21
MinceRand how he hated itApr 23 19:21
schestowitzHehe. Defaced with spam: 23 19:23
schestowitzMinceR: yesApr 23 19:23
schestowitzMaybe he pretends nowApr 23 19:23
schestowitzHe advises for a company that might be using lots of Linux nowApr 23 19:24
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schestowitzHead of FSF just mailed me...Apr 23 19:35
Balrogimportant stuff ......?Apr 23 19:36
schestowitzHmmmmmmmmm :-( 23 19:36
schestowitzSome people think about a OOo Foundation alreadyApr 23 19:37
schestowitzBalrog: no, not importantApr 23 19:37
Balrogok.Apr 23 19:37
schestowitzThey set up something newsApr 23 19:37
schestowitz*newApr 23 19:37
schestowitznew image in ubuntu 9.04 page: 23 19:38
schestowitzI can't help giggling when I see this chap because of that old picture of 2 dudes with something like "I like Ubuntu"Apr 23 19:38
schestowitzI'll treat Ubuntu release like news people are already tired of. I'll just post links to reviewsApr 23 19:39
schestowitzShort story, re FSFApr 23 19:40
schestowitzThey set up a new advertising network. I am very interested and they chose to contact me (FSF president). This solution was needed; it's about time. With AdSense we earn just enough to pay hosting (and a little more).Apr 23 19:41
schestowitzThey  don't yet plan on announcing this until they have a number of sites signed up.Apr 23 19:42
schestowitzSo I want say the names...Apr 23 19:42
schestowitz Raja Koduri is leaving ATI < > Apr 23 19:43
Balrogok.Apr 23 19:44
Balrogschestowitz: flash 9 crashes a lot on this linux machinApr 23 19:45
Balrogmachine *Apr 23 19:45
Balrogit just fails to work after a whileApr 23 19:45
schestowitz (Dell sued by city of New Orleans over crime cameras)Apr 23 19:45
schestowitzI try to use OggApr 23 19:45
Balrogyes, I know...Apr 23 19:46
*Omar87 has quit ("Leaving.")Apr 23 19:46
Balrogdid you look into making a  long video directory that's excluded from backups?Apr 23 19:46
schestowitzzoobab01: re Zuck: "He used to be a VB coding hack who did roadshows with Microsoft back in the early 90s. " 23 19:47
schestowitzBalrog: I haven't, no..Apr 23 19:48
Balrogok ...Apr 23 19:48
schestowitzThere are AstroTurfers in LinuxTodayApr 23 19:48
schestowitz"Ubuntu 9.04: Nothing Short of Amazing [...] Such a wonderful release couldn’t have come at a better time." 23 19:50
*PetoKraus has quit (Remote closed the connection)Apr 23 19:55
schestowitzMinceR: your missus is coming back: 23 20:02
MinceRhe's not my "missus"Apr 23 20:02
MinceRhe's just a plain liar and criminal.Apr 23 20:02
schestowitzOh... errr... wrong URL :-DApr 23 20:03
schestowitzStill, better than seeing billg becoming state cio or us fuhrerApr 23 20:04
MinceRit would only reduce the signal propagation delay.Apr 23 20:04
schestowitzI know.Apr 23 20:04
Balrogoh ... python is using mercurial ( rather-old news)Apr 23 20:04
schestowitzhere's a business modelApr 23 20:04
*mib_m0o3sl has quit (" ajax IRC Client")Apr 23 20:05
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*Ap0G33 has quit (" ajax IRC Client")Apr 23 20:05
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schestowitzExperts: Malicious program targets Macs < >Apr 23 20:06
schestowitzTime to unsubscibe from CNN. Not healthy feeding them....Apr 23 20:06
schestowitzThey also have a new arrangementApr 23 20:06
schestowitzCNN is dying onlineApr 23 20:06
schestowitzSo they now import articles from CNET (Paul Allen, CBS,, et al)Apr 23 20:07
schestowitzThey also have a prominent column to MS lackey (and MVP) Chris pirilloApr 23 20:07
Balrogheh. if you download and run untrusted code on any system, that's going to happenApr 23 20:07
schestowitzSo CNN becomes some aggregator to MS-influenced mouths.Apr 23 20:07
schestowitzThey NEVER cover FOSS or Linux in their tech sectionApr 23 20:07
schestowitzNeverApr 23 20:07
schestowitzBalrog: exactlyApr 23 20:07
schestowitzWith Microsoft, you needn't do anythingfApr 23 20:08
schestowitzLike an open port screaming "rape me"Apr 23 20:08
schestowitzRPCApr 23 20:08
Balrog(in the case of the Mac botnet, it's pirated iWork and Photoshop with trojans planted into the installers)Apr 23 20:08
Balrogheh yeah. absolutelyApr 23 20:08
schestowitzAnimated cussorsApr 23 20:08
schestowitzAffecting Vista too BTWApr 23 20:08
schestowitz*cursorsApr 23 20:08
schestowitzBalrog: the program just does what it's supposed to doApr 23 20:08
Balrogyes.Apr 23 20:08
schestowitzYou run an executable that say, "let me have you"Apr 23 20:09
schestowitz*saysApr 23 20:09
schestowitzOr you could run a script (.sh) with rm -rfApr 23 20:09
schestowitzCOULDApr 23 20:09
Balrogexcept that you don't know it's there. But that could happen with Linux (if someone got access to a default repo ...)Apr 23 20:09
Balrogrm -rf isn't what they care for anymore...Apr 23 20:09
schestowitzIt won't replicate itself, eitherApr 23 20:09
Balrogmore like install botnet software.Apr 23 20:09
MinceRafaik osx has very few mechanics to make exploiting vulnerabilities more difficult thoughApr 23 20:09
Balrogyes, that's very difficulyApr 23 20:09
MinceRaddress space randomization and suchApr 23 20:09
MinceReven windows has more of those, afaikApr 23 20:10
MinceRs/nics/nisms/Apr 23 20:10
schestowitzMinceR: safari and quicktime have holesApr 23 20:10
BalrogMinceR: yes, ASR isn't too good in 10.5; 10.6 has it done pretty wellApr 23 20:10
schestowitzSome are Windows-targettingApr 23 20:10
Balrogalso Quicktime is totally being rewritten from the ground upApr 23 20:10
schestowitzRed Hat randomises tooApr 23 20:10
MinceRmaybe they could steal such stuff from WideOpenBSD ;)Apr 23 20:10
schestowitzSchneir wrote about it ages agoApr 23 20:10
schestowitzVista still gets it WRONGApr 23 20:10
BalrogI don't know. BSD doesn't use Mach-O executable format and the dyld runtime-linkerApr 23 20:11
Balrog(dynamic linker *)Apr 23 20:11
schestowitzDennis Fisher, August 7th, 2008: "Two security researchers have developed a new technique that essentially bypasses all of the memory protection safeguards in the Windows Vista operating system..."Apr 23 20:11
schestowitzzoobab01: 23 20:12
*mib_amdwi0 (i=d51df84b@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellApr 23 20:16
*silentivm ( has joined #boycottnovellApr 23 20:17
*mib_amdwi0 has quit (" ajax IRC Client")Apr 23 20:42
*magentar has quit (Remote closed the connection)Apr 23 20:42
*magentar (n=magentar@ has joined #boycottnovellApr 23 20:47
schestowitzAdobe's bad behaviour in education: 23 20:48
schestowitz"NEPOMUK and Strigi do not work in the vast majority of Linux distributions. We'll see why, and how we can fix that. " 23 21:06
*mib_ey0o48 (i=54c30a28@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellApr 23 21:09
amarsh04funny, nepomuk works on Debian, even under KDE 3.5.XApr 23 21:11
*mib_gmyia5 (i=d45d91e9@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellApr 23 21:11
schestowitzYeah, took me by surprise too (that remark)Apr 23 21:22
schestowitzBruce Perens publishes new works in his Web site now: 23 21:29
schestowitzWhat's w/ this pretense that Debian is dying? "Will Debian survive the rise of Linux?"  < >Apr 23 21:33
schestowitzDiskeeper Considering Linux, Mac OS X Defrag Software < > Doctor makes up disease to sell potion.Apr 23 21:35
schestowitzMatt Cutts Talks About Ubuntu 9.04 Speed And Bugs < >  "Ubuntu is definitely ready for anyone who wants to learn to use it. "Apr 23 21:37
schestowitzMSFT results out any moments now... Apr 23 21:39
schestowitzBlasts kill 78 in Iraq's bloodiest day in a year < > Time to quite Iraq already.Apr 23 21:41
schestowitzMicrosoft's results are quite horrific: 23 21:42
schestowitzIDG slogging Linux, still: 23 21:43
*mib_ey0o48 has quit (Remote closed the connection)Apr 23 21:45
*mib_gmyia5 has quit (Remote closed the connection)Apr 23 21:45
schestowitzWait... this guy actually is *in* Debian, I think.. 23 21:46
schestowitzWe've begun writing a list of applications</a> that need to be removed. Don't forget mononono. (500 pageviews in a day..)Apr 23 21:55
schestowitzMicrosoft earning are down 32 PERCENT!!Apr 23 21:57
amarsh04debian development pace has been fairly healthy from what I've seen running unstable on i386 and amd-64Apr 23 21:58
schestowitzChairs might fly. Linux is a major cause for this.Apr 23 21:58
schestowitzamarsh04: Debian just need to be patientApr 23 21:59
schestowitzSame with Madnriva and othersApr 23 21:59
schestowitzMicrosoft is burning itself out, so to speakApr 23 21:59
schestowitzIt can't offer kickbacks for OEMs to stock Windows.Apr 23 21:59
schestowitzAnd I've been hearing it does exactly that in Germany.Apr 23 21:59
schestowitzGood news from X today. Xorg 1.5 - a step in the right direction < >Apr 23 22:01
schestowitzThe reviews that I've seen of Ubuntu 9.04 so far today are ALL positive.Apr 23 22:01
trmanco1.5Apr 23 22:02
trmancoUbuntu ships with Xorg server 1.6Apr 23 22:02
schestowitzIna Shiels: "Sign of the times: Microsoft sales drop?"Apr 23 22:05
schestowitzThey try to spin itApr 23 22:05
schestowitztrmanco: yupApr 23 22:05
amarsh04xorg server on Debian unstable is 1.6.1Apr 23 22:05
trmancoheheApr 23 22:05
schestowitzI see the Microsoft shill McKrakcken (Technologizer) is now also humming about "Windows 8"Apr 23 22:05
trmancobleeding edgeApr 23 22:05
schestowitzThere isn't even a Windows 7 yetApr 23 22:06
schestowitzHehe.Apr 23 22:06
Balrogheh.Apr 23 22:06
trmancovaporwareApr 23 22:06
trmancohow wonderfulApr 23 22:06
schestowitzLet me do a quick post about Linux killing MS' marginsApr 23 22:06
schestowitzThe Wintel press totally ignores thisApr 23 22:06
Balrogheh ... < 23 22:07
Balrogapple approved an app they shouldn't have, it seemsApr 23 22:08
Balrog(that's what people are saying, at least)Apr 23 22:09
MinceRthey'll just kill it remotely anywayApr 23 22:11
schestowitzNice... 23 22:13
schestowitzI always find what I look for in this Hungarian siteApr 23 22:13
BalrogMinceR: I don't think they care that much to kill it remotelyApr 23 22:14
MinceRor they'll just kill the phone remotelyApr 23 22:14
MinceRand then claim the user violated some terms of useApr 23 22:14
MinceRafter all most users don't really own their "phone" in any wayApr 23 22:14
Balrognow that would be grounds for a lawsuit.Apr 23 22:15
MinceRas if apple caredApr 23 22:15
Balrogafter the contract expires, the user does own the phoneApr 23 22:15
Balrogit also would be bad PRApr 23 22:15
MinceRthey're very happy going around claiming patents on things they didn't invent and threatening to sue others for using themApr 23 22:15
MinceRbad pr doesn't matter in apple-land -- the fanboys believe in their god, Jobs, unquestioninglyApr 23 22:15
MinceRand they deserve all the abuse they getApr 23 22:16
BalrogMinceR: apparently you don't read the forums where 'fanboys' post. Most aren't like that at all.Apr 23 22:16
MinceRsadly i doApr 23 22:16
MinceRthere's /., for exampleApr 23 22:16
Balrogthey are some of the most picky people I see.Apr 23 22:16
MinceRwhich has been overrun by that cultApr 23 22:16
Balrognot /. , rather apple related forumsApr 23 22:16
MinceRwell, they aren't picky enough to avoid apple crap, obviouslyApr 23 22:16
BalrogMinceR: you'd take Windows Vista over OS X, right?Apr 23 22:17
MinceRi don't knowApr 23 22:17
MinceRi hate bothApr 23 22:17
trmancoMinceR, would use freebsdApr 23 22:17
Balrogheh. you don't have enough experience with either.Apr 23 22:17
MinceRwell, at least vista _might_ be able to run some windows-only gamesApr 23 22:17
MinceRtrmanco: if there was no gnu/linux, i probably would.Apr 23 22:18
trmancoheheApr 23 22:18
MinceRBalrog: i have enough knowledge and experience about both.Apr 23 22:18
Balrogno, you tried os x for a few hours. that doesn't countApr 23 22:19
MinceRwell, how long have you used Conficker?Apr 23 22:20
schestowitzSummary of what I consider to be the beginning of the end of Microsoft: 23 22:21
MinceR:DApr 23 22:23
*trmanco has quit ("ERROR: crap-talking overflow - Aborting")Apr 23 22:24
tessier_schestowitz: We've heard that many times before and unfortunately nobody yet has actually followed through.Apr 23 22:39
MinceRzomg capsApr 23 22:39
tessier_We can consider every one of those pronouncements to be propaganda, unfortunately.Apr 23 22:39
schestowitztessier: no, they actually DO migrateApr 23 22:39
schestowitzThis is no illusionApr 23 22:39
schestowitzSeveral cities have already MOVEDApr 23 22:40
schestowitzFor almost a year now. They merely carry on.Apr 23 22:40
tessier_A city is very different from a country. But what city has moved? Did Berlin ever finish their move?Apr 23 22:40
schestowitztessier: I could get you the linksApr 23 22:40
schestowitzThey adopted ODF and moved to OOo fiorstApr 23 22:41
schestowitzThey also have their localised distro :-DApr 23 22:41
schestowitztessier: did you see MS' resultsApr 23 22:41
schestowitznet earnings down 32%Apr 23 22:41
schestowitzThis is no jokeApr 23 22:41
tessier_Yes, I did see them. What's that in terms of actual dollars?Apr 23 23:22
schestowitzI'd have to look it up laterApr 23 23:23
tessier_The Redmond, Wash.-based company said sales fell 6% from a year earlier to $13.7 billion, missing analysts' expectations of $14.1 billion.Apr 23 23:23
tessier_ONLY 13.7 billion eh? I don't think Bill's missing any house payments just yet.Apr 23 23:24
schestowitzThat's what they CLAIMApr 23 23:33
schestowitzAnd by the formatting I guess you quite MS-obedient pressApr 23 23:34
schestowitzThey show you only the figure Microsoft wanted journalists to see. It always does thisApr 23 23:34
tessier_The banks did stuff like that but eventually it caught up with them when they couldn't pay their own bills and investors went running from them.Apr 23 23:42
tessier_So far it hasn't caught up with MS. If they are lying or mis-stating their figures it will catch up with them eventually. All ponzi schemes eventually fall.Apr 23 23:42
tessier_That is the news I am really looking forward to.Apr 23 23:42
schestowitztessier: it already came upApr 23 23:44
schestowitz 23 23:45
tessier_schestowitz: From 1999? A bit dated no? That article says all of the charges were thrown out except one which went to trial. What was the result of that trial?Apr 23 23:50
schestowitzNopeApr 23 23:56
schestowitzThe guy was paid $4 millionApr 23 23:56
schestowitzThe judge was convinced it was trueApr 23 23:57
schestowitzThe SEC later invetigatedApr 23 23:57
schestowitzDidn't refute CHarlieApr 23 23:57
schestowitzSearch BN for many more articles and infoApr 23 23:57

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