AS we noted a couple of weeks ago, Obama* wishes to rectify some rules about taxation, but Microsoft, having already snubbed American workers, is working hard against the government. It's back to heavyweight lobbying.
“This is becoming worse than a satire. It’s infuriating to some.”On to another subject -- the eternal issue of Microsoft's disregard for competition -- there is yet another report about Microsoft weaseling out. Microsoft gives it away in its lobbying blog and Pamela Jones over at Groklaw states that their response said 'the EU Commission bigwigs would be at the conference, and therefore unable to take care of Microsoft: "As a result, it appears that many of the most influential Commission and national competition officials with the greatest interest in our case will be in Zurich and so unable to attend our hearing in Brussels."'
This is becoming worse than a satire. It's infuriating to some.
As we try to keep track of Microsoft cronies, here is another new press release worth keeping track of. There is also some coverage which helps it be seen that this hiring renders Gazillion a prisoner of Redmond.
Gazillion Hires Ex-Microsoft GM Moulder
Charged with overseeing overall management of Gazillion’s internal studios, Moulder will lead NetDevil, Gargantuan, Amazing Society and Slipgate Ironworks as they collectively continue their work on two Marvel super hero MMOs, Jumpgate Evolution and other online games both announced and unannounced.
Lyle Howard Seave
2009-05-24 16:15:12
Its business as usual but with better spin and a fresh angle to keep the media busy.
Keep them busy with the closing of Guantanamo while not mentioning that the torture principles of the government havent changed since the Shrub Jr era. The media is fed their sacrificial bone and Torture Inc. continues as the US has practiced before. The illusion is done.
That Carlin clip was great. Carlin-Hicks-Stanhope don't depress you as much as they challenge and stimulate you.
Its now noon and 10 minutes of BN, 20mins of BN Links and 5 mins of Carlin and I feel envigorated. I've DLed the lasted Linux Outlaws (which I got linked from here) and will ride the bike until McShnitzel and Chips finish babbling.
Have a nice sunday ya'll !