2008 "Boycott Novell" protest in India
NOVELL has been looking for Indian talent for a few years now (we first wrote about it in 2007 and we always show Microsoft doing the same thing, e.g. with Infosys this month). The company is increasingly employing people in countries where wages are lower and Sandeep Menon, the Country Head of Novell India does not foresee Indians actually taking the lead in such companies. They are being exploited for their brains and paid minimally for their skills and passion. It's a bit like wage slavery. In the words of another Indian publication:
The interview with the country head of Novell India, Mr Sandeep Menon, ‘Potential CEOs or cyber coolies?' ( Business Line, August 23) should ring alarm bells as regards where the Information Technology Enabled Services based in India are heading.