EARLIER this month we started to experiment with simultaneous composition of new blog posts, as can more or less be seen in this wiki page. It is hard keeping up with all the news and the bigger this site's authorship becomes, the more output will be available and the more profound it will be. If you wish to help the writing of new blog posts (and get attribution for any contribution which is made), please select a page which is not marked as "done", then edit by inserting references, opinions, or even fixing some typos. New articles can also be created by editing the "Work in Progress" page (the index). The more it is done by the community, the more effective the site will be. For those who want to read new posts before anyone else, this wiki section is also the best area to be in, even though it's unpolished. Be aware that wiki logins are independent from blog logins, for technical reasons. Coordination of wiki edits is sometimes done over IRC and Identica too. We try to make use of the best tools to achieve accuracy and speed. Techrights is a group effort. ⬆