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Links 7/10/2011: KDE SC 4.7.2, Thunderbird 8 Beta

GNOME bluefish



  • Kernel Space

  • Applications

  • Desktop Environments

    • K Desktop Environment/KDE SC)

      • KDE SC 4.7.2 Is Available for Download
        The KDE team proudly announced last evening, October 5th, the second maintenance release for the KDE Software Compilation 4.7 environment.

        KDE Software Compilation 4.7.2 is a version that is focusing on fixing last-minute bugs and finishing the required documentation and translations.

  • Distributions

    • IPFire open source firewall gets ARM port
      The IPFire project development team has announced the first beta release of an ARM port of version 2.11 of its open source firewall. IPFire is a Linux server distribution that can be booted from a CD or USB drive, or installed to a computer's internal drive.

    • Debian Family

  • Devices/Embedded

    • FlashSoft Extends SSD Support To Linux

    • Qbo open-source robot gets Android control app
      What if you had a robot that could roll around the office, speak with your coworkers, and act as your eyes and ears when you’re 10,000 miles away? How about if that robot’s control system was simply an Android app you could download for free? We’ve been covering the open source Qbo robot project for quite some time now, and this is without a doubt probably the most awesome advancement the project has made in its relatively short history – if you ask your narrator, that is. You must simply download the app, identify yourself and connect, then control away!

    • Phones

      • Android

        • ACRyan Veolo Android Mediaplayer
          ACRyan known from its bestseller Linux based mediaplayer, the PlayonHD now introduces an Android based mediaplayer, the Veolo.

        • Sony Itches to Return to Mobile Arms Race
          In a sign of the central role smartphones will play in its future consumer-electronics strategy, Sony Corp. is nearing a deal to buy out Telefon AB L.M. Ericsson's stake in their mobile-phone joint venture, people familiar with the matter said.

        • Ice Cream Sandwich to launch next week
          A placeholder video on the official Android developers channel.

          Google is expected to serve up Ice Cream Sandwich--the newest version of Android--on Tuesday at the Samsung Unpacked event in San Diego.

    • Sub-notebooks/Tablets

      • Eight-inch Android 2.3 tablet sells for $229
        Pandigital SuperNova announced an eight-inch Android 2.3 tablet that costs just $229 and offers one-stop access to Barnes & Noble's eStore. The SuperNova offers a 1GHz Samsung Hummingbird processor, 4GB internal storage, a seven-inch, 800 x 600 screen, and Wi-Fi and Bluetooth 2.1 connectivity, says the company.

      • Lubuntu Gives You A Full-Fledged Desktop On Your Netbook
        I bought my netbook hoping it would be the perfect portable companion for those quick jobs when I’m out and about — like updating one of my posts, or touching base with my boss without using my phone. The problem is, those “quick” jobs seemed to take ages on the netbook. Starting up Firefox in Windows seemed to take forever, and forget about opening multiple tabs. Even on Ubuntu, everything moved a little more sluggish than I’d like. Sure, netbooks are always going to be a little bit slower, but when they move at the speed of molasses, it seems to defeat the entire purpose of having one.

      • HP Investigating Android TouchPad Shipments

      • HP Investigates Android TouchPads
        HP is investigating how several TouchPads reportedly shipped to end users running Android, instead of webOS.

        Shortly after HP announced it would stop selling TouchPads and began offering the remaining tablets for US$99, reports surfaced from a few users who say they received TouchPads that run Android instead of HP's webOS software. At the same time, developers have been working on porting Android to the TouchPad, since it's uncertain how much support and development HP will dedicate to webOS in the future.

      • HP Claims Someone Snuck Android Onto Its TouchPads, Opens Investigation
        With the TouchPad's fire sale, which saw units selling for as little as $88 USD, the short-lived Hewlett-Packard Comp. (HPQ) webOS tablet is chic again. Given that webOS, appears on its last legs in terms of support from HP, developers are rushing to port Google, Inc.'s (GOOG) Android OS to the device to extend its lifetime.

      • India’s Small Cheap Tablet PC Arrives
        They are at 100K units per month and they need millions to reach 220million children.

Free Software/Open Source

  • Why Do Volunteers Write Better Code?
    Volunteers write better code, and maintain it better. At least that's what Michael Meeks, SUSE's desktop architect and senior LibreOffice developer says.

  • Free and open-source text editors for devs

  • SOGo 2.0: open source groupware with Outlook connectivity
    The SOGo developers have released the first beta of version 2 of their open source groupware solution. The most significant new feature is native support for Microsoft Outlook: the developers say that Outlook 2003, 2007 and 2010 can connect directly to SOGo as if it were an Exchange server, without the need for additional plug-ins; this is achieved through the use of the SOGo OpenChange middleware.

  • Does "open storage" put the hardware factor into open source?
    OpenStorage provider Nexenta Systems is aiming to use its forthcoming appearance at VMworld Europe later in October to showcase VMware's so-called 'Hands on Lab' (HOL) demos. The company will be at pains to convince attendees that its open storage concepts can deliver "enterprise performance for a fraction of the cost of traditional, legacy storage solutions", so is there substance behind these claims?

    Nexenta's HOL, classified as a true public cloud, will aim to emulate what was achieved at VMworld US where the company ran four out of eight HOL vertical application areas for the duration of the show.

  • Opening the Door to Innovation
    The link between open innovation and open source has long been documented. That there is a significant correlation is obvious and not arguable, but to what extent is there causation? And in what direction?

    Open innovation describes a process, whereas open source -- as well as its predecessor, free software -- has traditionally described a product or end result. The ultimate determination of whether a software project qualifies as open source is the license under which it is released.

  • Events

    • Embedded Linux Conference Europe features Torvalds, free LinuxCon Europe pass
      The Linux Foundation and CE Linux Forum announced a schedule for the Embedded Linux Conference Europe (ELCE), set to take place Oct. 26-28 in Prague. Co-located with LinuxCon Europe, ELCE 2011 offers 50 presentations on Linux and Android -- including projects such as Genivi, Yocto, Linaro, and possibly Tizen -- plus speakers ranging from Linus Torvalds to Intel's Dirk Hohndel.

  • Web Browsers

    • Mozilla

      • Mozilla releases Thunderbird 8 Beta
        Mozilla has published the first beta of version 8.0 of the open source Thunderbird news and email client. Compared to previous Thunderbird version updates, the development release offers very few changes, some of which focus on add-ons. According to the Releases wiki, it will arrive in a stable production-ready form on 8 November.

  • SaaS

    • Who Wrote Hadoop? It's the Community, Stupid
      One of the questions that comes up frequently in open source projects is "who's contributing to this thing?" For single-company efforts like MySQL, it's usually pretty obvious where the bulk of contribution is coming from. But for projects like the Linux kernel or Hadoop, a little digging is in order. The problem with measuring contributions to projects is it's not trivial figuring out how to credit contributions from individuals as they move from one company to another. Consider, for instance, the question of who really wrote Hadoop. Hint: It's not just Yahoo and Hortonworks, as some might have you believe.

    • OpenStack: We Are The Open Cloud Alternative
      OpenStack will be the open alternative to proprietary cloud players, the open-source cloud initiative's driving forces said Thursday at the OpenStack Conference in Boston.

      And as the Rackspace-led OpenStack open-source cloud initiative moves headlong into its second year and experiences a groundswell of interest and participation within its community, 2012 is the time to "think bigger" and prove itself as the open alternative.

    • HP: 'We're Completely Committed To OpenStack'
      HP's cloud strategy will rely heavily on its participation in OpenStack open source cloud community, the tech titan said Thursday at the OpenStack Conference in Boston.

      "We are completely committed and on-board with OpenStack," said John Purrier, HP's vice president of cloud infrastructure, at the event.

    • New Chef Cookbooks Developed With Dell and Rackspace
      Opscode Chef Cookbooks is a software tool designed to help deploy core components of the newly released version of the OpenStack open source cloud computing platform, codenamed "Diablo." In collaboration with Dell and Rackspace, Opscode says it developed Chef Cookbooks to address automation and management of OpenStack.

  • Oracle/Java/LibreOffice

  • Education

    • Leading Open Source in the Community College
      But Belarmino, who retired Oct. 1, pointed to his institution's commitment to open source as its single most significant move under his leadership. It was just seven years ago when he and his president at the time, Raul Rodriguez, decided that in order for the college to best leverage technology to support the institution's mission, it should join with other leading institutions in the community source model.

  • Semi-Open Source

  • Public Services/Government

  • Openness/Sharing

    • Intellectual worlds collide at 'indie spirit' Open Source Project cafe
      It's no wonder Open Source Project cafe attracts hipsters, jocks, DJs, graffiti artists, techies, chess savants and coffee connoisseurs. An eclectic clientele is to be expected when a Tempe singer and painter with a penchant for mosh-pit dancing, a former Scottsdale resident with a business degree, and a global-studies student earning a living as a coffee barista decide to go into business together.

      Open Source Project is the brainchild of Tempe native and musician/painter Ryan Gentry, 35, and Michael Witham, 26, an Arizona State University W.P. Carey School of Business graduate. After graduating last year, Witham decided to move to Tempe to open his dream business.

    • Open Access/Content


  • We Are All New Immigrants to the Hyperconnected World
    “We all have to bring something extra in this hyperconnected world,” were Tom’s parting words to the THINK Forum audience. In the end, the fundamental question we all need to wrestle with is whether the US is slowly but surely on the way down, or whether it can arrest its decline, recapture its immigrant heritage and bring whatever something extra is needed to lead in our emerging hyperconnected world.

  • Security

    • Stanford Hospital Data Breach Exposes 20,000 Patient Records
      A medical data breach exposed the 20,000 private medical records of emergency room patients at Stanford Hospital in Palo Alto, Calif. incorporating detailed information such as names, diagnosis code and discharge dates.

      Altogether the leaked information included patient names, diagnosis codes, account numbers, admission and discharge dates and billing information for patents at Stanford Hospital’s emergency room during a six-month period in 2009, according to The New York Times.

      The hospital confirmed the breach to CRN, but could not immediately provide details.

  • Finance

    • Too big to fail is too big

    • Obama Flip-Flops Off Trade Cliff
      Apparently, Obama has a plan for winning re-election that does not involve Ohio... oh, and he is tired of talking about job CREATION.

      Yesterday, after months of seeming ambiguity about whether to really take ownership of the three job-killing, Bush-signed, NAFTA-style Free Trade Agreements with South Korea, Colombia and Panama, he sent them to Congress for approval. Keep in mind that even the official U.S. International Trade Commission studies show that the Korea deal, the most economically significant since NAFTA, will increase our trade deficit. It's projected to cost 160,000 jobs -- many in the jobs of the future categories like high-speed trains, solar, computers etc.

    • Senate vote on free-trade deals may happen next week, Reid says
      Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid said Thursday that he is hopeful the Senate will vote next week on proposed free-trade agreements with Colombia, Panama and South Korea.

      "In spite of my not feeling so strong about these -- I'm not a big fan of these matters -- I'm doing my best to advance this so we can have a vote; hopefully as early as Wednesday of next week," he said on the Senate floor.

    • United in Disdain for Dodd-Frank, Wall Street Is Split on the Details
      While the biggest rivals on Wall Street share a common disdain for new constraints on financial risk-taking, they’re fighting over exactly how to tame the sprawling regulatory overhaul.

    • Bank of America CEO Brian Moynihan: ‘A right to make a profit’
      Under fire from President Barack Obama, Bank of America CEO Brian Moynihan defended his company’s new $5 monthly fee on debit cards, arguing that “we have a right to make a profit.”

      “I have an inherent duty as a CEO of a publicly owned company to get a return for my shareholders,” Moynihan said in an interview with CNBC’s Larry Kudlow at the Washington Ideas Forum.

    • The 4 Trillion Euro Fantasy
      Some officials and former officials are taking the view that a large fund of financial support for troubled eurozone nations could be decisive in stabilizing the situation. The headline numbers discussed are up to 2-4 trillion euros – a large amount of money, given that German GDP is only 2.5 trillion euros and the entire eurozone GDP is around 9 trillion euros.

    • Short list of articles on Occupying XX
      Mark Engler, Five Things That #OccupyWallStreet Has Done Right

      Micah Sifry, #OccupyWallStreet: There’s Something Happening Here, Mr. Jones.

      Mike Konczal, Understanding the Theory Behind Occupy Wall Street’s Approach

      Doug Henwood, The Occupy Wall Street non-agenda

      Glenn Greenwald, What’s behind the scorn for the Wall Street protests?

    • Obama to GOP: Act on jobs or get run out of town
      A combative President Barack Obama challenged a divided Congress on Thursday to unite behind his jobs bill or get ready to be run "out of town" by angry voters. Hoping to use public frustration and economic worry as leverage, he called his proposal an insurance plan against a painful return to recession.

      In a news conference long on restatements of his ideas, Obama laid bare the dynamic that now is Washington: The era of compromise is over.

    • Obama acknowledges Wall Street protests as a sign
      Concerns over Wall Street practices and economic inequality that have led to sit-ins and rallies in New York and elsewhere reverberated up to the White House on Thursday, with President Barack Obama saying the protesters are expressing the frustrations of the American public.

      Thousands of protesters, including many in union T-shirts, marched the day before in lower Manhattan, joined by labor leaders who say they will continue to support the protests with manpower and donations of goods and services.

    • Obama calls Wall Street protests an expression of the public’s frustration
      Concerns over Wall Street practices and economic inequality that have led to sit-ins and rallies in New York and elsewhere reverberated up to the White House on Thursday, with President Barack Obama saying the protesters are expressing the frustrations of the American public.

    • Michael Bloomberg tells Occupy Wall Street protesters to lay off banks
      New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg slammed the Occupy Wall Street protesters on Friday, saying their attacks on banks could harm one of the city’s major employers.

    • Obama: Wall Street rally reflects frustration
      US President Barack Obama has said that the "Occupy Wall Street" protests in New York and other US cities reflect "broad-based frustration" among Americans with how the US financial system works.

    • Labor Unions To Participate in Occupy Wall Street

    • Occupy Wall Street Has No 'Message', But It Has A Reason
      One of the most well-rehearsed axioms of the Occupy Wall Street event is that "the media does not know how to talk about it," and, as a result, is talking about it to as minimal an extent as is possible. Fortunately for the occupation's supporters, their presence is getting harder and harder to ignore. And so the media's problem is slowly but steadily becoming the nation's problem.

  • Copyrights

    • Copyright discourages innovation, the more the worse
      He writes in response to PETER DECHENEY's piece which provides details on US trade agreements and legislation that extend copyright to foreign copyrighted works that had not previously been covered as they were in the public domain and the period of copyright by another 20 years link here. Yglesias point was a simple one: that so much of what is produced in the arts is derivative (i.e., it has a hard time being anything else), covering more and more works with copyright greatly complicates and raises the cost of producing new works you have to get "rights" or permission at cost in both time and money.

    • Chaos feared after Unix time-zone database is nuked
      The internet's authoritative source for time-zone data has been shut down after the volunteer programmer who maintained it was sued for copyright infringement by a maker of astrology software.

      David Olson, custodian of the Time Zone and Daylight Saving Time Database, said on Thursday he was retiring the FTP server he's long maintained. Also known as the Olson database, it's the official reference Unix machines use to set clocks to local time and is used by countless websites and applications to reconcile time differences across the world.

    • ACTA


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