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Links 22/06/2022: Flameshot 12.0.0 and KaOS 2022.06

  • GNU/Linux

    • Server

      • Apache BlogThe Apache Software Foundation Announces Apache InLong as a Top-Level Project

        The Apache Software Foundation (ASF), the all-volunteer developers, stewards, and incubators of more than 350 open source projects and initiatives, announced today Apache€® InLongâ„¢ as a Top-Level Project (TLP).

        Apache InLong is a one-stop integration framework for massive data that provides automatic, secure, and reliable data transmission capabilities. The project was originally developed at Tencent in June 2013 and entered the Apache Incubator in November 2019.

      • Help Net SecurityHow to properly adopt and manage Kubernetes in production

        Kubernetes is a very important technology in the marketplace because vendors, ISVs, end users and enterprises are all able to come together and use this common infrastructure substrate to build their product on.

        In this video for Help Net Security, Alex Jones, Director of Kubernetes Engineering at Canonical, talks about properly adopting and managing Kubernetes in production.

      • Big Data on Kubernetes: The End For Hadoop?

        When data sets are too large and/or too complex for traditional software to deal with, we refer to them as ‘big data.’ Organizations and businesses around the world need to use big data to work on projects that influence the way we live now and in the future.

        Conversational AI companies want their bots to seem as natural as possible. To achieve this, they must process massive amounts of data in the most efficient and cost-effective way possible. That’s where open source ecosystems like Hadoop come in.

      • Traefik Labs Adds Hub to Simplify Container Networking - Container Journal

        Traefik Labs today unveiled a cloud service that leverages agent software to simplify the provisioning of network services for containers.

        Manuel Zapf, a product manager for Traefik Labs, says Traefik Hub is a software-as-a-service (SaaS) platform that adds an agent to the open source Traefik Proxy software. That agent makes it possible to instantly authorize access to containers from a single dashboard. That capability eliminates the need to manually configure domain name system (DNS) addresses, routing rules, access control and network access translation to gain access to the internet, he adds.

    • Audiocasts/Shows

    • Kernel Space

      • LWNLinux 5.18.6
        I'm announcing the release of the 5.18.6 kernel.

        All users of the 5.18 kernel series must upgrade.

        The updated 5.18.y git tree can be found at: git:// linux-5.18.y and can be browsed at the normal git web browser:


        greg k-h
      • LWNLinux 5.15.49
      • LWNLinux 5.10.124
      • LWNLinux 5.4.200
      • ZDNetAt Open Source Summit, Linus Torvalds hosts another fireside chat | ZDNet

        Once more, at The Linux Foundation's Open Source Summit, Cardano's chief open source officer Dirk Hohndel and Linux creator Linus Torvalds had a wide-ranging conversation about Linux development and related issues.

        Torvalds, who hates public speaking, said that he always does these presentations as interviews because, "I do software. I don't do public speaking." The hindrance being, he explained, "I don't know what people are interested in. So, Dirk asks the questions and, hopefully, if he asks bad questions, it's not my fault."

    • Graphics Stack

      • The Register UKGraphical desktop system X Window turns 38 ● The Register

        The X window system turned 38 years old this week, and although it has more rivals than ever, it is still the go-to for a graphical desktop on Unix.

        The first public release of the X window system, according to Robert W. Scheifler's announcement, was 19 June 1984.

        X itself was a rewrite of an older windowing system called W, which ran on a research microkernel OS called the V-System (V→W→X, you see.) Both the V-System and the W window system seem to have now been lost, although Bryan Lunduke has an interesting history.

        About the only relic that you can see today, if you're curious, is the V-System manual [PDF].

        Just two years after launch, X had already reached version 10 – the oldest point release showing in the release history on the Foundation web page. X11R1 was introduced in 1987, and with some modifications, that's what the world is still using today.

        That is quite a feat of longevity, considering that that's the same year as OS/2 1.0 came out, as well as Acorn's Archimedes range.

    • Applications

      • DebugPointFlameshot 12.0.0 Released with Movable Layer, New Magnifier and 20+ Bug Fixes

        The fantastic Flameshot screenshot tool released its latest version, 12.0.0, today with many exciting changes. We round up the release in this post.

      • UbuntubuzzVideo Editors on Ubuntu, FLOSS Alternatives to Premiere and Movie Maker

        This is for multimedia and video editing people who work with Ubuntu and seeking for free libre open source software alternatives to Adobe Premiere or Windows Movie Maker alike. In order to write this overview article, we installed all programs on Ubuntu 22.04 to show you what you can do with them. We use Mandalika and Bunaken from Wonderful Indonesia as video materials. Happy editing!

      • DedoimedoXnView - Small, feisty and powerful

        XnView is a fantastic program, overall. There are some bugs and problems, of course. In my Plasma desktop, the UI didn't render perfectly - some icons were low-res, some buttons didn't have all the border lines and such. The installation comes with a bogus dependency warning, and the program can be overwhelming to new users, due to its myriad options and settings and somewhat confusing Browser mode.

        That said, once you settle in, and you invest a little bit of time taming the tool, XnView can look and behave the part. You can also adjust its shortcuts for a much more efficient work session, you have tons of filters and effects, plus you can work with image metadata, and there's a tabbed interface to boot. 'Tis a pretty solid program, with lots of great features. I still do find some elements a bit clunky, or not as fast or efficient as I'd like them. That said, IrfanView aside, this is one of the more capable and useful image viewers out there. You should definitely check it out. And with that, I bid you farewell.

    • Instructionals/Technical

      • MakeTech EasierHow to Fix Ubuntu Can't Open the Terminal Issue - Make Tech Easier

        You can’t get the terminal in your Ubuntu machine to open. What can you do? While this issue seldom happens, it is a fact that the problem exists and can happen to you at anytime. Read on to learn what to do when your Ubuntu machine can’t open its terminal.

      • Tips On UNIXInstall Rhythmbox On Ubuntu / Alma Linux & Fedora | Tips On UNIX

        This tutorial will be helpful for beginners to Install Rhythmbox on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS, Ubuntu 20.04 LTS, Linux Mint 20.3, AlmaLinux 9, Rocky Linux 8, and Fedora 36.

      • H2S MediaHow to install Apache Tomcat 10 on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS - Linux Shout

        Learn the steps and commands to install the latest version of Apache Tomcat on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS Jammy JellyFish Linux to test various Java-based applications…

        Apache Tomcat is an open-source web server that allows you to run web applications written in Java. Tomcat is developed and maintained by a free community of developers and our Apache license is published as open-source software.

        Well, Tomcat is significantly different from the Apache web server, it was developed to primarily focus on Web applications. Tomcat does not understand URLs as a file specification, but as a notification of a user action. This is comparable to event-driven programming in classic GUI programming: a click on a button generates an event that the window manager reports to the program. Calling up a URL is analogous, be it in the form of a link or a form called.

      • Make Use OfHow to Fix a Corrupted Windows NTFS Filesystem With Ubuntu

        How many of you have had that sinking feeling as your PC boots up? You know, a slight niggle in the back of your mind that says "this is taking longer than usual" before Windows drops dead in front of you, and refuses to play ball.

        When it comes to fixing your broken Windows install, Ubuntu has its uses there too. If you happen to break your filesystem or master boot record on Windows, then fear not, all is not lost. You can use Ubuntu to fix issues related to the Windows operating system. This technique should work on any Ubuntu-based Linux distribution.

      • RoseHostingHow to Install and Secure Tomcat 10 on AlmaLinux - RoseHosting

        In this tutorial, we are going to install Tomcat 10 and secure it with an SSL certificate on AlmaLinux OS.

        Tomcat is an open-source application written in Java program language used for rendering Java web pages and executing Java servlets. Tomcat is also known as Apache Tomcat and it can be installed on many Linux distributions such as Debian, Ubuntu, CentOS, and of course AlmaLinux. In this tutorial, we are going to install Tomcat 10 and set up a reverse proxy with Apache configuration so we can secure the domain with an SSL certificate.

        Installing Tomcat 10 on AlmaLinux with Apache as a reverse proxy can take up to 15 minutes. Let’s get started!

      • Ubuntu HandbookHow to Install The Latest Krita 5.0.8 in Ubuntu 22.04 via PPA | UbuntuHandbook

        For those prefer the classic .deb package, the Krita digital painting software finally available to install / update through PPA for Ubuntu 22.04 LTS.

        Krita has reached version 5.0.8 and being in development of the next 5.1 release (in beta now). For those do not like the Flatpak and AppImage that run in sandbox, the .deb package has now been made into the official Krita Lime PPA.

      • TecAdminHow to Install Composer on Ubuntu 22.04 – TecAdmin

        If you’re using PHP on your Ubuntu 22.04 system, you may need to install Composer at some point. Composer is a PHP dependency manager that can help you manage your project’s dependencies in an easy and efficient way. In this guide, we’ll show you how to install Composer on your Ubuntu system.

      • ID RootHow To Install FFmpeg on Fedora 36 - idroot

        In this tutorial, we will show you how to install FFmpeg on Fedora 36. For those of you who didn’t know, FFmpeg is open-source and free software for managing video, audio, and other multimedia files and streams. FFmpeg compiles and runs on Linux, macOS, Microsoft Windows, BSD systems, and Solaris.

        This article assumes you have at least basic knowledge of Linux, know how to use the shell, and most importantly, you host your site on your own VPS. The installation is quite simple and assumes you are running in the root account, if not you may need to add ‘sudo‘ to the commands to get root privileges. I will show you the step-by-step installation of the FFmpeg on a Fedora 36.

      • Installing MetaTrader 4 on Linux

        Installing MetaTrader 4 on a Windows system is relatively easy. It is not surprising considering that the desktop application was designed specifically for Windows. But that makes installing the application on a Linux system relatively complicated. This guide explains different ways you can install MetaTrader 4 on Linux.

        The guide uses Ubuntu 22.04 LTS as an example of a Linux system.

      • News UpdateHow To Install The Etherpad Collaborative Note-Taking Platform On Linux

        In these wild times, collaboration has become an absolute necessity. Thankfully, there are so many ways to collaborate: Every platform offers the means to work together, whether it’s a desktop, server, mobile or container deployment, you name it and you can collaborate with it. Some of those collaborative tools offer a ton of features, but sometimes you want something simple — just the ability to collaborate on, say, notes.

      • TecAdminHow to Create DMARC Record For Your Domain – TecAdmin

        Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting, and Conformance (DMARC) is a technical specification for email authentication that was developed jointly by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) and DMARC allows email senders to create DMARC records in DNS that tell receivers what to do if the email being sent doesn’t pass either SPF or DKIM authentication checks.

        In this blog post, we will show you how to create DMARC records for your domain using’s free DMARC reporting tool.

      • Linux Shell TipsHow to Change File Permissions in Linux Systems

        Being an expert user or administrator of a Linux operating system environment requires us to have a mastery of Linux file management. Everything under the Linux operating system environment is regarded as a file, from created or existing files and folders to internal or external hardware devices like USB devices.

        Linux file management accounts for a larger proportion of the Linux OS operations and starts at a folder/directory level. Linux adheres to a tree-like structure with a base directory that leads to other sub-directories or sub-folders used to maintain created or already-existing files.

      • ID RootHow To Install XAMPP on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS - idroot

        In this tutorial, we will show you how to install XAMPP on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS. For those of you who didn’t know, XAMPP is a cross-platform development environment consisting of Apache, MariaDB, and PHP. These are all common components used in web hosting, and combining them into a single installation makes the initial setup less complicated.

        This article assumes you have at least basic knowledge of Linux, know how to use the shell, and most importantly, you host your site on your own VPS. The installation is quite simple and assumes you are running in the root account, if not you may need to add ‘sudo‘ to the commands to get root privileges. I will show you the step-by-step installation of the XAMPP on Ubuntu 22.04 (Jammy Jellyfish). You can follow the same instructions for Ubuntu 18.04, 16.04, and any other Debian-based distribution like Linux Mint.

      • H2S MediaHow to increase Swap Space in Ubuntu 22.04 LTS Jammy - Linux Shout

        Add the required Swap Space in Ubuntu 22.04 LTS Jammy JellyFish Linux, if you think the existing one is not enough on your Server or Desktop system. Users can also follow this tutorial for Ubuntu 20.04 LTS as well.

        Linux (like almost all other operating systems) tries to keep the operating system components, currently required program data, etc. in RAM (main memory), since the access to the RAM is much faster than to data carriers such as hard disk, CD, or USB stick.

        However, RAM has its limit of volatile space, if your system has 4GB of memory then it can happen many times your RAM space is allocated completely when we run many programs simultaneously. At this point, the Linux kernel begins to free up RAM by writing parts of the data stored in RAM to the hard disk, the portion of the hard disk that is dedicated to this is called “Swap” memory. If the data is needed again, it is loaded back into RAM and other data that is not needed at the moment is written to the swap. In such a case, it is also said: that “the system swaps”.

      • Red Hat OfficialHow to create a Rust application on OpenShift | Enable Sysadmin

        With the help of a container and OpenShift's "import from Git" functionality, you can onboard a Rust application onto OpenShift quickly.

      • Own HowToHow to Enable Gzip Compression on Nginx

        In this tutorial you will learn how to enable Gzip compression on Nginx.

        Enabling gzip compression is a must because it will not only make your site faster, but it will also save your server's bandwidth from getting used to serve uncompressed content, this means less bandwidth and a faster site served to your visitors.

      • Fedora MagazaineUsing Linux System Roles to implement Clevis and Tang for automated LUKS volume unlocking - Fedora Magazine

        One of the key aspects of system security is encrypting storage at rest. Without encrypted storage, any time a storage device leaves your presence it can be at risk. The most obvious scenario where this can happen is if a storage device (either just the storage device or the entire system, server, or laptop) is lost or stolen.

        However, there are other scenarios that are a concern as well: perhaps you have a storage device fail, and it is replaced under warranty — many times the vendor will ask you to return the original device. If the device was encrypted, it is much less of a concern to return it back to the hardware vendor.

        Another concern is anytime your storage device is out of sight there is a risk that the data is copied or cloned off of the device without you even being aware. Again, if the device is encrypted, this is much less of a concern.

        Fedora (and other Linux distributions) include the Linux Unified Key Setup (LUKS) functionality to support disk encryption. LUKS is easy to use, and is even integrated as an option in the Fedora Anaconda installer.

      • Barry KaulerComplete separation between boot-manager and EasyOS

        The separation means that it looks exactly like a frugal install in the image file. This makes it conceptually very simple for someone to see how to do a frugal install into an internal drive. EasyOS no longer knows anything about the boot manager or bootloader that caused it to boot. The boot-partition variables BOOT_UUID, BOOT_DEV and BOOT_DIR are no longer in EasyOS. All that Easy knows about is where it is installed, in the working-partition, variables WKG_UUID, WKG_DEV and WKG_DIR.

      • VituxSave Output Of A Command From the Debian Terminal To A File - VITUX

        We all know how running a command in the Debian command line, the Terminal, results in the execution of the command and printing of the results, if any, in the Terminal itself. Sometimes, this immediate display of output is not enough, especially if we want to save the output for later use. Fortunately, the Linux bash and all operating system bash, for that matter, is equipped with the ability to print the output of a command to a specified file. In this article, we will work on the following two scenarios...

      • Why is my syslog-ng disk-buffer file so huge even when it is empty? - Blog - syslog-ng Community - syslog-ng Community

        Most people expect to see how many log messages are waiting in the disk-buffer from the size of the syslog-ng disk-buffer file.. While it was mostly true for earlier syslog-ng releases, for recent syslog-ng releases (3.34+) the disk-buffer file can stay large even when it is empty. This is a side effect of a recent syslog-ng performance tuning.

      • Red HatMeasuring BPF performance: Tips, tricks, and best practices | Red Hat Developer

        Measuring stuff is harder than you may think. Even in math, there is such a thing as non-measurable sets and Banach-Tarski paradox, which shows that a three-dimensional ball of radius 1 can be dissected into 5 parts, which can be magically reassembled to form two balls of radius 1. Now imagine what kind of mess we've got in software engineering.

        This may sound somewhat philosophical, so let's get down to earth and talk about BPF programs. BPF, which originally stood for Berkeley Packet Filter, is a general-purpose execution engine that can be used for a variety of purposes, including networking, observability, and security. What we'll be discussing in this article was initially called extended BPF (eBPF) to differentiate from the classic BPF, but now this technology is often referred to as just BPF, and that's what we'll call it here.

        Having full visibility throughout the systems we build is a well established best practice. Usually, one knows which metrics to collect, and how and what to profile or instrument to understand why the system exhibits certain levels of performance. But all of this becomes more challenging as soon as the BPF layer is included. Despite years of development, it is still a black box in many ways.

        But do not despair: this article will show, with some amount of creativity, that one can reveal what is going on under the hood. The article will begin with a userspace service that uses BPF programs attached to various syscalls to inspect system activity. It does the job, but what we really want is to understand the overhead of the BPF programs themselves. How do you look inside? That's the problem that we will ultimately tackle.

    • Games

  • Distributions and Operating Systems

    • New Releases

      • The Register UK21.3 of Arch Linux derivative Manjaro released ● The Register

        Version 21.3 of Manjaro - codenamed "Ruah" - is here, with kernel 5.15, but don't let its beginner-friendly billing fool you: you will need a clue with this one.

        Manjaro Linux is one of the more popular Arch Linux derivatives, and the new version 21.3 is the latest update to version 21, released in 2021. There are three official variants, with GNOME 42.2, KDE 5.24.5 or Xfce 4.16 desktops, plus community builds with Budgie, Cinnamon, MATE, a choice of tiling window managers (i3 or Sway), plus a Docker image.

        The Reg took its latest look at Arch Linux a few months ago. Arch is one of the older rolling-release distros, and it's also famously rather minimal. The installation process isn't trivial: it's driven from the command line, and the user does a lot of the hard work, manually partitioning disks and so on.

      • KaOS 2022.06

        It is with great pleasure to present to you the June release of a new stable ISO.

        Changes were numerous and all over the place, the base of the system for example, was built on a new Glibc 2.35, GCC 11.3.0, and Binutils 2.38 based Toolchain. Further updates in Core included DBus 1.14.0, Systemd 250.7, Nettle 3.8 and the kernel moved to 5.17.15. Midna, the Plasma theme used in KaOS received some changes (partly to get ready for Plasma 5.25), visual biggest change is the addition of a well-integrated virtual keyboard in the login & lock screen.

      • LinuxiacKDE-Focused KaOS Linux 2022.06 Is Here with the Latest Plasma 5.25

        KaOS 2022.06 comes with the latest Plasma 5.25, the latest KDE Frameworks 5.95, and the newest app set provided by KDE Gear 22.04.

        KaOS is an independent rolling-release distribution inspired by Arch Linux that includes the latest KDE Plasma Desktop and related Qt Toolkit-based software.

        Unlike most other Linux distros, KaOS does not provide various installation images with GNOME, Xfce, LXQt, or any other desktop. In other words, the distro is solely dedicated to the KDE Plasma desktop.

        The distro uses Pacman as its package manager but does not rely on software repositories developed and maintained by Arch Linux. Instead, the software is available from in-house repositories and is built exclusively for 64-bit machines.

    • BSD

      • TrueNASTrueNAS SCALE adds SMB Clustering and HA in 2nd Major Update - TrueNAS Open Storage | ZFS for the Home to the Data Center

        TrueNAS SCALE 22.02.2 (“Angelfish”) was released today after the previous versions were deployed on over 20,000 active systems. TrueNAS SCALE 22.02.2 includes the completion of SMB clustering and the delivery of High Availability (HA) on TrueNAS M-Series systems. This release is complemented by the new functionality in TrueCommand that provides wizards for creating SMB clusters.

        TrueNAS SCALE continues with system count growth at over 100% per quarter since the start of the BETA process in mid 2021. There is widespread adoption by Linux admins and great feedback as TrueNAS SCALE matures.

      • How I would sell OpenBSD as a salesperson

        Let's have fun today. I always wondered how I would sell OpenBSD licences to customers if I was a salesperson.

        This text is pure fiction and fun. The OpenBSD project is free of charge and under a libre software licence.

    • SUSE/OpenSUSE

      • CubicleNateAll-in on PipeWire for openSUSE Tumbleweed – CubicleNate's Techpad

        I have written about using PipeWire previously where I did have a very positive experience with it. Unfortunately, I did have some irritating quarks with it that ultimately resulted in my going back to using PulseAudio on my openSUSE Tumbleweed machines. They were little things needing to refresh the browser after a Bluetooth device changed status. I decided it was time to try PipeWire again when PulseAudio started to give me random Bluetooth audio device issues where the device, after connecting, would not become available.

        I have heard about many of the improvements that had come to PipeWire and decided that now was the time to try it out again. I revisited the directions I had previously put together on the installation process and sure enough it worked. I did have to make one modification to it. I added a now new module called pipewire-aptx which is the Bluetooth aptX codec plugin.

        If you have an installation of openSUSE Tumbleweed that is using the PulseAudio sound server, the command is quite simple to execute in the terminal to switch you over. I have tested and verified this on multiple machines with success.

    • Fedora Family / IBM

      • Red Hat OfficialUsing convert2rhel with Red Hat Satellite: walking through a migration

        The convert2rhel tool makes it possible to convert an operating system that is CentOS or Oracle Linux to Red Hat Enterprise Linux (RHEL).

        For converting from these operating systems, the supported source version is the latest one, at the time of this writing it was 7.9 or 8.5.

        For Oracle Linux there are some particularities, and the kernel to be used must be the Red Hat Compatible Kernel (RHCK) and not the Unbreakable Enterprise Kernel (UEK) which is the default kernel for all Oracle Linux.. Also Oracle marked the subscription-manager package as deprecated for the rhn-client-tools package in version 7.x.

      • OpenSource.comA site reliability engineer's guide to change management

        Infrastructure and platforms are rapidly evolving. Not so long ago, infrastructure was not as complex, and it was easy to manage.

      • Enterprisers ProjectHow to create a return-to-office playbook for your IT team [Ed: Red Hat is modeling itself like Microsoft?]

        In February, Microsoft revealed its hybrid working strategy, and last month, IBM shared its Return to Workplace Playbook – a global set of standards containing guidance, policies, and procedures to ensure that employees can head back to the office as safely and seamlessly as possible.

      • Enterprisers Project4 ways digital transformation has changed how business is done

        Understanding how digital transformation has changed companies both culturally and technologically is allowing business leaders to reevaluate their current processes and implement more digital and virtual operations across HR, product development, marketing, sales, and customer experience.

        Here are four things that digital transformation has forever changed about the way companies operate.

      • Red Hat OfficialEricsson and Red Hat empower service providers to build multi-vendor networks

        Service providers are uniquely positioned to serve up a new generation of immersive, personalized, ultra-reliable experiences, applications and solutions. Ericsson and Red Hat are expanding their collaboration for validation of network functions and platforms to enable service providers to bring their next generation services to market faster in a multi-vendor scenario.

        Read on to find out how far we’ve come in de-risking service providers’ expansion projects through our technical collaborations for validation of Red Hat’s platforms for Ericsson’s network functions.

    • Debian Family

      • Daniel PocockDaniel Pocock: Using the Debian trademark for good

        At the Software Freedom Institute, we were a little bit shocked to receive the trademark so quickly, it almost caught us off guard.

        Nonetheless, after a few days careful contemplation, it became clear in my mind how I should use the powers that come with the trademark.

    • Canonical/Ubuntu Family

      • 9to5LinuxUbuntu Touch OTA-23 Is Coming on June 28th with FM Radio Expansion, Lomiri Fixes

         Scheduled for release next week on June 28th, 2022, the Ubuntu Touch OTA-23 software update will still be based on the Ubuntu 16.04 (Xenial Xerus) operating system series and promises FM Radio expansion on most BQ devices and the Poco X3 NFC smartphone, improved sound playback during device sleep, as well as wireless display support for Halium 9 and later devices.

      • Linux Lite 6.0 Based On Ubuntu 22.04 LTS Released |

        The latest version of Linux Lite 6.0 which is based on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS is now available for download. Linux Lite 6.0 is powered by Linux kernel 5.15, and you will find the Xfce 4.16 desktop environment. Google Chrome is now the default web browser in Linux Lite 6.0.

    • Devices/Embedded

      • CNX SoftwareOrbbec Femto ToF camera enables accurate 3D object and scene capture

        The camera supports the same Orbbec SDK as used with earlier models such as the Persee+ 3D AI camera and that works with hosts running Android, Linux, or Windows. Femto 3D cameras should offer higher accuracy and lower latency than earlier structured light cameras from the company, and be especially useful to track human forms, measure small live objects, and implement obstacle avoidance and/or gesture recognition algorithms.

    • Open Hardware/Modding

      • CNX SoftwareImagination unveils IMG RTXM-2200 32-bit RISC-V real-time "Catapult" CPU - CNX Software

        Imagination IMG RTXM-2200 32-bit RISC-V real-time CPU core is the first member of the company’s Catapult family comprised of four distinct RISC-V families for dynamic microcontrollers, real-time embedded CPUs, high-performance application CPUs, and functionally safe automotive CPUs.

        The company says it’s a highly scalable real-time, deterministic, 32-bit embedded CPU, that is feature-rich and flexible in design for mainstream devices, but, excuse the pun, leaves most of the details to your imagination…

      • ArduinoMonitoring IV fluid bag levels with the Arduino Portenta H7 and Vision Shield

        When a patient is receiving intravenous (IV) fluids, it is vital that air is not introduced into the line, as its presence can create issues such as excessive pressure or even embolisms that can be life-threatening. Normally, the level of fluids remaining within the bag is periodically checked by a nurse, but due to challenges related to staffing, this might not be enough. Therefore, Manivannan Sivan devised an automated monitoring system that uses computer vision along with machine learning to do this repetitive task instead of a person.

        To begin the project, Sivan gathered a series of images that spanned three categories with an Arduino Portenta H7 and Vision Shield. Within each picture, the IV fluid bag is 15cm away and contains either an adequate, less than 50%, or low level of fluid remaining. Once trained, his model was able to successfully recognize the correct level around 96% of the time, although additional images taken at different light levels would help improve the accuracy even more.

      • CNX SoftwareESP32-C5 RISC-V IoT MCU supports dual-band WiFi 6, Bluetooth 5.0 LE - CNX Software

        Espressif Systems ESP32-C5 is an upcoming wireless RISC-V microcontroller for IoT applications that supports dual-band (2.4 & 5.0 GHz) WiFi 6 connectivity as well as Bluetooth 5.0 LE.

        It is the first dual-band processor from Espressif, as while the Shanghai-based company previously announced the ESP32-C6 WiFi 6 and Bluetooth 5 LE RISC-V SoC last year, it only supports 2.4 GHz frequency. Note it’s not the first dual-band WiFi 6 IoT chip on the market as NXP introduced the IW612 Wi-Fi 6, Bluetooth 5.2, 802.15.4 tri-radio solution last January, but ESP32-C5 should target different use cases.

      • peppe8oSG90 Servo Motor Interfacing with Arduino Uno

        To control a motion within specified degrees, such as turning a robot, the SG90 servo motor is a widely used device with Arduino, as this motor can rotate up to 180 degrees

        In this tutorial, we’ll connect and use an SG90 servo motor with Arduino Uno. This tutorial provides the coding, wiring diagram and component list. We’ll learn how to use the servo motor to perform 0 to 180 degrees movement by using Arduino programming.

  • Free, Libre, and Open Source Software

    • Events

      • Hack Week starts Hacking for Humanity next week

        The coveted Hack Week 21 runs from June 27 to July 1 and has both virtual and physical participation elements. Hack Week is put on for openSUSE contributions and gives any open-source contributor and SUSE employees a playground to experiment, innovate, collaborate and learn for an entire week.

        People all over the world can create, view or join projects on The projects range from the packaging of freeware games to improving full-disk encryption and from learning network related knowledge to writing a replacement. There is even a project using solar panels to regulate water heating. There are more than 80 projects for this year’s Hack Week.

    • Web Browsers

      • Chromium

    • Programming/Development

      • Better diagnostics with Performance Co-Pilot

        This article is intended to help Oracle Linux users get a basic understanding of Performance Co-Pilot (PCP) and it’s commands and architecture. PCP will be replacing the legacy tool OSWatcher as Oracle’s recommended tool for diagnosing and tuning Oracle Linux systems.

      • Sourceware – GNU Toolchain Infrastructure roadmap

        Sourceware,, is community run infrastructure, mailinglists, git, bug trackers, wikis, etc. hosted in the Red Hat Open Source Community Infrastructure Community Cage together with servers from e.g. Ceph, CentOS, Fedora and Gnome.

        Sourceware is mainly known for hosting the GNU Toolchain projects, like gcc at, glibc, binutils and gdb. But also hosts projects like annobin, bunsen, bzip2, cgen, cygwin at, debugedit, dwz, elfutils at, gccrs, gnu-abi, insight, kawa, libffi, libabigail, mauve, newlib, systemtap and valgrind at

        A longer list of Sourceware projects, those without their own domain name, including several dormant projects, can be found here:

        Most of these projects use a email/git based workflow using mailinglists for discussing patches in preference to web based “forges”.

      • LinuxSecurityWeb App Vs. Progressive Web App: How Are They Different?

        Wondering what is the difference between regular web apps and progressive ones? Hopefully, this article shed more light on the features they come with. Progressive web apps or PWAs are developed using the same technology stack. You need both front-end and back-end technologies to build it, but also a few frameworks. But the differences are immense.

  • Leftovers

    • Tedium10 Social Networks That Didn’t Make It

      The website is a site you’ve probably visited even if it feels like a vague memory today. It is Google’s first attempt at a social network, and one that became a success largely by chance; it started with modest goals and grew pretty quickly, although it never reached Facebook scale. Named for its creator, Orkut Büyükkökten, the network surged for a time, but eventually fell into decay, eventually going offline in 2014. After a few years of attempting to build a follow-up network, Orkut is back on that original domain, promising a follow-up. “I’ve always believed that a friendship is more than a friend request, and I have dedicated my life to helping millions of you build authentic connections with your neighbors, family members, employees and the beautiful strangers who come into your lives,” he wrote. You kind of want to root for Orkut Büyükkökten, knowing that the odds are against him in reviving this old social network in a new way. But it’s in his spirit that I shine the “didn’t make it” list on social media. Even if the community is dead, the people that made it are still worth discussing.

    • On Hork-Bajir language

      Someone whose blog I follow has been posting about how the portrayal of the Hork-Bajir in Animorphs isn’t really internally consistent. If you’re unfamiliar, they’re these huge biped dinosaur-bird guys. No feathers, but they have horns on their heads and blades growing out of their arms and legs.

      (They’re pacifist herbivores. The blades are for stripping bark from trees to eat.)

      And they’re portrayed as this kind of stupid, noble-savage stereotype. Except for the once-in-a-generation mutation they call "seers", who have intelligence on par with the ~smart~ species in the series. One weird moment in “The Hork-Bajir Chronicles” is when the seer Dak Hamee is making little stick-drawings in the ground and tells his friend Jagil Hullan “hey look it’s you” and Jagil is like “what no that’s not me, I’M me”. The whole conceit of the book is that a Hork-Bajir is telling this story to one of the Animorphs! Can they or can they not recognize representations?

    • Hardware

      • The New StackChip Maker CEOs Frustrated as $52 Billion Chip Bill Stalls – The New Stack

        It has been a little more than two years since the CHIPS for America Act , which would strengthen the U.S. semiconductor industry act, was proposed, but it has now stalled, and the top chipmakers are getting frustrated.

        The bill would open up $52 billion in funding to bolster the chip manufacturing, supply chain, and research and development infrastructure in the United States. The bill was introduced in response to chip shortages, with some car makers shutting down assembly plants due lack of components or halting production of specific models.

    • Linux Foundation

      • FOSSLifeOpen Programmable Infrastructure Project Announced [Ed: OPI outsourced to Microsoft proprietary software of course...]

        The Linux Foundation has announced the Open Programmable Infrastructure (OPI) Project, which will work to foster an open, standards-based ecosystem for architectures and frameworks based on data processing unit (DPU) and information processing unit (IPU) technologies.

      • LinuxInsiderOpen-Source Technologies, Issues on Display at Linux Foundation Summit | LinuxInsider

        The Linux Foundation is holding one of its most expansive physical and virtual showcases this week at its Open Source Summit North America 2022 in Austin, Texas.

        The event is a staging ground for some of the most important announcements and cutting-edge topics touching open source today.

        LF built the Summit as an umbrella for the open-source projects and technologies that are fundamental across software and other industries. It highlighted those that are poised for growth and widespread use.

      • FOSSLifeHow to Develop an Open Source Strategy [Ed: We're meant to think Microsoft-funded anti-FOSS shills are those who should be lecturing us. That's the "Linux Foundation club"... since when is Forrester an expert in "Open Source"?]

        When setting goals and shaping your plan, you also need to set up your organization for success.

      • Linux Foundation's Site/BlogOpen Source Technology Careers Become More Lucrative as Open Source Software Becomes Dominant and Talent Gaps Persist [Ed: Pushing the "talent gap" with edX 1, 2]; edX should rebrand, maybe adX. The employment crisis isn't a "skills shortage" or "labour shortage" crisis but a crisis of underpaid workers whose skills are lied about to lower the salaries further, then laying them off and blaming it on them ("Great Resignation"). In some countries real unemployment rate is about 50%. Linux Foundation is a front group for billionaires, oppressing the community that did all the work free of charge. Linux Foundation is led by chronic liars who forge/fabricate their qualifications. It's the LIE-NOX Foundation.]
    • Security

      • LWNSecurity updates for Wednesday []

        Security updates have been issued by Debian (exo and ntfs-3g), Fedora (collectd, golang-github-cli-gh, grub2, qemu, and xen), Red Hat (httpd:2.4, kernel, and postgresql), SUSE (drbd, fwupdate, neomutt, and trivy), and Ubuntu (apache2, openssl, openssl1.0, and qemu).

      • USCERTCISA Releases Security Advisories Related to OT:ICEFALL (Insecure by Design) Report

        CISA is aware that Forescout researchers have released OT:ICEFALL, a report on 56 vulnerabilities caused by insecure-by-design practices in operational technology across multiple vendors. The vulnerabilities are divided into four main categories: insecure engineering protocols, weak cryptography or broken authentication schemes, insecure firmware updates and remote code execution via native functionality.

      • Useful web hosting tips that can help secure your site

        Website security is about preparing for the worst if applied security mechanisms fail. After all, protecting your site from every threat on the book can be laborious. However, it does not mean website owners should not try. It simply refers to the two sides of the coin: preventing attacks or other interruptions and mitigating successful ones.

        Thus, it might be an excellent idea to review the security of your business website to ensure you don’t end up a victim of vicious attacks. Considering that, here are the top 7 definitive web hosting tips to help secure your site for the foreseeable future.

      • Linux Foundation's Site/BlogFree Training Course Teaches How to Secure a Software Supply Chain with Sigstore [Ed: OpenSSF (former Microsoft) telling you to deny people who want to run applications of their choice; they call that "security"]
      • Linux Foundation's Site/BlogLearn the Principles of DevSecOps in New, Free Training Course [Ed: This is what Zemlin et al are 'teaching']

        At the most basic level, there is nothing separating DevSecOps from the DevOps model. However, security, and a culture designed to put security at the forefront has often been an afterthought for many organizations. But in a modern world, as costs and concerns mount from increased security attacks, it must become more prominent. It is possible to provide continuous delivery, in a secure fashion. In fact, CD enhances the security profile. Getting there takes a dedication to people, culture, process, and lastly technology, breaking down silos and unifying multi-disciplinary skill sets. Organizations can optimize and align their value streams towards continuous improvement across the entire organization.

      • USCERTKeeping PowerShell: Measures to Use and Embrace [Ed: Has CISA become a "damage control" or PR department of Microsoft?]

        Cybersecurity authorities from the United States, New Zealand, and the United Kingdom have released a joint Cybersecurity Information Sheet (CIS) on PowerShell. The CIS provides recommendations for proper configuration and monitoring of PowerShell, as opposed to removing or disabling it entirely due to its use by malicious actors after gaining access into victim networks. These recommendations will help defenders detect and prevent abuse by malicious cyber actors, while enabling legitimate use by administrators and defenders.

      • The Register UKFor a few days earlier this year, rogue GitHub apps could have hijacked countless repos

        A GitHub bug could have been exploited earlier this year by connected third-party apps to hijack victims' source-code repositories.

        For almost a week in late February and early March, rogue applications could have generated scoped installation tokens with elevated permissions, allowing them to gain otherwise unauthorized write or administrative access to developers' repos. For example, if an app was granted read-only access to an organization or individual's code repo, the app could effortlessly escalate that to read-write access.

        This security blunder has since been addressed and before any miscreants abused the flaw to, for instance, alter code and steal secrets and credentials, according to Microsoft's GitHub, which assured The Register it's "committed to investigating reported security issues."

        This is good news, because according to Aqua Security researchers, exploitation would have had a massive impact on "basically everyone." In effect, this is a near hit for the industry as miscreants could have exploited the hole to exfiltrate cloud credentials from private repos or potentially tamper with software projects.

      • Fear, Uncertainty, Doubt/Fear-mongering/Dramatisation

        • Bruce SchneierSymbiote Backdoor in Linux [Ed: Bruce Schneier continues to repeat talking points and misuse the term "backdoor" (it's not a back door, it is malware)]
      • Privacy/Surveillance

        • EuractiveEU court limits air travel surveillance to the ‘strictly necessary’ –

          The European Court of Justice ruled on Tuesday (21 June) that the EU’s Passenger Name Record (PNR) directive must be curtailed to be compatible with fundamental rights.

          The PNR directive was adopted in 2016, introducing a mechanism whereby airlines had to hand to national authorities the data of all the passengers that enter or exit the European Union with the aim of preventing, detecting or investigating terrorist activities and serious crimes.

          The directive allows member states to extend the same screening procedures also to flights from other EU countries, provided that they inform the European Commission. All EU countries except Austria and Ireland notified the Commission of their intention to do that.

          In Belgium, the transposition of the directive into national law was contested by the Ligue des droits humains, which filed an action for annulment before the Belgian Constitutional Court in July 2017. The NGO accused the legislation of introducing generalised surveillance that infringes on the fundamental rights to privacy and data protection.

    • Finance

      • The Coming Recession and Twitch

        With all of this inflation that the world has been seeing the last while, it has resulted in various central banks tightening policy in order to stamp it out. The Federal Reserve in America appears to be getting particularly aggressive with this. Now economists are predicting a recession is likely on the horizon as a result of all this. The Fed seems willing to go to great lengths to create demand destruction and stamp out inflation. This got me wondering about just how the Web will weather such a recession. Looking back on history, such economic downturns have not been kind to the Web. The fallout of the Dot Com crash was very painful. What happened in the wake of the 2008 recession saw a pretty big changing of the guard in terms of what the dominant sites on the Web were. Even smaller events like the “Ad-pocolypse” on YouTube caused significant pain for people who post videos there. Now we’re back to a possible large scale, system-wide economic slowdown, and it’s not hard to imagine that the Web will be in for quite the enema.

        This brings me to how Twitch in particular will or won’t get by. Over the last year or so, it has become obvious that their corporate overlords at Amazon want Twitch to get serious about making a profit.

    • Censorship/Free Speech

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