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Links 15/07/2023: LabPlot 2.10.1 and Akademy 2023

  • GNU/Linux

    • Desktop/Laptop

    • Instructionals/Technical

      • TecAdminHow to Log POST Request Data in Apache

        Apache HTTP server, one of the most widely used web servers globally, is admired for its robustness, simplicity, and flexibility. It allows for comprehensive logging of different types of HTTP requests, which is crucial for maintaining website performance, security, and debugging issues.

      • TecAdminHow to Install GPart on Ubuntu & Debian

        In this article, we’ll walk through the steps of installing and using GPart on Ubuntu and Debian systems. The GPart tool, short for Guess PC-type hard disk partitions, is a useful utility that can help recover lost partition tables on a disk drive. It’s especially helpful in disaster recovery situations.

      • DebugPointHow to Install Anaconda in Ubuntu or Debian

        A simple tutorial to install the Anaconda package in Ubuntu or in Debian Linux. Anaconda is an essential platform for handling data science and machine learning workflows. With over 7500 scientific packages, it’s the ideal solution for processing large-scale data, predictive analysis, and scientific computing.

      • TecAdminUsing Rsync for Effective Data Backup: A Step-by-step Guide

        Backing up data is a vital part of maintaining digital information, and rsync is a powerful tool in any system administrator’s arsenal.

      • FOSSLinux5 ways to delete symbolic links in Linux

        In the Linux world, symbolic links (also known as symlinks or soft links) are a powerful tool for creating shortcuts to files and directories. However, there may be instances where you need to remove these symbolic links, whether it's to clean up outdated links, mitigate a security risk, or reorganize your file system.

      • Linux CapableHow to Install Python on Pop!_OS

        Python, a versatile and powerful programming language, has secured a prominent position in the technology realm due to its distinctive characteristics: Python’s potential extends across various domains, from machine learning to cybersecurity. However, harnessing its power requires understanding how to set up the Python environment on one’s operating system.

      • How to Enable Mod_headers on Apache in Ubuntu 22.04: A Step-by-Step Guide

        mod_headers is a powerful Apache module that allows you to manipulate HTTP headers in various ways. By enabling mod_headers on your Apache server in Ubuntu 22, you can customize headers, add or remove headers, and control how your server interacts with clients.

      • Own HowToHow to monitor your website or server uptime with New Relic

        In this tutorial, you will learn how to setup Synthetic monitor on new relic. Synthetic monitor is a service offered by New relic, that you can use to monitor your server or application.

      • HowTo ForgeHow to Install FossBilling with Nginx on Rocky Linux 9

        FOSSBilling is a fork of BoxBilling, it provides a great experience for clients with an intuitive interface and also supports multiple payment gateways. I will install FOSSBilling on a Rocky Linux 9 server in this guide.

      • HowTo ForgeHow to create form assignments in Moodle with the integrated ONLYOFFICE Docs

        Moodle is an open-source e-learning management system written in PHP and distributed under GNU GPL. ONLYOFFICE integration into Moodle allows working with office documents directly within the course structure. In this tutorial, we’ll learn how to create form submissions in Moodle assignments using the integrated ONLYOFFICE Docs.

      • HowTo ForgeHow to Install Ruby on Rails with PostgreSQL on AlmaLinux 9

        Ruby on Rails or RoR or Rails is a free and open-source web application framework written in Ruby with the MIT License. It is a full-stack web framework that uses the model-view-controller (MVC) pattern.

      • HowTo ForgeHow to Install OpenEMR on Rocky Linux 9

        OpenEMR is an open-source electronic health record and medical practice management tool. It is Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology (ONC) certified and features integrated health records, practice management, scheduling, electronic billing, internationalization, free support, and more.

      • Linux CapableHow to Install GitLab on Debian 12/11/10

        GitLab is a web-based Git repository management tool that provides a complete DevOps platform, enabling teams to collaborate on projects easily. It is an open-source application that offers various features, such as continuous integration/continuous deployment (CI/CD), version control, and issue tracking.

      • Linux CapableHow to Install MATE Desktop on Debian 12/11/10

        Discover MATE, a renowned desktop environment that offers an adaptable, efficient, and user-friendly experience on Linux platforms. Stemming from GNOME 2, MATE has evolved to stand on its own, blending classic desktop principles with contemporary tech elements.

      • Linux CapableHow to Undo Last Git Commit

        Git, a robust and widely adopted version control system, plays a pivotal role in software development. It empowers developers to track modifications, revert to previous versions, and collaborate seamlessly. However, even seasoned developers can occasionally commit unintended changes. This comprehensive guide will explain how to undo your last Git commit.

      • Major HaydenDeploy a containerized Ghost blog 👻

        Ghost delivers a great self-hosted blogging platform that deploys well in containers.

        Let’s deploy it on CoreOS along with Caddy. ️📝

      • Linux CapableHow to Configure Git Username and Email Address

        Git, the widely adopted distributed version control system, is an integral part of many software development workflows. One of the first steps after installing Git is to configure your Git username and email address. This configuration is crucial as Git associates your identity with every commit you make.

      • ID RootHow To Install Cinnamon Desktop on Fedora 38

        In this tutorial, we will show you how to install Cinnamon Desktop on Fedora 38. For those of you who didn’t know, Cinnamon stands out as a feature-rich and visually appealing desktop environment for Linux systems. Its intuitive interface, customizable options, and extensive applet library make it a top choice for many users.

      • Make Tech EasierHow to Install and Configure ownCloud Server

        OwnCloud is a powerful, web-based personal storage solution for Linux. It works by converting a standard Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP (LAMP) software stack into an interactive web application that you can access anywhere.

      • ID RootHow To Install MySQL Workbench on Debian 12

        In this tutorial, we will show you how to install MySQL Workbench on Debian 12. MySQL Workbench is an integrated development environment (IDE) that provides a unified platform for database design, development, and administration.

      • ID RootHow To Install Kodi on Debian 12

        In this tutorial, we will show you how to install Kodi on Debian 12. Kodi, the renowned open-source media center software, has gained immense popularity for its ability to transform your Debian 12 Bookworm system into a versatile entertainment hub.

      • ID RootHow To Install Avidemux on Debian 12

        In this tutorial, we will show you how to install Avidemux on Debian 12. Video editing has become an integral part of various professional and creative endeavors. Whether you’re a filmmaker, content creator, or simply someone who enjoys editing videos, having the right tools at your disposal is crucial.

      • LinuxStans6 Most Common Linux Logging Issues

        Want to learn more about Linux logging? Check out this list of the six most common Linux logging issues. Linux users can access Linux logs, which serve as a timeline that maps events that have taken place in the operating system.

      • ID RootHow To Change TimeZone on Debian 12

        In this tutorial, we will show you how to change TimeZone on Debian 12. For those of you who didn’t know, Timezone configuration plays a crucial role in ensuring accurate time representation on your Debian 12 Bookworm system.

      • FOSSLinuxYour ultimate guide to creating, listing, exporting, and removing Linux aliases

        The Linux command-line interface, powerful and versatile, can sometimes seem overwhelming due to the sheer number of commands and options available. This is where aliases come into play, enhancing command-line efficiency by shortening long commands or substituting them with more intuitive versions. An alias is a custom shortcut or abbreviation that represents a command or a sequence of commands.

      • FOSSLinux5 ways to monitor Linux log files in real-time

        Linux log files are a goldmine of information about the system's inner workings and performance. They record various events and provide insights into the behavior of both system and application processes. However, extracting useful information from these log files can be a daunting task, especially when they grow large. Thankfully, Linux provides several tools that allow you to monitor these log files in real time. This means you can watch events as they happen and detect issues early, thus enabling proactive system management.

      • DebugPointHow to Install Anaconda in Ubuntu or Debian

        Anaconda is an essential platform for handling data science and machine learning workflows. With over 7500 scientific packages, it's the ideal solution for processing large-scale data, predictive analysis, and scientific computing. Anaconda takes care of the installation of these packages and their dependencies, saving you the hassle of doing it yourself. Moreover, it provides an integrated Python environment, making it the go-to choice for anyone serious about data science and machine learning.

        In this article, you will learn how to install Anaconda in Ubuntu or Debian Linux. It is tested on the latest version of Debian 12 and Ubuntu Linux.

      • DebugPointHow to Install Jupyter Notebook in Debian or Ubuntu Linux

        Jupyter Notebook is a powerful web-based interactive dev tool which allows you to create and share live code, visualizations, and interactive data. Its notebook format combines code and text, making it an excellent choice for data exploration, analysis, and collaborative projects.

        In this tutorial, we will guide you through the step-by-step process of installing Jupyter Notebook on Ubuntu or Debian -based systems, enabling you to harness its versatility and extend your programming capabilities.

    • Desktop Environments/WMs

      • K Desktop Environment/KDE SC/Qt

        • LabPlot 2.10.1 released

          Today we are announcing the availability of the minor patch release 2.10.1. This release contains minor improvements and bug fixes only. The fixes are distributed over many different areas of the application and we recommend everybody update to this patch release which is available from our download page.

        • KDE's annual report for 2022 has landed.

          Read up on all stuff the Community did, the events we went to, how we used the funds generously donated by sponsors and the public, and much more.

        • KDE VideosAkademy 2023 - Room 1 - 7/14/2023, 12:43:13 PM

          Akademy is the annual world summit of KDE, one of the largest Free Software communities in the world. It is a free, non-commercial event organized by the KDE Community.

        • KDE VideosAkademy 2023 - Room 1

          Akademy is the annual world summit of KDE, one of the largest Free Software communities in the world. It is a free, non-commercial event organized by the KDE Community.

        • GSoC '23: Summary of work done over first coding period

          Hello and welcome back to my blog! This time I will be reviewing the work I've done during the first coding period of GSoC '23. This blog is written as part of my work for GSoC '23, to detail all the work I have done. Let's get started!

  • Distributions and Operating Systems

    • HaikuOS[Haiku] [GSoC 2023] VPN Support Project Update #3

      Sorry for the late blog post everyone! Personal life and some roadblocks on the project got in the way but I am proud to say that the driver is up and working!

      Problems, Problems, and more Problems

      I got the semaphore problem settled, but I then ran into a problem where the data that the application on the interface side sends a packet was then not receiving the packet. Through some debugging I found out that the interface, when it goes into device_consumer_thread for getting the receive function, it fails here. Looking deeper into when that interface->receive_funcs element gets assigned I found the function here which I realized is never called when I call ifconfig to set up the interface. I ran into the solution to the problem by just changing the type of datalink frame from loopback to an ethernet frame that the interface will be using from now on. That brought the packet to an interface and I started to get a new problem of course :)

  • Free, Libre, and Open Source Software

    • MedevelEucalyptus: Build AWS-compatible Clouds

      Eucalyptus is an open-source software for building AWS-compatible private and hybrid clouds. It offers an Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) product that allows users to provision compute and storage resources on-demand.

    • HackadayPhone Thermal Cameras Get Open Source Desktop Tools

      Whenever phone-based thermal cameras are brought up here on Hackaday, we inevitably receive some comments about how they’re a bad investment compared to a standalone unit. Sure they might be cheaper, but what happens in a couple years when the app stops working and the manufacturer no longer feels like keeping it updated?

    • HackadayAn Open-Source Antikythera Mechanism

      When the Antikythera Mechanism was first discovered, it wasn’t viewed as the wonder that we know it today. Originally the divers who found the device and the first scientists to look at it wrote it off as an astrolabe or other some other common type of clock. It wasn’t until decades later when another set of scientists x-rayed the device and surveyed more of the shipwreck where it was found that it began to become one of the more important archaeological discoveries in history. There have been plenty of attempts to recreate this device, and this replica recreates the mechanisms of the original but is altered so it can be built in a modern workshop.

Recent Techrights' Posts

Sheriff of Cork & Debian Edward Brocklesby or Brockelsby Street confusion
Reprinted with permission from Daniel Pocock
Over at Tux Machines...
GNU/Linux news for the past day
"Conviction for a Crime he Did Not Commit," Said Jennifer Robinson
Robinson is the kind of woman accomplisher we should look up to
An Extended Statement on Julian Assange
Assange's release was not important enough to "make the cut" for News, only "tweets" and other Social Control Media nonsense.
Microsoft Falling to New Lows in Aruba
Being below 20% in America is the exception, not the norm
Debian Project Still Has a Lot of Explaining to Do...
Assange was actually a Debian Developer
[Meme] When Ian (of Debian) Was Still Alive
I wasn't always a Debian Developer...
"Julian Assange is Free"
Published ~34 minutes ago
GNU/Linux Userbase Surging in Iceland
Maybe there's something big going on, like people deleting Vista 11 in droves and installing GNU/Linux instead
Jennifer Robinson: "After 14 years of legal battles, Julian Assange can go home a free man”
She explains the implications for the general freedom of the press
Judge: Assange Leaves Court 'A Free Man'
on his way to Australia now
Julian Assange verdict: guilty, not guilty or blackmailed
Reprinted with permission from Daniel Pocock
12 Months Ago the FSF Said It Would Issue a Statement on IBM Taking RHEL Proprietary
Statement never happened
Microsoft's Bing Fall From 2.6% Before LLM Hype to Just 0.79% Right Now in Russia
statCounter's data
[Meme] Speaking Truth to Power (Still Easier in the West Than in Russia/BRIC)
Different people, different outcomes
IRC Proceedings: Tuesday, June 25, 2024
IRC logs for Tuesday, June 25, 2024
The Plot to Silence (or Deplatform) Techrights
This past month I've been spending time working on the text of an online publication
[Meme] Julian Assange's Lawyers Need to Ensure Assange Maintains Freedom to Publish
Let's ensure he can continue to publish
Trying to Make Blogs (Independent and Mostly Decentralised Platforms) What Comes After Social Control Media
Social Control Networks 'stole the thunder' of blogs, but can we get back to blogs?
Julian Assange Has Landed
There will probably be some press interviews some time this month or next month
L is for Linux and Lao
Lao should really have something called LaOS
[Meme] Need More Sites Like Wikileaks, Not Less
On US government vs Wikileaks
We Know Who Stands to Gain From the Demise of the Press
the Assange release was a win for his family, but likely a dire loss for press freedom
[Meme] Think Twice Before Exposing or 'Embarrassing' Powerful People and Interests
The United States government has basically won the Assange case
The Open Source Initiative (OSI) is Openwashing, Ben Cotton (Fedora) Acknowledges It, Fails to See How Bribes Led to That
As if... it "just happened"
Links 25/06/2024: RAM Stress, COVID Graft
Links for the day
Gemini Links 25/06/2024: Hey Hi Punditry and Right to Repair
Links for the day
Links 25/06/2024: Julian Assange Freed From Prison, "AI" Bubble Imploding Some More
Links for the day
Three Points About Julian Assange Plea Deal
There is still a secret problem
[Meme] EFF Became a 'Bunch of Pussies' Working for GAFAM (and Sponsored by GAFAM)
It won't protect people, except very rich people's interests
IBM Does Not Care for the Blind (Wayland Harms Accessibility)
What a punch in the gut
Who Is This Backup FOR, the NSA?
As Admfubar put it, "backups for everyone..."
Tux Machines Past 20: Still Thriving
Now 20 years and 2 weeks old
[Meme] Microsoft is Coming /Home
Microsoft's Siege of Libya Coming to an End
One might be tempted to guess the users deleted Windows and installed something else
Gemini Links 25/06/2024: Old Computer Challenge; An Opinionated GNU/Linux Guide
Links for the day
Over at Tux Machines...
GNU/Linux news for the past day
IRC Proceedings: Monday, June 24, 2024
IRC logs for Monday, June 24, 2024
IEEE Computer Society on Andrew Tanenbaum, Winner of ACM Award, Who Also Inspired Linux Development
10 years ago
New Talk by Dr. Richard Stallman Published Two Days Ago By CeSIUM - Centro de Estudantes de Engenharia Informática da Universidade do Minho (Portugal)
The FSF no longer mentions Richard Stallman's talks, but we will
FSF Looking to Raise Money by Adding 200 New Members by July 19
The FSF is in good shape, according to Alexandre Oliva
Not Only Does It Not Add Security... (UEFI as a 'Bug Door')
Data From Monaco Should Alarm Microsoft
Just how many people are deleting Windows and installing something else this year?
Name the Threats and Threat Actors
Looking back to 2006, there was Novell and gregkh (partly salaried by Microsoft), so these are familiar territories
Linux in Central Sahel (Burkina Faso, Mali and Niger)
Vast area, vast number of "Linux users" (if one counts Android as such)
[Meme] Gagging One's Own Staff as a Signal of Corporate Distress
Censorship at Microsoft
The "Other" SPLC
You know you're winning the debate when censorship is explored
Staying the Course
censorship isn't easy against sites that understand ways to resist it
The 'All-Seeing' Microsoft Eye
Microsofters are observing us closely
Links 24/06/2024: Long COVID and "How I Write Blogs"
Links for the day
Microsoft: By Default, Destroy Linux
Here is what the very "polite" Microsoft Boccassi had to say
Allegations That Microsoft is Covering Up Employee Dissatisfaction and Using a Survey to Catch 'Risk' to the Cult Mentality
This favours or gradually socially-engineers a company for sociopathy
'Linux Hint' Inactive for Nearly a Month (It Used to be Very Active)
Their Twitter account hasn't been active for a long time and it's not too clear what's going on
An Unexpected GNU/Linux Trend
Burkina Faso is changing and not just politically
Android (Linux) at New Highs in Burkina Faso, Now Measured at 72% (Windows Was Measured at 98% 15 Years Ago)
based on this month's estimates
With 0.76% for ChromeOS and 3.7% for GNU/Linux (4.5% Total) Burkina Faso Approaches 5% for 'Linux'
More if one counts Android as "Linux"
Gemini Links 24/06/2024: Being Dull and OpenSSH Autoban
Links for the day
EPO Issues in The Hague
a report dated 4 days ago about a meeting that took place 12 days ago
[Meme] Garbage in, Garbage Out (EPO Patent Quality)
"Get back to work"
When the Employer Makes You Too Sick to Go to Work (New EPO Document)
"registering when you are sick"
Perens on a Stick
Remember what Novell did and how few (barely anyone) sided with Novell
Andrew Tanenbaum Gets an Award for His Work on MINIX
ACM one week ago
Twitter's Fall to Irrelevancy in Europe
Musk bought a dud
[Meme] 'Useless' Kids of EPO Examiners
Granting Loads of Monopolies in Europe (to Foreign Corporations of Epic Size and Far Too Much Power Inside Europe) is Vastly More Important Than Raising European Kids Properly?
"Efficiency" first? Whose? Corporations or families? No wonder so many young families are hesitant to have any kids these days; that's particularly true in east Asia and also in north America, not just Europe
[Meme] Putin's Red Flags
Firefox ESR or Firefox USSR
The Corporate/Mainstream Media and Even Social Control Media is Distorting the Record About What Mozilla Actually Did (It Originally Surrendered to Vladimir Putin)
Mozilla being avoided for purely technical reasons (sites not being compatible with it) is one thing. Foolishly, Mozilla is giving people more political reasons to also shun Mozilla. This is suicide.
GNU/Linux Up Some More This Morning, Windows Down Sharply Even in Rich Countries
Microsoft is in trouble in the Muslim world
United Arab Emirates (UAE) Rising... Towards 5% for ChromeOS and GNU/Linux
the latest numbers show it growing from about 0.1% to around 2.4% for GNU/Linux, plus 2.01% for Chromebooks (ChromeOS), i.e. about 5% in total.
Techrights in the Coming Decade: The Free Speech (Online) Angle
Free speech is a fundamental tenet of a free society
Links 24/06/2024: New Research, New Attacks on Justices Sceptical of Patent Maximalists, European Commission for Copyright Maximalists
Links for the day
[Meme] 12 Years a Fedora Volunteer
IBM gives me a 'free' Fedora badge as recognition
IBM Slavery: Not a New Problem
When IBM got rid of Ben Cotton it showed the world how much it valued Fedora
Why They Want to Abolish Master/Slave Terminology (Because This is What They're Turned Free Software Into)
It used to be about community; GAFAM turned that into exploitation and worse
Roy and Rianne's Righteously Royalty-free RSS Reader (R.R.R.R.R.R.) Version 0.2 is Released
They say summer "officially" started some days ago
Torvalds' Number Two Quit Linux a Decade Ago and Has Since Then Earned an Honorary Doctorate
Revisiting Fuzix and Alan Cox
GNU/Linux Reaches All-Time High in Tunisia
Based on statCounter
Over at Tux Machines...
GNU/Linux news for the past day
IRC Proceedings: Sunday, June 23, 2024
IRC logs for Sunday, June 23, 2024
Edward Brocklesby (ejb) & Debian: Hacking expulsion cover-up in proximity to Oxford and GCHQ
Reprinted with permission from Daniel Pocock
You Know the Microsoft Products Really Suck When...
"Qualcomm and Microsoft go 'beyond the call of duty' to stop independent Copilot+ PC reviews"
IBM and "Regime Change"
Change of regime is not the same as freedom
Microsoft Windows in Nicaragua: From 98% to Less Than 25%
Operating System Market Share Nicaragua
Techrights in the Coming Decade: The Community Angle
Somebody needs to call them out on their BS
Techrights in the Coming Decade: The Software Angle
Gemini Protocol has just turned 5 - i.e. roughly the same age as our Git repositories
Techrights in the Coming Decade: The Patent Angle
Next month marks 10 years since we began covering EPO leaks
Wookey, Intrigeri, Cryptie & Debian pseudonyms beyond Edward Brocklesby
Reprinted with permission from Daniel Pocock