Anti-Linux Sites, Powered by Microsoft to Generate False Text Under a Domain Like
posted by Roy Schestowitz on Jul 10, 2024,
updated Jul 10, 2024
April 2023: Techrights Expresses Concern That Microsoft Weaponises Chatbots to Craft Linux-Hostile Cruft Without Any Accountability
May 2024: Brittany Day ( Now Leverages Microsoft Chatbots to Promote Microsoft Propaganda Disguised as "Linux"
June 2024: Back to Relaying Anti-Linux FUD From Microsoft, Using Microsoft Chatbots That Recycle and Add Permutations to the FUD
Also June 2024: Microsoft-Invaded CISA Spreads Anti-Free Software FUD (as If Proprietary Software Has No Memory Safety Issues), Brittany Day Uses Chatbots to Amplify and Permutate the Microsoft FUD
They now - even this week - use CHATBOTS to 'write' (spew out) Microsoft FUD... not for the first time (and their site broke down earlier, so they don't really know what they're doing).
They instruct the bot to make some anti-Linux garbage text:
As usual, fake 'article' (slop), prompted to make anti-Linux FUD in this case:
They need to be named and shamed for doing this. Or they won't stop. Microsoft must be laughing all the way to the bank.