"Protecting the Identity" as a Cover for Protecting the Pervert (Not the Abused)
SEVERAL projects and organisations (or corporate "foundations") recently refused to divulge vital information about internal affairs implicating key people in key roles. They said they sought to protect the dignity of victims or mere complainants by hiding their identity. However, they had no qualms about revealing the names of those who were accused, maybe recklessly or even falsely accused (justice has to be seen to be believed!), leaving people to speculate about worst-case scenarios without anybody having the opportunity to self-defend (or vindicate a peer). This kind of practice is often sold to the "masses" as an act of feminism or due care, but in practice it creates the possibility of calling journalists "rapists" (in effect defaming them repeatedly despite no charges ever existing) with endless innuendo in the media, lasting well over a decade.
Society needs transparency. The opposite of transparency is secrecy. The opposite of transparency is not "feminism". Do not let women's rights be hijacked by men looking to protect other men (their buddies). Women won't be served by it; that's just awfully regressive and it perpetuates a patronising attitude, antithetical to autonomy or emancipation. Stop treating women like delicate sexual objects. █