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IRC: #boycottnovell @ FreeNode: March 31st, 2009 - Part 4


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schestowitzAnd now Torvalds' snubbing of GPLv3Mar 31 15:21
schestowitzHe's being naiveMar 31 15:21
DaemonFCthey'll cripple it so you CAN'T run binary drivers and firmwareMar 31 15:21
schestowitzDid he not pay attention to TomTomMar 31 15:21
DaemonFCso HURD will never be usefulMar 31 15:21
schestowitzHe's only now realising what sw pats meanMar 31 15:21
schestowitzAnd TomTom settled unde GPLv2 (!!_) termsMar 31 15:22
twitterWhat's up with BN and "spam protection"?Mar 31 15:22
schestowitzIOW, had he upgraded, it would be a different storyMar 31 15:22
schestowitzBut he's carrying kernel stuff stuck underGPLv3Mar 31 15:22
schestowitz*GPLv2Mar 31 15:22
DaemonFCthe kind of kernel they're aiming for was abandoned years agoMar 31 15:22
twitterI don't see the usual field but it asks for one when I try to post.Mar 31 15:22
DaemonFCsomeone adds a patch or two every YEAR at this pointMar 31 15:22
*zer0c00l has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))Mar 31 15:22
DaemonFCHURD is vaporwareMar 31 15:22
twitterWindows is vaporware.Mar 31 15:23
schestowitztwitter: what do you mean?Mar 31 15:23
schestowitzHmmm.......Mar 31 15:23
*zer0c00l (n=zer0c00l@ has joined #boycottnovellMar 31 15:23
schestowitzI reenabled spam protectyion with numberMar 31 15:23
DaemonFCRMS even said in an interview that they never would have started HURDMar 31 15:23
DaemonFChad Linux existedMar 31 15:23
schestowitztwitter: what do you see?Mar 31 15:23
twitterI mean I'm trying to comment on the death of encarta article but can'tMar 31 15:23
schestowitzI changed plugins without testingMar 31 15:23
schestowitzCrapMar 31 15:24
twitterI see what I usually see but not the little math problem.Mar 31 15:24
DaemonFCthe only thing that stops the BSD userland from compiling and running on Linux are license incompatibilitiesMar 31 15:24
schestowitzTry reloading nowMar 31 15:24
twitterwhen I post it asks me for that or something else that was not thereMar 31 15:24
DaemonFCso what would you call Linux then?Mar 31 15:24
schestowitzOhMar 31 15:24
schestowitzStupid cacheMar 31 15:24
schestowitz*sh*tMar 31 15:24
schestowitzSee,  reenabled it, but cache still isn't consistentMar 31 15:25
schestowitzTry now anywayMar 31 15:25
DaemonFCand what about X?Mar 31 15:25
DaemonFCyou don't want to acknowledge them?Mar 31 15:25
DaemonFCand what about GNOME or KDE?Mar 31 15:25
twitterOK that worked but it seems a little brave of you.Mar 31 15:25
DaemonFCthey're as much the Linux OS as the GNU utilitiesMar 31 15:25
DaemonFCLinux has no concept of add ons, because it is all add onsMar 31 15:26
schestowitztwitter: I'll need to flush cache laterMar 31 15:26
schestowitzWhich I fear because of the server loadMar 31 15:26
DaemonFCif you use GNU on FreeBSD's kernel, it becomes appropriate to say GNU/FreeBSD for clarificationMar 31 15:26
schestowitzI got too much spam on the commentsMar 31 15:26
schestowitzSo I put back the math riddle, which amd-linux aid was not working rightMar 31 15:27
twitteroh.Mar 31 15:28
schestowitzEU issues warning on Internet user rights < >Mar 31 15:28
twitterbblMar 31 15:28
schestowitzLXer links to FOXMar 31 15:28
DaemonFCFaux NewsMar 31 15:30
DaemonFCFixed NewsMar 31 15:31
DaemonFCFox Noise?Mar 31 15:31
schestowitztwitter: encyclopedias are becomign hostiryMar 31 15:31
DaemonFC:)Mar 31 15:31
schestowitzIt's a good thing to have encyclopedias to cover the demise of paper encyclopediasMar 31 15:31
DaemonFCgood old Fox Noise ChannelMar 31 15:31
schestowitzDaemonFC: there's lots of funny stuff about Fox in YouTubeMar 31 15:31
schestowitzThey get ripped apartMar 31 15:31
DaemonFCwhat would I believe without them?Mar 31 15:31
DaemonFCB-)Mar 31 15:31
schestowitzAnd they use "copyright" to impose censorshipMar 31 15:31
schestowitzJust like in the older days when the prince gave copyrights only if he liked with the author wroteMar 31 15:32
twitterM$ death watch updated. 31 15:33
twitternow, I really have to go for while.Mar 31 15:34
twitter:)Mar 31 15:34
DaemonFCbrbMar 31 15:35
DaemonFCmy kernel builtMar 31 15:35
*DaemonFC has quit ("Leaving")Mar 31 15:35
schestowitzVarghese makes it seem as though TomTom is the winner in the legal case (what about Linux?): 31 15:57
schestowitzCould this be the result of Microsoft's anti-Google lobby? (EU issues ultimatum on internet privacy)Mar 31 16:00
schestowitzMicrosoft kills MSN Encarta < >Mar 31 16:02
schestowitzRomanian phisher gets 50 month prison term < > Beranger?? ;-)Mar 31 16:06
schestowitzJust found this: 31 16:20
schestowitzLooks like another nymshift of "darryl", the Microsoft shill was banned from LinuxTOday for trolling: Mar 31 16:24
schestowitzzoobab01: Should Property or Liability Rules Govern Information? < > Should they  even call it "property"?Mar 31 16:35
Balrogschestowitz: finished watching? :)Mar 31 16:36
schestowitzNot yetMar 31 16:36
schestowitz14:09: <schestowitz> Balrog: I've watch about 1.5 hours of that new RMS talk and paused it until I watch the rest of it later. The talk is not as good as others that he gave and he seems to have mixed together several familiar talksMar 31 16:36
Balroghmm ... okMar 31 16:36
BalrogI didn't get that one.Mar 31 16:36
Balrog(the message, that is)Mar 31 16:37
schestowitzWTF?? Did Sarko give a gift to his buddy? Ballmer Gets Cannes Media Person of the Year < >. Who's up next? Saddam?Mar 31 16:38
schestowitzBalrog: posted this message earlierMar 31 16:39
schestowitzLong update about the patent situation, including Red Hat's stance: 31 16:41
*zer0c00l has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))Mar 31 16:44
*zer0c00l (n=zer0c00l@ has joined #boycottnovellMar 31 16:46
*mib_6aonbx (i=8258be83@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellMar 31 16:51
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schestowitz"World leaders descending on London for the G20 with expected riots." 31 16:55
schestowitz "Nothing wrong in that, you might say, except that in this context it seems to bring about a distortion in the open source business world, whereby non-free software is pushed in preference to free. The sad thing is that, as Digium shows, open source companies can make money supporting free versions too – just less of it."Mar 31 17:02
*zer0c00l has just completed submitting a proposal for gsoc 2009Mar 31 17:10
schestowitzNovell tooMar 31 17:12
schestowitz 31 17:12
schestowitzThey want to develop for Microsoft at Google's expenseMar 31 17:12
schestowitzMono infectionMar 31 17:12
Balrog 31 17:13
BalrogFTC wants DRM disclosure and **standardized EULA's**Mar 31 17:13
Balrognot FTCMar 31 17:14
Balroga group is telling the FTCMar 31 17:14
Balrogbut they're\\ already pusing the firstMar 31 17:14
BalrogFTC that is *Mar 31 17:14
schestowitzGood.Mar 31 17:18
schestowitzBut DRM should be abolishedMar 31 17:18
schestowitzit's anti-consumerMar 31 17:18
schestowitzit's not effectiveMar 31 17:18
schestowitzIt's a scam for obsolescenceMar 31 17:19
schestowitzWhat if Microsoft said that DRM would save EncartaMar 31 17:19
schestowitzRather than admit the business model is the culprit?Mar 31 17:19
schestowitzLatest DRM death: 31 17:20
schestowitzWikipedia Founder Kills User-Generated Search Engine < >Mar 31 17:20
schestowitzWhat is the only SE standing was Google and all queries you made had to go through it, which means that governments too would track you? Same with Web video. The effect is chilling.Mar 31 17:22
*The_Mad_Hatter (i=4a0de2b2@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellMar 31 17:24
schestowitz "Since then, he has been writing for numerous other publications, including Fortune Small Business, Windows 2000 Magazine (now Windows and .NET Magazine), ZDNet and Sam Whitmore's Media Survey. "Mar 31 17:25
schestowitzThis is the guy who is FUDing Linux nowMar 31 17:25
schestowitz"Seltzer: Microsoft's Windows Genuine Advantage Not Worth Getting Upset Over Monday, July 10, 2006 By Larry Seltzer",...Mar 31 17:26
schestowitzRe: Larry Seltzer spewing FUD @ eWeek: "Shameless FUDding"Mar 31 17:26
schestowitz"Rumor: Just heard that IBM finished its dd on Sun and has decided to pass. No idea if it's true. 2nd hand rumor"Mar 31 17:27
Balrogwell, game DRM already led to an uproar and boycotts (SecuROM in Spore)Mar 31 17:27
Balrogbetter disclosure would make boycotting DRM easierMar 31 17:28
schestowitzTSA Accused Of Trademark Infringement < >Mar 31 17:29
schestowitz (British Goverment Wants To Know Who Your Facebook Friends Are)Mar 31 17:31
Balroglooks like sony doesn't care about cannibalizing PS3 sales ... they cut the price of the PS2 to $100Mar 31 17:33
Balrog 31 17:33
schestowitzMaybe emptying remaining stock?Mar 31 17:34
Balrog...possiblyMar 31 17:34
Balrogbut PS2 games keep coming outMar 31 17:34
Balrog(not quickly, but they do)Mar 31 17:35
The_Mad_HatterPS2 is like Windows XP - Return of the Living Dead.Mar 31 17:40
Balrogso do you think conficker will be a problem when it activates tomorrow?Mar 31 17:42
The_Mad_HatterPardon me for being nasty, but I damned well hope so.Mar 31 17:42
BalrogI just hope it doesn't bring the internet downMar 31 17:43
Balrogthat would be a remote possibilityMar 31 17:43
Balrognot very likelyMar 31 17:43
schestowitzIt happened alreadyMar 31 17:44
schestowitzDue to Conficker.. for meMar 31 17:44
Balrogexplain. You're using windows?Mar 31 17:44
BalrogI hope not!Mar 31 17:44
schestowitz 31 17:44
Balroghrm. hope that doesnMar 31 17:45
Balrogdoesn't happen **Mar 31 17:45
Balrog:/Mar 31 17:45
schestowitzTurns out that, according to SJVN/WSJ, IBM and Sun are still talking, Sun wants to be sold.Mar 31 17:45
Balrogschestowitz: do you think that would be good? people at #sun don't think so :PMar 31 17:46
schestowitzBalrog: there's opendnsMar 31 17:46
schestowitzI wasn't thinking about it at the time.Mar 31 17:46
The_Mad_HatterI'm of two minds. I know a lot of idiots who refuse to abandon Windows. They are like battered wives.Mar 31 17:46
Balrogyeah, but opendns isn't really open; they do some things I don't likeMar 31 17:46
schestowitzI also thought it was maybe just my own PC, so I went out.Mar 31 17:46
Balroglike redirect google through their proxyMar 31 17:46
schestowitzThe_Mad_Hatter: more like smokers actuallyMar 31 17:46
schestowitzNot battered wifeMar 31 17:46
Balroggoogle.navigation.opendns.comMar 31 17:47
The_Mad_HatterOn the other hand, the more miserable Windows users are, the more likely they are to switch.Mar 31 17:47
schestowitzbecause battered wife are not air bourneMar 31 17:47
The_Mad_HatterTouche (still have not managed to quit)Mar 31 17:47
schestowitzI knowMar 31 17:47
schestowitzI rememberMar 31 17:47
schestowitzBalrog: I'll make my april 1st post quickly, before teh interwebs break loose Mar 31 17:48
Balrogheh ok.Mar 31 17:48
schestowitzBN gets record traffic today... like 40k pages according to AWStatsMar 31 17:49
Balrognot badMar 31 17:49
schestowitzJanuary was bestMar 31 17:49
schestowitzComes exhibitsMar 31 17:49
schestowitzI'll resume these soon.Mar 31 17:49
schestowitzback in 2 hoursMar 31 17:52
Balrogok.Mar 31 17:52
twitterhmmm, anonymity in the news and politics 31 17:54
twitterI like her long list of reasons people might like to remain anonymous while expressing themselves.Mar 31 17:55
*kentma ( has joined #boycottnovellMar 31 17:59
The_Mad_HatterAnonimity is importantMar 31 18:09
The_Mad_HatterAnonymity I mean. It helps seperate personal views from work for one thing.Mar 31 18:10
*The_Mad_Hatter has quit (" ajax IRC Client")Mar 31 18:10
balzacanonymity is important, but it can be abusedMar 31 18:33
balzacyeah, but "Dan O'Brian" goes on and on while remaining undisclosed. He's full of piss and I suspect it isn't his true name.Mar 31 18:35
balzacit would be more honest to use a pseudonym which doesn't appear to be a given nameMar 31 18:36
balzacif that is the caseMar 31 18:36
*zer0c00l has quit (Remote closed the connection)Mar 31 19:08
*zer0c00l (n=zer0c00l@ has joined #boycottnovellMar 31 19:13
*amarsh04_ ( has joined #boycottnovellMar 31 19:40
*amarsh04 has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))Mar 31 19:55
schestowitzGuess whi's bugging/suing Google by proxy? 31 20:15
schestowitzBalrog: dan's email is danob (not verified), so it's probably his real nameMar 31 20:16
*amd-linux (i=54392b4a@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellMar 31 20:18
kentmauniversities are for sale in the US by this method.  Same thing has happened in the UK.  It should be stopped - it's a mis-use of academic institutions which must be independent to be of any value.Mar 31 20:18
schestowitzBalrog: Microsoft shills in BN: 31 20:19
schestowitzDave=Darryl=known shill. I just checked his IP to verifyMar 31 20:20
Balrogyou're talking to balzac?!?Mar 31 20:20
schestowitzkentma: yes, the whole 'cloud' thing is used by companies to have students 'sold' to them. GOolgle tooMar 31 20:20
schestowitzBalrog: either oneMar 31 20:20
benJImanHeh at thinking that because samba used network analysis to reverse engineer things it is somehow immune from patent infringement.Mar 31 20:22
kentmathe talkbacks on the article are quite interesting.  The considered ones are all deeply suspicious, the pro-Microsoft ones lack any analysis, ranging from "tit for tat", to "ooh, nasty people are having a go at MS and that isn't right".  Good to see that the Microsoft astro-turfing machine is still going, also good to see that it's no better at presenting a convincing case than it ever was :-)Mar 31 20:22
schestowitzOh. I didn't even notice we had made FP of LinuxToday yesterdayMar 31 20:22
kentmaI meant suspicious of the motives and situation reported, not to be considered to be of suspicious value.Mar 31 20:22
kentmahey!Mar 31 20:22
kentma well done.Mar 31 20:23
schestowitzThere's lots of bad pressMar 31 20:23
schestowitzThe usual suspects though -- those in Micfrosoft's pocketMar 31 20:23
schestowitzI have about 20 articles about the settlement, just not posted yet...Mar 31 20:23
schestowitz (Fedora releases version 11 beta )Mar 31 20:24
amd-linuxPerens described the problem very well. And is hinting that the mentioned "payment" by TomTom could be as high as one DollarMar 31 20:24
amd-linuxthat is what I also believe - the ransom money that TomTom payed was very lowMar 31 20:25
schestowitzIt's Microsoft's new business modelMar 31 20:25
schestowitzNot a terrible good one, iehtMar 31 20:25
schestowitz*etiherMar 31 20:25
schestowitzMicrosoft made a promise not to sue over FAT. But TomTom didn't challenge themMar 31 20:25
schestowitzRemember that TomTOm needed to fight not just one patentMar 31 20:25
schestowitzIt was a bundle of themMar 31 20:25
amd-linuxand they directly license to the TT customers as far as I understandMar 31 20:26
schestowitzIt was a well-orchestrated stunt aimed at a dying company without moneyMar 31 20:26
amd-linuxTT dying? or MS?Mar 31 20:26
schestowitzBothMar 31 20:26
amd-linuxTT is doing well, I think.... and hope, gonna buy a nav system soon :-)Mar 31 20:26
schestowitzMicrosoft -- less slowly. It's biggerMar 31 20:26
schestowitzIt tries to make up a business model from something it complained about 2 decades agoMar 31 20:27
amd-linuxMS is currently dumping Windows embedded -  Win based nav systems are nearly same price as Linux oneMar 31 20:27
amd-linuxat least here in germanyMar 31 20:27
schestowitzPJ linked to this earlier: 31 20:27
schestowitzBTW, I no longer mail her. Groklaw seems to be dying as a news siteMar 31 20:27
schestowitzamd-linux: fallcy:Mar 31 20:28
schestowitzIt's not about moving tomtom to winmobileMar 31 20:28
schestowitzIt's impractical. Too much workMar 31 20:28
schestowitzIt's about making money as a SCO-like indemnification firmMar 31 20:28
schestowitzAt the same time also suppressing Linux, sure, but win embedded isn't on MS' agendaMar 31 20:29
amd-linuxyeah, and their excuse is always shareholder valueMar 31 20:29
schestowitzThey just renamed the thing. They can't make it better... not enough engineers perhapsMar 31 20:29
schestowitzLinux moves too fastMar 31 20:29
schestowitzLinux = big and small in one packageMar 31 20:29
amd-linux"we are forced to act like this because we have to satisfy our shareholders"Mar 31 20:29
schestowitzMoularityMar 31 20:29
schestowitzMicrosoft Windows is all fragmentedMar 31 20:29
schestowitzWhich is funny cause they call Linux fragmentedMar 31 20:29
schestowitzWhen WIndows is like a bunch of forks for scaleMar 31 20:29
amd-linuxlets see how and when the Freescale netbooks are entering marketsMar 31 20:30
schestowitzamd-linux: real quote? I douybt it.Mar 31 20:30
schestowitzHypothetical, right?Mar 31 20:30
amd-linuxMS has to decide to port WindowsMar 31 20:30
schestowitzBut ballmer said something like that in 2006Mar 31 20:30
schestowitzIn I saw itMar 31 20:30
amd-linuxnono, no real quote but the gistMar 31 20:30
schestowitzAsked about patents he said something about obligation to shareholdersMar 31 20:30
schestowitzGist close to realityMar 31 20:30
amd-linuxright thats what i meantMar 31 20:30
schestowitzAnd true tooMar 31 20:30
schestowitzIf being an aggressor seems like good for shareholder...Mar 31 20:31
schestowitzAsk NOVLMar 31 20:31
schestowitzor SCOXMar 31 20:31
amd-linuxof course this is just not to look too greedyMar 31 20:31
schestowitzMaybe they can by PRMar 31 20:31
schestowitz 31 20:31
schestowitzI found this earlier in Mixx. will repost it laterMar 31 20:31
amd-linuxgood link. the "good" rich uncle from the US, "helping" poor Africans (and, as a side effect, his own business interests...)Mar 31 20:33
schestowitzYes.Mar 31 20:35
schestowitzI wrote about this beforMar 31 20:35
schestowitzThis has a link to the NYTMar 31 20:35
schestowitzThis reinforces many of my previous postsMar 31 20:35
schestowitzAbout Melinda and Pearly telling government to give taxpayers' money to big phrarmas that Parly and Mel invest inMar 31 20:36
schestowitz(for the 'poor children')Mar 31 20:36
schestowitzWhat You Need to Know About the Fraudulent Nature of the Pharmaceutical Investment Business With Disease  < >Mar 31 20:37
schestowitz"On behalf of the Rockefeller interests, the government of the pharmaceutical banana republic Germany spearheaded one of the most infamous efforts ever made within the United Nations."Mar 31 20:38
schestowitz"This years will go into history as the beginning of the end of pharmaceutical business with disease. In a series of scientific publications – for some of them I invited Linus Pauling as co-author – I could identify micronutrient deficiency as the primary cause. These diseases included heart attacks, high blood pressure, diabetical circulatory problems, cancer and even diseases like immune deficiencies, including AIDS."Mar 31 20:39
schestowitz Perens explains also why Mono is a patent trap.Mar 31 20:40
schestowitzInteresting... ThinFree supports ODF despite the MS pressure... "Adobe Portable Document Format (PDF), OpenOffice Open Document Format (ODF)"Mar 31 20:44
schestowitz*ThinkFreeMar 31 20:44
schestowitzJose rebuts the stupid Wallen article: "Linux needs Microsoft's "hand" like it needs the plague." 31 20:47
schestowitz "Now is the time to begin migrating everything over to ext2 or 3. Leave M$ behind with their patents and fat. "Mar 31 20:47
benJImanIt's a good thing that there's no standards that dictate use of fat.Mar 31 20:50
schestowitzThe case is not overMar 31 20:51
schestowitz 31 20:51
schestowitzbrbMar 31 20:54
schestowitzFacebook CFO Gideon Yu Leaving < >Mar 31 21:04
schestowitzWikia Search Out Of Options < > Sad news, at least Wikipedia is thriving.Mar 31 21:14
*devq has quit (Remote closed the connection)Mar 31 21:16
schestowitz (Intel, Microsoft Look Away as Beefed-up Netbooks Blur Lines) If true, then it's assassinating even more Windows revenueMar 31 21:17
schestowitzWales: "In past 24 months, has seen tremendous expansion. Nielsen recently recognized as the fifth fastest growing member community destination in February 2009:" 31 21:21
*amd-linux has quit (" ajax IRC Client")Mar 31 21:23
schestowitzTwitter appears so much in the press right now. I remember when it used to be Digg.Mar 31 21:23
schestowitzReports: Cyberspy network targets governments < >Mar 31 21:24
schestowitzCornell Librarians Protest Bill Closing Access to NIH Research < >Mar 31 21:29
*mib_jh0hns (i=29d0863c@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellMar 31 21:30
*mib_jh0hns (i=29d0863c@gateway/web/ajax/ has left #boycottnovellMar 31 21:31
schestowitzMicrosoft to acquire Novell! (April 1st starts early in Australia)Mar 31 21:34
Balrogso conficker starts midnight apr 1 UTC?Mar 31 21:34
schestowitzYesMar 31 21:34
MinceR:)Mar 31 21:34
schestowitzAustralia introduces licences for internet users  < >Mar 31 21:35
schestowitzMinceR: he beat me to itMar 31 21:35
schestowitzI am going to post "IBM to buy Novell"Mar 31 21:35
schestowitzin 2 hoursMar 31 21:35
MinceR:DMar 31 21:35
MinceR"IBM to buy Novell and Microsoft"Mar 31 21:35
schestowitzPut your paranoia hat onMar 31 21:35
schestowitzAsutralia is already emitting junkMar 31 21:35
schestowitzLast year I fell for one storyMar 31 21:35
schestowitzAbout DRM in <video>Mar 31 21:35
MinceR"We really should have bought Microsoft decades ago, but this crisis gives a good opportunity to finally do it." ;)Mar 31 21:36
schestowitzU.S. tech employment rises in 2008, falls off in 4Q < > Still living in the past, pretending all is OKMar 31 21:37
Balrogthere should be no DRM in <video> just as there is no DRM in <img>Mar 31 21:37
schestowitz2008Q1... yeah yeah..Mar 31 21:37
Balrogthough patents are a different problem ... remember GIF.... :/Mar 31 21:37
schestowitzBalrog: it was a article... Nathan... April 2nd (!) and sounded very realMar 31 21:38
Balrogurl?Mar 31 21:38
schestowitz"Sprout has already stated Novell’s recently released SUSE Linux 11 will be relaunched as Microsoft Linux Vista by the middle of this month."Mar 31 21:40
schestowitzBalrog: can;'t find it quite.. 31 21:40
BalroglolMar 31 21:41
zer0c00lgnMar 31 21:51
*zer0c00l has quit ("Leaving")Mar 31 21:51
schestowitzExcellent article from Phoronix comparing Ubuntu 9.04 Beta and Fedora 11: 31 21:56
schestowitzStinking Redmond press. Here is what they write: "Microsoft has worked on about 70 open developer platforms, particularly in areas like Azure, open document formats and identity."             "open document formats"   Eh? They try to make it sound like ODF... having names their format Office Open XML to confuse with Open Office.Mar 31 22:02
ToreadorVampireMmm, I agree there ... I have had to correct people a few times on that one :)Mar 31 22:04
schestowitzThey deplete from the vocabularyMar 31 22:05
ToreadorVampire"No, Office Open XML is not the same as those crazy document formats I use in OpenOffice"Mar 31 22:05
schestowitz*having namedMar 31 22:05
schestowitzIt's deliberate. They went told to rescind it.Mar 31 22:05
ToreadorVampireThat's fine ... despite that - everyone I know (bar a couple) hates MSOffice 2007 anyway for other reasonsMar 31 22:06
schestowitzhere is a good explanation of this: 31 22:06
ToreadorVampireMostly because of the "pull the rug from under your feet" UI change, and not providing any way of going back to the old UI (in order to help ease the transition)Mar 31 22:07
schestowitzSun confirms second round of layoffs < >Mar 31 22:07
schestowitzToreadorVampire: they need to pretend people upgrade *for something*Mar 31 22:08
schestowitzNot just to upgrade to more RAMMar 31 22:08
schestowitzThe perception of added valueMar 31 22:08
ToreadorVampirePeople still ask me for help (even though I stopped being a techie and switched to being a developer a while back) ...Mar 31 22:08
schestowitz"What did I just pay $200 for? I don't see it...."Mar 31 22:08
ToreadorVampire... and increasingly now I say "Oh, yeah, in Office I think it's something like Tools €» Macros €» Macro Security Settings" you need to changeMar 31 22:08
ToreadorVampireAnd then I get to laugh at them if they are using Office2007, because there's no goddamn tools menuMar 31 22:09
schestowitzConvicted Trojan author in new hacking charge < >Mar 31 22:09
ToreadorVampireAnd if you try looking for that particular setting on the "ribbon" (which vaguely replaces the menu bar) you won't find itMar 31 22:09
schestowitzToreadorVampire: oh yeah, good pointMar 31 22:09
schestowitzOne of the selling pnts of windowsMar 31 22:09
schestowitzNo changes, techno-communismMar 31 22:09
schestowitzShut down is still under the main menu...Mar 31 22:10
schestowitzAnd IE is stilll "blue e"Mar 31 22:10
schestowitzNow they flip it allMar 31 22:10
schestowitzIt renders manuals and BOOKS about office obsoleteMar 31 22:10
ToreadorVampireWell, that was my main reason for switching to OOoMar 31 22:10
schestowitzWhich for the first time makes me wonder how book authors who carries water for Microsoft really feelMar 31 22:11
schestowitz*carriedMar 31 22:11
ToreadorVampireIn reality - I don't give a damn about how free my software is - or if I am walking into patent traps - I care about using a piece of software that gets the job doneMar 31 22:11
ToreadorVampireAnd I got very angry very quick with Office 2007Mar 31 22:11
schestowitzAndroid tethering app tossed < >Mar 31 22:11
schestowitzCheck subheadline: "T-Mobile the tossers?" *LOL*Mar 31 22:12
ToreadorVampireSo when I switched to being a dev (and therefore lost my free copy of Office 2007) I decided that I wouldn't buy it eitherMar 31 22:12
ToreadorVampireOoh, that's interesting - I'm planning to get a G1 soon ...Mar 31 22:12
schestowitzI use LyX for documentMar 31 22:12
schestowitzBut if I use program menu which is rare, then I use the keyboardMar 31 22:12
schestowitzI don't know how ribbons interact with keyboard accelerators or arrow navigationMar 31 22:13
ToreadorVampireErm, no ideaMar 31 22:13
ToreadorVampireI tried to avoid using MS Word where possibleMar 31 22:13
schestowitzLike CTRL+letter, down, down, down, ENTERMar 31 22:13
schestowitzGoing the way of Fisher Price would be foolishMar 31 22:14
schestowitzThey would lose even some rookie usersMar 31 22:14
schestowitzThose who don't spend much time on it.. just writing a letter occasionally. For them, retraining can consume as much time as all work combined (years accounted for)Mar 31 22:14
schestowitzIn Vista7, the Fisher Price GUI is expandingMar 31 22:15
ToreadorVampireOh, erm, dunnoMar 31 22:15
schestowitzMore than 300 Nortel staff sacked without redundancy payout < >. Nortel is a dead company (Ch11)Mar 31 22:15
ToreadorVampireYeah, one of Nortel's HQs used to be down the road from me, and I know a few former staffMar 31 22:16
ToreadorVampireIt's been a dead company for a long time tbhMar 31 22:16
ToreadorVampireIt just didn't know it yetMar 31 22:16
ToreadorVampireAnyway - that tethering thing ...Mar 31 22:17
ToreadorVampireIt's still available for download - just not via the marketplaceMar 31 22:17
schestowitzYay. BN's traffic in Netcraft has just climbed to 2200th. We're doing about 7gb a day now. Bigger than Groklaw..Mar 31 22:17
ToreadorVampireWhich makes no difference to meMar 31 22:17
*ToreadorVampire is still excited about getting an android phone :)Mar 31 22:18
schestowitzNortel had wedding plans with MSFTMar 31 22:18
schestowitzNow it ought to be called offfMar 31 22:18
schestowitzWhich is good for those who embraces the GNU :-)Mar 31 22:19
ToreadorVampireschestowitz> Well ... yeah - Nortel has been a plague ship for so long now ... even 5/6 years ago I think it's been "dying a slow death"Mar 31 22:19
ToreadorVampireSo I doubted anyone was going to buy themMar 31 22:20
MinceR 31 22:20
ToreadorVampirehmmMar 31 22:20
schestowitzFedora finally explains how crackers got in: An update on the Fedora August 2008 intrusion < >Mar 31 22:21
schestowitzMinceR: must be seen insequenceMar 31 22:22
MinceRindeedMar 31 22:22
schestowitzI saw it in reverseMar 31 22:22
schestowitzGuantanamo Bay found a replacement for sound torture: 31 22:24
schestowitz "95 percent of them [PHP developers] go on to deploy on Linux."Mar 31 22:25
schestowitzI hear that Microsoft might donate Encarta to Wikipedia... 31 22:27
schestowitzFears of a Conficker Meltdown Greatly Exaggerated < > Says IDG......Mar 31 22:28
schestowitzWe'll find out soon what it shall causeMar 31 22:29
*_Hicham_ (n=hicham@ has joined #boycottnovellMar 31 22:46
_Hicham_Hi Roy!Mar 31 22:46
_Hicham_where r u?Mar 31 22:47
_Hicham_is there anyone in here?Mar 31 22:47
*ToreadorVampire has quit ("... and now back to the REAL fantasy world!")Mar 31 22:48
_Hicham_this room is really sleepy todayMar 31 22:48
*MinceR hidesMar 31 22:49
MinceRhttp:// 31 22:49
schestowitzI'm here.Mar 31 22:49
_Hicham_were u hiding or what?Mar 31 22:50
schestowitz"This page has been established to control the Conficker worm outbreak. For questions please contact your local UPC Abuse and/or Helpdesk. For more info about the Conficker virus please see: The Microsoft Conficker page"Mar 31 22:50
schestowitz_Hicham_: no, I was here. it was no quiet todayMar 31 22:51
schestowitzLots of talk this morning in fact.Mar 31 22:51
_Hicham_So the conficker is still doing its job?Mar 31 22:52
_Hicham_greatMar 31 22:52
_Hicham_I would have done moreMar 31 22:52
MinceRindeedMar 31 22:52
_Hicham_the svchost.exe is Windows' open assholeMar 31 22:53
schestowitz"while improving framebuffer, flash memory, and FAT filesystem capabilities" Blech 31 22:53
_Hicham_Windows doesn't even wear pantiesMar 31 22:53
schestowitzMinceR: what's it about?Mar 31 22:53
schestowitzHow will we know when it strikes and the outcome?Mar 31 22:53
MinceRthe Conficker outbreak is so bad an ISP has made a special warning page apparentlyMar 31 22:54
schestowitzI could live for a day without DNS if it means 15 million super-angry Windows users (and business) who say "what is this Lunix thing again?"Mar 31 22:54
_Hicham_great for WindowsMar 31 22:54
_Hicham_Roy : there is OpenDNSMar 31 22:54
schestowitzI know.Mar 31 22:54
schestowitzI made some tins of tuna and one opendns /sarcasm.Mar 31 22:55
schestowitzI got my AK-48 and heading for a Conficker hideout...Mar 31 22:55
_Hicham_do u have an AK-47 for me?Mar 31 22:56
schestowitzNot Conficker: GhostNet is a wakeup call to switch to Linux < >Mar 31 22:58
schestowitz_Hicham_: sure.Mar 31 22:58
schestowitzUS security BTW is very lousyMar 31 22:59
schestowitzTSA and allMar 31 22:59
schestowitzI transported an air rifle in my suitcase without any problems. Leisure purposes -- sure-- but still... no problems at all.Mar 31 22:59
_Hicham_u can kill with just a small knifeMar 31 23:00
_Hicham_a drifter in here killed 6 people in the street with a small knifeMar 31 23:00
_Hicham_u don't need a rifle at allMar 31 23:00
schestowitzTrue.Mar 31 23:00
schestowitzThe otives for dissent are more important to realiseMar 31 23:00
schestowitzWeapons are everywhere.Mar 31 23:01
schestowitzKitchen knife is weaponMar 31 23:01
_Hicham_u can kill Steve Ballmer with Linux for exampleMar 31 23:01
_Hicham_so Linux is a weapon alsoMar 31 23:01
schestowitzSo the solution is prevention by investigation of motive/causeMar 31 23:01
schestowitzAnother is brainwashMar 31 23:01
schestowitzTo control people's minds before they respond with forceMar 31 23:01
schestowitz_Hicham_: maybe SweatyB's PC..Mar 31 23:01
schestowitzNot him.Mar 31 23:01
MinceReverything is a weaponMar 31 23:01
_Hicham_u can kill fat with ext dietMar 31 23:01
schestowitzChecking eggs is another matterMar 31 23:01
schestowitzMinceR's country has the prideMar 31 23:02
MinceRor you could shoot a linux install disk at SweatyB, killing him on impactMar 31 23:02
schestowitzIt gave Sweaty the egg treatmentMar 31 23:02
MinceRit was just eggs :/Mar 31 23:02
schestowitzAnd he missedMar 31 23:02
_Hicham_where r u from MinceR ?Mar 31 23:02
schestowitzLoser ;-)Mar 31 23:02
_Hicham_hungary?Mar 31 23:02
MinceRhungaryMar 31 23:02
_Hicham_greatMar 31 23:02
MinceRnot so greatMar 31 23:02
MinceRi hate this countryMar 31 23:02
_Hicham_why?Mar 31 23:02
schestowitzMinceR is the guy with the egg tossing video ;-)Mar 31 23:03
MinceRthough i'm not sure if it would be better to live elsewhereMar 31 23:03
schestowitzNo, I kid....Mar 31 23:03
MinceRnopeMar 31 23:03
_Hicham_why MinceR ?Mar 31 23:03
schestowitzWhat was trhe guy's site again??Mar 31 23:03
schestowitzUsed to be a yellow homepagheMar 31 23:03
MinceRpeople are uncaring/stupid/evil everywhere, the state does everything in its power to annoy and rob meMar 31 23:03
_Hicham_u talking about the political system?Mar 31 23:03
MinceRand then they give a lot of money to m$, of courseMar 31 23:03
_Hicham_fuck MSMar 31 23:03
MinceRtax payments are organized so that i have to do a lot of research so i get the honor of paying them what they wantMar 31 23:04
MinceRif i don't, i get punishedMar 31 23:04
MinceRthe authorities believe they're allowed to do anything and they do get away with itMar 31 23:04
MinceRseveral state-owned companies also act as if they were authoritiesMar 31 23:04
_Hicham_do u have a republic?Mar 31 23:04
MinceRin name, yesMar 31 23:04
MinceRin practice, we can choose between two gangs of criminalsMar 31 23:05
MinceRthey do exactly the same shitMar 31 23:05
MinceRand now the country is on the brink of collapsingMar 31 23:05
MinceRi also hate budapest, the city i live inMar 31 23:05
_Hicham_i just know it from the Hitman gameMar 31 23:05
MinceRthe people suck, public transportation sucks, the people suck, the infrastructure sucksMar 31 23:06
_Hicham_i remember a level called "The Thermal Bath Hotel"Mar 31 23:06
MinceRi hope there's a place on earth that's better than this hellholeMar 31 23:06
_Hicham_Eastern Europe is full of hot chicksMar 31 23:06
MinceRoh, and a local "university" give some sort of award to Monkey BoyMar 31 23:06
MinceRs/give/gave/Mar 31 23:07
MinceR(where he got the egg treatment)Mar 31 23:07
_Hicham_great treatment by the wayMar 31 23:07
MinceRthere's a fucking cult of con men in this layer of hellMar 31 23:07
_Hicham_but he missed himMar 31 23:07
_Hicham_Bill's one in Finland was greatMar 31 23:07
_Hicham_the cake I meanMar 31 23:08
_Hicham_he received it straight in his faceMar 31 23:08
MinceRa hungarian news website ( ran a vote about who should be the new prime minister and steve jobs wonMar 31 23:08
MinceRthat tells a lot about this excuse for a countryMar 31 23:08
_Hicham_really?Mar 31 23:08
MinceRreallyMar 31 23:08
_Hicham_is he from hungary?Mar 31 23:08
MinceRnopeMar 31 23:08
MinceRbut we're running out of options anywayMar 31 23:08
_Hicham_why would be people want him then?Mar 31 23:08
MinceRit's a fucking comedy what's going on around the replacement of the PM nowMar 31 23:09
_Hicham_he's not hungarianMar 31 23:09
MinceRi'd laugh if i weren't forced to live himMar 31 23:09
MinceRbecause people are fucking stupid hereMar 31 23:09
MinceRthe thing they admire most is the ability to rip others off and turn their lives into hellMar 31 23:09
_Hicham_there is no left parties over there?Mar 31 23:09
MinceRthe party in power is trying to keep power at all costsMar 31 23:10
MinceRthe PM is quitting and they're trying to get support from someone elseMar 31 23:10
schestowitz"RedSeven Computer Company is kicking off it’s birthday month by offering a free installation of Linux on April first" 31 23:10
MinceRif we were to hold an election now, they'd likely loseMar 31 23:11
MinceRand the resulting delay would cost the country a lotMar 31 23:11
schestowitzMaybe it's timed this way cause of ConfickerMar 31 23:11
schestowitzMinceR: rich=good-heartedMar 31 23:13
schestowitzRemember, that's the AmericanWay(R)Mar 31 23:13
schestowitzaka AmericanDream(R)Mar 31 23:13
MinceRand the hungarian public eats that like candyMar 31 23:13
schestowitzThey glorify athletes, celebrities, corporations (like GM) and rich peopleMar 31 23:13
_Hicham_Roy : there is no american dreamMar 31 23:13
_Hicham_there is only american lieMar 31 23:13
schestowitzyou aboslutely MUST want to be like themMar 31 23:13
schestowitzPeer pressure will ensure thisMar 31 23:14
MinceRthey worship people who get rich by stealing and cheatingMar 31 23:14
MinceRthey elect those people to officeMar 31 23:14
MinceRand then they're shocked and surprised to find out that they're ripped off nextMar 31 23:14
_Hicham_the US is a bad Political ModelMar 31 23:14
_Hicham_and u know tahtMar 31 23:14
_Hicham_thatMar 31 23:14
schestowitzRockefeller.. what a nice family! Ohhh :-)Mar 31 23:14
schestowitzThey are so rich... and they give [and stealk]Mar 31 23:14
schestowitzAnd they help poor kids....Mar 31 23:15
schestowitzAnd they give.. [their exposers a kick in the nuts and a smear campaign]Mar 31 23:15
schestowitzI'll do a goods post about the Gates scam tomorrow. _Hicham_ might be interetsedMar 31 23:15
schestowitzThere's this Richard Berman dude who knows how to set up fraudulent charitiesMar 31 23:16
schestowitzSteal from the public, buy PR.Mar 31 23:16
schestowitzUnder a "charity" umbrella. Then buy some press to lie about it and promote the big lieMar 31 23:16
_Hicham_Roy : u never criticized the UKMar 31 23:16
_Hicham_is the UK perfect?Mar 31 23:16
MinceRcorrection of my earlier sentence: "i'd laugh if i weren't forced to live here"Mar 31 23:16
MinceRif only i had the money to just pack up, leave and buy a house in a sane place and live thereMar 31 23:17
schestowitz_Hicham_: I do criticise the UKMar 31 23:18
schestowitzCarefullyMar 31 23:18
schestowitzSee my USENET postsMar 31 23:18
schestowitzUsually on copyrights issue, ISPs, BECTA, MSBBC, NHS, and whatnotMar 31 23:18
_Hicham_why carefully?Mar 31 23:19
_Hicham_because u r in there?Mar 31 23:19
schestowitzYou know.Mar 31 23:19
schestowitzI was monitored before.Mar 31 23:19
_Hicham_by who?Mar 31 23:19
schestowitzThe men in blackMar 31 23:19
schestowitzSecurityMar 31 23:19
_Hicham_wowMar 31 23:20
_Hicham_that is frighteningMar 31 23:20
schestowitzNot reallyMar 31 23:20
schestowitzFlattering actuallyMar 31 23:20
schestowitzI didn't say anything bad or done anything badMar 31 23:20
schestowitzThey told meMar 31 23:20
_Hicham_u r lucky to be in the UKMar 31 23:20
_Hicham_if u were in the US, they would have killed uMar 31 23:21
_Hicham_long time beforeMar 31 23:21
_Hicham_lucky to have a queen to protect uMar 31 23:21
MinceRlolMar 31 23:22
schestowitzNo.Mar 31 23:22
schestowitzThe US is liberal tooMar 31 23:22
schestowitzThe UK is no better than the USMar 31 23:22
schestowitzLook up "David Kelly"Mar 31 23:22
schestowitzI don't knowMar 31 23:22
schestowitzIt's just suspicion thoughMar 31 23:22
schestowitzAnd I hardly write about politics anyway. IT is small stuffMar 31 23:22
schestowitzCompred to oil (trillions), real estate (trillions), and foreign affairs (many trillions). We're the 'small' problemMar 31 23:23
MinceRinformation is more valuable than that though :>Mar 31 23:23
schestowitzThe Queen in the UK is like Obama in the USMar 31 23:24
schestowitzThey are symbolic figuresMar 31 23:24
schestowitzMinceR: information=FOx NewsMar 31 23:24
_Hicham_but she has power, no?Mar 31 23:24
schestowitzInformation as weapon... the macro issue... not format and retentionMar 31 23:25
MinceRschestowitz: to the brainwashed masses maybeMar 31 23:25
schestowitz_Hicham_: so does Obama; he works outMar 31 23:25
schestowitzSmall guyMar 31 23:25
schestowitzDisplaced in 4 yearsMar 31 23:25
schestowitzUnlike the people who run the system for 40 yearsMar 31 23:25
MinceRbut consider what would happen if the craziest ideas behind TC and DRM were to be forced on everyone by lawMar 31 23:25
schestowitzLike the Rockefeller.Mar 31 23:25
MinceRpersonal computers? more like computers owned and monitored by the corpocracyMar 31 23:25
schestowitzMinceR: they'll tryMar 31 23:26
schestowitzDissent prevents itMar 31 23:26
schestowitzLook at ACTA backlashMar 31 23:26
MinceRand you get to have the privilege to pay to access it some of the timeMar 31 23:26
MinceRin the way they chooseMar 31 23:26
schestowitzMinceR: PC = leasedMar 31 23:26
schestowitzwith TCMar 31 23:26
MinceRschestowitz: a tiny minority of people are even aware of ACTAMar 31 23:26
MinceRthat's the problemMar 31 23:26
schestowitzWindows/OS X = rented softwareMar 31 23:26
schestowitznmap is already illegal hereMar 31 23:26
MinceRlike you said, it's considered small stuffMar 31 23:26
MinceRyet our freedom hinges on itMar 31 23:26
schestowitzMinceR: yes, you won't get an article about it past editorsMar 31 23:26
schestowitzWith companies like GE owning the press, literally.Mar 31 23:27
MinceRand that makes me very worriedMar 31 23:27
schestowitzAirport checksMar 31 23:27
schestowitz"Show us your laptop!"Mar 31 23:27
schestowitzThey then make copies of your whole HDD on the fileMar 31 23:27
schestowitzThey'll have a good time with it laterMar 31 23:27
schestowitzEmails, history, everything... forensics tooMar 31 23:27
schestowitz(easier with Vista BTW)Mar 31 23:27
schestowitzThey also have back door to Microsoft's HSS encryptionMar 31 23:28
MinceRand that would be only the beginningMar 31 23:28
schestowitz*HDDMar 31 23:28
schestowitzWhich makes it symbolicMar 31 23:28
schestowitzIt's 'safe'... but the govt always has the master keyMar 31 23:28
schestowitzGartner admiits thisMar 31 23:28
schestowitzNo speculation here.Mar 31 23:28
schestowitzfact.Mar 31 23:28
schestowitzMicrosogt and the UK government work on it together... with the police. That's why they illegally sign so many contractsMar 31 23:29
_Hicham_do they really check ur laptop?Mar 31 23:29
schestowitzCorruption = controlMar 31 23:29
MinceRit's microsoft "security" anywayMar 31 23:29
schestowitzCorruption is OK, as long as it keeps the population under controlMar 31 23:29
schestowitzAcceptable bribery :-)Mar 31 23:29
schestowitzLike lobbying :-DMar 31 23:29
MinceRit's useless, the backdoor is just their way of saying "fuck you" to every outsiderMar 31 23:29
schestowitz_Hicham_: provisions exist alreadyMar 31 23:29
schestowitzI don't think they even need ACTA for thisMar 31 23:29
schestowitzACTA is just more privileges. Not for us, for them.Mar 31 23:30
schestowitzNot for us, for USMar 31 23:30
MinceRand any time they can get moreMar 31 23:30
_Hicham_terrorism = freedom limitsMar 31 23:30
schestowitzYes,Mar 31 23:30
MinceRthey just handwave, say "turrism" and poof, you've lost another couple of your rightsMar 31 23:30
schestowitzReasons to aggrevate itMar 31 23:30
MinceRand some of your privacyMar 31 23:30
schestowitzAggravate world = > riskMar 31 23:30
MinceRthese people must pay for their crimesMar 31 23:30
_Hicham_the US is doing with terrorism what it couldn't do for yearsMar 31 23:30
schestowitzSnce Iraq invasion the thread grew 7foldMar 31 23:30
schestowitzThese are numbers whose source I cannot recallMar 31 23:30
schestowitzSo with heightened risks come new preventive laws.Mar 31 23:31
schestowitzMinceR: which peopleMar 31 23:31
schestowitzBush?Mar 31 23:31
schestowitzHaha.Mar 31 23:31
schestowitzNo way.Mar 31 23:31
schestowitzObama is too little.Mar 31 23:31
schestowitzBush has buddies in Halliburton et alMar 31 23:31
MinceRall the politicians who did their part in itMar 31 23:31
schestowitzBTW, did you know that Blackwater changed named?Mar 31 23:32
schestowitzBad PR.Mar 31 23:32
MinceRand all the people who bribed them to do itMar 31 23:32
schestowitzSlaughtering millions of people can do that to a company... it figures sigh*Mar 31 23:32
MinceRnahMar 31 23:32
MinceRyou kill one person, it's a tragedy. you kill a million, it's a statistic.Mar 31 23:32
_Hicham_Bush is allowed to kill anyoneMar 31 23:33
_Hicham_he has a white cardMar 31 23:33
MinceRhe has more than thatMar 31 23:34
MinceRhe is allowed to bomb any small countryMar 31 23:34
MinceRwell, he wasMar 31 23:34
MinceRnow obama has that "right"Mar 31 23:34
*devq ( has joined #boycottnovellMar 31 23:34
_Hicham_the US is having problem nowMar 31 23:35
schestowitzJust now?Mar 31 23:35
schestowitzDon't worry, they have the little people under controlMar 31 23:35
schestowitz[that's us]Mar 31 23:36
_Hicham_coz its people is starting to become hungryMar 31 23:36
_Hicham_if the US people become angry, it is a pbMar 31 23:36
schestowitzSurveillance without warrants, arrest on suspicion, etc.Mar 31 23:36
_Hicham_yesMar 31 23:36
schestowitzThey flag white anti-war protestors "terrorists" nowMar 31 23:36
_Hicham_and sooner or later, there will be problemsMar 31 23:36
schestowitzSometimes they get labeled "terrorist sympathisers"Mar 31 23:36
_Hicham_for sureMar 31 23:36
schestowitzWas the same with Vietnam I thinkMar 31 23:36
_Hicham_especially when they will run out of gasMar 31 23:37
schestowitzThe same idiots who played the  "terrorist sympathisers" card regretted it when they realised the invasion was a scam. Mar 31 23:37
schestowitzPeople like BuckleyMar 31 23:37
schestowitzWorld Review editor IIRCMar 31 23:37
_Hicham_the invasion was for oilMar 31 23:37
_Hicham_now they see how billions they have spentMar 31 23:37
_Hicham_to get oilMar 31 23:37
schestowitzNYT has posted no apologies for huge lies about WoMD AFAIKMar 31 23:37
_Hicham_and they still spend moneyMar 31 23:38
schestowitzAnd Thomas Friendman et al have contacts there with Pentagon, White House, etc. so they have no excuse about being deceivedMar 31 23:38
_Hicham_and now there is the economics crisisMar 31 23:38
_Hicham_and there is ChinaMar 31 23:38
_Hicham_and all their plans are at riskMar 31 23:38
_Hicham_Obama is having a heavyweight legacyMar 31 23:38
schestowitzChina does OKMar 31 23:39
schestowitzIt's goodMar 31 23:39
schestowitznot for everyoneMar 31 23:39
_Hicham_Roy : it is a threatMar 31 23:39
schestowitzNot for 'the people'Mar 31 23:39
schestowitzRepublic of 'the [Big] People'Mar 31 23:39
_Hicham_China is a threat for the worldMar 31 23:39
schestowitz_Hicham_: they have nuclear subs ;-)Mar 31 23:39
_Hicham_not thatMar 31 23:39
schestowitzTo make Ballmer sweatMar 31 23:39
schestowitzI suppose you know about Ballmer and ChinaMar 31 23:39
_Hicham_no, I don'tMar 31 23:40
schestowitzMcCain wanted to make his Chinese ambassador... ambassador in China ratherMar 31 23:40
schestowitzGood fit. Keep China in check by tossing chairs and shoutingMar 31 23:40
MinceR:DMar 31 23:40
schestowitzGive him 12 hour onnthe job and China nukes CAMar 31 23:40
MinceRMutually Assured Destruction!Mar 31 23:40
schestowitzThen Redmond, WAMar 31 23:40
schestowitzThey have Red Flag Linux, Mar 31 23:41
MinceRat least they would have taken out the human species before it could infect other solar systems :>Mar 31 23:41
schestowitzMinceR: it can'tMar 31 23:41
schestowitzNo technologyMar 31 23:41
schestowitzNo research in NASAMar 31 23:41
schestowitzBush moved the moneyMar 31 23:41
schestowitzTo more important affairsMar 31 23:41
MinceRit's only a question of timeMar 31 23:41
schestowitzLike ChristianityMar 31 23:41
MinceRif NASA doesn't do it, others willMar 31 23:41
MinceRlike the chineseMar 31 23:41
schestowitzLusra Bush needs to teach kiddies about holy poniesMar 31 23:42
MinceRlolMar 31 23:42
schestowitz*LauraMar 31 23:42
MinceRi prefer the Invisible Pink Unicorn to those. :>Mar 31 23:42
schestowitzAnd it fhey behave nicely they'll live like the princess in Ali BubbaMar 31 23:42
schestowitz*typo on nameMar 31 23:42
schestowitzMinceR: invisible is goodMar 31 23:43
schestowitzEasier to sell the illusion if it's invisibleMar 31 23:43
schestowitz"Where is it?"Mar 31 23:43
_Hicham_schestowitz : do u have an official distro for the UK?Mar 31 23:43
schestowitzLaura: "it's invisible"Mar 31 23:43
schestowitzKid: "aaaaaaaahhhhhhh"Mar 31 23:43
schestowitz_Hicham_: there are several hereMar 31 23:43
MinceRschestowitz: 31 23:43
schestowitzNone with a British flag or some national pride thoughMar 31 23:43
schestowitzUbuntu is made from Isle of Man (based there) and developed mostly in LondonMar 31 23:44
schestowitzThat's where Mark and the gang resideMar 31 23:44
schestowitzRMS started twittingMar 31 23:45
benJImanReally? He doesn't even use a web browser, I'm surprised he would use twitter.Mar 31 23:45
schestowitz@rms in identica has begun linking to his political siteMar 31 23:45
MinceRare you sure it's really RMS? :>Mar 31 23:45
schestowitzMight not beMar 31 23:46
schestowitzI think someone in FSF does this on his behalfMar 31 23:46
schestowitzHonestlyMar 31 23:46
MinceRhe did say at his presentation that he uses email to fetch webpagesMar 31 23:46
schestowitzIt seems soMar 31 23:46
MinceRicMar 31 23:46
schestowitzSo it's a bot account in a wayMar 31 23:46
schestowitzJust links to his 'blog' nowMar 31 23:46
schestowitzMinceR: he does (use E-mail). He told me tooMar 31 23:46
schestowitzSo you just embed pages in text.Mar 31 23:46
_Hicham_RMS uses FirefoxMar 31 23:47
_Hicham_aka IceCatMar 31 23:47
schestowitzHe lives by principlesMar 31 23:47
schestowitzSetting an example, which makes perfect sense. He does all right despite the self-imposed/inflicted barriersMar 31 23:47
_Hicham_and Roy uses Internet ExplorerMar 31 23:47
_Hicham_:DMar 31 23:47
MinceRgnMar 31 23:48
schestowitz_Hicham_: .. to prepare for the fight against TysonMar 31 23:48
_Hicham_schestowitz : do u run ur own webserver?Mar 31 23:52

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Ukraine Didn't Take Twitter/X Down, Microsoft or Windows Likely Did
There are many debunkings (to likely false accusations), but won't that just be another example of Windows TCO, exacerbated externally in the form of Windows botnets?
The Fall of the Open Source Initiative (OSI): Worse Than What the Media Has Focused on, Losing Sight of Who Owns and Runs the OSI
Members' dues are less than 3% of the income; where does the 97+ percent come from other than Microsoft?
Apple Seems to Have Run Out of Things to Boast About After Apple Vision Pro Failed Spectacularly
With "Apple Intelligence", Apple has finally named a product after what target customers lack
Slopwatch: Reckless FUD and Machine-Generated Spam from,, and (Google Boosts LLM Slop About "Linux")
Google and so-called 'Google News' continue to yield anti-Linux misinformation
Gemini Links 11/03/2025: 'Chainsaw Politicians' and Proprietary Software Hell
Links for the day
Links 11/03/2025: Covid-19 5 Years On and Violence in Syria
Links for the day
Links 11/03/2025: NASA Besieged and "DOGE Has Become What It Claimed To Destroy"
Links for the day
Fresh IBM Layoffs Reported in Europe and North America, Jobs Allegedly Moved to South Asia (Low Salaries)
As usual, IBM does not talk about this
Illuminating Injustice is Critical When Reckless Microsofters and Law Firms Try to Silence Reporters of Violence Against Women
I want to clarify that I'm well within my right (and not running afoul of any rules) by explaining what goes on here
EPO Central Staff Committee: "The Strategy of the Office Lacks Transparency and Cannot be Understood"
Microsoft and the EPO violate data protection laws
Microsoft Has Not Much Left to Show Investors, Shares Fall Almost 20%
It's not even clear how Microsoft makes money anymore
Links 11/03/2025: Spring and Misfin Server
Links for the day
Over at Tux Machines...
GNU/Linux news for the past day
IRC Proceedings: Monday, March 10, 2025
IRC logs for Monday, March 10, 2025