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IRC: #boycottnovell @ FreeNode: April 9th, 2009 - Part 2


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EruaranBring it on I sayApr 09 17:45
schestowitz (Andrew Lloyd Weber Trashes The Internet As 'Somalia Of Theft And Piracy')Apr 09 17:46
schestowitzEruaran: no, no rbing it onApr 09 17:46
schestowitzWe lost DNS function this morningApr 09 17:46
Balrogschestowitz: check this: 09 17:46
EruaranhehApr 09 17:46
Balrogmay be troublesomeApr 09 17:46
schestowitzFor the second timeApr 09 17:46
Balrogschestowitz: dns function where?Apr 09 17:47
schestowitzThe last time is happaned was Conficker tooApr 09 17:47
Balrogalso conficker working group isn't workingApr 09 17:47
schestowitzThat was when it got born pretty muchApr 09 17:47
schestowitz15 million affected in daysApr 09 17:47
schestowitzBalrog: that dude who comments about security only ever shows up in BN to slam my posts about securityApr 09 17:48
schestowitzSystematicallyApr 09 17:48
schestowitzThank The Economy For More Traffic Cameras < >Apr 09 17:48
*kevin009 ( has left #boycottnovellApr 09 17:49
trmancoIE must comply with web standards. (Opera has suggested that Microsoft must support web standards they have promised to support).: 09 17:57
schestowitz <-- This article stated that Microsoftt admits Windows is not secureApr 09 18:06
schestowitzIDG broke the linkApr 09 18:06
Balroghmm ok.Apr 09 18:07
Balrogschestowitz: that's badApr 09 18:08
Balrog works thoughApr 09 18:09
Balrogand they broke only that particular one :XApr 09 18:10
*mib_7ki53x (i=c3f0787d@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellApr 09 18:12
*mib_7ki53x has quit (Client Quit)Apr 09 18:13
*tessier_ has quit ( 09 18:14
*roy__ has quit ( 09 18:14
trmanco 09 18:21
schestowitzBalrog: maybe they moved it?Apr 09 18:33
schestowitzThere is another example like thisApr 09 18:33
schestowitzI contacted the authorApr 09 18:33
schestowitzIt's one that proves Windows and IIS are not secure... in scientific ways.. ALSO in ZDNetApr 09 18:33
schestowitzSomeone reppectable whom I know says it's likely to be motivated by someone not liking the contentApr 09 18:34
schestowitzIt would be worth more to remove it than to keep itApr 09 18:34
Balrogschestowitz: doesn't seem that wayApr 09 18:35
Balrogother articles from that timeframe still existApr 09 18:35
Balrog(with old URLs)Apr 09 18:35
Balrog1/wi16Apr 09 18:36
BalrogsorryApr 09 18:36
schestowitzConficker actually does something < >Apr 09 18:36
trmancoXreaL: The Most Advanced Open-Source Game Engine?: 09 18:38
schestowitzGame icon quits EA  < >Apr 09 18:39
schestowitzThe Inquirer calls Michael Larabel "Lord of Penguins " Linus would be jealous.Apr 09 18:42
schestowitz"Apple admits cracked Macbooks [...] Meanwhile Apple fanboys have been flooding us with cries that Macbook cases should be cracked and in two year's time Dell will be following the trend." 09 18:43
trmanco 09 18:48
*mib_0ixhpy (i=800a0469@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellApr 09 18:51
schestowitztrmanco: thanks, seen it last night.Apr 09 18:52
schestowitzHere are the winner of the KernelFoundation video content: 09 18:52
schestowitz*contentApr 09 18:53
schestowitz>contestApr 09 18:53
*Omar87 (n=omar@ has joined #boycottnovellApr 09 18:53
Omar87Hi all.Apr 09 18:54
silentivmhiApr 09 18:54
Omar87So, what do you think is the way to fight back against M$ in the netbook market?Apr 09 18:54
schestowitzAP is totally losing it now. It's probably dying and looking for scapegoats. (AP YouTube Content "Misappropriated?")Apr 09 18:55
schestowitzOmar87: Microsoft loses money there.Apr 09 18:56
schestowitzStill, about 1 in 3 runs GNU/LinuxApr 09 18:56
schestowitzBoth are virtually freeApr 09 18:56
schestowitzAnd ARM will help even more.Apr 09 18:56
Omar87Producing a better Linux, alone, won't help. Because regardless of how good Linux is, M$ has this filthy little weapon called "marketing".Apr 09 18:57
Omar87Oh, and, don't forget "monopoly".Apr 09 18:57
Omar87What's ARM?Apr 09 18:57
*roy__ ( has joined #boycottnovellApr 09 18:58
schestowitzOmar87: see 09 18:59
schestowitzOmar87: it's not marketingApr 09 19:00
schestowitzIt's FUD. They also sobtageApr 09 19:00
schestowitzI got a 'payload' of Comes stuff todayApr 09 19:00
Omar87Which is why I called it "filthy".Apr 09 19:00
schestowitzI need to post this at some stage. Sheer crime... Ballmer sabotaging competing OSesApr 09 19:00
Omar87I know it's not only about marketing, it's much worse than that.Apr 09 19:01
schestowitzMicrosoft produced software to crash OS/2Apr 09 19:01
schestowitzThen sent Ballmer on a tour to spread FUDApr 09 19:01
EruaranWhy am I not surprisedApr 09 19:01
schestowitzThat's not marketing, it's crimeApr 09 19:01
schestowitzThey should be sentences to prisonApr 09 19:01
schestowitzBut it never appeared in the DOJApr 09 19:01
Omar87By marketing, I mean the filthy brainwashing techniques I keep seeing almost everywhere. Especially here in Jordan.Apr 09 19:02
Omar87But yes, there is actually more than just marketing..Apr 09 19:03
schestowitzRuns on Linux too: Hands-on: BumpTop may be desktop revamp you've waited for < > Apr 09 19:05
schestowitzLet me paste here what I haveApr 09 19:06
schestowitzI will post these one day when I get full text (later in the year probably)Apr 09 19:06
schestowitzMS analyzes DR ROM DOS, I thought MS stated in public they only Apr 09 19:06
schestowitzever tested MS-DOS?Apr 09 19:06
schestowitz 09 19:06
schestowitzBill, at at the XP launch ceremony, reminiscences about the Apr 09 19:06
schestowitz'original PC' and forgets to give IBM a mention :)Apr 09 19:06
schestowitz 09 19:06
schestowitzFrom: Prashant SridharanApr 09 19:06
schestowitzSent: Wednesday, September 17, 1997 6:07 PMApr 09 19:06
schestowitzTo: Russ ArunApr 09 19:06
schestowitzSubject: RE: More Questions about ADO in javaApr 09 19:06
schestowitz"Screw Sun, cross-platform wil never work. Let's move on and steal Apr 09 19:06
schestowitzthe Java language"Apr 09 19:06
schestowitz"That said, have we ever taken a look at how long it would take Apr 09 19:06
schestowitzMicrosoft to build a cross-platform Java that did work? Naturally, Apr 09 19:06
schestowitzwe would never do it, but it would give us some idea of how much Apr 09 19:06
schestowitztime we have to work in killing Sun's Java".Apr 09 19:06
schestowitz 09 19:06
*Omar87 (n=omar@ has left #boycottnovellApr 09 19:06
schestowitzFrom: w-clairl Thu Jul 25 19:46:22 1991Apr 09 19:07
schestowitzTo: billg; bradsi; jimail; jonl; mikehal; paulma; richab; russw; Apr 09 19:07
schestowitzscotto; stevebApr 09 19:07
schestowitzCc: billmi; cameronm; carls; garygi; julieg; martyta; mikemap; Apr 09 19:07
schestowitzrogersw; w-clairl; w-pamedApr 09 19:07
schestowitzSubject: SteveB press tour trip report (long mail)Apr 09 19:07
schestowitzSteveB went on the road to see the top weeklies, industry analysts Apr 09 19:07
schestowitzand business press this week to give our systems strategy. The Apr 09 19:07
schestowitzmeetings included demos of Windows 3.1 (pen and multimedia Apr 09 19:07
schestowitzincluded), Windows NT, OS/2 2.0 including a "bad app" that Apr 09 19:07
schestowitzcorrupted other applications and crashed the system. It was a very Apr 09 19:07
schestowitzvaluable trip and needs to be repeated by other MS executives Apr 09 19:07
schestowitzthroughout the next moneth so we hit all the publications and Apr 09 19:07
schestowitzanalysts.Apr 09 19:07
schestowitz 09 19:07
schestowitz############################Apr 09 19:07
schestowitz### this is fucking HUGE roy, they went out and designed an app to Apr 09 19:07
schestowitzspecifically crash on OS/2 and then SteveO went on the road and Apr 09 19:07
schestowitzdemoed it, explicitly knowing what it was designed to do !!!! Apr 09 19:07
schestowitzTo: bobmu; bradsi; carls; jonl; stevebApr 09 19:07
schestowitzSubject: PM Bad App...Apr 09 19:07
schestowitzcc: ericfoApr 09 19:07
schestowitzDate: Thu Jun 27 09:30:12 1991Apr 09 19:07
schestowitz> > From ericfo Thu Jun 27 09:27:07 1991Apr 09 19:07
schestowitzTo paulmaApr 09 19:07
schestowitzSubject: Re: One Bad AppApr 09 19:07
schestowitzDate: Thu Jun 27 09:28:30 1991Apr 09 19:07
schestowitzI tested on 1.21,m 1.3, and 2.0 and it hangs all systems equally well...Apr 09 19:07
schestowitz-------Apr 09 19:07
schestowitzThere's lots moreApr 09 19:07
schestowitzBut I pollute IRC (flooding)Apr 09 19:08
schestowitzMaybe I should post this criminal activity early. The problem is, there is so much of it in 9000 exhibits, where does one even /start/?Apr 09 19:08
Balrogstart anywhere, as long as you cover all of itApr 09 19:12
*mib_0ixhpy has quit (" ajax IRC Client")Apr 09 19:13
schestowitzThe New York Times is repeating Microsoft's lies: 09 19:13
schestowitzHow they seed their lies...Apr 09 19:13
schestowitzBalrog: eventually I'll have it all catalogued.Apr 09 19:14
schestowitzThis can take /years/Apr 09 19:14
schestowitzAnd now Katherine Noyes parrots another talking point from IDG: 09 19:15
BalrogI see. :(Apr 09 19:15
EruaranLinux continues to growApr 09 19:16
balzacRoy, where'd you get that email from?Apr 09 19:16
Balrogsure does.Apr 09 19:16
EruaranGPL software is like creeping death for Microsoft. Their behavior will get worse before its all over.Apr 09 19:17
EruaranBut it is good to document their deeds.Apr 09 19:18
EruaranOur children will look back upon these times and ask how it was that people put up with the Microsoft monopoly for so long.Apr 09 19:19
balzacmisdeedsApr 09 19:19
EruaranindeedApr 09 19:20
balzacdirty deeds, done dirt cheapApr 09 19:20
balzacdirty deeds, done with sheepApr 09 19:20
balzac 09 19:21
balzac 09 19:22
balzacwaitApr 09 19:22
balzac 09 19:22
schestowitzbalzac: I'll process a lot laterApr 09 19:23
schestowitzbalzac: is that last one the NX version?Apr 09 19:24
schestowitz*NZApr 09 19:24
schestowitzWho is ericfo from Microsoft?Apr 09 19:25
schestowitzI know their shill ErikfuApr 09 19:25
schestowitzNot an EricfoApr 09 19:25
schestowitzThere's also the Brad Silverberg criminal further down in their chainApr 09 19:25
schestowitzThat's the guy who calls to "cull those f*ckers off" when talking about competitionApr 09 19:25
schestowitzOr "tiling in death spiral"Apr 09 19:26
schestowitzBunch of mafia thugs... plain and simple... not even subjectiveApr 09 19:26
schestowitzAllchin: "piss on Java"Apr 09 19:26
schestowitzAnd Miguel the Impaler is helping those criminals against JavaApr 09 19:26
Balrogjava is not going anywhere anytime soonApr 09 19:27
EruaranThey can't beat something that is cross platform with something that isn't (and mono doesn't cut it).Apr 09 19:28
schestowitz "Waugh made the announcement in a blog post and said that she would be withdrawing from the business she created with her husband as well as stepping back from her open-source advocacy efforts."Apr 09 19:29
schestowitz:-(Apr 09 19:29
schestowitzWell, it didn't work well for her husband in GNOMEApr 09 19:29
schestowitzhe lft in December IIRCApr 09 19:29
schestowitzBalrog: Java is already the leaderApr 09 19:29
Balrogof course it isApr 09 19:29
schestowitzDon't tell NovellApr 09 19:29
schestowitzThem and Microsoft use lackey journosApr 09 19:30
schestowitzThey generate anti-Java headlinesApr 09 19:30
schestowitzNot by accidentApr 09 19:30
EruaranI think Miguel wants to infect GNOME with Mono to help MicrosoftApr 09 19:30
schestowitzThis is shown in Comes vs Microsoft E-mailsApr 09 19:30
schestowitzMicrosoft pretends the rivals are deadApr 09 19:30
schestowitzLike the XP 96% market share on netbooks LIEApr 09 19:30
Balrogheh yeah.Apr 09 19:30
schestowitzIt's supposed to scare OEMs.. or devs away from JavaApr 09 19:30
Balrogthough too many netbooks are running windows :XApr 09 19:30
EruaranEven if that was true, the question I ask is this :Apr 09 19:31
schestowitzMs says < >:Apr 09 19:31
schestowitz"Ideally, use of the competing technology becomes associated with mental deficiency, as in, "he believes in Santa Claus, the Easter Bunny, and OS/2." Just keep rubbing it in, via the press, analysts, newsgroups, whatever. Make the complete failure of the competition's technology part of the mythology of the computer industry."Apr 09 19:31
schestowitz"We want to place selection pressure on those companies and individuals that show a genetic weakness for competitors' technologies, to make the industry increasingly resistant to such unhealthy strains, over time."Apr 09 19:31
EruaranWhy aren't alarm bells ringing ? Why aren't lawyers being called ?Apr 09 19:31
schestowitzAgainst MS?Apr 09 19:31
EruaranYou DON'T get that kind of market share in 12 months in a free and open marketApr 09 19:31
EruaranYou just dontApr 09 19:31
schestowitzThey pressured OEMsApr 09 19:32
schestowitzASUS admitted thisApr 09 19:32
schestowitzSaying it was "tied up with Microsoft"Apr 09 19:32
Eruaranthats what I meanApr 09 19:32
schestowitzThey brainwashed and pampered themApr 09 19:32
schestowitzTo block and strangle rivalsApr 09 19:32
schestowitzThat's MicrosoftApr 09 19:32
schestowitzAnd they are above the law in the USApr 09 19:32
schestowitzTHey toss judges who would say the truthApr 09 19:32
EruaranYou can't claim people are choosing your OS when it is the only one on offer by default and it is deliberately made difficult to get anything elseApr 09 19:32
schestowitzIn ISO, they would get rid of   convenors who  do their jobApr 09 19:32
schestowitzPut cronies in insteadApr 09 19:33
EruaranIts like the North Korean communist party claiming a landslide election winApr 09 19:33
schestowitzSame in MassachusettsApr 09 19:33
schestowitzThe honourable Judge Jackson said they should be put on criminal trialApr 09 19:33
EruaranThey shouldApr 09 19:33
schestowitzYes, they want to force people to buy WindowsApr 09 19:34
EruaranI believe Microsoft's ties in Australian education should be investigateApr 09 19:34
schestowitzThen eipe itApr 09 19:34
Eruaran*investigatedApr 09 19:34
schestowitzIt counts as 'WindowsApr 09 19:34
EruaranThere is collusion going onApr 09 19:34
schestowitzMicrosoft doesn't like being investiagtedApr 09 19:34
schestowitzSee Gates deposition videoApr 09 19:34
EruaranNew South Wales DET is a prime exampleApr 09 19:34
schestowitzHe treats the judges like they are kidsApr 09 19:34
schestowitzHe said to a magazine in the 90s that he wants to control the worldApr 09 19:34
schestowitzNow he's already in politicsApr 09 19:34
schestowitzDoing the white-collar crime from outside MicrosoftApr 09 19:35
schestowitzDisguised as charity, of courseApr 09 19:35
schestowitzLike older criminals who used the same schemes Apr 09 19:35
schestowitzEruaran: maybe NSW got a little visit from 'charitable' gatesApr 09 19:35
schestowitzMaybe :-)Apr 09 19:35
EruaranI want to know why the New South Wales DET favors a disgracefully cozy deal with a convicted monopolistApr 09 19:35
schestowitzI kid here mostlyApr 09 19:35
EruaranSpending taxpayer dollars on an 8 year old operating systemApr 09 19:36
Eruarancommitting to upgrading and spending more taxpayer dollars on Windows 7 based on the mere assurance from Microsoft that it would run fine on their netbooksApr 09 19:37
schestowitzHahaApr 09 19:37
Eruarancorrupt retarded luddite gumpsApr 09 19:37
schestowitzThey still offers downgradesApr 09 19:37
schestowitzPRIOR TO RELEASEApr 09 19:37
EruaranyesApr 09 19:37
schestowitzEven with VIsta they made no such promisesApr 09 19:37
schestowitzHow bad can it be?Apr 09 19:38
schestowitzWell, marketing conceals tiApr 09 19:38
schestowitzThey bribes bloggers alreadtApr 09 19:38
schestowitz*alreadyApr 09 19:38
Eruaranthey must have put the DRM in nowApr 09 19:38
Eruaranso it will be a dogApr 09 19:38
schestowitzYes, fro MAFIAA and lockinApr 09 19:38
schestowitzRemember Gates' 'security as a lockin"Apr 09 19:38
schestowitzThey can pressure Intel and OEMs to price up the netbooksApr 09 19:39
schestowitzTo make them not just boot Vista7+DRMApr 09 19:39
schestowitzIntel comes up with dual-core AtomsApr 09 19:39
schestowitzBut it's all part of the scamApr 09 19:39
EruaranMicrosoft destroyed NetbooksApr 09 19:39
schestowitzRemember "Vista capable"Apr 09 19:39
EruaranNow they're just little notebooksApr 09 19:39
schestowitzThey are doing it all over again, IMHOApr 09 19:39
Balrogschestowitz: ARM is going to cause problems for MSApr 09 19:39
schestowitzThey either do this or go out of business faster.Apr 09 19:39
EruaranRIP Netbook, killed by Microsoft greed.Apr 09 19:39
schestowitzEruaran: But ARM is comingApr 09 19:40
schestowitzBack to basicsApr 09 19:40
schestowitzNot far devices that suck up battery powerApr 09 19:40
Eruaranschestowitz: yes, I'm hopefulApr 09 19:40
schestowitzEruaran: don't worryApr 09 19:40
schestowitzThey make nothing out of itApr 09 19:40
schestowitzJust keeping market shareApr 09 19:40
schestowitz$4 Windows..Apr 09 19:40
Balrogthat won't help if Windows won't run on the platformApr 09 19:40
schestowitzThey can try to starve Linux also with FUDApr 09 19:40
schestowitzIt won't make it go awayApr 09 19:40
schestowitzIt may work for OS/2...Apr 09 19:40
Balrog$4 windows is no good on a chip that won't run it.Apr 09 19:40
schestowitzYesApr 09 19:41
schestowitzBut they have a chkehold on OEMSApr 09 19:41
schestowitzLike ASUSApr 09 19:41
schestowitzSo they'll sign some dealdApr 09 19:41
schestowitzThe back-room type deals..Apr 09 19:41
schestowitzLike ones that specify hardwareApr 09 19:41
Balrogyou mean preventing ARM from being used?Apr 09 19:41
EruaranOther upstart manufacturers will riseApr 09 19:41
schestowitzRemember those?Apr 09 19:41
schestowitzFrom March 2008?Apr 09 19:41
Balrogthen they'll try to kill them :(Apr 09 19:41
schestowitzMicrosoft tells OEMs what h/w to use for cheap WindowsApr 09 19:41
Eruaranwho are not prisoners of M$Apr 09 19:42
Balrogwell, ARM is separate from WindowsApr 09 19:42
schestowitzThis is a way of controlling/restricitng what HARDWARE customers getApr 09 19:42
schestowitzThat's Microsoft messing with h/w tooApr 09 19:42
EruaranyesApr 09 19:42
EruarandisgustingApr 09 19:42
BalrogI see. :(Apr 09 19:43
Balrogthey could use bad PR and then we'd have a situation like back when Macs used PPCApr 09 19:44
Balrogyeah, ppc was better / more efficient, but it can't run Windows! and the MHz is so much lower!Apr 09 19:44
schestowitz 09 19:45
schestowitzGreat news: French "Three Strikes" Law Unexpectedly Thrown Out < >Apr 09 19:48
schestowitzWHAT?? James Bottomley works at Novell?Apr 09 19:54
schestowitzBN has just been StumbleUponedApr 09 19:55
schestowitzCommon Purpose: Another Cog in Obama's PR Machine < > "Ben Smith reports on the Common Purpose Project, a new group formed to enforce message discipline among liberal organizations supporting the Obama Administration." With all the crimes Microsoft commits, these don't directly kill people of innocent people, to put things in perspective.Apr 09 19:59
*tacone ( has joined #boycottnovellApr 09 20:06
schestowitzCanada's Prime Minister Installs Tar Sands Exec as "Clean Energy" Envoy to US < >Apr 09 20:06
taconeschestowitz: mono devs tried to press gnome-zeitgeist to be ported to mono from python.Apr 09 20:06
tacone 09 20:07
schestowitzAssociated Gangsters still at it: A.P. Exec Doesn’t Know It Has A YouTube Channel: Threatens Affiliate For Embedding Videos < >Apr 09 20:07
*schestowitz looksApr 09 20:07
trmancotacone, so that it can start being slow...Apr 09 20:07
schestowitztacone: just mono devsApr 09 20:07
schestowitzAny MS or Novell connection?Apr 09 20:07
schestowitzI'm not being paranoidApr 09 20:07
taconeread my linkApr 09 20:08
schestowitzYou'd often find that they are employed by an MS partner/allyApr 09 20:08
taconethe first comments are people asking for more mono.Apr 09 20:08
schestowitzLike the Canadian ISV that tried to shove Mono in LiMoApr 09 20:08
tacone'i might help with bugfix :-)'Apr 09 20:08
schestowitzI.e. poison many phonesApr 09 20:08
taconethe reply: "We decided to stay with Python!"Apr 09 20:09
schestowitztacone: OK, good. I got thatApr 09 20:09
schestowitzWill mentioned it.....Apr 09 20:09
schestowitztacone: are you also in France?Apr 09 20:10
schestowitzSarko suffered a defeat: 09 20:10
taconeno. i have been in france for a month.Apr 09 20:10
taconegreat !Apr 09 20:11
schestowitzI'm not sure if it was ashena who was in France/Italy yooApr 09 20:11
schestowitz*tooApr 09 20:11
taconei'm in italy. and here people contacted france ministers to better import their doctrineApr 09 20:11
taconeerrApr 09 20:11
taconepeople = ministersApr 09 20:11
taconeitalian ministers contacted french government to better learn how they could fuck people without noticing.Apr 09 20:12
taconealso I should note, iirc the law approval was aided by a low number of voters.Apr 09 20:13
schestowitzyesApr 09 20:13
schestowitzDesignedApr 09 20:13
schestowitzMcirosofgt uses similar methodsApr 09 20:13
schestowitzLike to people about deadlineApr 09 20:13
schestowitzIn Poland also there were some stunts where absent people's vote was riggedApr 09 20:14
taconeAlso: the 17th april comes the pirate bay trial sentence.Apr 09 20:14
schestowitzIt's all in BN, now filedApr 09 20:14
schestowitztacone: 09 20:14
schestowitzThey are being silly. People can still pass stuff using archivesApr 09 20:14
schestowitzThis is worse than the 'war' on drugsApr 09 20:15
schestowitzIt'll have families disconnected because of naughty kidsApr 09 20:15
schestowitz=damageApr 09 20:15
schestowitzBenefit? none.Apr 09 20:15
schestowitzBecause people will still spread dataApr 09 20:15
schestowitzThey'll just pay more for Internet nannies and stuffApr 09 20:15
taconewell noApr 09 20:15
taconesharing it's already illegalApr 09 20:15
taconethe thing isApr 09 20:15
taconeare we talking about sarko doctrine, right ?Apr 09 20:16
schestowitz "Dubai was meant to be a Middle-Eastern Shangri-La, a glittering monument to Arab enterprise and western capitalism. But as hard times arrive in the city state that rose from the desert sands, an uglier story is emerging. Johann Hari reports"Apr 09 20:16
schestowitzThe UK is said to have become bankruptApr 09 20:16
schestowitzToo much dependency on the US ecnomyApr 09 20:16
taconesarko doctrine is not about 1 or 3 strikeApr 09 20:16
schestowitzUS is the new USSR, economically at least :-(Apr 09 20:17
taconeis about shutting down internet without having to ask to a judge.Apr 09 20:17
schestowitzIsn't sarko's wife full of vested interests?Apr 09 20:17
schestowitzI bet that after the turnaround, Sarko won't be getting any tonightApr 09 20:17
taconeso that may compromise freedom of speechApr 09 20:17
schestowitzit's appalling that they allow this conflict of interest to go ignoredApr 09 20:17
taconebecause everyone can be suspected of illegal sharingApr 09 20:17
schestowitzLike Majoras in FTC...Apr 09 20:17
taconeand shut down in a day.Apr 09 20:18
schestowitzAnd he husbandApr 09 20:18
taconeI don't know much about CarlaApr 09 20:18
schestowitztacone: Obama has just gotten privileges to shut down the netApr 09 20:18
schestowitzIt made many headlineApr 09 20:18
taconebut I prefer her to her husbandApr 09 20:18
schestowitzThey make those leaders too powerfulApr 09 20:18
taconeschestowitz: that's a different thing.Apr 09 20:18
schestowitzTyrants (potentially), not elected representativesApr 09 20:18
taconeit's difficult to bribe obamaApr 09 20:19
taconeit's easier to bribe an ISPApr 09 20:19
schestowitzDone all the timeApr 09 20:19
schestowitzThey are paid per snoopApr 09 20:19
schestowitzGood bizniz for themApr 09 20:19
schestowitzhere in the UK they sell customers dataApr 09 20:19
schestowitzPhorm/WebsenseApr 09 20:19
schestowitzIt's crimeApr 09 20:19
schestowitzThe EU protestedApr 09 20:19
taconeyep.Apr 09 20:19
schestowitzBrown and his cronies ignoredApr 09 20:19
schestowitzThey like profiling people.Apr 09 20:19
taconeto better know who to beat in the next g20.Apr 09 20:20
schestowitz "L'Assemblée nationale a rejeté le texte, dans un revirement suprenant, lors de la discussion finale sur la loi HADOPI issue de la commission mixte paritaire, avec 15 voix pour et 21 contre."Apr 09 20:20
schestowitztacone: yeah, that tooApr 09 20:20
schestowitzFor some people like animal activists it's an isueApr 09 20:20
schestowitzPeople like us are not dangerousApr 09 20:20
schestowitzPolitical activists areApr 09 20:20
schestowitzTalking about human lives, not netbooks and USB drives ; -pApr 09 20:21
taconei know.Apr 09 20:21
taconejournalistsApr 09 20:21
taconeeven judgesApr 09 20:21
schestowitz "We the undersigned petition the Prime Minister to Remove new restrictions on photography in public places."Apr 09 20:24
schestowitzLand of free people, aye? :-)Apr 09 20:25
schestowitzElderly woman prohibited from photographing empty swimming pool "to prevent paedophilia" < >Apr 09 20:25
trmanco"How do you power off this machine?Apr 09 20:26
trmanco-- Linus, when upgrading,Apr 09 20:26
trmanco           and after using the machine for several monthsApr 09 20:26
trmanco"Apr 09 20:26
trmanco 09 20:26
schestowitzFrance rejects Three Strikes < >Apr 09 20:26
taconethey will just try again.Apr 09 20:28
taconethey have the majority.Apr 09 20:28
taconeit was luck.Apr 09 20:28
schestowitzBidders 'plot Nortel break up' < >. Good riddance, I guess. They helped Microsoft.Apr 09 20:30
schestowitzMS press, but just a random weird brainfart: GNU Windows 7? - ZDNet UK < >Apr 09 20:34
tacone 09 20:36
schestowitztacone: we must apply more pressure by informing about MonoApr 09 20:38
taconelike ?Apr 09 20:39
schestowitzMore people have begun realizing the ramification, esp. after FAT. Mono is a bloodlife to Novell (and Microsoft)Apr 09 20:39
schestowitztacone: need evidenceApr 09 20:39
schestowitzLike the one you gave about zeitgeist. I don't watch Mono blogs closelyApr 09 20:39
taconeso, what are you suggesting ?Apr 09 20:40
taconeincrease the number of mono post or what ?Apr 09 20:40
schestowitz 09 20:40
schestowitzCan you find the page in the Mono site with a list of projects?Apr 09 20:41
schestowitzI'm sure I saw it in some WikiApr 09 20:41
taconemh, i'm looking but i never saw that.Apr 09 20:42
tacone 09 20:44
taconenot by any means completeApr 09 20:44
schestowitzThanks.Apr 09 20:48
schestowitzUpdating to Mandriva 2009.1 (Cooker) < >Apr 09 20:52
schestowitz1 GB of Computer Memory - 1980 vs 2009 < >Apr 09 20:56
schestowitzMicrosoft has demoralised Linux fans with its utter LIES: 09 21:03
schestowitzMicrosoft/Intel tactics: yearning for days of overprized computers: (Intel VP: Netbooks not for adults)Apr 09 21:08
schestowitzFortune magzine is one of the most Microsoft-friendly publications out there (I could give example like thew Gates Foundation plants and the anti-Linux FUD from 2007)Apr 09 21:10
schestowitzI've just realised that I forgot to add Andy Patrizio to my list. He's one of the pro-Microsoft guns in the press.Apr 09 21:12
schestowitzMSBlankenhorn: "Winning the OS war here meant dropping XP at $3/copy. Even if you add old versions of common applications to that bundle, fact is you’re not making money, and you’re making your margins wafer thin." 09 21:13
schestowitzSo this suggests that WinXP is now sold for $3 (I previously heard $4 and $5) 09 21:13
taconeit isApr 09 21:20
taconedoesn't matter the precise prize.Apr 09 21:20
schestowitz rigged panel. 40% are Novell employees!!Apr 09 21:20
taconeit's being sold at the right value, nowApr 09 21:20
schestowitz:-)Apr 09 21:21
schestowitz+1Apr 09 21:21
schestowitz$6Apr 09 21:21
taconefact isApr 09 21:21
schestowitzWould you like Coke with that?Apr 09 21:21
taconeit's only chinese to pay the right priceApr 09 21:21
taconenot coke. pepsi.Apr 09 21:21
taconeoh fuck. muine is mono.Apr 09 21:24
*tacone is getting sickApr 09 21:24
schestowitzMononucleosis?Apr 09 21:25
schestowitzTry monononoApr 09 21:25
schestowitzNo need for doctor's prescriptionApr 09 21:25
schestowitztacone: I shall post some links. Good day for Free software..Apr 09 21:28
taconeyeah ?Apr 09 21:28
taconenice to hear.Apr 09 21:28
taconebtw i am going afk a bunch of minutesApr 09 21:28
taconesee you later.Apr 09 21:28
*lis` ( has joined #boycottnovellApr 09 21:30
schestowitzOldfields desktops go to Linux, Mac, and don’t look back < >Apr 09 21:31
*mulberry (i=57660d27@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellApr 09 21:32
*mulberry has quit (" ajax IRC Client")Apr 09 21:38
schestowitzFinancial Services Love GNU/Linux < >Apr 09 21:43
NeonFloss 09 22:09
NeonFlossprobobly have already heard thatApr 09 22:10
*lis` has quit ("baibai<3")Apr 09 22:10
schestowitzyes, thank youApr 09 22:15
schestowitzThe patent knife/sword cuts both waysApr 09 22:15
*wispygalaxy (i=9f5b894f@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellApr 09 22:43
wispygalaxyhey everyone!Apr 09 22:43
silentivmheyApr 09 22:43
wispygalaxywhat's up?Apr 09 22:44
wispygalaxyi just finished classes for todayApr 09 22:44
silentivmnothing reallyApr 09 22:44
wispygalaxyi was just talking to team members about a management project case studyApr 09 22:44
wispygalaxybut now i'm free, wootApr 09 22:44
wispygalaxy*ping* schestowitz ;)Apr 09 22:45
schestowitzHeyApr 09 22:45
schestowitzWhat's up?Apr 09 22:46
wispygalaxyhiya roy :DApr 09 22:46
schestowitzBeen ugly -- the weather todayApr 09 22:46
wispygalaxyi'm doing great!Apr 09 22:46
wispygalaxyawww it's so nice hereApr 09 22:46
schestowitzFeels like winter, not springApr 09 22:46
wispygalaxyi was looking at the pretty violets outside my dormApr 09 22:46
wispygalaxywarmth cheers me upApr 09 22:47
wispygalaxywinter is so boring, it doesn't snow a lot hereApr 09 22:47
wispygalaxyanyway, i hear ms had to pay $300 millionApr 09 22:47
trmancohelloApr 09 22:48
schestowitzwispygalaxy: it'll appealApr 09 22:49
wispygalaxyhiya tony :)Apr 09 22:49
schestowitzThey can probably bribe the judge or toss himApr 09 22:49
wispygalaxyyes, i heard about that royApr 09 22:49
wispygalaxyms is trying to bankrupt the poor small firms :(Apr 09 22:49
wispygalaxyby having long trialsApr 09 22:49
schestowitzTony came back from Spain and caught the Mononucleosis de Icaza :-((Apr 09 22:50
schestowitzHad to format his brainApr 09 22:50
wispygalaxyhaha!Apr 09 22:51
trmancois that me? I sure hope not :-pApr 09 22:52
Balrog_hi everyoneApr 09 22:52
Balrog_I need to run though :(Apr 09 22:52
wispygalaxyhey balrog!Apr 09 22:52
wispygalaxyget well soon tony :)Apr 09 22:53
Balrog_:)Apr 09 22:53
wispygalaxywhere are you heading, balrogApr 09 22:53
taconea Mono conference probably.Apr 09 23:00
taconeLEE08Apr 09 23:00
taconeLet's Embrace & Extend 2008Apr 09 23:00
taconeerr 2009 :)Apr 09 23:00
wispygalaxyhaha i mix up 2008 and 2009 too :)Apr 09 23:01
wispygalaxyand it's aprilApr 09 23:01
wispygalaxyi should have gotten over it in januaryApr 09 23:02
*magentar (n=magentar@ has joined #boycottnovellApr 09 23:04
*magentar has quit (Remote closed the connection)Apr 09 23:06
schestowitztacone: no, Mono is SO yesterdayApr 09 23:07
schestowitz2008 seems rightApr 09 23:07
taconeschestowitz: oh, mono is so '90 !Apr 09 23:07
schestowitz.NET? 90s?Apr 09 23:08
schestowitzNo, Java...Apr 09 23:08
taconeumh.Apr 09 23:08
taconeright.Apr 09 23:08
schestowitz 09 23:08
taconeohApr 09 23:08
taconei never saw that wikiApr 09 23:08
silentivmneither did IApr 09 23:09
wispygalaxyme threeApr 09 23:10
taconeyou should link it better from the homepageApr 09 23:10
*trmanco has quit ("ERROR: crap-talking overflow - Aborting")Apr 09 23:12
schestowitztacone: it's still work in progressApr 09 23:14
taconeok.Apr 09 23:14
taconei still think a google map with an heat map of corruption in various countries would be a nice thing.Apr 09 23:15
taconebut i'm unable to find any example of heat map on google maps around.Apr 09 23:15
balzacman, thank goodness tomorrow is fridayApr 09 23:20
balzacjesus christ, I need a breakApr 09 23:20
wispygalaxyhi balzacApr 09 23:20
balzachi wispygalaxyApr 09 23:20
wispygalaxytgif yay!Apr 09 23:20
balzactgtifApr 09 23:21
taconePress ALT+F2, then type "gegls from outer space"Apr 09 23:21
balzaci'm celebrating almost getting through thursdayApr 09 23:21
tacone(gnome)Apr 09 23:21
wispygalaxyim off for tomorrowApr 09 23:23
wispygalaxyno classesApr 09 23:23
MinceRgnApr 09 23:23
wispygalaxysee yaApr 09 23:23
schestowitzLong weekend for me :-(Apr 09 23:32
taconewhy ?Apr 09 23:32
wispygalaxyawww what's wrong royApr 09 23:32
schestowitzOh, I'm doing linksApr 09 23:42
schestowitzThus lagApr 09 23:42
schestowitzWeekend =choresApr 09 23:42
schestowitzI still need to do Comes one dayApr 09 23:42
schestowitzToo many crimes uncovered... makes me uncomfortable thinking Microsoft gets away with itApr 09 23:42
wispygalaxyyou have chores, and i have projects :(Apr 09 23:44
wispygalaxyi understand, roy, heheApr 09 23:44
wispygalaxydetective roy, i see ;)Apr 09 23:44
schestowitzAlmost done :-)Apr 09 23:55
wispygalaxyi'll be reading it shortly, thanks!Apr 09 23:55
schestowitzI found some videos...Apr 09 23:58
schestowitzAbout FreeCulture.orgApr 09 23:58
schestowitzHave a look...Apr 09 23:58

Recent Techrights' Posts

Links 23/01/2025: More Overt Constitutional Violations and "TikTok Executive Order" (White Flag to CCP)
Links for the day
"The AI Bubble is Popping", Now It's Bailout Time
The hype will quietly fizzle, just like "blockchains"
[Meme] Reliable Sources
Sooner or later LLMs swallow up their own lies (that they generated), which means that over time those things will only deteriorate further, exacerbating an already-large misinformation pandemic
CDN Giant: Microsoft Bing and Skype Collapsed Since the LLM Hype, Same as Other Metrics Show
No wonder Microsoft managers suffer anxiety and there are several waves of layoffs even on the same month
Gemini Links 23/01/2025: Experience With Outer Wilds and Gifting a Site
Links for the day
Slopwatch: Fake 'Articles' About Linux by Brian Fagioli and by Brittany Day in BetaNews and (LLM Slop Sites That Are Online Leeches or SEO Operations Working Against Free Software Journalism)
Two new examples for today
Status of New Year's Resolutions
3 weeks later
[Meme] When the Government of the Netherlands Participates in Your Crimes It Lacks an Incentive to Hold You Accountable for Crimes
the EPO's corrupt management boasted (on television) that it would ignore rulings against it even if issued by the highest Dutch court
Links 23/01/2025: US Constitution Already Besieged (Impeachable Offences Pile Up), Arrest Warrant for Assad
Links for the day
Microsoft's Head of Business Development Quits (Days After Two Large Waves of Mass Layoffs)
We recently learned that people close to the management are very stressed this month
BetaNews Plagiarising Work in the Linux Space
The originals won't even be listed
Gemini Links 23/01/2025: US Politics and DevOps Career
Links for the day
Over at Tux Machines...
GNU/Linux news for the past day
IRC Proceedings: Wednesday, January 22, 2025
IRC logs for Wednesday, January 22, 2025
Links 22/01/2025: Jeju Air Blame-Shifting (Talk to the Wall), Copyright Maximalism Rebounds
Links for the day
[Meme] The 'Garbage in, Garbage Out' Patent Office
"law of the buzzword"
Clueless and Nontechnical EPO Management Uses the 'Great Scam' (Hey Hi Hype) to Justify Automation Where It's Both Detrimental and Illegal
The EPC has been practically set aflame; thus, the EPO has no legitimacy or reason to exist anymore
Links 22/01/2025: Democratising Tech Initiative and "Bye Bye Meta"
Links for the day
The Japanese translation of the term "free software"
by Akira Urushibata
Links 22/01/2025: "The AI Bubble Is Bursting" and Microsoft's Scam Altman is Already Looking for De Facto Bailout From the Insurrectionist
Links for the day
Dr. Andy Farnell's Latest Article About Software Freedom and Richard Stallman
why Dr. Stallman is being picked on
Geminispace (Gemini Protocol) Offers an Escape From Social Control Networks Owned by Oligarchs and Governments
Gemini capsules that promote fascism and retreat to feudalism are rare and scarce
The Free Software Foundation (FSF) Has Formally Added an Outreach and Communications Coordinator
Maybe the addition happened last year (we mentioned it in passing), but now it's in the "rota"
Electronic Frontier Foundation: Fighting 'for the Poor and Powerless' While Taking Home $336,000 in Annual Salary
nowadays works for or serves not the interests of the masses
Of Note: The Misguided, Infiltrated, Weakened Electronic Frontier Foundation (EFF) Now Operating at a Loss of Over a Million Dollars
Worst since the COVID-19 lockdowns
Free Software Foundation's Miriam Bastian: We Surpassed Our Year-end Goal of $400,000 USD Thanks to You!
Miriam Bastian: We surpassed our year-end goal of $400,000 USD!
[Meme] Omit Microsoft When It's a Scandal or a Breach, Whereupon It Becomes Just an 'IT Company'
Microsoft is like a cult. Members of this cult promote the opposite of security, expecting to be financially rewarded for it.
Calling Out Windows (TCO) is Apparently Impermissible in Some News Sites
The online news sites are failing us (and corporate sponsors play a role)
Richard Stallman's Remarks on His Pain
Published two days ago
Focusing on the Issues
we'll do our best to find the news and not talk about "Mr. T"
Only About 3.6% of Web Users in Pakistan Use Vista 11, According to statCounter
It's not hard to see why so far in 2025 Microsoft has already had several waves of mass layoffs - more than any other company
Rumour: In IBM, Impending "25% Reduction in Finance Roles"
25% to be laid off?
[Meme] Fake Articles From (Just Googlebombing "Linux" With LLM Slop)
Google should really just entirely delist that site Written by Microsoft Staff, Promoting Microsoft' Proprietary Software That Does Not Even Run on Linux!
This is this week...
Links 22/01/2025: Mass Layoffs at Stripe, Microsoft's Illegal Accounting Practices Under Scrutiny
Links for the day
Fake 'Article' by Brittany Day (Guardian Digital, Inc) About Linux Mint 22.1 'Xia'
Apparently they've convinced themselves that this is OK
Red Hat Dumps "Inclusive Language", Puts "Master" In Official Communications and Headlines
Red Hat: you CANNOT say "master" (because it is racist). Also Red Hat: we put in it our headlines.
Red Hat Offers DRM, TPM, and Backed Doored 'Confidential' Containers (CoCo) for Microsoft (Proprietary Spyware)
No kidding!
Over at Tux Machines...
GNU/Linux news for the past day
IRC Proceedings: Tuesday, January 21, 2025
IRC logs for Tuesday, January 21, 2025
Gemini Links 21/01/2025: Media Provocations and Nazis Not Tolerated
Links for the day
[Meme] Plagiarism Does Not Eliminate Jobs by Replacing Humans, It Replaces Human Knowledge With False Cruft
We need to boycott sites that fake their output
Slopwatch: BetaNews Plagiarism and LLM Slop by UNIXMen
"state-of-the-art" plagiarism
What Fedora, OpenSUSE, and Debian Elections Teach Us About the State of Weak (or Fake) Communities
They show a total lack of trust in these communities
[Meme] Doing Dog's Job (Not God's Job)
The FSF did not advertise the talk by RMS (its founder), who spoke in France almost exactly 23 hours ago
Links 21/01/2025: Mass Layoffs in "Security" at Microsoft (Despite Microsoft Promising It Would Improve After Many Megabreaches), Skype is Dead (Quietly)
Links for the day
Alternate Version of Daniel Pocock's 2024 Talk, "Technology in European Parliament Election Campaign"
There's loud ovation at the end of the talk
Gemini Links 21/01/2025: London Library, Kobo Sage, and Beyerdynamic DT 48 E
Links for the day
The January 20 Public Talk by Richard Stallman (Around Midday ET), Livestream 'Assassinated' by Google's YouTube
our guess is that the 'cancel mob' sabotaged it, possibly by making a lot of false reports to YouTube
[Meme] Free Software and Socially-Engineered Groupthink (to Serve Big Sponsors Like Google and Microsoft)
They do this to RMS all the time
[Video] Daniel Pocock's Public Talk About Free Software Politics, Social Engineering, Debian Deaths and Suicides, Coercion and Exploitation of Women
took many months to get
BetaNews Cannot Survive If Its Fake Articles Are Just SPAM for Companies Like AOHi and Aren't Even Composed by Humans
This is what domains or former "news" sites do when they die and look very desperately for "another way"
Pocock shot in the face, shot in the back, shot on Hitler's birthday saving France, Belgium and FOSDEM
Reprinted with permission from Daniel Pocock
Dr Richard Stallman in Montpellier, Robert Edward Ernest Pocock in France
Reprinted with permission from Daniel Pocock
Over at Tux Machines...
GNU/Linux news for the past day
IRC Proceedings: Monday, January 20, 2025
IRC logs for Monday, January 20, 2025