THE 'baby' of the President of the EPO has long been the UPC, even before it was known as "UPC" and even before he was President of the EPO. Based on an exchange between the EPO's spokespeople and Dr. Glyn Moody, author of Rebel Code and an excellent journalist, the UPC has a lot to do with the current turmoil (so-called 'reform') at the Office. One must recognise the fact that the social unrest at the EPO and the UPC are almost inseparable.
"One must recognise the fact that the social unrest at the EPO and the UPC are almost inseparable."Now that the UPC is virtually dead (if not just in the UK then worldwide) we keep seeing efforts by the EPO to replace London with somewhere like Milan. We mentioned this a few days ago and just before the week closed we saw duplicate tweets from the EPO (two on a single day), stressing the same point about an event in Italy.
First tweet: "EPO lawyers & European patent attorneys will be on hand in Italy at the next event tailored to PCT users' needs:"
Second tweet: "EPO lawyers & European patent attorneys will be on hand in Italy at the next event tailored to PCT users' needs:"
"The Brexit vote was not a “speed bump” but a death knell."We suspect, albeit it's still somewhat speculative, that Battistelli is trying to grease up Italian politicians so as to make Milan the new London. He's not alone as Team UPC, a conspiracy of truly nefarious entities, does the same thing and 3 days ago IP Watch gave a platform to the liars of Team UPC (behind a paywall). To quote the public portion (which is the only part we can see to debunk): "Britain’s vote to leave the European Union is just another “speed bump” along the path to a European unified patent and patent court, the head of the committee tasked with preparing the way for the new system said during a lively session at the 13 October London IP Summit. Others aren’t so sure, since Brexit has raised many complex questions, not least of which is whether there is the political will in the UK or EU to move ahead."
The Brexit vote was not a “speed bump” but a death knell. We already wrote many dozens of articles about it (some of them very long) and one must remember that these UPC boosters have a track record of lying. They even advertised bogus UPC jobs that did not exist and will never exist. That's how horrible these people are. They also stomp on democracy. ⬆