"The Preparatory Committee of the UPC has re-opened its judicial recruitment programme. Now rumours fly in the patent community," JUVE's main person wrote in this UPC advocacy site that boosts and amplifies Team UPC. "How soon will the German Constitutional Court decide on the UPC complaint?"
"The patent microcosm is imploding. That's why it wants profound changes to US patent law and it also wants the UPC in Europe (seeing that national courts keep throwing out European Patents)...""This is all based on a photo of a screen and 3 posts from Bristows in several blogs it completely or partly controls," I told him. "Surely a respected publisher like JUVE can tell the difference between lobbying and publicity stunts (or 'rumours' with motivation to pressure [Germany's] FCC). UPC has been all rumours and false predictions for how many years? At least 5. At some stage you ignore the boy who cried wolf, esp. if you're an honest journalist."
It's just so much like the paid-for publicity stunts from IAM. Earlier today this post from IAM (re)appeared and was titled "Inside the rapidly changing global market for patent legal services"
By "changing" IAM means declining (yes, decline too is a change). The patent microcosm is imploding. That's why it wants profound changes to US patent law and it also wants the UPC in Europe (seeing that national courts keep throwing out European Patents) -- a subject we'll deal with in our next post. ⬆