IT is hardly a secret that despite the fact nation states bemoan security problems they themselves are the bigger/biggest contributors to security problems. They want back doors in virtually everything, ranging from operating systems to encryption algorithms. Microsoft is one of their biggest facilitators if not by far the biggest.
"They want back doors in virtually everything, ranging from operating systems to encryption algorithms."According to some so-called 'news' [1, 2, 3], security is impossible and "Linux" is just as bad as Windows. This is the sort of message they recycle as Microsoft reveals (when everyone is on holidays) how badly screwed they are, how Azure got cracked (Azure also has layoffs, but they don't want anybody to mention that), and how we're supposed to think that it's not Microsoft's fault. I recorded this video without any preparation, so it's a bit of a rant.
This relates to this recent article and video. ⬆