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Links 27/7/2013: More Android/Linux, Also Coming to TVs Now

GNOME bluefish



  • Open-source project aims to secure cloud storage

  • Is Most of Modern Society Run by Linux?

  • Readers' Choice Awards 2013 Nomination

  • You err, it stirs…
    What do you get when you put together a processor, some memory, Linux OS, vibration mode, motion sensor and Wi-Fi capabilities? A computer, of course. Now, what happens when you add some ink and a nib to this contraption? You get a digital pen that vibrates when it spots spelling mistakes or illegible writing.

  • kobo aura hd: first impressions
    i now have my very first ebook reader: a kobo aura hd, which arrived yesterday from canada. i ordered brown, since i didn’t want white and black was out of stock. so they sent black. i’m not going to return it; took about two weeks to arrive as it is.

  • Linux Career IT Skills Watch update July 2013
    As promised, here is the latest "IT Skills Watch" update . The current statistics refer to the period between May and June 2013. The biggest drop was made by the LPI certification, which seems to be losing ground in comparison to other major certification providers. The reason for this could be the generic nature of the LPI certification, which does not appear to be very appealing for many employers right now. On the other hand, the biggest gain was made by the Amazon Web Services, which may not be completely surprising and can be explained by the fact that many companies are currently switching or thinking about making a move to cloud technology. From the same reason, knowledge of DNS steadily holds its position and, therefore, some basic understanding of DNS is an absolute must for a system administrator . Additionally, OraclePL/SQL appeared to be a safe bet in the past two months for those already equipped with OraclePL/SQL related skills. If you would like to be updated about the changes in the skills watch subscribe to our newsletter.

  • Server

    • Happy SysAdmin Day! Forty Percent Off LinuxCon/CloudOpen for 24 Hours
      It's the last Friday of July and that means it's SysAdmin Day. The Linux Foundation is so pleased to call some of the world's best SysAdmins its employees and colleagues and we want to thank them as well as the millions of men and women who put up with the rest of us throughout the year.

    • Introduces ColossusCloud Generation 3, a New Linux and Windows Cloud VPS Hosting Platform

    • Adapteva ships Kickstarted baby supercomputer boards
      Upstart RISC processor and coprocessor designer Adapteva is shipping the first of its Parallella system boards, which its Epiphany multicore processors with ARM processors to create a spunky and reasonably peppy hybrid compute engine that doesn't cost much and is very energy efficient for certain kinds of processing.

      It is not cheap to design and fab coprocessors or to make system boards that make use of them, so Adapteva's cofounder and CEO Andreas Olofsson fired up a project on fund-raising site Kickstarter last fall to raise the money to fab the chips, instead of going the traditional route of raising venture funding and trying to get design wins.

    • OMG! Now We Have Small Cheap Supercomputer Boards
      Adapteva is pre-ordering boards, kits, and connector-packages for October delivery. There is an SDK. It runs GNU/Linux, of course.

    • OEMs Are Seeing The Light
      Services that OEMs can sell this way include file/backup/security/search/web service and anything their imaginations come up with to distinguish them from their competitors. More businesses are using web applications every day and these are easily implemented on the web or in the cloud. Many small businesses may be able to do without servers at all if the OEMs set things up for them reasonably well. That cuts Wintel out of the clients, servers, web applications and cloud services, just about everything in IT. Wintel may be able to “partner” with some OEMs but not all and the OEMs that opt for ARM, */Linux, and FLOSS will have a huge price/performance advantage.

    • Acer, Asustek actively marketing cloud computing solutions
      Acer and Asustek have been pushing forward in marketing hardware/software-integrated cloud computing solutions focusing on educational applications and web storage, respectively, according to the companies.

    • How (and why) to celebrate Sysadmin Day
      It's only been since 1999 that Sysadmin Day has been celebrated. It's always set for the last day in July. Like Administrative Professionals Day, its intent is to recognize a lot of tireless work that nearly always goes unnoticed. And, for a lot of systems administrators, the day is still far too low profile for the users they support to think of coming around to say thanks, never mind baking them cakes, crafting trophies for them or taking them to lunch.

  • Audiocasts/Shows

  • Kernel Space

    • Graphics Stack

      • ARM Publishes New DRM Graphics Driver
        Before getting too excited, this isn't some official Mali open-source GPU driver or something super exciting, but is the PL111 DRM driver. This is an open-source display driver to provide mode-setting support for the pl111 CLCD display controller found on some reference ARM platforms, including their Versatile Express.

      • The Design Of Virgil3D For OpenGL With KVM/QEMU
        Last week the experimental Virgil project was unveiled as a way of exposing 3D/OpenGL guest acceleration support to KVM/QEMU virtualization users and with the drawing calls then being passed onto the host for processing by the GPU. Here's some more details.

    • Benchmarks

      • Ubuntu 13.10 32-bit vs. 64-bit Performance
        While 64-bit Linux desktop support has been in good shape for years, it seems there's a surprising number of Intel/AMD Linux desktop users undecided whether to use the 32-bit or 64-bit installation images of their favorite Linux distribution. For the latest perspective on 32-bit versus 64-bit Linux performance, here are said benchmarks from the latest Ubuntu 13.10 development state.

  • Applications

  • Desktop Environments/WMs

    • LXDE waves goodbye to GTK in merge with Razor-qt
      Over the weekend, the Razor-qt project announced that it would be merging with the Qt port of the LXDE project, focusing resources from both projects onto LXDE-Qt.

    • K Desktop Environment/KDE SC/Qt

    • GNOME Desktop/GTK

      • Gnome 3.8 requiring Systemd on Gentoo
        As you probably have noticed, we are now forcing people to *run* systemd to be able to properly run Gnome 3.8, otherwise power management and multiseat support are lost, also gdm needs the way of taking care of cgroups implemented in systemd to be restarted properly.

      • GNOME Control Center 3.8.4 Fixes Floating Screens
        GNOME Control Center, GNOME's main interface for configuration of various aspects of your desktop, is now at version 3.8.4.

      • Multimedia tools updates
        Little multimedia tools that successfully make our lives easier by providing the means to do more specialized things under Gnome are constantly updated and improved by their respective developers.

        Both Curlew and mp3splt-gtk remain active as projects and helpful as tools, so it’s time to take another look on their latest versions that where released recently.

      • GUADEC Keynote Speaker: Cathy Malmrose
        Cathy Malmrose discovered Free Software in 2007, when her son showed her Ubuntu. She realized that she could build computers optimized for GNU/Linux, and now runs ZaReason, a company which sells computers preloaded with Linux. Now ZaReason has opened its first shop in Berkley, CA and is poised to launch ZaTab, a Linux tablet.

      • Things I’ve been doing
        Things I’ve been doing:

        Documenting the GNOME Shell notifications design

        Developing the combined system status menu that Jasper is working on (now up to version four!)

        Specifications for a new GTK+ progress spinner

        New Software designs, including updated hi-resolution mockups and a set of wireframes

        Updated Add User designs for Settings

        Updated Search Settings designs

  • Distributions

    • Salix KDE 14.0.1
      Salix KDE 14.0.1 has been released! It is built around KDE 4.8.5 and as always, it is available in both 32-bit and 64-bit architectures.

      One major change since our 13.37 KDE release, that is immediately evident to the user, is that the default browser is now QupZilla, in place of Mozilla Firefox. QupZilla is a Qt-based browser that uses the webkit rendering engine that is fast, feature complete and standards compliant and it fits perfectly inside KDE.

    • PiBang 20130725

    • New Releases

      • Kali 1.0.4

      • SparkyLinux 3.0 is out
        Sparky 3.x is built on the “testing” branch of Debian GNU/Linux “Jessie”.

      • MythTV 0.27 Goes Into Alpha, Has New Features
        It's been a while since hearing anything out of the once very promising MythTV project. This week though they have issued their MythTV 0.27 release as the code-base goes into a soft-freeze for doing an official release in the months ahead.

    • PCLinuxOS/Mageia/Mandrake/Mandriva Family

      • It’s not just Friday..
        They’re overworked and under appreciated. Often never thought of until something goes wrong but always there, protecting, providing and helping us do what we do best!

      • Suffers Outage, Restored Now
        I'd been wondering when some news was going to come out of the OpenMandriva camp, but today's tidbit wasn't what I hoped. Instead of a developmental release to test, Anurag Bhandari posted to announce that the OpenMandriva network was back up and running. I didn't even notice it was down.

    • Red Hat Family

      • Red Hat Enterprise Linux: A Rock Solid Desktop Distribution For Companies
        Not too long ago, I covered CentOS, a free operating system that is rebuilt from packages of Red Hat Enterprise Linux, or “RHEL”. This results in a clone of Red Hat Enterprise Linux that costs you absolutely nothing as you don’t have to pay Red Hat’s prices for their support services for the product.

      • No bees in the support bonnet for Red Hat
        Why is the enterprise industry swinging towards open solutions and models? A fad again?

      • The Indian connection to Red Hat's growth story

      • Fedora

        • This week in rawhide for 2013-07-24

        • Fedora 19 Schrödinger’s Cat Review – Back in the box

          So the famous Schrödinger’s cat experiment is one of those stories from history that is perceived incorrectly in popular culture. Like King Cnut arrogantly trying to stop the tide, or Bill Gates saying that 640K would be enough for everyone, Erwin Schrödinger’s hypothetical experiment was actually a way of explaining how some interpretations of quantum mechanics were a contradiction of common sense. While this name was voted on for Fedora 19 by, of course, the masses of the internet, it’s sort of indicative of the kind of problems people have been having with the default state of the distro for the last few iterations. GNOME has been moving quickly away from the traditional desktop metaphor for years, with recent updates going against a mouse and keyboard workflow. The anaconda installer update from Fedora 18 limited some options in favour of a more aesthetically pleasing experience. The distro has also not been particularly bug free, with systemd causing headaches for some. Fedora 19 had a much quicker turn around time this cycle, with only a week or so delay throughout the schedule. Have some of these immediate issues been addressed, or are there new ones to throw on the list?

    • Debian Family

      • Kwheezy GNU / Linux
        Kwheezy is a Debian based operating system designed for general purpose desktop computing.

      • Derivatives

        • Canonical/Ubuntu

          • Ubuntu Edge crowdfunding campaign smashes records

          • Ubuntu may do it better, but Canonical head sees merits of Windows 8 efforts
            Canonical is heading into the weekend with about $6.6 million (about €£4.29m, AU$7.14m) raised for the Ubuntu Edge, not a shabby number for the superphone's five-day old Indiegogo campaign.

          • Game Changer: Ubuntu Attempts To Set New Rules For Tech
            Canonical, the company responsible for the highly successful operating system, Ubuntu, is taking an innovative approach to research and development that – if successful – will definitely disrupt the tech industry. Canonical has launched the largest crowd funding effort ever, asking for $32 million on the popular crowd funding resource to fund their Ubuntu Edge device. While contributors do have a chance to get a version of the phone if this experiment is successful, what’s more important are the implications an experiment like this will have on the tech industry and business overall. That’s because Ubuntu is not interested in creating a really cool boutique device, their intention is to build a platform for innovation. According to

          • Ubuntu Phone Seeks To Be Crowd-Funded -- for $32 Million

          • Ubuntu Edge Adds Lower Price Points to Meet Crowd-Funding Goal
            If you missed your chance to pre-order the Ubuntu Edge for $600 on Indiegogo and couldn’t bring yourself to shell out the full $830 then you’re in luck. Canonical has added several new price points, offering the handset for $625, $675, $725 and $775. Each deal is limited to 1,250 units with the lowest new price point already sold out again.

            Canonical shocked the tech world earlier this week when it unveiled its plan to manufacture the Ubuntu Edge, a super-powerful smartphone running both Ubuntu OS as well as Android, by crowd-funding $32 million. Excitement over the device is high, with over $5 million already raised, but it looks like pledges quickly began to taper off once the lower price point sold out, with only 10 people claiming a full-priced model.

          • Ubuntu: One OS, one interface, all devices
            Canonical believes that Ubuntu can be one operating system and Unity the one interface you need for your PC, your smartphone, and your tablet. Here's how they'll do it.

          • Ubuntu Touch SDK Beta - A New Way To Program Linux
            Canonical has just announced the beta SDK for Ubuntu Touch. While this might look just like another attempt at getting developers to work with yet another mobile operating system - it is much more. In fact you should be interested in this SDK even if you have no interest in mobile.

          • Hands on With the Ubuntu SDK Beta
            The Ubuntu team released the first beta of their integrated development environment for creating applications for desktop, mobile, and, presumably, television today. I downloaded the environment into a clean Ubuntu install in a VM to test it out, and was pleasantly surprised at how quickly I was able to get up and running. I ran through two tutorials, one I was able to complete successfully, and the other I was not. There are a few rough edges, and the release is certainly a beta, but it looks promising and gives a positive first impression.

          • At 4 a.m., everything is funny
            After a losing a long bout with insomnia early Thursday morning, I started to looking at different Internet memes and matched them with — how can I put this mildly? — a current annoyance in the FOSS world known as the Indiegogo campaign for Ubuntu Edge.

          • Ubuntu 13.10 Alpha 2 Released, Five Flavours Taking Part

          • Ubuntu Edge: The Road To Making Crowd-Sourcing History
            I also strongly recommend you see Marques Brownlee’s video overview of Ubuntu Edge, which provides a fantastic overview of the campaign:

          • Mark Shuttleworth answers question about Ubuntu Edge on Reddit
            Canonical is conducting a very ambitious Indiegogo crowdfunding campaign for Ubuntu Edge smartphone. At the time of writing, the campaign has already raised more than $6 million, with 26 days left to reach the $32million goal. To coninue the momentum of the campaign and keep people talking about it, MarkShuttleworth took the stage on Reddit to interact with the Ubuntu fans, on “Ask-Me-Anything” session.

          • Flavours and Variants

            • Linux Mint 15 - An alternative review
              Linux Mint 15 has been out for a while and so there are already a number of good reviews written about it.

              Linux Mint is a very popular distribution and the developers have set out on a different path to Ubuntu in that the emphasis is definitely about evolving the desktop environment as opposed to redefining it completely.

            • Ubuntu 13.10 Derivatives Do Their Alpha 2 Release
              While Ubuntu itself no longer does alpha releases, several of its derivatives are doing their "Saucy Salamander" Alpha 2 releases today.

  • Devices/Embedded

    • Rikomagic UK to offer Minix Linux ARM PCs (MK802 III LE, MK802 IV LE)
      It looks like it may be time to stop calling tiny ARM-based devices like the MK802 Android TV sticks and go back to calling them mini PCs. Rikomagic UK has announced it will start shipping Linux Editions of two of its most recent ARM-powered stick-sized computers.

    • World’s cheapest computer gets millions tinkering
      The Raspberry Pi is now powering robots in Japan and warehouse doors in Malawi, photographing astral bodies from the United States and helping to dodge censorship in China. “We’re closing in on one and a half million (sales) for something that we thought would sell a thousand,” said Eben Upton, executive director of the Raspberry Pi Foundation. “It was just supposed to be a little thing to solve a little problem. “We’ve sold many more to children than we expected to sell, but even more to adults. They’re using it like Lego to connect things up.” The device, which runs the open-source Linux operating system, was designed as an educational tool for children to learn coding.

    • Phones

      • In Pictures: Linux for mobile. A visual history

      • Ballnux

        • LG and MediaTek Join Hands To Produce Tripple SIM 3G Smartphones
          Dual SIM phones are common in the budget price range, especially in emerging markets. LG is however, going one step ahead and trying to introduce world's first triple-SIM 3G Smartphones. LG has partnered with chip maker MediaTek for producing these phones. Will this thing really take off is yet to be discovered when such devices come to the market.

      • Android

        • Android 4.3 Includes Hidden App Permissions Manager That Could Bolster Privacy & Security

        • NFC ring can control Android devices
          Gadget makers are trying to find out cool ways to take advantage of the NFC technology. NFC stickers or tags didn’t really catch up, but here is an awesome ring with some NFC magic. The NFC ring can be used to unlock your tablets, smartphones and even doors! It can also be used to send contact info, or launch apps on your devices. Apple fan boys are going to be extremely jealous.

        • Update your Nexus device to Android 4.3 manually
          While Nexus users may be happy to know that they will be the first to get Android 4.3 OTA updates, all the users will not be getting them immediately. Even though Google has started rolling out the updates, it will take some time before everyone gets it. However, impatient fellows can just download the factory images of Android 4.3 for Google and flash their devices.

        • Chromecast torn apart, what's inside?
          Google's Chromecast is already a blockbuster hit on the box-office. The device is sold out on Amazon so is on Google Play Store. Some lucky users already got their devices to play with and it seems the device is capable of doing much more than it appeared.

        • Chromecast news: Google releases open source code, hackers working on root
          Google’s Chromecast is a $35 device designed to let you stream music, videos, and other content from the internet to your TV.

          That’s all it’s supposed to do at the moment. But the Chromecast has the guts of a cheap Android or Linux computer, and hackers are hard at work trying to teach the new device new tricks.

        • Chromecast can now cast entire desktop to the TV
          Google's Chromecast is turning out to be much hotter than it looked. This tiny $35 device holds more potential than any other device I have seen recently, excluding Raspberry Pi which is a revolution in itself.

          Google remained modest about what this device can do but as the device is reaching in the hands of users, and most of these early birds are enthusiasts (unfortunately, mine has not shipped yet), they are getting to know more about the device.

        • Sleep as Android Analyzes You In and Out of Soft Slumber
          Sleep as Android is an accelerometer-based sleep cycle tracker app that includes a nice assortment of helpful sleep aids, including lullaby mode, sleep noise recording, lucid dreaming detection audio and a Captcha test to see if you are actually awake. Perhaps even more intriguing is that based on your sleep cycles, it knows just the right time to wake you up.

        • Which OS can beat Android and iOS?
          Are you bored of the fact that almost every phone released and every buying choice is restricted to either Android or iOS? Are you excited about the news that is flooding in about brand new mobile phone operating systems that will take on these two and bring in a breath of fresh air into the fairly mundane smartphone market? Well, control that growing ebullience for a while and let’s first get our facts right.

        • Motorola X8 SoC fuels Droid Maxx, Ultra, Mini phones

        • Hot SoCs: Tegra beats PS3, 6-GPU Exynos, 4.5W Haswell
          This week saw a flurry of news about new mobile processor developments that will significantly impact the Android and mobile Linux worlds. Nvidia unveiled Project Logan, a Tegra SoC (system-on-chip) with faster graphics than a PlayStation 3 at a third the power of an iPad; Samsung revealed a new Exynos 5 SoC with six Mali GPUs; and Intel confirmed that a tablet-focused 4.5 Watt version Haswell-based SoC is on the way.

        • Moto X to feature Moto Magic Glass
          The Moto X event is scheduled for August 1, but a healthy dose of new specification details ahead of the official unveiling does no harm. Ex-owner of Android and Me took, Taylor Winberly, to his Google + page to gossip about some features the Moto X will come with, which till now we didn’t know about.

    • Sub-notebooks/Tablets

      • Nexus 7 on sale early, more Android 4.3 features emerge
        Google’s Android 4.3-powered, second-generation Nexus 7 tablet went on sale today at the Google Play Store and also showed up at Best Buy several days ahead of schedule. Meanwhile, new features of Android 4.3 have emerged, including 4K resolution support and a hidden, user-controllable permission manager.

        Google announced the “new Nexus 7″ on July 24 while unveiling the new Android 4.3 build that runs on it, (see farther below). Despite the impressive specs of the next-generation Nexus 7, the show was stolen by a $35 Chromecast HDMI stick device that wirelessly beams content via the a desktop, laptop, or mobile device’s Chrome browser to a TV. The Chromecast quickly sold out.

Free Software/Open Source

  • 10 secrets to sustainable in open source communities
    Elizabeth Leddy gave the next talk I attended entitled, Wish I Knew How to Quit You: 10 Secrets to Sustainable Open Source Communities. Elizabeth works with Plone but wasn’t really involved in open source until about five years ago. With open source we often start by working at a company that supports a specific open source application and there are two paths we can take. One path is that you start to get annoyed with the way things are going and so you jump to another open source project. Or you can get involved in the open source community so thoroughly that you can move from one related company to another (this is what I have been doing with Koha so I totally understand this path).

  • 10 Free Ways to Create Eye Catching Images

  • Developer Training Platform Pluralsight Acquires PeepCode To Expand Into Open-Source Content
    Pluralsight, the online training resource targeting professional developers that announced its raise of $27.5 million from Insight Venture Partners earlier this year, is now putting that funding to use. The company, whose corporate users include Microsoft, Salesforce, Twitter, Facebook, Dell, HP, Intel, Disney, EMC and others, is acquiring PeepCode, a similar resource providing video tutorials on a range of technologies, such as Ruby, Node.js, JavaScript, Unix, Git, CSS, RSpec, databases and more.

  • Open Source Typing Software List Rolled Out By SoftwareReviewBoffin.Com
    Boffin announces its editors’ picks of free typing software. Quality, reliability and efficiency were the criteria the software were assessed for.

  • Events

    • OSCON 2013: Find a Nonprofit Home for Your Open Source Project
      Several excellent nonprofits exist solely to support open source projects, offering a range of services including everything from basic fiscal sponsorship to business and legal resources, infrastructure and tech support, quality control and project management, community building and more.

    • Open Source Science Fair 2.0

    • Open Source Solves J.K. Rowling Mystery
      As OSCON, a global conference on open source software, got underway in Portland this week, the timing of the recent J.K. Rowling unmasking couldn’t have been better. As my colleague and co-author, Garrett Heath, tweeted from the conference, “Accio Open Source!” For the three people left on the planet who haven’t read a Harry Potter book, that’s a common summoning charm used among Rowling’s fictional wizards.

  • Web Browsers

    • Mozilla

      • Mozilla's Firefox Personalization Scheme Sounds Too Ad-Friendly
        Don't you get annoyed when advertising cookies in your browser seem to know what your interests are and serve up creepy ads that hit a little too close to home? Would you prefer that your Internet browser does not know exactly where you are at all times? If your answer to these questions is yes and you use Firefox, you may object to a new proposal that Mozilla has put up to purportedly "find relevant content easier while publishers enjoy increased engagement, fewer bounces, and stronger loyalty." It's all part of a personalization scheme that sounds fishy.

  • SaaS/Big Data

    • IBM joins Pivotal in developing Cloud Foundry's open source PaaS
      IBM disclosed plans on July 24 to collaborate with the Pivotal Initiative to develop Cloud Foundry, an open source Platform as a Service (PaaS) that allows enterprises to freely choose whatever cloud applications, cloud infrastructure and application programming interfaces (APIs) they want.

    • Open-Source Marathon: Vendors Sign Up for the Race to Zero
      Wednesday saw a flurry of activity in the open-source arena. The day kicked off with a milestone partnership between IBM and EMC-spin off Pivotal to accelerate the development of Cloud Foundry and extend support for third party services.

  • Databases

  • Oracle/Java/LibreOffice

  • Education

    • A good "second board" for learning
      I had looked at this board when they had their kickstarter going, but as Lucas and I discussed it, and particularly in light of my work with both Linaro (on performance improvements) and Project Caua (on economic computing), I started to get more interested, then excited. By the end of the night I had purchased one of the Zynq 7000 units (there is a unit based on the Zynq-7010 and one on the Zynq-7020), complete with GPIO pins.

  • Funding

    • Inside Bountysource, a Crowdfunding and Challenge Site for Open-Source Software
      The widespread use of open-source software is a testament to the power of crowdsourcing. By leaving software’s underlying source code open for anyone to copy, edit, tweak, and use, far-flung programmers can achieve some incredible things, like the creation of an operating system that today powers most servers and supercomputers. Even the software on your cell phone may be the byproduct of open-source code: Google’s Android OS is built on the Linux kernel.


    • Donate to Replicant and support free software on mobile devices
      Yesterday we launched a fundraising initiative for Replicant, a fully free Android distribution and the first mobile operating system (OS) to run without relying on proprietary system code. Replicant's small volunteer developer team is focused on improving their OS, while also expanding it to work on more devices. Donations will primarily be used to buy new devices for development and testing -- a critical need -- but will also help fund infrastructure and promotion for the project.

    • Replicant fully-free Android distro project solicits funds
      The Free Software Foundation has launched a fundraising initiative for Replicant, touted as a “fully free” Android distribution and the first mobile OS to run without relying on proprietary system code. Donations will defray the cost of purchasing smartphones and tablets for development and testing, and will help the team expand its infrastructure and promote the project at industry events.

    • FSF passes collection plate for free Android clone Replicant

    • The GNU/consensus Whistle, Volume I, Issue 0

    • bison-3.0 released [stable]
      The Bison team is very happy to announce the release of Bison 3.0, which introduces many new features. An executive summary would include: (i) deep overhaul/improvements of the diagnostics, (ii) more versatile means to describe semantic value types (including the ability to store genuine C++ objects in C++ parsers), (iii) push-parser interface extended to Java, and (iv) parse-time semantic predicates for GLR parsers.

    • FSF Tries Pushing Blob-Free "Replicant" Android OS

  • Project Releases

  • Licensing

  • Openness/Sharing

    • Local Sheep Farmers Unveil Open-Source, DIY Tracking System
      Oogie McGuire introduces me to one of her guard dogs at Desert Weyr Farms, just outside of Paonia on Garvin Mesa. She and her husband Ken run Black Welsch Mountain Sheep, a unique breed, a threatened breed in fact, one that’s also part of a USDA research project looking at the animals' reproductive systems. Since they’re being studied, these sheep have to be closely tracked, and the McGuires need all the data on the animals they can get.

    • How open source software, sensors and 3D printing can create a perfect stick shift driver

    • Dallas Art History Just Went Open-Source: Thanks to a Free, Digital Coffee Table Book
      More interesting still is how we wouldn't have this technology were it not for Robert Stein, the DMA's still-newish Deputy Director. The software behind the ePub is the OSCI toolkit, a Getty Grant project that Stein helmed, and served as lead on back at the Indianapolis Museum of Art in 2011. That project came to light thanks to Stein's 2009-established IMA Lab, an in-house commercial software consulting arm, whipped-up to develop open-source software for cultural projects like this. Stein says that momentum stayed on track after his departure -- it must have, 'cause now we've got this handy gadget.

    • Open Data

      • Open Source Map of Seward
        I created a map of Seward attractions to hand out to my customers at my old business, The Seward Information Center. It has on it places to eat and drink, see and do, buy things etc.. We no longer need this map and it did take a lot of work. I would like to donate it to Seward as an open source file for any to use, update and change. The source files are included below. In creating this map I used the latest satellite map of town and overlay the map illustrations. The open source image editor Inkscape can be used to view and update the layers. I used the Wikitravel format and methodology. I hope that this will be useful to business, organizations and individuals here in town.

    • Open Hardware

  • Programming

    • GCC Cauldron 2013 Recap
      Videos from the recent GCC Cauldron 2013 that was hosted at the Googleplex earlier this month are now available online. Discussed during this developer event is not only the GCC compiler but also GDB, Address Sanitizer, and other compiler-related technologies.

  • Standards/Consortia

    • The Value of Open Standards
      overnments need to keep this in mind when they set procurement and other appropriate, standards-related policiesso that basic rights, as well as tax dollars, are properly protected.


  • Fantasies
    I've received a number of requests to comment on the post: “Slavoj Žižek Responds to Noam Chomsky: ‘I Don’t Know a Guy Who Was So Often Empirically Wrong’” (

    I had read it, with some interest, hoping to learn something from it, and given the title, to find some errors that should be corrected – of course they exist in virtually anything that reaches print, even technical scholarly monographs, as one can see by reading reviews in the professional journals. And when I find them or am informed about them I correct them.

    But not here. Žižek finds nothing, literally nothing, that is empirically wrong. That’s hardly a surprise. Anyone who claims to find empirical errors, and is minimally serious, will at the very least provide a few particles of evidence – some quotes, references, at least something. But there is nothing here – which, I’m afraid, doesn’t surprise me either. I’ve come across instances of Žižek’s concept of empirical fact and reasoned argument.

  • Health/Nutrition

    • U.S. approves NON-GMO labeling for meats from animals fed NON-GMO diets
      The Agriculture Department has approved a label for meat and liquid egg products that includes a claim about the absence of genetically engineered products.

      It is the first time that the department, which regulates meat and poultry processing, has approved a non-G.M.O. label claim, which attests that meat certified by the Non-GMO Project came from animals that never ate feed containing genetically engineered ingredients like corn, soy and alfalfa.

    • Wounds and scars
      The barbarism that is female genital mutilation

    • Tropicana Faces Class Action Over ‘Natural’ Claims
      Several companies have been earning flack lately for mislabeling their products as “healthy” or “GMO-free” and even orange juice is earning its fair share of criticism.

      Juice-maker Tropicana, a PepsiCo brand, has failed to dismiss a U.S. class action that claims the company falsely labeled its orange juice as “100 percent pure and natural,” despite its use of pasteurization, processing, coloring and flavoring, according to Beverage Daily.

  • Security

  • Defence/Police/Secrecy/Aggression

    • Halliburton admits destroying Gulf oil spill evidence
      Halliburton has admitted destroying evidence in the Deepwater Horizon oil spill disaster in the Gulf of Mexico and will plead guilty to a criminal charge, the Justice Department announced Thursday.

      Under the plea agreement, which requires court approval, Houston-based Halliburton will also face three years' probation, pay the maximum fine of $200,000 and continue to cooperate in the Justice Department's criminal investigation of the April 2010 explosion and fire on the drilling platform, which killed 11 rig workers off Louisiana.

    • Militarization of Law Enforcement in Guatemala
      Latin American countries have a long history of using the armed forces to carry out internal security duties. However, these militaries also have a long history of human rights abuses. While progress has been made, many countries in the region continue to deploy their troops to combat crime as they struggle with weak public institutions, pervasive impunity, and high crime rates.

    • Uruguayan Workers Carry Out Marches and Strikes
      PIT-CNT trade union heads today a national demonstration with a four-hour long partial strike mainly affecting the education and health sectors, although emergency services will work normally. In addition to the strike, called between 09:00 and 13:00 (local time), a workers' march from the Republic University up to the Legislative Palace will be staged, and union leaders will demand there wage increases and other benefits.

    • FBI admits to flying drones over US without warrants
      The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) says it has used drones for domestic surveillance purposes in the United States at least ten times without obtaining warrants. In three additional cases, drones were authorized but “not actually used.”

      Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) on Thursday published a letter from FBI Assistant Director Stephen D. Kelly, who admitted that the agency used unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) domestically, without gathering any warrants.

    • Egypt has been warned of the violence to come – by General Sisi himself
      The general's recent speech can only be read as a precursor to a bloody campaign of repression against the Egyptian people

    • Former CIA Officer & Whistleblower Sabrina De Sousa & the ‘Proper Channels’ Myth
      A commonly recited criticism of whistleblowers is that they need to go through proper channels or else they are not whistleblowers deserving protection. If they don’t go through proper channels, they are arrogant self-serving leakers who appointed themselves as decision-makers for what information should and should not be secret.

      This was the criticism levied against former NSA contractor Edward Snowden after it was revealed that he was the one who blew the whistle on secret surveillance programs. Jeffrey Toobin for The New Yorker argued that America’s system “offers legal options to disgruntled government employees and contractors. They can take advantage of federal whistleblower laws; they can bring their complaints to Congress; they can try to protest within the institutions where they work. But Snowden did none of this.”

    • VIDEO: Interview with Sabrina De Sousa, CIA officer, on Osama Mustapha Hassan Nasr's rendition
      A former CIA officer has broken the U.S. silence around the 2003 abduction of a radical Islamist cleric in Italy, charging that the agency inflated the threat the preacher posed and that the United States then allowed Italy to prosecute her and other Americans to shield President George W. Bush and other U.S. officials from responsibility for approving the operation.

    • Michael Hastings Crash
      Once again, I have something that a lot of people want. It’s a video of Michael Hastings’ fatal car crash. It’s not really mine, like that Sting-Ray was, but I have it. It’s a security video from my girlfriend’s restaurant. And since she said to make it public, I soon will.

    • Civil Disobedience, Non-Violence and Overcoming Hate
      Through the years, Bill Moyers has spoken with many of the world’s leading activists, politicians, revolutionaries and theologians about how they overcame hatred and anger to became forces for positive change in the world. Many say they were inspired by leaders like Mahatma Gandhi and Martin Luther King, Jr. Click below to watch six guests make the case for civil disobedience over violence and brotherhood over hatred.

  • Transparency Reporting

    • Military Harasses Journalists At Bradley Manning Trial
      Reading through the various tweets, the MPs were specifically trying to stop journalists from using Twitter. Kevin Gosztola was directly told not to use Twitter and was later admonished for having "a window" open on his computer. No joke. The reporters also noted that they had to go through an incredibly detailed TSA-style search before they could enter the courtroom -- and that this had not happened previously in their coverage of the trial. Multiple journalists noted how "creepy" it was and how intimidating it is to have military police with guns looking over your shoulder and watching everything you do. Freedom of the press? Not at all.

    • Journalists at Bradley Manning trial report hostile conditions for press
      I visited the trial two weeks ago. While there were many restrictions for attending press that I found surprising (reporters couldn't work from the courtroom, mobile devices weren't allowed in the press room), it wasn't this bad. I was treated respectfully and courteously by Army Public Affairs Officers and military police, and was only grumped at a few times for stretching those (silly) restrictions. I was physically searched only once, when entering the courtroom, and that's standard for civilian or military trials.

    • U.S. WikiLeaks soldier is whistleblower, not traitor: defense
      The U.S. soldier accused of the biggest leak of classified information in the nation's history is a whistleblower, and not a traitor as the government claims, Bradley Manning's defense lawyer said at his court-martial on Friday.

  • Environment/Energy/Wildlife

    • Where have all the bees gone?
      Many of you around the world are basking in a delightful heatwave at the moment. Make sure you get out of the office and enjoy the sunshine. One of the best things about summer is sitting outside, enjoying a cool drink with loved ones and watching the bees buzzing around the garden.

    • Halliburton to pay $200k fine for destroying evidence in 2010 Gulf oil spill
      Halliburton Energy Services to pay a maximum $200,000 fine for destroying evidence related to the 2010 Deepwater Horizon oil spill, which the Gulf of Mexico is yet to recover from. The company will also donate $55 million towards wildlife protection.

      World's second-largest oilfield services company has pleaded guilty to the misdemeanor charge and agreed to be subject to three years of probation – apart from paying $200,000 fine – for destroying internal probe computer simulations into the cementing after the blowout at the Deepwater Horizon oil rig. Allegedly the probe showed little difference between using six and 21 centralizers while cementing the damaged oil rig well.

  • Finance

    • John Oliver: Monopoly Game Removed 'Go to Jail' Option to Reflect America's Financial System
      Last night on the Daily Show, Oliver brilliantly connected the board game's change-up to banks' apparent infallibility -- Goldman Sachs price-rigging included.

    • Region in Italy Reaches 30% Coop Economy
      The Emilia-Romagna region in Northern Italy is one of the richest in Europe, known for its high-end car manufacturing. While Emilia-Romagna is one of the most economically successful regions in Europe, it is also one of the most cooperative regions in the world. Nearly two of every three of its 4.5 million citizens are members of a cooperative. Cooperatives support around 30% of the region’s GDP, making it a stellar example of a large-scale cooperative economy. As with Mondragon Cooperative Corporation in Spain, the cooperative economy is strongly bolstered by networked relationships which also make cooperatives more resilient in economic crises.

    • Michael Hudson Shreds Obama’s Orwellian Speech on Middle Class Prosperity
      Michael Hudson was so incensed by what he called a “Blairesque” speech by Obama on Wednesday that he took it upon himself to comment on its all-too-frequent sleights of hand and outright fabrications. However, you’ll also notice that the speech contained so much bullshit (in the Harry Frankfurter sense of indifference to the truth) that eventually Hudson’s comments thin out a bit.

      The original speech is in black. Hudson’s remarks are in red. You’ll see he took mercy on you and edited the speech down a bit and also bolded some of the, erm, remarkable parts. I’ve added a few observations, in blue. I hope readers in comments will join in the fun by extracting sections or phrases from the speech and explaining what they really mean.

      The worst is that Obama apparently plans a series of Big Lie speeches on his “vision for rebuilding an economy that puts the middle class — and those fighting to join it – front and center.” That’s at best an afterthought, since he’s given the economy over to an at best indifferent and at worst predatory elite that have no interest in giving it back.

  • PR/AstroTurf/Lobbying

    • As ALEC Celebrates its 40th Birthday in Chicago, Protesters Prepare to Blow Out the Candles
      The American Legislative Exchange Council, or ALEC, the corporate "bill mill" which has advanced a potpourri of extreme anti-worker, anti-environment, and pro-gun legislation, is turning 40 years this year, and will hold its annual meeting in Chicago from August 7-9 in 2013. ALEC will be greeted in the Windy City by a broad coalition of good government groups, labor unions, as well as civil rights and religious groups, who will rally to say that 40 years of ALEC is nothing to celebrate.

    • NC Passes Voter Suppression Measures as DOJ Moves to Protect Voting Rights in TX
      The North Carolina legislature voted Thursday to approve the most restrictive voter suppression measures in the country, making it the first state to pass new laws after the U.S. Supreme Court gutted the Voting Rights Act. But the move comes the same day that the Department of Justice announced plans to use other means to protect voting rights.

  • Censorship

    • Who exactly is responsible for 'nudge censorship'?
      We have no legislation, a contradictory official government policy, and ISPs promising that they will deliver a 'pre-selected' censorship approach.

    • UK Porn Filter: Censorship Extends Beyond Pornography, But One ISP Is Fighting Back
      U.K. Prime Minister David Cameron announced Monday that British Internet service providers (ISPs) must install porn filters and require customers to opt-in for adult content. Cameron said the policy is aimed at combating child porn and the “corroding influences” of sexual content in the U.K., but several people are unhappy with the plan. Reports have linked the filters to controversial Chinese company Huawei, and others have found that the filters will block much more than just porn. Some ISPs have publicly refused to force the filters on their users.

    • Porn sites get more internet traffic in UK than social networks or shopping
      8.5% of clicks in June were on legal pornography sites, according to figures released as David Cameron attempts crackdown

    • Shortest Internet censorship debate ever
      In the morning the Minister of Justice has apparently discovered there is porn on the Internet (welcome to the Net, dear Mr Biernacki; wish you'd been here earlier) and has voiced his support for implementing the British "solution" in Poland; already in the evening PM Donald Tusk and Minister of Administration and Digitization Michał Boni categorically denied any such plans.

      In the meantime the NGOs that had been involved in several Internet censorship debates in Poland during the last few years were flooded with media inquiries about the subject — and criticised both the British idea and Minister Biernacki's statement.

    • The Dangers Of Walled Gardens

    • US Government-Funded Domestic Propaganda Has Officially Hit The Airwaves
      The reform effectively nullifies the Smith-Mundt Act of 1948, which was amended in 1985 specifically to prohibit U.S. organizations from using information "to influence public opinion in the United States."

      The new law enables U.S. government programming such as Voice of America (VoA) — an outlet created in 1942 to promote a positive understanding of the U.S. abroad — t0 broadcast directly to domestic audiences for the first time.

      VoA and other programs are now produced by the Broadcasting Board of Governors, which shares a "strategic communications budget" with the State Department and has an annual budget of more than $700 million.

      Nevertheless, BBG spokeswoman Lynne Weil insisted to FP that the BBG presents "fair and accurate news" and is not a propaganda outlet.

      A former U.S. government source explained that the BBG can now reach local radio stations in the U.S., meaning that the programming can target expat communities such as the significant Somali population in St. Paul, Minnesota.

    • U.S. Repeals Propaganda Ban, Spreads Government-Made News to Americans

  • Privacy

    • So Where Was Everybody's Righteous Indignation and Outrage Back When NSA Domestic Surveillance Was First Reported in 2008?
      Wait, let's go back even further to 2005, Bush Lets U.S. Spy on Callers Without Courts, says headline. Gee, I can't imagine how this story wasn't plastered on the front page of every tech news site back then. And those of us who pay attention remember there was a small blip on the radar in 2006 - the exposure of "Room 641A", the so-called "black room" where federal surveillance of citizens happened within AT&T's infrastructure.

    • Point-scoring our web freedom
      We use ratings for all kinds of services, so let's try scoring the way we use the internet to check on our security and privacy

    • This Week's Really Bizarre Battle Over Your Privacy Rights Ended In the Worst Way Possible
      The primary struggle of American politics is the struggle to balance liberty and peace, freedom and security.

      With full knowledge that power is often needed to secure peace, and awareness that power is the eternal enemy of liberty, our Founding Fathers sought to construct a political society that could maintain peace and prosperity with both liberty and longevity. To achieve this end, they framed a Constitution that separated specific powers between different branches and with particular limits.

      Now, politicians are actively working to remove these safeguards. By failing on Thursday to pass an amendment to the defense appropriations bill spearheaded by Rep. Justin Amash (R-Mich.), Congress is once more curtailing the rights of American citizens in the name of security.

    • Rumors of NSA surveillance outpost in Wiesbaden persist
      Is a new building under construction at US Army headquarters in Wiesbaden also designed to house NSA spies? There are rumors, but the army says the facility is strictly for military intelligence units.

    • Kiwis on the march: Thousands turn out against new spy powers in New Zealand
      Thousands of people have protested across New Zealand against the new surveillance bill that would enable the country’s Government Communications Security Bureau (GCSB) to spy on its citizens.

    • Edward Snowden's dad: 'This story is far from done'
      “There has been a concerted effort by many of these congressmen to demonize my son, to focus the issue on my son and not to talk about the fact that they had a responsibility to ensure that these programs were constitutional. They’ve either been complicit or negligent.”

    • Glenn Greenwald To Testify Before Congress About NSA Surveillance Programs
      Glenn Greenwald, the journalist who broke the story on top-secret NSA surveillance programs earlier this summer, will testify before a congressional committee.

      Rep. Alan Grayson (D-Fla.), who is leading the Wednesday congressional hearing that has invited critics of the NSA programs to testify, told The Guardian, "I think that most people simply don't understand that, despite the news coverage, which my view has been extremely unfocused. There has been far too much discussion of the leaker, and not enough discussion of the leak."

    • Seven lies about privacy (and how you can debunk them)
      No human right has ever been subjected to as much deception and attack as privacy. I mean, no-one tries to dilute protections against torture by saying “it doesn’t really hurt anyone”. But privacy is open-season for anyone with an interest in killing it off. Here we summarise seven of the most common lies – and how you can counter them.

    • Angela Keaton Explains the Lawsuit Against the FBI
      Angela gave a concise explanation of the lawsuit against the FBI to RT America this afternoon...

    • Hacker's Tiny Spy Computers Aim To Track Targets Around Entire Neighborhoods And Cities
      The National Security Agency, argues Brendan O’Connor, doesn’t have a monopoly on mass surveillance. In fact, he’s developed a cheap system of open-source spy boxes and mapping software that he says will let anyone “track everyone in a neighborhood, suburb, or city from the comfort of their sofa.”

    • Lawmakers Who Upheld NSA Phone Spying Received Double the Defense Industry Cash
      The numbers tell the story — in votes and dollars. On Wednesday, the house voted 217 to 205 not to rein in the NSA’s phone-spying dragnet. It turns out that those 217 “no” voters received twice as much campaign financing from the defense and intelligence industry as the 205 “yes” voters.

      That’s the upshot of a new analysis by MapLight, a Berkeley-based non-profit that performed the inquiry at WIRED’s request. The investigation shows that defense cash was a better predictor of a member’s vote on the Amash amendment than party affiliation. House members who voted to continue the massive phone-call-metadata spy program, on average, raked in 122 percent more money from defense contractors than those who voted Wednesday to dismantle it.

    • Spy agencies ban Lenovo PCs on security concerns
      Computers manufactured by the world’s biggest personal computer maker, Lenovo, have been banned from the “secret” and ‘‘top secret” €­networks of the intelligence and defence services of Australia, the US, Britain, Canada, and New Zealand, because of concerns they are vulnerable to being hacked.

      Multiple intelligence and defence sources in Britain and Australia confirmed there is a written ban on computers made by the Chinese company being used in “classified” networks.

    • Massive anti-NSA protests planned for 39 German cities
      Thousands of Germans are expected to join together Saturday in a massive, multi-city protest against U.S. spying.

      Germans, in particular, have been on edge since former National Security Agency contractor Edward Snowden leaked a host of classified agency documents in June. Among his revelations are that German citizens are more scrutinized than any other nationality, and that the NSA is "in bed with the Germans."

      Chancellor Angela Merkel has defended the alliance between the two countries' intelligence-gathering operations, telling the German paper Der Zeit that "For decades, intelligence services have been working together under certain conditions that are tightly regulated in our country, and this serves our security.

    • The NSA Fight
      The Michigan congressman determined to stop the NSA’s abuses wins a battle against House GOP leaders.

    • ‘Surveillance society’: German writers slam Berlin’s NSA spying involvement
      Demonstrators are gathering across Germany in support of Edward Snowden and Bradley Manning, as German writers publish an open letter to Chancellor Merkel demanding explanations over the country’s secret services involvement in the NSA spying program.

    • Critics of NSA spying, including Glenn Greenwald, to testify before Congress

    • Find and Block Who is Tracking You Online
      Whenever we visit a website, we are tracked by our ISP, unknown people(s) and of course, the NSA. They analyze our online activities and share the information to website owner or to some third party companies. These companies will sell products and services according to our online activities such as what we are seeing often, what we are liking mostly and what type of websites we frequently visit etc. The actual problem is that we can’t visually see who’s tracking us and we are not able to find what’s happening behind the scenes.

    • Google Engineer Wins NSA Award, Then Says NSA Should Be “Abolished”
      When Bonneau learned that he has won the award from the NSA, he considered turning it down. However, he ultimately decided upon accepting as a way to potentially bridge academic gaps with the NSA, as a means of opening up at least one avenue into the organization that has been mostly closed.

      That said, the winner of the NSA award wants, like many privacy rights activists and citizens concerned with the government’s Fourth Amendment violations, for the NSA to be reformed by a political process (like the one which narrowly failed in the House yesterday).

  • Civil Rights

    • Why My Parents Just Got Arrested in Madison
      My parents were arrested yesterday. They are 85 and 80 years old. Their crime was singing in the rotunda of the Wisconsin State Capitol without a permit.

      Tom and Joan Kemble moved to Madison two years ago when they realized that the steady march of time meant it would not be long before their physical ability to tend to their 20-acre organic farm they had so lovingly cultivated for three decades would decline.

    • WARNING: Prominent Activists Being Framed With Child Porn
      A disturbing trend is unfolding where some entity is attempting to frame prominent anti-establishment activists and alternative media organizations with child pornography.

      These activists are being sent emails with malicious attachments containing images of child porn in a seeming attempt to discredit them or set them up for arrest.

    • German president says whistleblowers like Snowden merit respect
      Germany's president, who helped expose the workings of East Germany's dreaded Stasi secret police, said whistleblowers like U.S. fugitive Edward Snowden deserved respect for defending freedom.

    • Archbishop Tutu 'would not worship a homophobic God'
      South Africa's Nobel peace laureate Archbishop Desmond Tutu says he will never worship a "homophobic God" and will rather go to hell.

    • Tutu says he cannot worship 'homophobic' God

    • Turkey Jails 64 Journalists For Coverage of People's Protest
      Journalists in Turkey who covered this spring's Gezi Park protests are living in a "half-open penitentiary," say critics, as media bosses—under pressure from Prime Minister Recep Tayyip ErdoÄŸan's government—have sacked dozens of reporters while others face criminal prosecution.

      Sixty-four journalists are currently under arrest and another 123 are facing charges of terrorism, said a report issued by the opposition Republican People's Party (CHP) Tuesday.

      "Mr. Prime Minister has turned the country into a half-open penitentiary and made it impossible to live for journalists," said CHP leader Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu during a press briefing.

    • Calif. State Committee Set to Vote on NDAA Nullification Bill
      ...authorize their indefinite detention in violation of habeas corpus.

    • Who does the US call an enemy? Pentagon won't say
      US President Barack Obama has repeatedly said that Washington is at war with al-Qaeda, the Taliban, and its “associated forces.” However, the Pentagon refuses to disclose who those so-called “associated forces” really are.

      At a hearing in May, Senator Carl Levin (D-Mich.) asked the US Department of Defense to provide him with a list of al-Qaeda affiliates. The Pentagon responded, but Levin’s office later told ProPublica that it wasn’t allowed to share the information it had received from Washington. When asked about the list, Levin’s spokesperson only said that the department’s “answer included the information requested.”

    • Technology and the Ruling Party
      “Power tends to corrupt,” said Lord Acton, “and absolute power corrupts absolutely. Great men are almost always bad men.”

      The sexism needs updating but the sentiment remains true. That’s been all too obvious this week, during which the powers that be did their damnedest to protect their once-secret surveillance programs…while the NSA responded to Freedom Of Information Act requests with the claim “There’s no central method to search [internal NSA emails] at this time.”

    • Senate Moves for Sanctions on Nations 'Helping' Snowden
      The Senate Appropriations Committee voted unanimously Thursday to slam sanctions on any country aiding NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden, marking a serious escalation in a global manhunt which has stoked almost as much international outrage as the US spying scandal itself.

  • Intellectual Monopolies

    • Copyrights

      • Redistributing TV Material Without the Ads Is Legal

      • Court says skipping ads doesn’t violate copyright. That’s a big deal.
        In 1984, the Supreme Court rejected Hollywood’s argument that the record button on the Betamax VCR made its manufacturer, Sony, liable for copyright infringement. The high court ruled that consumers were allowed to record television shows by copyright’s fair use doctrine. The decision became a legal foundation of the modern consumer electronics industry.

      • Viacom Files A Second Appeal in Viacom v. YouTube/Google - They'd Like a Trial and a Different Judge ~pj
        Viacom can't seem to find a judge to agree with them that the DMCA Safe Harbor should be reinterpreted Viacom's way or that YouTube/Google, specifically, should lose its protection because of its conduct. Their war against Google's YouTube is into its 7th year, and Viacom still thinks that YouTube and parent Google should be held responsible for what users do on it. Specifically, it wants them to have the editorial burden of preventing copyright infringement from happening in the first place, not acting on it when notified of specific infringement by the copyright owner, and it wants it to have to pay for it all by itself.

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There's a lot to show
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There are hundreds of millions of people in that country
Google Already Dominates the Global South (via Android/Linux)
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GNU/Linux Widespread in Finland, Sweden, and Norway
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For the First Time GNU/Linux is Measured at Over 4% in Europe (Not Counting ChromeOS/Chromebooks)
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