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Links 20/06/2023: Windows TCO on Steroids (Microsoft Incidents/Breaches and Resort to Political Scapegoating)

  • GNU/Linux

    • Audiocasts/Shows

    • Applications

      • Make Use OfThe 7 Best SSH Clients for Linux

        To establish an SSH connection between your Linux PC and a remote server, you need to have an SSH client installed. Here are some of the best options.

    • Instructionals/Technical

      • OSTechNixHow To Dual Boot Linux Mint And Windows

        Welcome to the ultimate guide on dual-booting Linux Mint and Windows! If you're a tech enthusiast or someone who craves the best of both operating systems, you've come to the right place. Dual-booting allows you to harness the power and versatility of Linux Mint, a perfect Windows alternative, while still having the familiarity and accessibility of Windows at your fingertips.

      • Linux HandbookUse Systemctl Status Command to Check Service Status

        You'd find systemd in almost every popular distro and to control the services, you use the systemctl command.

      • UbuntuUbuntu Blog: Tuning a real-time kernel

        This blog expands our€  technical deep-dive into a real-time kernel.€  You will need to be familiar with a real-time kernel to understand the tuning concepts in this blog. If you are starting from scratch and need to revisit the basics of preemption and a real-time system, watch this introductory webinar. If you are interested in the primary test suites for real-time Ubuntu, an explanation of the components and processes involved, head over to the first part of this mini-series. Alternatively, keep reading to learn the three primary metrics to monitor when tuning a real-time kernel, some key configs set at compile time, and a tuning example.

        Before tuning, let’s launch the real-time Ubuntu kernel.

      • Own HowToHow to upgrade Debian 11 "Bullseye" to Debian 12 "Bookworm"

        Debian 12 got released on June 10th 2023, it uses kernel 6.1, and it comes with a lot of new features. One thing that I liked in this new version, is that now Debian 12 comes with multiple Desktop environments that you can use, such as :GNOME, KDE, XFCE,

      • FOSSLinuxHow to set up Steam and Lutris on Pop!_OS for Gaming

        Pop!_OS, developed by System76, has become a popular choice among Linux enthusiasts for its sleek design and powerful performance. But did you know it's also an excellent platform for gaming? With the ability to install gaming platforms like Steam and Lutris, you can play a multitude of games from various sources, all on your Pop!_OS system.

      • How to install FF in Ubuntu Linux?

        FF (FireFox) is the default browser in almost all Linux systems including Ubuntu, however, if you don't have it already then here is the article to install FF in Ubuntu Linux.

      • ID RootHow To Install Seafile on Rocky Linux 9

        In this tutorial, we will show you how to install Seafile on Rocky Linux 9. Are you looking for a secure and reliable cloud storage solution? Seafile might be just what you need.

      • Orphan Branches in Git: An Overview

        In simple terms, a branch serves as an independent timeline for your project's codebase. By using branching, you can test different features or functionality without interfering with the main codebase.

      • Calculating the Difference Between Branches in Git

        Branching is one of the most crucial aspects of using Git effectively. When working on large projects or complex features, it can be difficult always to have one cohesive line of development that everyone follows strictly.

      • Linux HintESP32 Pinout Reference – A Complete Guide

        Understanding the pinout is important to work with the ESP32 board. This article is a complete guide on ESP32 pinout.

      • ID RootHow To Install Shotwell on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS

        In this tutorial, we will show you how to install Shotwell on Ubuntu 22.04 LTS. Shotwell is an open-source image organizer designed specifically for the GNOME desktop environment.

      • Leveraging ‘git rerere’ to Resolve Merge Conflicts

        Leveraging 'git rerere' to resolve merge conflicts in software development has several benefits that cannot be ignored. The tool works automatically to capture and reuse resolutions of past conflicts, making it easier and faster for developers to address merge conflicts in the future.

      • Forcing a Merge Commit in Git: When and How

        Conflicts can arise when two or more team members make changes to the same line(s) of code within one file in different ways that cannot be automatically merged by Git. Force merging in this case results in combining both sets of changes into one final version with conflicts resolved manually

      • Working with Remote Branches in Git: A Comprehensive Guide

        Working with remote branches in Git is an essential aspect of modern software development. With proper guidance and best practices in place, teams can collaborate effectively on shared projects, regardless of their physical location.

      • Git Configuration: A Few Useful Examples

        Git configuration allows users to customize their version control environment according to their preferences and needs. By configuring Git, users can set up essential information such as their name and email address to keep track of who made specific changes in the repository.

      • Understanding Refspecs: Git Demystified

        A good understanding of RefSpecs will enable you to use Git's features efficiently while minimizing errors that could cause setbacks in your project development life cycle. With this knowledge under your belt, you'll be better equipped for collaborative coding projects where every team member needs access to different versions of code bases on various branches.

      • Streamlining Workflow: A Guide to Git Aliases

        Git aliases offer a convenient way to reduce the number of keystrokes required for frequently used Git commands, making it easier to focus on writing code rather than typing out complex command lines.

      • Branching, Merging, and Options: An Introductory Guide to Git

        Git is a crucial component of modern software development and understanding its fundamentals is essential for anyone looking to become a proficient developer. By learning about branching, merging, and options in Git, you can work collaboratively with other developers while keeping your project organized.

      • Efficient Management of Local Branches in Git

        In Git, a branch is essentially a copy of the codebase, which allows developers to make changes in isolation from the main codebase. A local branch is a branch that exists only on your local machine and not on the remote repository.

      • Daniel LangeDaniel Lange: Linux kernel USB errors -71 and -110

        After an upgrade of my PC's mainboard BIOS the boot would take a minute or more to complete and sometimes the lightdm login screen would sit there but not accept keyboard input for another minute or so. Then the keyboard got enabled and I could log in normally. Everything worked fine after that bootup struggle completed. This was fully reproducible and persisted across reboots. Weird.

        The kernel dmesg log showed entries that looked suspicious:

      • Trend OceansHow to Fix Rust Error Linker CC Not Found on Linux

        Did you just encounter a “Linker ‘cc’ not found” error while installing your favourite Rust program from Cargo Package Manager if yes then let me show you how to fix it up.

      • Trend OceansHow to Install the Boost Library in C++ on Ubuntu or any other Linux Distribution

        Here we will show you two simple steps to install the Boost library in C++ on Ubuntu/Linux, along with an example of using the Boost library. Boost is a portable set of C++ programming language libraries. It contains libraries for pseudo-random number generation, linear algebra, multi-threading, image processing, regular expressions, and unit testing.

    • Games

  • Distributions and Operating Systems

    • Make Tech Easier6 of the Best Linux Distributions for Mac Users

      However, there might be a few scenarios where you don’t want to use the default OS, craving something different that appeals to your needs.

      While you can technically install Microsoft’s Windows, you might be better off switch to Linux for a better user experience. Here are some of the best Linux distributions that Mac users can install either on their Macs or on dedicated Linux computers.

    • Barry KaulerMore Turkish translations

      I would like to thank forum member madanandam for submitting more Turkish tr translations.

      In addition, recently MrBoom submitted many Spanish es translations. A little while before that, forum member Maybe submitted Russian ru translations.

    • BSD

      • Data SwampUsing git bundle to synchronize a repository between Qubes OS dom0 and an AppVM

        In a previous article, I explained how to use Fossil version control system to version the files you may write in dom0 and sync them against a remote repository.

        I figured how to synchronize a git repository between an AppVM and dom0, then from the AppVM it can be synchronized remotely if you want. This can be done using the git feature named bundle, which bundle git artifacts into a single file.

    • SUSE/OpenSUSE

      • OpenSUSEopenSUSE.Asia Summit 2023 Call For Papers

        It is a pleasure to announce the call for papers for openSUSE.Asia summit 2023 starting today, the openSUSE.Asia Committee is looking for speakers from different avenues of life, representing and advocating Free and Open Source Software. openSUSE.Asia Summits are organized every year to promote the use of free and open source software and have been appreciated events for the openSUSE community (i.e. both contributors and users) in Asia. Following the last Asia Summit, the nineth openSUSE.Asia Summit 2023 will be held by openSUSE Chongqing team on Late October. The speakers are eligible to receive sponsorship from openSUSE Travel Support Program (TSP). Even if you live away from China, please consider applying for the event.

        The past Asia Summits received major participation from Indonesia, China mainland, China Taiwan, Japan, South Korea, and India.

    • Fedora Family / IBM

      • FOSSLinuxThe 20 Best Themes for Fedora Workstation [2023 Edition]

        The ability to customize is one of the things that make Linux a favorite among power users and enthusiasts. Fedora Workstation, being one of the most popular Linux distributions, is no exception. Offering a variety of themes that can dramatically change your desktop's look and feel, Fedora Workstation allows you to tailor your user experience according to your preference.

    • Debian Family

      • LinuxiacSparky Linux 8 Codename Revealed

        Based on Debian 13 "Trixie," the upcoming Sparky Linux 8 has been given a thrilling codename: "The Seven Sisters."

    • Canonical/Ubuntu Family

    • Open Hardware/Modding

      • Raspberry Pi10 amazing lighting projects

        Lighting an LED may be a simple beginner project for Raspberry Pi and Raspberry Pi Pico coders, but that doesn’t make it any less cool. There’s so much you can do with an LED when it’s connected to a computer. Here are just some of the ways a Raspberry Pi project focussed on lights has wowed us.

      • Linux GizmosURANUS is an AI Edge Fanless Embedded System with NVIDIA Jetson Modules

        URANUS is an AI edge fanless embedded system designed to be compatible with multiple NVIDIA Jetson modules. This compact platform is designed to handle various neural networks and offers support for LTE and Wi-Fi connectivity.

  • Free, Libre, and Open Source Software

    • Events

      • FOSSY schedule announcement

        A news item from Software Freedom Conservancy.

        The FOSSY schedule has been set! With four days of talks and workshops, we are looking forward to a fantastic conference. Thanks to all our incredible track organizers and speakers for working with us to create a jam packed weekend of FOSS. We look forward to building this conference with you all in Portland, OR this July 13-16th.

        Join us Thursday the 13th for registration and a welcome lunch, then there are 2 workshops and 3 tracks to choose from! Grow Your Project Workshop, Free BSD Workshop, AArch64/ARM64 Servers and Open Source, FOSS For Education, XMPP.

    • Web Browsers/Web Servers

      • Chris CoyierWhy don’t sites go down much anymore?

        Websites used to go down with more regularity than they do now. Twitter famously had the fail whale. But I mean more like “normal” websites, like this one. If Daring Fireball linked to a site and it went down, that community called it getting “Fireballed” and there was exotic solutions. If Slashdot traffic took down a site it was “slashdotted”. There was the “Digg Effect” and “Reddit Effect” and the like.

        You don’t really see that anymore. Why?

      • TalospaceFirefox 114 on POWER

        Firefox 114 is released. The biggest update in my humble opinion is that (assuming you're running Linux) you can now use FIDO2/WebAuthn authenticators over USB, and virtually all of them should "just work" with OpenPOWER hardware. I'm going to try this out and report back but cursorily looking at the source code I don't see any reason why it would be incompatible. If you bought your POWER9 for security purposes, or even if you just like being secure-adjacent, here's another advance to take advantage of. A more nebulous new feature in 114 is support for WebTransport, which adds low-latency datagram-grade server communication and should facilitate more interactive applications but will probably just be another way for sites to spy on you. Oh well! This initial cut requires HTTP/3 but HTTP/2 support is coming.

      • Mozilla

        • ThunderbirdCommunity Voice: 5 Ways To Make Thunderbird and LibreOffice Better Together

          Thunderbird doesn’t come bundled with a great suite of office productivity software, but there are many excellent free and open source applications that work well alongside it. One fantastic example is LibreOffice from The Document Foundation. And just like Thunderbird, it’s open source and multiplatform, available on Linux, macOS, and Windows.

    • Licensing / Legal

      • [Repeat] Carl SchwanMy generic Open Source Project FAQ

        People are often asking the same questions again and again about some of my projects, so it might be a good opportunity to write a small FAQ.

        If you get redirected here, don’t take it personally; I am getting asked these questions very often, and I feel people often misunderstand how open-source projects work.

      • The Register UKWhose line is it anyway, GitHub? Innovation, not litigation, should answer

        Perhaps it's the way it does it, presenting the code suggestions out of context. There are lots of open source licenses, after all, and some may contain conditions that our happy Copilot cut and paster should know about. Well, assuming Copilot can recognize when it's suggesting someone else's code, it's not unreasonable that it can report the licensing conditions it's offered under. That puts the onus on the coder to comply, which is more ethical than offering up temptation while hiding the consequences. Might even improve the hit rate for following open source rules.

    • Openness/Sharing/Collaboration

    • Programming/Development

      • Phil EatonMetaprogramming in Zig and parsing CSS

        I knew Zig supported some sort of reflection on types. But I had been confused about how to use it. What's the difference between @typeInfo and @TypeOf? I ignored this aspect of Zig until a problem came up at work where reflection made sense.

        The situation was parsing and storing parsed fields in a struct. Each field name that is parsed should match up to a struct field.

      • Matt RickardMerge Queues

        A CI workflow starts when a developer pushes a proposed change (pull request, changeset, patch, etc.). The code goes through a cycle of reviews and testing until it passes automated and manual (i.e., review) tests. Then it gets merged into the main branch.

        But it’s not that simple, and there are numerous places where this can go wrong (and ways to make it more efficient).

      • University of TorontoFailing to draw lines between 'script' and 'program'

        I'm not sure I fully believe what I posted any more, or even that I can clearly draw a distinction between 'script' and 'program' that feels right and is useful in practice. Personally, I think that all compiled things are programs, not scripts, and I probably call all of my Python code, even small ones, a 'program'. Is Linux's DKMS, famously written as several thousand lines of Bourne shell, a 'program' or a 'script'? I don't know. I've probably called it both at various times, but then some of the times I've called it a script I've probably meant that as short for 'a Bourne shell script', ie I was talking about the implementation language.

      • MaskRayPort LLVM XRay to Apple systems

        I do not use Apple products, but I sometimes like investigating Mach-O as an object file format and my llvm-project changes sometimes need to work around the quirks.

        LLVM has a function call tracing system called XRay. It supports many architectures on Linux and some BSDs but does not support Apple systems. If the target triple is x86_64-apple-darwin*, you may notice that Clang will allow you to perform compilation, but linking will fail. For other architectures, Clang will reject it.

      • Tom's HardwareRaspberry Pi Tracks Flights and Weather in One Convenient Project

        In this project, C0wsaysmoo is using a Raspberry Pi 3 A+ but there’s no reason you couldn’t use something smaller like a Raspberry Pi Zero or even bigger like the latest Raspberry Pi 4. It’s connected to a 64 x 32px RGB matrix panel that’s controlled using an Adafruit Bonnet. Everything is housed inside of a wooden box and finished with a tinted acrylic cover in front of the screen.

      • The Servo Blog: Conference news

        In the first week of June 2023, the Servo project team participated in the Web Engines Hackfest 2023. Delan Azabani gave a talk about the Servo project, diving into the details of the team’s work in the first half of the year and its plans for the second half. The talk provided some valuable insights into running some Servo demos as well as the status of floats and the evolution of the layout system. In addition, there were some engaging discussions around the future of the shared style crate in Gecko and Servo.

      • Arthur Grillo: How it’s Going: Adding NV12 support to VKMS

        This work proposed by my mentor Maíra Canal is going more difficult than I thought >W<.

        On the Community Bonding Period of GSoC, Maíra proposed I work on VKMS. While looking on the TODO list of the driver, on the plane feature section, I found the item “Additional buffer formats, especially YUV formats for video like NV12” interesting to work on, as it has some correlation with my work on the GSoC.

      • Vasudev Kamath: Notes: Experimenting with ZRAM and Memory Over commit

        The ZRAM module in the Linux kernel creates a memory-backed block device that stores its content in a compressed format. It offers users the choice of compression algorithms such as lz4, zstd, or lzo. These algorithms differ in compression ratio and speed, with zstd providing the best compression but being slower, while lz4 offers higher speed but lower compression.

        Using ZRAM as Swap

        One interesting use case for ZRAM is utilizing it as swap space in the system. There are two utilities available for configuring ZRAM as swap: zram-tools and systemd-zram-generator. However, Debian Bullseye lacks systemd-zram-generator, making zram-tools the only option for Bullseye users. While it's possible to use systemd-zram-generator by self-compiling or via cargo, I preferred using tools available in the distribution repository due to my restricted environment.

      • Python

        • Evan HahnPython's nonstandard JSON encoding

          Python’s built-in JSON module, json, can produce results that most other JSON parsers do not accept. This is because it has nonstandard serializations for infinity, negative infinity, and NaN.

      • Java

        • Alexandru NedelcuJava Volatiles

          In Java and other JVM languages, “volatile” reads and writes are part of the concurrency toolbox. But adding volatile on variables can be a mistake. This is a poorly understood concept. Let’s gain a better understanding.

  • Leftovers

    • Old VCRRIP, Bob Applegate

      It's hard to do two memorial posts in one weekend. If you use a KIM-1 or related 6502 single-board computers, Bob Applegate's hardware (sold as Corsham Tech, though I remember when it was was the best, including his virtually essential I/O card. [...]

    • Ali Reza HayatiCommunity versus Corporation

      As much as I like Reddit, I believe the corporation behind it makes it fundamentally impossible to build a real community-powered and people-driven network. Reddit’s benefits and decisions over their policies are based and focused on development of the corporation and financial factors while the communities focus on their interests such as building relationships with one another and producing and sharing better material with each other.

    • Deutsche WelleHow the musical 'The Rocky Horror Show' became a cult hit

      Whether in Australia or in the UK, the musical is getting new stagings to mark its 50th anniversary.

    • Science

      • Science AlertThe Surprising Reason Astronomers Are Vital in Legal Proceedings

        Most court evidence from an astronomer involves calculating the positions and lighting from an astronomical body – the Sun or Moon. Luckily, the tools we use to calculate the positions of celestial bodies are very accurate, and can be calculated hundreds to thousands of years into the past or future.

        An obvious example is when someone claims the Sun was in their eyes, causing a glare, and they get into a car accident. Someone needs to say where the Sun was, its position, and how it aligned with the street and direction of travel. At certain times and in certain directions, the Sun may indeed hinder someone's vision.

        There is also the situation where someone sees something, but it happened around sunrise or sunset. An expert is needed to say what the lighting level was – as there are very clear definitions based on the Sun's position below the horizon, and how much you can see.

    • Education

      • Pro PublicaPost-Pandemic Test Scores Show Schools Struggling to Catch Up [Ed: Pro Publica, which publishes this, is meanwhile taking bribes from the wrecking ball who has demolished US schools for personal profits. His name is Bill Gates and Pro Publica is in no position to claim high ground.]

        Angela Wright became the principal of Fairfield Court Elementary School in Richmond, Virginia, in the fall of 2020, but she didn’t meet her students until a year later. At the start of the pandemic, Richmond had moved all of its 22,000 students to remote learning. By the time they returned to the classroom, in September 2021, after every other school district in the state, it had been 18 months since they’d been inside a school building.

        For Wright, the posting at Fairfield Court was the culmination of a steady rise: from instructional assistant to teacher to assistant principal to principal. When her father saw her first monthly paycheck as a teacher, he asked, “Is this for a week?” “He said, ‘Are you sure this is what you want to do?’” she recalled. “I said, ‘Yes.’ When you see kids light up, when you see that they get it, when you see kids who were tier three or lower rise to the top ...”

    • Hardware

      • HowTo GeekSystem76’s New Laptops Have 16:10 Displays And RTX 4000 GPUs

        System76 has announced an update to the Oryx Pro, one of the company’s laptops that ship with desktop Linux. It has a 16-inch display with a 16:10 aspect ratio, making it excellent for reading and working, and if you’d like to game, it’s also equipped with RTX 4000 GPUs, letting you choose up to an RTX 4070.

      • AdafruitTorture-Testing C-Clamps

        Of all of the tools tested, only 1 out of 18 clamps survived the testing without damage. The brands Todd tested were Wilton, Wright Tool, Stanley Proto, Crescent, Bessey F-Style, Bessey C-Clamp, Groz, Yost, Lincoln Electric, Performance Tool, Pony, Harden, WEN, Pittsburgh, and Shop Tek.

      • HackadayBringing Back The Minitel

        If you didn’t live in France in the 80s or 90s, it’s likely you missed out on one of the most successful computer networks in existence prior to the modern Internet. Known as Minitel, it was an online service available over existing phone lines that offered a connected computer terminal for users to do most things we associate with the modern world, such as booking travel, viewing news, looking up phone numbers, and plenty of other useful activities. While a lot of the original system was never archived, there are still some efforts to restore some of its original functionality like this MiniMit.

    • Health/Nutrition/Agriculture

      • LatviaLatvia's Covid vaccine procurement case reaches court

        Court proceedings are under way€ against the former Minister of Health Ilze ViņÄ·ele,€ in which she has been accused of inaction in the position as a state official. On Monday, June 19, Prime Minister Krišjānis Kariņš was among those€ testifying, Latvian Television reported.

      • Hong Kong Free PressStand News sedition trial: Closing arguments adjourned for a week after Hong Kong prosecutor gets Covid-19

        Closing arguments for the sedition trial against two former editors of now-defunct news outlet Stand News have been adjourned for a week after the lead prosecutor tested positive for Covid-19.

      • New York TimesChina’s Economic Rebound Hits a Wall, With ‘No Quick Fix’ to Revive It

        Policymakers and investors expected China’s economy to rev up again after Beijing abruptly dropped Covid precautions, but recent data shows alarming signs of a slowdown.

      • NYPostYouTube says it removed Jordan Peterson interview of RFK Jr. for violating vaccine policy [Ed: GulagTube: we advertise for experimental vaccine giants with patents and you cannot "insult" them. If you don't want critics in YouTube, just change your first name to "vaccine" (everything is presumed 100% without side effects) and if you don't want your businesses criticised, claim that it is in fact a religion.]

        On Sunday, both Kennedy and podcast host Jordan Peterson tweeted that the video-sharing website had taken down their interview from an episode of Peterson’s show and accused the social media platform of censorship and interfering with a presidential campaign.

    • Proprietary/Artificial Intelligence (AI)

      • Security WeekWestern Digital Blocks Unpatched Devices From Cloud Services

        The move, which began on June 15, comes one month after the company released firmware updates for its My Cloud product line to address multiple security defects, including a critical path traversal bug that leads to remote code execution (RCE).

        The issue is tracked as CVE-2022-36327 and carries CVSS severity score of 9.8/10. According to a NIST advisory, the flaw “could allow an attacker to write files to locations with certain critical filesystem types.”

      • Counter PunchThe Frankenstein ChatBots Are Coming

        Before he gets specific, Claypool previews his conclusion: “Until meaningful government safeguards are in place to protect the public from the harms of generative A.I., we need a pause.” Just how, he doesn’t say. Because with so many increasing generators of these Chatbots around the world, this flood of Frankenstein Chatbots may present a problem the Dean of the Harvard Law School, Roscoe Pound, described regarding the prohibition of alcoholic beverages in the 1920s as being beyond “the limits of effective legal action.”

      • ScheerpostRalph Nader: The Frankenstein Chatbots Are Erupting

        Will the People Counter with Ethical and Enforceable Legal Frameworks?

      • Windows TCO

        • The Register UKGuess what happened to this US agency using outdated software?

          It turns out that this same gang of government-backed hackers used a different – and even older – Telerik flaw to break into another US federal agency's Microsoft IIS web server, access the Document Manager component, upload webshells and other files, and establish persistence on the government network.

          The US Cybersecurity and Infrastructure Security Agency and FBI warned about the first intrusion into a federal civilian executive branch agency's Microsoft IIS web server back in March, and said the snafu happened between November 2022 and early January.

        • Security WeekRansomware Gang Takes Credit for February Reddit Hack

          The attackers accessed internal documents, internal dashboards, business systems, source code, the information of hundreds of contacts and current and former employees, and advertiser data, Reddit said at the time, noting that it had no evidence that the attackers compromised production systems, user passwords or accounts.

          Over the weekend, the Alphv/BlackCat ransomware gang listed Reddit on its leak site and claimed to have stolen 80GB of data. No file-encrypting ransomware appears to have been deployed on Reddit’s systems.

        • Silicon AngleBlackCat ransomware gang demands $4.5M, API changes for 80GB leaked Reddit data

          Hackers from the BlackCat ransomware gang have contacted Reddit Inc. claiming to be behind a [breach] that affected the social media forum platform in February that took more than 800 gigabytes of internal documents, code, contracts and employee information.

        • SANSMalware Delivered Through .inf File, (Mon, Jun 19th)

          They are simple text files and contain setup information in a driver package.

        • Security WeekNew Information Stealer ‘Mystic Stealer’ Rising to Fame

          Written in C and targeting Windows...

        • Security WeekMOVEit Customers Urged to Patch Third Critical Vulnerability

          A critical vulnerability (CVE-2023-35708) in MOVEit software could allow unauthenticated attackers to access database content.

        • IT WireMedibank Group says it has not been affected by MOVEit flaw

          A Medibank spokesperson said: "We were advised by the vendor Ipswitch about some vulnerabilities discovered in MOVEit – a software system we use to share information with external parties – and have promptly applied all the vendor’s recommended security patches.

          "We continue to investigate and work closely with the vendor, and at this stage we are not aware of any of our customers’ data being compromised."

          {loadposition sam08}The spokesperson said the company was aware of the latest advisory issued by Progress Software Corporation, the firm that makes MOVEit.

    • Security

      • Security WeekAsus Patches Highly Critical WiFi Router Flaws

        Asus patches nine WiFi router security defects, including a highly critical 2018 vulnerability that exposes users to code execution attacks.

      • Support for Istio 1.16 ends on July 19th, 2023

        According to Istio’s support policy, minor releases like 1.16 are supported until six weeks after the N+2 minor release (1.18 in this case). Istio 1.18 was released on June 7th, and support for 1.16 will end on July 19th, 2023.

      • IT WireAlphv ransomware gang wants Reddit to withdraw change in API pricing

        The Alphv group said it had told Reddit that it had been initially willing to wait for the company's proposed IPO to settle the data theft issue. It claimed to have contacted Reddit twice: on 13 April and again on 16 June.

        {loadposition sam08}"We are very confident that Reddit will not pay any money for their data. But I am very happy to know that the public will be able to read about all the statistics they track about their users and all the interesting confidential data we took. Did you know they also silently censor users? Along with artifacts from their GitHub!" the group wrote.

        Reddit has been mired in a stoush with its users for a while after it said it would be imposing costs for accessing its data. About 9000 subreddits have gone dark since the protest began.

        Third-party developers rely on the API to build their own apps which can provide access to features not found in the official Reddit app, especially in the case of content moderation and accessibility aids.

      • Integrity/Availability/Authenticity

        • [Repeat] Light Blue TouchpaperThe Pre-play Attack in Real Life

          Almost ten years ago, after we wrote a paper on the pre-play attack, we were contacted by a Scottish sailor who’d bought a drink in a bar in Las Ramblas in Barcelona for €33, and found the following morning that he’d been charged €33,000 instead. The bar had submitted ten transactions an hour apart for €3,300 each, and when we got the transaction logs it turned out that these transactions had been submitted through three different banks. What’s more, although the transactions came from the same terminal ID, they had different terminal characteristics. When the sailor’s lawyer pointed this out to Lloyds Bank, they grudgingly accepted that it had been technical fraud and refunded the money.

    • Defence/Aggression

    • Transparency/Investigative Reporting

      • Counter PunchDaniel Ellsberg’s Last Message

        Ellsberg was deeply determined to do all he could to help prevent omnicide. As he said in an interview when “The Doomsday Machine” came out, scientific research has concluded that nuclear war “would loft into the stratosphere many millions of tons of soot and black smoke from the burning cities. It wouldn’t be rained out in the stratosphere. It would go around the globe very quickly and reduce sunlight by as much as 70 percent, causing temperatures like that of the Little Ice Age, killing harvests worldwide and starving to death nearly everyone on earth. It probably wouldn’t cause extinction. We’re so adaptable. Maybe 1 percent of our current population of 7.4 billion could survive, but 98 or 99 percent would not.”

      • Counter PunchDaniel Ellsberg and the Endless Federal Lies

        The Nixon administration charged Ellsberg with espionage regardless of the Supreme Court decision. At the start of his trial for leaking the Pentagon Papers, Ellsberg declared: “This has been for me an act of hope and of trust. Hope that the truth will free us of this war. Trust that informed Americans will direct their public servants to stop lying and to stop the killing and dying by Americans in Indochina.” The federal case collapsed after the judge learned of endless illegal skullduggery against Ellsberg by the Nixon White House.

      • Craig MurrayDaniel Ellsberg, and the “Good” and “Bad” Whistleblower

        The massive obituaries to Daniel Ellsberg at the weekend in both New York Times and Washington Post were proof of the status he held in the United States.

    • Environment

      • Science AlertHimalayan Glaciers Are Melting 65% Faster Than Just 10 Years Ago

        Glaciers in the Hindu Kush Himalaya (HKH) region are a crucial water source for around 240 million people in the mountainous regions, as well as for another 1.65 billion people in the river valleys below, the report said.

        Based on current emissions trajectories, the glaciers could lose up to 80 percent of their current volume by the end of the century, said the Nepal-based ICIMOD, an inter-governmental organization that also includes member countries Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, China, India, Myanmar, and Pakistan.

      • teleSURUN Adopts First Treaty to Protect the High Seas

        Among other provisions, the agreement will regulate the sharing of benefits derived from marine genetic resources beyond national jurisdictions, the creation of protected areas on the high seas, and the establishment of a framework for assessing environmental damage.

    • Finance

      • Michael West Media'Great Resignation' continues amid cooling economy: PwC [Ed: "Great Resignation" is a myth and a lie, in this case perpetuated by professional liars who helped EPO cover up corruption and lies about oppressed staff; it's just victim-blaming spin. It's also gaslighting like "cooling economy". Before Sheela Zemlin, the wife of Jim Zemlin, committed fraud she had worked at PwC.]

        A quarter of workers surveyed by PwC expect to change jobs in the next 12 months, up from 19 per cent last year, as they are increasingly left cash-strapped in a cooling economy while dealing with inflationary pressures.

        Even as the ‘Great Resignation’ continues, about 42 per cent of the employees surveyed by PwC in its latest study of the global workforce said they planned to demand a pay rise to cope with the higher cost of living, up from 35 per cent last year.

    • AstroTurf/Lobbying/Politics

      • The Guardian UKSignal’s Meredith Whittaker: ‘These are the people who could actually pause AI if they wanted to’

        The president of the not-for-profit messaging app on how she believes existential warnings about AI allow big tech to entrench their power, and why the online safety bill may be unworkable

      • RIPEEuroDIG 2023 Live Blog

        EuroDIG 2023, the European Dialogue on Internet Governance, is taking place this week. A rich agenda will cover Internet fragmentation, the impact of the war in Ukraine, regulation of digital platforms, youth engagement and digital inclusion and much more. RIPE NCC staff will be live-blogging the event!

      • International Business TimesSecurity must take centre stage in AI development, urges head of UK's National Cyber Security Centre

        Speaking at the Chatham House Cyber 2023 conference, Cameron highlighted the need for security to be integrated into AI systems from the outset, rather than being an afterthought. She also stressed the responsibility of developers to protect individuals, businesses, and the wider economy from potential vulnerabilities in AI systems.

        Cameron's comments underscore the growing recognition of the inherent risks associated with AI and the need for a proactive and preemptive approach to security. She argued against relying on retroactively adding security measures to AI technology in the future and shifting the burden of risk onto individual users.

      • International Business TimesGoogle teams up with UK NCSC, offering SMEs free cybersecurity training

        In an effort to equip small- to medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) with essential cybersecurity knowledge, Google and the UK National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) have launched a free training program called 'Improve your online business security.'

        The course, which can be accessed online or in person at Google's Digital Garage events across the country, offers valuable insights into cybersecurity best practices and lasts for one hour.

      • MIT Technology ReviewFive big takeaways from Europe’s AI Act

        What Wednesday’s vote accomplished was to approve the European Parliament’s position in the upcoming final negotiations. Structured similarly to the EU’s Digital Services Act, a legal framework for online platforms, the AI Act takes a “risk-based approach” by introducing restrictions based on how dangerous lawmakers predict an AI application could be. Businesses will also have to submit their own risk assessments about their use of AI.

      • ScheerpostThe Emergence of a New Non-Alignment

        Dear friends, Greetings from the desk of€ Tricontinental: Institute for Social Research.

      • ScheerpostPutin Shows African Leaders Draft Treaty on Ukrainian Neutrality From March 2022

        A delegation of African leaders traveled to Russia and Ukraine to urge for a ceasefire and negotiations.

      • Misinformation/Disinformation/Propaganda

    • Censorship/Free Speech

    • Freedom of Information / Freedom of the Press

      • EDRIOpen letter: The Council of European Union must protect journalists against spyware and surveillance in the European Media Freedom Act

        While the attempt to protect journalists is welcome, there are concerns about how effective the Regulation will end up being, given the recent changes being made to the draft by the Council of the European Union. The latest compromise text of 24 May and discussed by the Audiovisual and Media Working Group on 30 May poses serious risks to European Union core democratic principles and fundamental rights, notably press freedoms, freedom of expression and the protection of journalists.

        Pressure to weaken the already insufficient Commission’s proposal comes from the French authorities. In a non-paper circulated in April to other delegations, the French government strongly pushed for adding a wide “national security” carve out from any protections afforded by the EMFA, in order to safeguard the prerogative of Member States in this area of competence. France absolutely dreads the scrutiny of the Court of Justice of the European Union, which “presents the risk of an extensive interpretation”of safeguards in EU law. It also advocated for the deletion of the term “spyware” in the Regulation so as to treat the deployment of such extremely intrusive tools like any other investigative means.

      • Project CensoredLatest Developments in the Julian Assange Extradition Case / Honoring the Late Daniel Ellsberg and His Work - The Project Censored Show

        Notes: Kevin Gosztola is the managing editor of ShadowProof. He has covered the Julian Assange legal proceedings in the UK from its beginning, as well as other press-freedom and whistleblower cases. Gosztola also writes at The Dissenter. His new book on the Assange case, Guilty of Journalism, is now available in bookstores.

      • ScheerpostJudge Who Ruled Against Assange Built Career as Barrister Defending UK Government

        Jonathan Swift, the High Court judge who has just rejected Julian Assange’s attempt to halt his extradition to the US, is the government’s former top lawyer and previously defended the Defence and Home Secretaries.

    • Civil Rights/Policing

    • Monopolies

      • Patents

      • Software Patents

        • CNBCHuawei turns to patents for a lifeline — including those in the U.S.

          Over the last two years, Huawei's U.S. patents have increased the most in areas related to image compression, digital information transmission and wireless communication networks, according to IFI.

          The U.S. government put Huawei on a blacklist in 2018 that restricted its ability to buy from American suppliers. By October 2022, the U.S. made it clear that no Americans should work with Chinese businesses on high-end semiconductor tech.

      • Copyrights

        • Torrent FreakMost Prolific World Cup Pirates Also Most Likely to Use a Paid Service

          At the FIFA World Cup 2022 in Qatar, defending champions France couldn't prevent Argentina from lifting the trophy. Back on home soil, French telecoms regulator Arcom blocked 83 domains during the tournament but couldn't prevent some fans from streaming games illegally. The conundrum for Arcom is that if it cracked down on the most prolific football pirates, it would also be cracking down on the fans most likely to use paid, legal services.

        • Torrent FreakAnti-Piracy Group Signals Opportunities to Tackle Online Piracy Apps

          A recent publication by the Audiovisual Anti-Piracy Alliance signals app piracy as a growing problem that has room for improvement. Rightsholders could collaborate more intensely with app stores, for example. Meanwhile, app platforms could implement know-your-customer verification, while deploying automated tools to scan for and filter apps that use known pirate keywords.

        • Torrent FreakPirate Movie Supplier Quits After Russian Pirates Cammed its Pirate Releases

          There are fears that Russia's black-market supply of unlicensed Hollywood movies could soon dry up. Cinema insiders say Kazakhstan-based company 'WesternRus" had been supplying keys to cinema chains to unlock localized mainstream movies. Announcing an indefinite suspension of its activities, WesternRus cited "high levels of piracy" as the main reason for throwing in the towel.

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IRC logs for Monday, March 03, 2025
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Reprinted with permission from Daniel Pocock
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According to statCounter, Windows Falls Off a Cliff in Maharlika, GNU/Linux Surges to 5%
But mobile is king
New Video Clip of Richard Stallman's Latest Visit to and Talks in Italy
Richard Stallman or RMS giving his latest talk last week
Windows Used by Only One in Six Asians to Access the Web, According to statCounter
maybe more governments in Asia should move away from Microsoft
GNU/Linux Reaches 5% in Brazil, an All-Time High According to statCounter
There are hundreds of millions of people in that country
Google Already Dominates the Global South (via Android/Linux)
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GNU/Linux Widespread in Finland, Sweden, and Norway
Sweden has many Chromebooks in schools3 nations
Germany's Incoming Leader Said He'd Seek More Independence from the US, GNU/Linux Soars to 6%
Last month it was 5%
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Over 2 Years of LLM Hype and Nothing to Show for It
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We hereby crown Arvind Krishna "Putin's DOGE"
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Maybe some diversity programs can help IBM recruit slaves or grossly-underpaid staff
Microsoft Money Being Spent to Bully Techrights Only Legitimises Techrights
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