On Video Quality
THE 3 videos we published the other day were sort of representative of things to come. Now that we use a "proper" (external) microphone it takes more time to set things up for a video, as the microphone needs to be charged and recording tested à priori. I honestly do not like this new or latest workflow. In the past, or when we started in 2020, all I had to do was fire up a recorder, press record, and then show on the laptop what needed showing (the laptop's microphone was used).
Having said that, I really do recognise the need to care about quality (sound, image etc.) and we do need to focus not on quantity but relevance and originality. Due to the fact this new workflow takes a while to set up we're trying to only record once we have 3 or more topics (i.e. videos) to cover, then record everything in a row (no editing, no special preparations).
What does this mean? Likely a lot less videos and a release less often than before.
But that's okay... there's plenty we can cover with text and images. Since moving off of WordPress we've been a lot more efficient. █