Bonum Certa Men Certa

Over at Tux Machines...

posted by Roy Schestowitz on May 23, 2024

Backside of 100 yuan bill

Updated This Past Day

  1. You Can Now Upgrade Ubuntu 23.10 to Ubuntu 24.04 LTS, Here’s How
    After a long wait of almost a month, Ubuntu 23.10 “Mantic Minotaur” users can now finally upgrade to the latest Ubuntu 24.04 LTS “Noble Numbat” release.
  2. GNU/Linux in Finland in 2024 [original]
    that's over 7% in total for some kind of GNU/Linux


  3. today's leftovers
    several more stories
  4. Programming Leftovers
    Programming picks
  5. Open Hardware: BreadboardOS, Arduino, and More
    Linux-centric hardware news
  6. Software: Stratus, Floorp Browser in Linux, and mpv
    Some software picks
  7. Ubuntu in Malaysia, Games, and More
    Some Ubuntu news/views
  8. AlmaLinux, Red Hat, and Fedora
    Some IBM-themed news
  9. Security Leftovers
    Security matters and news
  10. today's howtos
    5 howtos for now
  11. Elon Musk Suggests Shifting 'Consumer Desktops To Linux' As Satya Nadella Promotes Microsoft's New Windows AI Feature 'Recall' With Photographic Memory
    “Maybe it is time to move consumer desktops to Linux.”
  12. Mesa 24.1 Linux Graphics Stack Released with Vulkan X11 WSI Explicit Sync Support
    The Mesa 24.1 open-source graphics stack for Linux-based operating systems is now available for download as a major update that introduces new features for supported drivers and numerous improvements for many games.
  13. Android Leftovers
    /e/OS Is Better Than Android. You Should Try It
  14. Alpine Linux 3.20 Released with Initial Support for 64-Bit RISC-V, KDE Plasma 6
    The Alpine Linux team announced today the release and general availability of Alpine Linux 3.20 as another major update to this independent and security-oriented GNU/Linux distribution.
  15. AlmaLinux Launches Engineering Steering Committee
    ALESCo takes the helm in AlmaLinux's technical development, ensuring alignment with the community's needs and tech trends
  16. Alpine Linux 3.20.0 Released
    We are pleased to announce the release of Alpine Linux 3.20.0, the first in the v3.20 stable series
  17. Free, Libre, and Open Source Software Leftovers
    FOSS links
  18. Programming Leftovers
    Programming links
  19. Windows TCO Leftovers
    Windows TCO, handful of examples
  20. Red Hat Leftovers
    Red Hat related news
  21. Devices: Raspberry Pi, SparkFun, and More
    Some hardware news
  22. today's howtos
    many howtos
  23. LibreOffice 24.8 Alpha1 is available for testing
    LibreOffice 24.8 will be released as final at the end of August, 2024
  24. Games: King under the Mountain (Mountaincore) Liberated and More
    8 picks for today
  25. Oracle Abandons Terraform in Favor of OpenTofu
    Oracle phases out HashiCorp's Terraform in favor of OpenTofu, aiming for more open infrastructure solutions
  26. Sovereign Tech Fund Backs FFmpeg Project with a €157K Infusion
    The FFmpeg project gets €157K from Germany's Sovereign Tech Fund, ensuring ongoing innovation
  27. Slack Linux App Fixes Screen Sharing Under Wayland
    If you use Slack on Ubuntu and were frustrated that screen sharing under Wayland was only showing a black screen (or crashing the entire app entirely)
  28. Best Free and Open Source Software
    We recommend the best free and open source alternatives
  29. Google thinks the public sector can do better than Microsoft’s ‘security failures’
    Google is pouncing on Microsoft’s weathered enterprise security reputation by pitching its services to government institutions
  30. Today in Techrights
    Some of the latest articles
  31. RMS (Richard Stallman) and Cancel Culture - Lugcast Clips Ep. 244
    New video
  32. Moldova is Adopting GNU/Linux, Windows Down From 99% to About 33% [original]
    primarily because of Android, which uses the Linux kernel
  33. Open Hardware/Modding: ESP32, Pi, and More
    devices and more
  34. Fedora, Red Hat, and Layoffs Inpending
    Some IBM stuff
  35. Coding, Kernel, and Kiwi TCMS 13.3
    Assorted links
  36. KDE Goals Sprint and Haruna 1.1.1
    Some KDE news
  37. Audiocasts/Shows: Going Linux, Late Night Linux, Destination Linux
    3 new episodes
  38. Security Leftovers
    half a dozen stories
  39. today's howtos
    4 more howtos
  40. Ubuntu Leftovers
    Ubuntu related news
  41. Linus Torvalds on Why He Does Not Like Cryptocurrencies | The Visionary Creator of the Linux Operating System Calls Crypto ‘A Great Vehicle for Scams’
    In a recent forum post, renowned Finnish-American software engineer Linus Torvalds, best known for creating the Linux operating system, expressed his skepticism about cryptocurrencies.

    The corresponding text-only bulletin for Wednesday contains all the text.

    Top-read articles (excluding bot/crawler visits):

    Span from 2024-05-16 to 2024-05-22
    1078 /n/2024/05/16/NetBSD_s_New_Policy_No_Place_for_AI_Created_Code.shtml
    1013 /n/2024/05/22/Oracle_Abandons_Terraform_in_Favor_of_OpenTofu.shtml
    951 /n/2024/05/19/today_s_howtos.shtml
    922 /n/2024/05/18/today_s_howtos.shtml
    889 /n/2024/05/18/Winamp_Media_Player_Goes_Open_Source.shtml
    860 /n/2024/05/18/Wine_9_9_Introduces_Wow64_Mode_and_Enhanced_ARM_Support.shtml
    833 /n/2024/05/14/Manjaro_Linux_24_0_Wynsdey_Officially_Released_with_Linux_Kerne.shtml
    814 /n/2024/05/17/GNOME_OS_Migrates_to_Systemd_Sysupdate.shtml
    812 /n/2024/05/18/OpenSUSE_Announcing_Agama_8_and_Review_of_openSUSE_Tumbleweed_P.shtml

Other Recent Techrights' Posts

Does the WARN Act Still Matter in the United States? (Layoffs and Closure Transparency)
Worker Adjustment and Retraining Notification (WARN) Act was meant to help workers, but does it still work? Do companies follow the law?
Beheadings in Twitter/X
Reported to Twitter/X
[Meme] Teaser: Blackmail Artists
Tomorrow we'll deal with years-long campaigns to deplatform our site
After '3 Strikes' (Watching YouTube Without Ads) YouTube Accuses You of Violating "YouTube's Terms of Service" (TOS), Blocks You From Watching Material (Even Your Own!)
JavaScript acts like DRM in this context
A Migration to Centralised Certificate Authorities (CAs) Has Betrayed LXer
Suffocating oneself is never a good option
[Meme] Lamb to the Slaughter
Companies need to compete in the market
A Year Since the Big Switch - Part II - Early Discussions About More DDoS- and Censorship-Resistant (Robust to SLAPP) Hosting
This started around 2021 or 2022
RTOS on a Kernel With Nearly 40 Million Lines of Code
Hardly simple
Burying Criticism of Linux as an RTOS
Curiously enough, people who know Linux best (from the inside) mocked the idea of Linux as realtime/real-time OS
YouTube: You're Blocked From Watching Videos About Why YouTube Sucks Until You Make YouTube Suck Even More
Sometimes the jokes write themselves
The Free Software Foundation (FSF) Has Chosen PeerTube
The FSF also uses MediaGoblin
Google Has Left Almost Nothing of Invidious
the solution may be to boycott YouTube
YouTube Stopped Working With Free Software a Long Time Ago; Now It Stops Working if You Use an Ad Blocker (Across the Web!)
Does Google now leverage "YouTube addiction" to wage a war on ad blockers everywhere?
Here Comes Winter
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[Meme] Threatened at Knifepoint
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Finding Hosts That Are Robust to Censorship, Not Just Boasting Decent Uptime Record
Synopsis: think carefully, choose wisely
Wow! Microsoft Promotes DirectX (Proprietary)
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All-Time Highs for Android and GNU/Linux in India
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[Meme] Debian's Black Eye: Free Speech
Debian: "Stop. Criticising. Me."
Over at Tux Machines...
GNU/Linux news for the past day
IRC Proceedings: Sunday, September 22, 2024
IRC logs for Sunday, September 22, 2024
Gemini Links 23/09/2024: Autumns, Hackney Carnival 2024, and ROOPHLOCH
Links for the day
Undernet (IRC) Turning 32 Shortly and It Still Has About 16,000 Users Online (at Any Given Time)
IRC is going to be around as long as people adopt the protocol
Microsoft Will Collapse Piecewise
The vapourware has its limits
IBM's Mishandling of CentOS, RHEL (Now Proprietary) and Software Patents Will Doom GNU/Linux as a Free System
Or, at the very least, leave IBM out in the cold
A Year Since the Big Switch - Part I - Why We Moved Away From WordPress, Drupal, and MediaWiki (PHP and Dynamic, Database-Driven)
There is lots to be said about how disorganised blogs are
Links 22/09/2024: Personal Web and Further Actions Against Health Harms of Gadgets and Social Control Media
Links for the day
Certificate Authority Let's Encrypt Falls to 1% in Geminispace
about 90% are self-signed
Links 22/09/2024: Nokia's Latest Aggression With Software Patents (Against Linux Devices) and Recalling Tromsø Convention on Access to Official Documents
Links for the day
Gemini Links 22/09/2024: OpenEarth Foundation Watch and Master's Degree in Computer Science
Links for the day
Over at Tux Machines...
GNU/Linux news for the past day
IRC Proceedings: Saturday, September 21, 2024
IRC logs for Saturday, September 21, 2024
Links 21/09/2024: Nokia Still Attacking Linux Devices Using Software Patents From the EPO
Links for the day
Unethically Scraping the Bottom of the Barrel With LLMs
the latest from 'Linux' 'security' dot com
Gemini Links 21/09/2024: Ideal Keyboard and HTTP 1.1
Links for the day
Links 21/09/2024: Microsoft Kills Its Own XBox Ambassadors Program, 'Operation 404'
Links for the day
[Meme] From Think to Pink
Of course this is promoting GitHub
YouTube (Google/Alphabet Agency) Treating People Who Obstruct Dangerous Ads (or JavaScript) Like 'Pirates'
Now a 3-strikes system!
IBM Layoffs: It's Not Over Yet (Possibly 8,000 People Affected)
How many thousands got laid off secretly?
Gemini Links 21/09/2024: Runic Calendar and Saying Goodbye to Google
Links for the day
Over at Tux Machines...
GNU/Linux news for the past day
IRC Proceedings: Friday, September 20, 2024
IRC logs for Friday, September 20, 2024