Techrights Disconnected From the United States Two Years Ago
Yesterday I saw a foolish new comment which said: "The website is called tech rights but isn’t even secured with HTTPS".
Actually, we support both HTTPS and HTTP (and even more than those two), but people can choose. We don't impose HTTPS on people because HTTPS is an accessibility problem (not limited to access by older devices) and some bloggers explained this point only days/weeks ago. If you altogether shun HTTP, then you give a helluva lot of control to the Oval Office and its loyal facilitators. So please do not do that.
Did people really need to wait for the US government to become this hostile towards the media before recognising the threat? The term "free speech absolutist" is just a slogan of the archetype neo-fascist. Don't be so gullible.
Anyway, our hosting company is now in the EU and the server is in the UK. We've not regretted this move, which goes 1.5 years back.
"Scheduled maintenance is currently in progress," says the host today. It started around 8AM this morning. Pages fetches are still relatively fast and traffic in the past two days was about 60% higher than usual (probably Streisand Effect). Today is also the day my laptop accomplishes 500+ days in uptime - an all-time record for me.
$ uptime 12:54:36 up 500 days, 19:39, 41 users, load average: 0.63, 0.65, 0.55
To be very clear, this site has nothing to do with MElon's administration. We left the US in 2023 and 'litigation tourists' have fantasies like the US being in control of Europe. If anything, politically, Europe distances itself even further from the US. Seeing the SLAPP culture, we welcome this transition. Keep the thugs away from us [1, 2]. Free software demands digital sovereignty. █