Gemini Links 01/03/2025: Amends and GNU/Linux
Gemini* and Gopher
Existing, fast and slow
So when you’re a kid it feels like a single week holds more life, more drama than an entire year later in life. Time feels faster. I’ve lived in the new apartment for over a year and it feels like that just swooshed by.
You might’ve heard or realized that one reason for this is that a year as a kid is like one seventh, one eight of your life up until then while a year for psycho biddies like me it’s like one forty-fifth, barely an inconvenience, a little over two percent. So time passes faster and faster because a day is a smaller proportion of your experience. Not sure how that would literally affect your experience of the passage of time. It’s not like your shoelace is tighter or looser for the first loop, or your bookshelf has less room on the left or you get more tired after the first step on your walk. But just to stave off any arguments, let’s say I do accept this factor as a partial explanation.
I woke up about a week ago with a moral thorn in my side. I suddenly remembered that I took a big sum of money from an ex-girlfriend seventeen years ago, and it's intolerable to me that I did that.
I can't remember the amount. At first I thought it was thousands of dollars, now I think it was hund- reds. That I can't remember the amount is also in- tolerable to me. It's a sign of how I thought then: my justification, lack of concern, or entitlement.
Beginning of the sowing season
February is the beginning of the sowing season in my area. More specifically February 3rd, Saint Blas.
Saint Blas is also the beginning of the winter festival of my village, this year there are events from Friday 31st of January unt February 5th.
Tomorrow it's Sunday and I hope to have some time to start preparin tomato, pepper and some other seeds to sow.
🔤SpellBinding: FTHILOG Wordo: LINER
Technology and Free Software
AI is dangerous
Copyright was the enemy to the sharing-is-caring community not long ago and the “it’s cheap and bad” argument has a short shelf-life that will keep on diminishing the more capable and original AI becomes.
It is dangerous for the environment and for the workforce, and speaking plainly about that exposes fundamental flaws in market capitalism that it’s urgent to speak plainly about because those bugs, even before AI, were wrecking the climate and breaking the backs of workers. That’s a conversation humanity is long overdue to resolve and address.
Twenty years exclusively using GNU/linux
WOW, let me hear that again: WOW!!!
In short. I started dual-booting in 2004 and switched to linux full time in 2005. This means that I have been using GNU/linux for two decades!!!
The word "exclusively" is used for emphasis, since I have also been playing and using other operating systems. Mainly BSD and occasionally Solaris (or some sort of derivative).
But somehow I always come back to debian, do not ask me why. Call i what you want, maybe because I am too used to it or who knows. Mayb it is just love at first sight (which is very likely)
Keep on rockin'
* Gemini (Primer) links can be opened using Gemini software. It's like the World Wide Web but a lot lighter.