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IRC: #boycottnovell @ FreeNode: August 19th, 2008

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*Tallken ( has joined #boycottnovellAug 19 00:07
*[H]omer has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))Aug 19 00:24
*[H]omer (n=[H] has joined #boycottnovellAug 19 00:24
*ChanServ gives channel operator status to [H]omerAug 19 00:24
*Tallken has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))Aug 19 00:27
*libervisco has quit (Connection timed out)Aug 19 01:27
*libervisco (n=daniel@tuxhacker/libervisco) has joined #boycottnovellAug 19 01:27
*libervisco_ ( has joined #boycottnovellAug 19 01:36
*libervisco has quit (Connection timed out)Aug 19 01:49
*libervisco_ is now known as liberviscoAug 19 01:55
*Ziggyfish ( has joined #boycottnovellAug 19 02:06
*libervisco has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))Aug 19 03:24
*dent has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))Aug 19 03:24
*libervisco (n=daniel@tuxhacker/libervisco) has joined #boycottnovellAug 19 03:25
*cozub (i=[ has joined #boycottnovellAug 19 03:25
*Sweaty (i=54f4bdba@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellAug 19 05:55
*Sweaty has quit (Client Quit)Aug 19 05:56
*PetoKraus ( has joined #boycottnovellAug 19 05:57
schestowitzAndroid is coming.. 19 06:00
*PetoKraus has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))Aug 19 06:35
*Ziggyfish has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))Aug 19 06:52
*dsmith_ ( has joined #boycottnovellAug 19 07:23
*dsmith_ has quit (Remote closed the connection)Aug 19 07:32
*kentma has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))Aug 19 08:24
*pcole has quit (Remote closed the connection)Aug 19 08:36
*kentma ( has joined #boycottnovellAug 19 08:39
*mib_lclsbw (i=dcff07d3@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellAug 19 09:57
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*moparx has quit ("leaving")Aug 19 10:48
*pinana ( has joined #boycottnovellAug 19 10:51
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*trmanco ( has joined #boycottnovellAug 19 11:03
*pcole (i=43f0d869@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellAug 19 11:06
*windotexe (i=windot@gateway/tor/x-26b84bf00a284450) has joined #boycottnovellAug 19 11:08
windotexeC: dot runAug 19 11:08
windotexesay helloAug 19 11:09
windotexehelloAug 19 11:09
schestowitzHey there.Aug 19 11:09
schestowitzWhat's up?Aug 19 11:09
windotexei am friendAug 19 11:09
windotexeyou can call me windotAug 19 11:09
windotexeim running windowsAug 19 11:09
windotexei just installed itAug 19 11:09
windotexeits vista ultimateAug 19 11:09
windotexehav you tried itAug 19 11:09
schestowitzWhy are you on Tor?Aug 19 11:10
windotexehow come you askAug 19 11:10
schestowitzI think you're trolling.Aug 19 11:10
windotexenuh uhAug 19 11:10
windotexewhy you dun like windows?Aug 19 11:10
windotexethats how i get all the cool trojansAug 19 11:11
windotexejust the other day i got a trojan which took over my systemAug 19 11:11
windotexemy cdrom tray kept popping outAug 19 11:12
windotexei laughed it was soo funnyAug 19 11:12
windotexei love this fun game windowsAug 19 11:12
windotexenothing like it it gets all the trojansAug 19 11:12
windotexei try rootkit nextAug 19 11:12
windotexei want magic lantern tooAug 19 11:12
windotexei want all the SECRET rootkitsAug 19 11:12
windotexethe ones they dont revealAug 19 11:12
windotexehave you tried this windows vista ultimate?Aug 19 11:12
windotexeit is like nothing ive ever triedAug 19 11:13
windotexei have question schestowitzAug 19 11:13
windotexea question for youAug 19 11:13
windotexecan u take my questionAug 19 11:13
schestowitzSure.Aug 19 11:14
windotexegoodAug 19 11:14
windotexemy friend has windows and linux installedAug 19 11:14
windotexehe tell me not to do itAug 19 11:14
windotexehe says he found a microsoft update which backdoored his linuxAug 19 11:14
windotexeis this possibleAug 19 11:14
windotexeif you dont know, how do you find outAug 19 11:15
windotexemeaning, how what do you look forAug 19 11:15
windotexemy friend wont tell me how he found itAug 19 11:15
windotexebut he had to reformat the driveAug 19 11:15
windotexehe not use windows he told me to not use it tooAug 19 11:16
schestowitzYou can ask in a technical forum although your situation is fictitious.Aug 19 11:16
windotexenot in dual bootAug 19 11:16
windotexebecause it backdoored his linuxAug 19 11:16
windotexewhy are you saying fictitiousAug 19 11:16
windotexehe said it mounted his linux drive and inserted a rootkitAug 19 11:16
schestowitzBecause you have been here before (via Tor) just to troll.Aug 19 11:16
windotexeso everytime he booted windows it would load the linux driveAug 19 11:16
windotexeno i have not been hereAug 19 11:16
windotexewhy is this not possibleAug 19 11:17
schestowitzWhy do you ask *here*? This is off topic and you know it.Aug 19 11:17
windotexewhy cant i ask hereAug 19 11:17
windotexeis this a secret channel?Aug 19 11:17
windotexeonly secret people in hats?Aug 19 11:17
windotexei want a hatAug 19 11:17
windotexeand a secret badgeAug 19 11:17
*schestowitz removes voice from windotexeAug 19 11:17
windotexei be cool tooAug 19 11:17
windotexehip and all thatAug 19 11:17
*windotexe is now known as schestowitzorzAug 19 11:17
*schestowitz has kicked schestowitzorz from #boycottnovell (schestowitz)Aug 19 11:18
*scheisterwitz (i=windot@gateway/tor/x-26b84bf00a284450) has joined #boycottnovellAug 19 11:18
*schestowitz has kicked scheisterwitz from #boycottnovell (schestowitz)Aug 19 11:18
*scheisterwitz (i=windot@gateway/tor/x-26b84bf00a284450) has joined #boycottnovellAug 19 11:18
*schestowitz sets ban on *!*i=windot@*gateway/tor/x-26b84bf00a284450Aug 19 11:18
*scheisterwitz has quit (Client Quit)Aug 19 11:19
trmancowhat TOR?Aug 19 11:21
trmancowhat is*Aug 19 11:21
pcoleIs this (windotexe) a common thing?Aug 19 11:21
schestowitzIt's a means of anonymity. This prep was here before. He's harassing me and others in other places also.Aug 19 11:22
schestowitzpcole: we used to black Tor connections because many trolls came from there. But a few regulars prefer Tor, so the ban was removed.Aug 19 11:22
pcoleI was running tor for a while, when using this box at work, then stopped it. It got in the way.Aug 19 11:25
schestowitzThat troll IMed (in the IRC sense) me too. Obviously someone who has smeared me before with libel...Aug 19 11:28
pcoleGrandpa was always harping on me to live a life of integrity, no matter what it cost. Never hide, take responsibility and accountability for what you do. So using tor kind've bothered me and made me feel uneasy.Aug 19 11:36
schestowitzWeb anonymity is dead anyway. I never bothered. Those who bother get unmasked sooner or latrer.Aug 19 11:37
*self_liar (i=c91bacf6@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellAug 19 11:45
*self_liar has quit (Client Quit)Aug 19 11:46
pcoleAny chance of Neelie Kroes doing something concerning ISO29500?Aug 19 11:55
schestowitzThey still investigate. They took evidence, but I think that a fine is the best they can inflict. They probably can't retract that ISO rubber stamp.Aug 19 11:56
pcoleA fine would deter a normal individual; not a corp. that almost prints money. Has any state considered an embargo?Aug 19 12:01
schestowitzYes.Aug 19 12:05
schestowitzEurope said it would be OK to ban Microsoft shall a government seek such action, but it's an open door rather than call for action.Aug 19 12:05
kentmaISO - the stamp of corruption.Aug 19 12:21
schestowitzWell, just look at it. It says it all: 19 12:22
trmanco 19 12:25
schestowitzThanks. I knew it wasn't final, but ISO is still too corrupt (self defensive) to leave hopes hanging.Aug 19 12:29
pcoleI saw that 3 of the appellants are members of the council (Brazil, India & South Africa), but wasn't Malaysia against ISO29500?Aug 19 12:40
schestowitzI think it was at the end. There were some reports on it abstaining. But it's migrating to ODF noiwAug 19 12:41
schestowitzThe longer the limbo goes on for, the better. Non-techies start to realise that there's something very dodgy there and they inquire.Aug 19 12:42
pcoleSo instead of abstaining it might join in the appeal?Aug 19 12:42
schestowitzYes, it has time too. Councils that moved to OOo/ODF can support such a moveAug 19 12:43
pcoleSo there's light at the end of the tunnel; does Jomar Silva know about the Malaysian move to ODF?Aug 19 12:48
schestowitzHe should. Unless he's not following the news, which I doubt. Leave a comment in his blog, show him the GL article.Aug 19 12:49
pcoleI saw that Graucho already did.Aug 19 12:51
schestowitzDoes he have a Web site?Aug 19 12:52
pcoleWho has?Aug 19 12:53
schestowitzGraucho??Aug 19 12:54
pcoleNo, he's one of those hackers on the net. I've been in contact with him through email though. 19 12:57
schestowitzOh, I see. Well, anything or anyone that can rock the ISO-Microsoft love boat...Aug 19 12:58
*PetoKraus ( has joined #boycottnovellAug 19 14:38
*PetoKraus has quit (Read error: 113 (No route to host))Aug 19 15:53
*libervisco has quit ("Ideas are bullet proof.")Aug 19 16:19
twitterThat ZDNet Skype story should be taken with a big grain of salt.  It's not free software, so anything is possible but ZDNet is suspect.Aug 19 17:55
schestowitzHow so? Jamie seems like a nice guy (based on all his previous posts that I read), but ZDNet's affiliation is suspect.Aug 19 17:56
twitterThat affiliation is powerful enough to overcome the best of authors.  Editorial oversight eliminates things that are off message and will promote things that are on.Aug 19 18:05
twitterAs you noticed, every journalist has their M$ file and handlers.Aug 19 18:06
twitterI don't use Skype, but you can imagine M$ likes bad news about Skype.  This article has a "whisper campaign" feel to it.  There's more supposition than facts and it's damaging.Aug 19 18:08
MinceRwell, skype is evil anywayAug 19 18:10
schestowitzI am not a fan of Skype, but is Microsoft's Unified Comms a rival?Aug 19 18:10
*_Doug (i=c17a2f92@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellAug 19 18:16
schestowitzI betcha Skype has back door just like Windows. It's a govt' requirement. Here are my refs:Aug 19 18:17
schestowitzSkype won't say if it decrypts VoIP calls - 19 18:17
schestowitzBackdoor in Skype? We need an open-source replacement - 19 18:17
schestowitzSpeculation over back door in Skype - 19 18:17
schestowitzOpen Source Skype Scuppered - 19 18:17
schestowitzCompressed VoIP leaves eavesdropping clues - 19 18:17
schestowitzPirate Bay bitchslaps Swedish law with SSL - 19 18:17
schestowitzWhy are European governments able to do more for less when it comes to National Security? - 19 18:17
schestowitzSkype: We can't comply with police wiretap requests - 19 18:17
schestowitzBeware of Skype - http://www.freesoftwaremaga...Aug 19 18:17
schestowitzWhy proprietary code is bad for security - 19 18:17
schestowitzCryptome: NSA has access to Windows Mobile smartphones - 19 18:17
schestowitzDual_EC_DRBG Added to Windows Vista - 19 18:17
MinceRskype is in itself a backdoorAug 19 18:17
MinceRthe code, the protocol and all its network traffic is carefully hidden from the userAug 19 18:17
MinceRpeople should learn how to set up their routers and use SIP.Aug 19 18:18
schestowitzIt's just like standard telephones. Snoops are normal.Aug 19 18:18
schestowitzOrders for half a million snoops in UK in the past year alone, IIRC.Aug 19 18:19
MinceRit isn't just snooping, it's creating an opportunity to run any code on your computer without your knowledge or agreementAug 19 18:20
MinceRwith network accessAug 19 18:20
schestowitzOh, I see...Aug 19 18:21
schestowitzWell, it's not much of a spooks' addon and Windows and OS X then..Aug 19 18:21
schestowitzSame with SUSE I suspect. The NSA messes about with SUSE as well.Aug 19 18:22
*_Doug has quit (" ajax IRC Client")Aug 19 18:30
*PetoKraus ( has joined #boycottnovellAug 19 19:14
PetoKrauslol just reading about the... crap... with appealsAug 19 19:37
PetoKrausthat's mind bogglingAug 19 19:38
schestowitzGroklaw's or ours?Aug 19 19:39
PetoKrauswell, i am reading your articleAug 19 19:39
PetoKrausiso-pegged-its-own-voteAug 19 19:39
schestowitzOh, *that*. Heads, I win; tails, you lose.Aug 19 19:40
PetoKrausyeahAug 19 19:40
schestowitzThat in its own right should make Bryden blush. What a bunch of arrogant suits.Aug 19 19:40
schestowitzGood news: No commits from Richard Dale, no progression of Mono/C# in KDE. Maybe someone is on vacation.Aug 19 19:42
PetoKraushehe, that british crap shower/summary postAug 19 19:43
PetoKraushaha!Aug 19 19:43
PetoKrauschampioning open standards- yeah fucking sure!!!1Aug 19 19:43
schestowitzMaybe they talked about football. :-)Aug 19 19:43
PetoKrauswell, i don't knowAug 19 19:44
PetoKrausabsurdAug 19 19:44
PetoKrausdidn't know about M$ holding ipv6, thoAug 19 19:44
schestowitzOh, shoot. I forgot to mention National Archives. Another one besieged and owned by Microsoft...Aug 19 19:44
schestowitzI've just seen an article about that in iTWireAug 19 19:45
schestowitzMy source for the IPv6 post should know.Aug 19 19:45
schestowitzHe  was "in dialog with FUNET about beginning IPv6 usage in spite of the presence of MSFTers in our network support unit".Aug 19 19:46
PetoKrausyes. yes.Aug 19 19:47
schestowitzThere's s*loads of article ATM about the leak from Dell. Ubuntu on the sub-notebooks... 19 19:47
PetoKrausthat kernel post... greatAug 19 19:47
schestowitzWhich kernel post?Aug 19 19:48
PetoKrausubuntu.sgAug 19 19:48
PetoKrauslinux is not osAug 19 19:48
MinceRin at least one sense, it is :>Aug 19 19:48
schestowitzAh.. welll... I took down the other day. Front page in Digg that it couldn't handle. :-)Aug 19 19:48
schestowitzI might make 2 front pages in Digg tonight. Proportional for the GNU.. showing how pretty it is.Aug 19 19:49
PetoKrausMinceR: well, it depends on nomenclature reallyAug 19 19:49
PetoKrausthough i always say i use gentoo linuxAug 19 19:50
MinceRthat's one way it can beAug 19 19:50
MinceRthe other is if we argue that the parts outside the kernel aren't really the OSAug 19 19:51
MinceR(since that border is kind of fuzzy anyway)Aug 19 19:51
PetoKrauswell, yes.Aug 19 19:51
schestowitzYou could just say your computer runs Free software... though Linux is 'the' recognised brand name now... if not UbuntuAug 19 19:51
PetoKrausthough bootloader, HAL&stuff, ALSA... and those thingsAug 19 19:52
PetoKrausinit systemAug 19 19:52
PetoKrausare definitely part of any OS... (or alternatives)Aug 19 19:52
PetoKrausand they are not a kernel.Aug 19 19:52
schestowitz"GNU is Not Linux" or "GNU system" works better as an umbrella. I mean, isn't the GPL a unifying umbrella anyway?Aug 19 19:53
PetoKrausgnu is not unixAug 19 19:54
MinceRthe GPL isn'tAug 19 19:54
PetoKraus;)Aug 19 19:54
MinceRmany parts of current GNU/Linux systems aren't GPL-edAug 19 19:54
PetoKrausmany linux distributions aren't gpl-edAug 19 19:54
PetoKraussplashtop, for example.Aug 19 19:54
schestowitzYes, BSD also. I thought about it. I have no idea what to call it then.Aug 19 19:56
PetoKrauswell, i tend to say - i use linux-based systemAug 19 19:57
MinceRi tend to say i use linux.Aug 19 19:57
PetoKraus:)Aug 19 19:58
PetoKrauswhich is true, ofcAug 19 19:58
PetoKraus*true for me as well, ofAug 19 19:59
*kentma has quit ("Leaving.")Aug 19 20:00
*kentma ( has joined #boycottnovellAug 19 20:02
*kentma has quit (Client Quit)Aug 19 20:03
schestowitzJoys of government-approved monopolies: 19 20:04
*libervisco (n=daniel@tuxhacker/libervisco) has joined #boycottnovellAug 19 20:08
*moparx (n=moparx@pdpc/supporter/base/moparx) has joined #boycottnovellAug 19 20:35
schestowitzISO update: 19 20:52
*moparx_ (n=moparx@pdpc/supporter/base/moparx) has joined #boycottnovellAug 19 21:02
*moparx has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))Aug 19 21:12
*libervisco has quit (Remote closed the connection)Aug 19 23:05
*libervisco (n=daniel@tuxhacker/libervisco) has joined #boycottnovellAug 19 23:59

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