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IRC: #boycottnovell @ FreeNode: October 21st, 2008


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schestowitzNaps at 2AM...Oct 21 00:01
twitterMy laptop has taken the place of night time reading.Oct 21 00:14
twittermovie watchingOct 21 00:14
twittertv watchingOct 21 00:14
twitterall in bed.Oct 21 00:15
schestowitzI can't use things efficiently on a laptop.Oct 21 00:16
twittertrackpoint helpsOct 21 00:16
twitterI used to be able to thumb trackpads but trackpoints have always worked better.Oct 21 00:17
twitterI have a masonite and blue insulation foam pad to put it on so it does not overheat or burn my legsOct 21 00:17
twitterCAD is a pain but text editing, browsing, coding are easyOct 21 00:18
schestowitzScreen space is a hard one.Oct 21 00:19
twitterE16 virtual desktops rescue that.Oct 21 00:20
twitteranother helper is vi commands in konquerorOct 21 00:21
twitterj down, k up, h left, l right.  left and right don't happen often.Oct 21 00:22
twittercan I tell you how much I hate Slashdot's new shortcut keys?Oct 21 00:23
schestowitzYesOct 21 00:25
twittera lotOct 21 00:25
*PetoKraus has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))Oct 21 00:25
*moparx has quit (Remote closed the connection)Oct 21 01:14
*moparx (n=moparx@pdpc/supporter/base/moparx) has joined #boycottnovellOct 21 01:14
tessierslashdot shortcuts?Oct 21 02:24
tessierIf slashdot shortcut keys piss you off maybe you need to lay off the slashdot?Oct 21 02:24
twitterNah, slashdot is still fun.  The short cuts only piss me off a lot, not A LOT.Oct 21 02:33
twitterThanks though, I know you mean well.Oct 21 02:33
*fumanchu2175 ( has joined #boycottnovellOct 21 03:01
*fumanchu2175 has quit (Client Quit)Oct 21 03:03
*kentma ( has joined #boycottnovellOct 21 05:38
schestowitzMore Microsoft apollogists disguised as "free software people": 21 07:28
schestowitzThe apologism at the bottom never ends. It's like a Microsoft 'open source' marketing campaign.Oct 21 07:29
*PetoKraus ( has joined #boycottnovellOct 21 07:36
*kentma1 ( has joined #boycottnovellOct 21 07:37
*kentma has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))Oct 21 07:38
*PetoKraus has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))Oct 21 07:46
schestowitzBad news... well, to DRM... :-) Recession Hits Blu-Ray Where it Counts < >Oct 21 07:48
schestowitz (Wikia layoffs ground Jimbo's imaginary jet)Oct 21 07:54
schestowitzIck. Japan's young turn to Communist Party as they decide capitalism has let them down < >Oct 21 07:57
schestowitzEconomy Likely to Stall New Enterprise Mobile Apps < >Oct 21 08:03
schestowitzLinux is  eating Sun's lunch. Sun Warns of Revenue Drop, Big Loss < >Oct 21 08:05
schestowitzThis is bad. If Sun is bought, OOo might suffer development-wise and then Microvell will try to take the lead, under the claim that Microsoft is a 'friend' of open source and Novell is to be trusted.Oct 21 08:08
MinceRgeekingsOct 21 08:11
schestowitzThe LF people seem likely to feed the IDC shills again. IDC: Economic Crisis to Bolster Cloud Computing < >Oct 21 08:12
schestowitzStill trying to sneak in Solaris under the "open" label: OpenSolaris on IBM's mainframes < > Sun Guy: Linux Guys Afraid of OpenSolaris < >Oct 21 08:17
*Tallken ( has joined #boycottnovellOct 21 08:20
schestowitz"Yahoo is still awaiting approval from the U.S. Department of Justice..." Heh. Good luck with that. The US Department of Justice is confirmed by people to be corrupted by Microsoft, which planted people there.Oct 21 08:30
schestowitz "Oct 21 08:30
schestowitzGoogle itself has emphasized time and time again that this deal is good for competition, and will not hamper Yahoo's advertising offering. Yahoo has been relatively quiet on the issue in comparison, leaving most of the defensive tactics up to Google. Google has put up a website dedicated to the "facts" about the deal, and their lawyers are even calling advertisers asking for testimonials for the deal. "Oct 21 08:30
schestowitzNo chance until the puppet eOct 21 08:30
schestowitzNo chance until the puppet regime is replaced with a clean set of DoJ staff, who need to be overthrown for corruption.Oct 21 08:31
schestowitzThee are so many people offering their 'solution' for the economy now (clouds, Wi-Fi, etc). Sensationalism won't save the economy. 10+ trillion in debt renders the system stuck in a roadblock. Time for a major rethink. Presidential elections won't change much when corporations run the government.Oct 21 08:41
schestowitzPresident Bush's Plan to Put 20,000 Bolivians Out of Work < >Oct 21 08:52
*fflakey (i=51abe8b3@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellOct 21 08:58
*fflakey has quit (Client Quit)Oct 21 08:59
*libervisco_ ( has joined #boycottnovellOct 21 09:00
*libervisco has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))Oct 21 09:00
schestowitzLayoffs at Veoh, or not? < >Oct 21 09:01
schestowitzTech layoffs: The scorecard < >Oct 21 09:04
schestowitzCompanyDateHow manyFurther readingOct 21 09:04
schestowitzOct 21 09:04
schestowitzOct 21 09:04
schestowitz.Oct 21 09:04
schestowitzYahoo10/21/2008?1000+?Don't expect Yahoo gory layoff details yetOct 21 09:04
schestowitz.Oct 21 09:04
schestowitzWikia10/20/200830% of 43Wikia lays off 30 percent of staffOct 21 09:04
schestowitz.Oct 21 09:04
schestowitzVeoh10/20/200840% of 94Veoh lays off 40 percent of staff, still lacks reason for being (Valleywag)Oct 21 09:04
schestowitz.Oct 21 09:04
schestowitzZillow10/17/200825%Zillow lays off 25 percent of staffOct 21 09:04
schestowitz.Oct 21 09:04
schestowitzZivity10/17/200833%Zivity lays off a third of staffOct 21 09:04
schestowitz.Oct 21 09:04
schestowitzSearchMe10/17/200820%Search engine startup SearchMe cuts 20 percentOct 21 09:04
schestowitz.Oct 21 09:04
schestowitzHeavy10/17/200814%Downturn Strikes Again: Heavy Lays Off 14%Oct 21 09:04
schestowitz.Oct 21 09:04
schestowitzJaxtr10/17/20081313 Employees Laid Off At VoIP Startup JaxtrOct 21 09:04
schestowitz.Oct 21 09:04
schestowitzPandora10/16/200820Pandora cuts 20 employeesOct 21 09:04
schestowitz.Oct 21 09:04
schestowitzHi510/16/200810-15%No Hi5's TodayOct 21 09:04
schestowitz.Oct 21 09:04
schestowitzSirius XM10/16/200850Sirius XM makes cuts to XM in D.C.Oct 21 09:04
schestowitz.Oct 21 09:04
schestowitzAdbrite10/16/200840%'Layoffs are not a statement about performance'Oct 21 09:04
schestowitz.Oct 21 09:04
schestowitzAppcelerator10/15/20086Tough times, tough decisionsOct 21 09:04
schestowitz.Oct 21 09:04
schestowitzTesla Motors10/15/2008Detroit officeAutomaker Lays Off Detroit Office With Blog PostOct 21 09:04
schestowitz.Oct 21 09:04
schestowitzSkyRider10/15/2008AllP2P startup SkyRider has shut downOct 21 09:04
schestowitz.Oct 21 09:04
schestowitzJive Software10/14/200833%Jive Software Lays Off 1/3 Of StaffOct 21 09:04
schestowitz.Oct 21 09:04
schestowitzRedfin10/14/200820%Redfin blames economy in layoffsOct 21 09:04
schestowitz.Oct 21 09:04
schestowitzSeesmic10/10/20087Tough times. Tough decisionsOct 21 09:04
schestowitz.Oct 21 09:04
schestowitzLulu10/9/200824Lulu cuts jobs as revenues slowOct 21 09:04
schestowitz.Oct 21 09:04
schestowitzeBay10/6/20081000eBay buys Bill Me Later, lays off 1,000Oct 21 09:04
schestowitzOct 21 09:04
schestowitz.Oct 21 09:04
schestowitzGawker Media10/3/200814%Gawker Media to lay off 14 percent of editorial staffOct 21 09:04
schestowitzThe number of reporters who write "GNU/Linux" is increasing. There's a need for more people to call it "GNU/Linux" for the associated philosophy and for groups like LF not to speak 'on behalf' of everyone, at the FSF's expense.Oct 21 09:30
schestowitzMore corruption: "The U.S. government and New York Attorney General Andrew Cuomo opened a joint investigation into the $34.8 trillion credit-default swap market, the top federal prosecutor in New York said." < >Oct 21 09:40
*[H]omer has quit (Read error: 104 (Connection reset by peer))Oct 21 09:41
*moparx has quit ("leaving")Oct 21 09:45
*[H]omer (n=[H] has joined #boycottnovellOct 21 09:53
*ChanServ gives channel operator status to [H]omerOct 21 09:53
*Tallken has quit (Client Quit)Oct 21 09:59
*fumanchu2175 ( has joined #boycottnovellOct 21 10:02
*fumanchu2175 ( has left #boycottnovellOct 21 10:04
schestowitzThe Enderle Mill continues to parrot the 'mixed source' MS deception: 21 10:11
kentma1it's an interesting new bit of spin.Oct 21 10:23
schestowitzMicrosoft is "as open as everyone"Oct 21 10:24
kentma1hehe :-)Oct 21 10:30
kentma1I see you've been troll-feeding in cola - a brief interlude, I hope :-)Oct 21 10:30
schestowitzWatch Novell's PR (lie) department on performance: 21 10:30
schestowitzThey are still spoon-fed by Microsoft, financially... to destroy Freedom.Oct 21 10:30
kentma1Novell are clearly moving more and more towards a lock-in based trading model.Oct 21 10:31
schestowitzTo make matters worse, they use some of that money to scoop up companies that will -- in due time -- help them fight freedom further, along with the convicted monopolist that calls Linux a "Cancer": 21 10:31
schestowitzHow people can work for Novell... probably just desperation for a check while perfuming what they do for the Mighty Buck. Social issues? Naa... leave that aside for now.Oct 21 10:32
schestowitzkentma1: they add lock-in to GNU/Linux also.Oct 21 10:32
schestowitzAbout 90% of their business (revenue wise, IIRC) is proprietary and with all those patented things they have (and SLE) they just try to sell a 'mixed source' Linux. That's why we should call it Ballnux and encourage people to avoid it.Oct 21 10:33
kentma1a bad business all round.  I wonder just how sustainable it will be., though, but they clearly need to "walk slowly backwards" away from their proprietary revenue streamsOct 21 10:34
schestowitzIn many ways, Novell is like Microsoft. Punching you in the crotch ("cut off air supply of [Red Hat|Netscape]") and then buying flowers ("look! we give some source  code").Oct 21 10:35
schestowitzIt fools many people. Perens < >:Oct 21 10:36
kentma1desperately trying to stay in businesss, I suspect.Oct 21 10:36
schestowitz"I think mostly they’d like to dilute “Open Source” to mean any code with source code. This is important to them because it’s the rights connected to Open Source that scare Microsoft (and others). If you can call it Open Source when there isn’t even the right to compile the code, or to use the information you get from reading it, customers don’t have a reason to ask for it any longer.   Their publicity agencies are hereOct 21 10:36
schestowitz on Slashdot pumping that angle every day. "Oct 21 10:36
schestowitzThis leads me to suspecting BN has attracted some of those "publicity agencies" Perens is personally familiar with.  Many of them pose as "open source people".Oct 21 10:37
kentma1They're well rehearsed.  We've seen them for years on cola, too, although the message has become rather more sophisticated over time.Oct 21 10:39
schestowitzIn COLA I don't quite see it. I can't think of a Munchkin who sells the "Microsoft is your friend and open source fan" pitch.Oct 21 10:40
schestowitzGroklaw has them too... Microsoft lobbyists posing as "FOSS people" to gain credibility and then throw slime at ODF, Linux, Free software, RMS and so on.Oct 21 10:41
schestowitz "Interestingly, Labaton makes the point that the motivation to increase the freedom of the investment banks originated in the feeling that it was necessary in order to allow the American firms to compete in the new, flatter global arena. It seems we were heading down already."Oct 21 10:52
schestowitzPaul Krill does an article abotu Ajax... so why is he even mentioning the enemy of Ajax (XAML binary mess)? "Silverlight itself is a very small plugin, about 4.6 megabytes," Guthrie said.  < >. The Register is doing the same thing, giving Microsoft attention in unrelated articles.Oct 21 11:11
*miti (i=54817281@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellOct 21 11:24
mitiRoy, I believe Microsoft is a dangerous company for a democratic society. What can be done?Oct 21 11:26
schestowitzRegulation is too weak.Oct 21 11:27
schestowitzOne option is making better products than them while avoiding the creation of "Another Microsoft".Oct 21 11:28
mitiI mean what be done in the EU? What can politicians do for us?Oct 21 11:29
schestowitzThere is no proper democracy (to refer to your question). The corporations run the governments.Oct 21 11:30
schestowitzIn a proper democracy, citizens elect representative to represent the voter's need, as opposed to a minority of affluent executives. So one tipping point for Free software is the financial collapse. It encourages people to ask question about how corruption came about and allowed this to happen. Microsoft is just part of an issue that's broader.Oct 21 11:32
mitiI seeOct 21 11:33
mitiStill I would be curious about actions, e.g. in the context of the upcoming electionsOct 21 11:33
schestowitzTake McCreecy for example (the policians you refer to). The guy just sold out in the interests of the Nancy Sinatra of the world -- those who want to make money sitting in sunbeds all day.Oct 21 11:34
schestowitzThe same guy seems to be pushing s/w patents in EU, on behalf of Microsoft.Oct 21 11:34 ??Oct 21 11:34
schestowitzAll of these are legal tools that obstruct regulation and attack Freedom.Oct 21 11:34
*schestowitz looks at siteOct 21 11:34
miti 21 11:35
schestowitzYes, that's the domain (one among more).Oct 21 11:35
schestowitzWhoever you vote for, you get a 'package'. You get a whole group, some of whom are cronies.Oct 21 11:36
schestowitzTimely example: vite Obama, get RIAA/MPAA cronyism through Biden, the potential Vice President.Oct 21 11:36
schestowitzSo the solution won't come through elections. If you look at GNU/Linux or Microsoft deep enough, you'll probably go all the way up to the top to find the source of problems (e.g. Gates phoning presidents for OOXML support).Oct 21 11:37
mitiAnyway, change is needed and I am looking at things to do.Oct 21 11:37
schestowitzInformation helps.Oct 21 11:38
schestowitzIf you can surpass the brainwash (example: "more patents = more innovation"), then you pressure the cronies.Oct 21 11:38
schestowitzIf, as in the case of the OOXML corruption, you name people who are guilty and provide overwhelming proof, they run and hide, maybe even sacked.Oct 21 11:39
*neighborlee_ (i=neighbor@unaffiliated/neighborlee) has joined #boycottnovellOct 21 11:44
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mitiBut there can be information overload. You cry fraud for good reasons and nothing happendsOct 21 11:50
mitiyou start to sound shrill although its all trueOct 21 11:50
schestowitzThere are ways of presenting this neatly.Oct 21 11:51
schestowitzPeople do listen because they look for particular information, e.g. in search engines, and then find it.Oct 21 11:51
mitiI am looking for action that kills their business. What would be most effectivee?Oct 21 11:54
schestowitzSeveral things (off the top of my head):Oct 21 11:56
schestowitz1. Expose their corruption (there is plenty) to get them in troubleOct 21 11:57
schestowitz2. Educate people about freedom, digital in particular. Many are deceived just by cost.Oct 21 11:57
schestowitz3. Explain to Microsoft people why the things they do are wrong. Employee retention at Microsoft is already growing poor.Oct 21 11:58
schestowitz4. Help promote Microsoft competitors that stay faithful to freedom. Communities too are worth improving because corporations have their own agenda and shareholder.Oct 21 11:58
miti   funny video about the McCain connectionOct 21 11:59
schestowitzThere are many.Oct 21 11:59
schestowitzApart from the 'advisors' McCain has.Oct 21 11:59
mitiBut as Obama will win who is Mr. Evil? Biden?Oct 21 12:00
schestowitz 21 12:01
schestowitzThe comment at the very bottom here < > also explains the McCain-Microsoft connection.Oct 21 12:02
schestowitzmiti: thanks for the video BTW. I shall post it just before the elections (to BN)Oct 21 12:03
*libervisco_ is now known as liberviscoOct 21 12:07
*miti has quit (" ajax IRC Client")Oct 21 12:26
*miti (i=548136b0@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #boycottnovellOct 21 12:27
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*PetoKraus ( has joined #boycottnovellOct 21 13:07
*redds2soc (n=Dflax@ has joined #boycottnovellOct 21 13:08
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*brunomiguel ( has joined #boycottnovellOct 21 14:14
brunomiguelahoy hoy! :)Oct 21 14:14
schestowitzHwy, brunomiguel.Oct 21 14:16
brunomiguelhello, schestowitz.Oct 21 14:17
schestowitzHm..Oct 21 14:20
schestowitzI can't find the FTC/DOJ page for Intel antitrustOct 21 14:20
schestowitzSearching Google for a while it's only 'social news' (rubbish) that shows up at the topOct 21 14:20
*redds2soc (n=Dflax@ has joined #boycottnovellOct 21 14:29
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*neighborlee_ is now known as neighborleeOct 21 15:10
twitter 21 16:29
schestowitzAh. Too late now. I posted this already.Oct 21 16:30
twitterIt's never too late to improve thingsOct 21 16:31
twitterit might not be worth the effort thoughOct 21 16:31
twitterNovell back under $5, that was quick. 21 16:34
twitterHere's a funny:  " Said Ballmer, at an industry confab in Brazil last week: "We're not going to have products that are much more successful than Vista has been.""Oct 21 16:36
twitter"  Hang on a sec, would you please, Dear Reader. Thanks -- I'm back. I just had to go dump a few thousand Microsoft shares. [Disclosure: I don't really own Microsoft shares, but if I did ...]"Oct 21 16:36
MinceRlolOct 21 16:36
twitter 21 16:36
schestowitzI'm working on a good one, twitter.Oct 21 16:36
schestowitzGimme a minute.Oct 21 16:36
twitter:) take your timeOct 21 16:37
schestowitzI use your images.Oct 21 16:37
schestowitzOkay, done: 21 16:43
*[H]omer has quit ("reset by beer")Oct 21 16:43
*trmanco (n=trmanco@ has joined #boycottnovellOct 21 17:00
twitter 21 17:01
twittergoing to look at horacio liesOct 21 17:01
schestowitzHehe. SweatyB.Oct 21 17:01
schestowitzHeh. 21 17:03
schestowitz"But Ballmer, man he's an idiot. He's the CEO of goddamn Microsoft, a SOFTWARE company and he's saying it's all about advertising and not about developing? That's like a car salesman saying their not making cars anymore or teacher saying he doesn't teach anymore but is just telling his pupils how good his school is. Seriously, what the fuck."Oct 21 17:03
*redds2soc (n=Dflax@ has joined #boycottnovellOct 21 17:06
*redds2soc (n=Dflax@ has left #boycottnovellOct 21 17:07
twitterha ha ha.  Slashdot also front page linked the vista failure log again for the anti-piracy day story :) 21 17:20
tessier_twitter on the front page of /.! Nice job!Oct 21 17:30
twitterthanksOct 21 17:31
twitterGood round up of the M$ patent threat.  The tie in to proxies is well documented and accurate, so it will be hard for them to use them without people in the mainstream press getting wise.Oct 21 17:37
twitterI like how PJ used M$'s old language about patents being the last tool of a dying tech company.Oct 21 17:38
*PetoKraus ( has joined #boycottnovellOct 21 18:55
*brunomiguel has quit ("\\\\\")Oct 21 18:59
*schestowitz come back. Nice one, twitter.Oct 21 19:11
twitterdid you see this one? 21 19:14
twittermore paid astroturfOct 21 19:16
twitteranother attack on independent blogsOct 21 19:16
schestowitzZIff/Gates?Oct 21 19:17
schestowitzThat's the site which has just one open source bloggers, who is a Windows users that provokes.Oct 21 19:17
schestowitzCompare to Ou (MS shill), Ed Bought [sic] (Windows salesman) and Mary Jo (Microsoft career), and even _Microsoft employees_ with blogs there.Oct 21 19:18
schestowitzOh, and pseudonym Paul "I hate Linux" MurphyOct 21 19:18
twitterthis one is by David Morgenstern of "Apple Core"  had not heard of them before but that's just me.Oct 21 19:19
twitterhe leaks a letter from M$ offering bloggers $15,000 to recommend Vista over OSXOct 21 19:19
schestowitzMorgenstern is OK though.Oct 21 19:20
schestowitzhe also defedns Linux sometimes.Oct 21 19:20
twitterAs long as the letter is true, it's another instance of M$ buying blog reporting.Oct 21 19:20
twitterAstroturf that damages everyone's reputation, on the take or not on the takeOct 21 19:21
schestowitzMicrosoft also bribed professors.Oct 21 19:21
twitterWhole Universities tooOct 21 19:21
twitterfirst hit is freeOct 21 19:21
schestowitzYes, I have it documented. Universities too.Oct 21 19:22
twitterUniversities were some of the first organizations to copyright their buildings.Oct 21 19:23
schestowitzHold on.Oct 21 19:23
twitter"Official merchandise"Oct 21 19:23
twitterwaitingOct 21 19:23
schestowitzI'll add the URL/s for the record (the logs are posted)Oct 21 19:23
schestowitzThere are links going backwards and forward (in time) here: (this hopefully gives a starting point for sample of incidents.Oct 21 19:24
schestowitzThink of a good headline to summarise the Mac story.Oct 21 19:25
twitterBuying friends and influencing people?Oct 21 19:27
twitterfans?Oct 21 19:27
twitterbrbOct 21 19:28
schestowitzOn Mac shills... moments ago: 21 19:36
*redds2soc (n=Dflax@ has joined #boycottnovellOct 21 19:44
*redds2soc (n=Dflax@ has left #boycottnovellOct 21 19:45
schestowitzSurely just an accident: 21 19:45
*moparx (n=moparx@pdpc/supporter/base/moparx) has joined #boycottnovellOct 21 19:49
*_doug (n=_doug) has joined #boycottnovellOct 21 19:50
_dougdefinition of that Wikipedia verifiability: it appeared in some other publication ..Oct 21 19:53
_doug 21 19:54
_dougdead goldfish registered to vote ..Oct 21 19:56
_doug 21 19:56
trmanco 21 19:59
trmancololOct 21 19:59
trmancofree cookiesOct 21 19:59
schestowitzHey, _dougOct 21 19:59
trmancostart squashing bugs on DebianOct 21 20:00
schestowitztrmanco: Knuth offers checks ($2.56)Oct 21 20:01
trmancololOct 21 20:02
_dougDid anyone see that anti-terror series on ITV last night ..Oct 21 20:07
_dougThey kick in the door in germ warfare bio-suits and then blow up a container in a controlled-explosion ?Oct 21 20:08
_dougThey then announce that al qaeda is being funded by drug money ??Oct 21 20:09
_douginstead of minor members of the Saudi royal family ..Oct 21 20:09
_dougdo they really expect up to believe this ?Oct 21 20:09
_dougall the time scary musci running in the background ..Oct 21 20:10
schestowitzanto-terror?Oct 21 20:13
_douganto ?Oct 21 20:13
schestowitzAnti (typo). Do they catrch real suspects?Oct 21 20:14
_dougno they just look cool in their designer suits and shades :0Oct 21 20:15
schestowitzWell, they mustOct 21 20:16
_dougkicking in a door at 2:00 am is hardly subtle  ..Oct 21 20:16
schestowitzIt's called "security theatre", remember? Got to look good and professional. It's about perception.Oct 21 20:16
_dougbetter to infiltrate the local M***** .. :)Oct 21 20:16
schestowitzAfter all, your golden fish could register for terrorism.Oct 21 20:16
schestowitz 21 20:16
_dougand promote false-flag operations ..Oct 21 20:16
schestowitzFishy business.Oct 21 20:17
schestowitzSlippery criminals.Oct 21 20:17
_dougthen announce the last-minute prevention of another incident ..Oct 21 20:17
_doug 21 20:19
schestowitzMicrosoft Spin Thursday is coming upOct 21 20:24
schestowitzWorse for the stock than Patch Tuesday.Oct 21 20:24
MinceR:)Oct 21 20:26
schestowitzGood news (less bankers): Merrill Lynch confirms IT job cuts < >Oct 21 20:26
_dougWhat's happening on Thursday ?Oct 21 20:26
schestowitzMicrosoft's financiers  and other professional liars are probably piling up profits (tacking them in buckets) and trying to figure out what press release to shoot in order to hide damageOct 21 20:27
schestowitzSee this?  If Microsoft's results disappoint, they'll just blame "pirates" again.Oct 21 20:28
schestowitzIf results are good, then "we did well despite 'piracy". If results are bad, then "those evil "pirates" are to blame."Oct 21 20:28
_dougIT job losse .. was on the cards a long time .. too many MSCPs chasing too few jobs ...Oct 21 20:29
schestowitz_doug: on Thursday we find out about the stacking /du/ quarter.Oct 21 20:29
schestowitzLook at the bright side. Unemployed MSCPs have the necessary skills to manage home budget...they are going to need this skill.Oct 21 20:30
schestowitzMcAfee update classifies Vista component as a Trojan < >Oct 21 20:31
schestowitzHey, _doug, send post the Number 10 asking for your /own/ bailout too: 21 20:32
schestowitzOn layoffs: 21 20:38
_dougwe live in interesting times ..Oct 21 20:39
_doug 21 20:40
_dougdoes anyone here realize there is a third candidate in the US election >Oct 21 20:43
schestowitzI didn't know the reference, but I use the phrase a lot.Oct 21 20:43
schestowitzA gold fish?Oct 21 20:44
_doug 21 20:44
_dougtotally unmentioned on the 'main-stream' media ...Oct 21 20:44
_dougdon't want to dilute the vote, I suppose ...Oct 21 20:44
schestowitzNokia is still flooding the press with their pseudo-open source junk. Just in IDG.. alone: 21 20:45
schestowitzDoes he also accept contributions (bribes)? If not, he can't gain visibility.Oct 21 20:46
_doug"Symbian released a free tool" is this bad ?Oct 21 20:47
schestowitzSymbian=Eclipse licence+Windows DRM+s/w patents. I wrote about this in BN an hour ago: 21 20:48
MinceRso when are they going to release an open platform?Oct 21 20:48
MinceR(taxing the developers via code signing doesn't qualify)Oct 21 20:49
_dougahh .. soo .. McCreevy + MS europe are joined at the hip .. is well known ..Oct 21 20:49
_dougMS european headquarters are in EireOct 21 20:50
schestowitzNader site is humble. I wish Lessig ran, but without bribes, you can't win. The corrupt wins the election, and not just in the US. Even Clown and Bliar are said to be benefiting from their little clans of influence.Oct 21 20:50
_dougwell yea, you get a bunch of 'directorships' when you retire ..Oct 21 20:50
schestowitzNew: Google's open-source Android now actually open < >,  Google Set to Release Android Source Code< >Oct 21 20:50
schestowitz_doug: if you have the time, try to find financial links between MS and Chaarlie.Oct 21 20:51
_dougwhy are you supprised Schewz ? "John Major appointed European Chairman of the Carlyle Group"Oct 21 20:52
_doug 21 20:52
schestowitzIf we can bust his for being bribed directly or indirectly, that would hurt his potency. Someone in COLA says he's already at risk of getting the boot.Oct 21 20:52
_dougwho ?Oct 21 20:53
schestowitzHa! Carlyle.Oct 21 20:53
schestowitzWait.Oct 21 20:53
schestowitz 21 20:53
schestowitzNorris connection.Oct 21 20:53
schestowitz"Another Washington-based group, which was discussed in IRC last night, is the Carlyle Group. Wikipedia describes it as “a global private equity investment firm, based in Washington, D.C., with more than $81.1 billion of equity capital under management.” Mind the part which says: “Carlyle was founded in 1987 by Stephen L. Norris, and David M. Rubenstein.”"Oct 21 20:54
PetoKrausso, is Android REALLY open now?Oct 21 20:54
schestowitz 21 20:54
PetoKrausno blobs?Oct 21 20:54
schestowitzPetoKraus: not all of it.Oct 21 20:54
schestowitzI think just about 70%Oct 21 20:54
schestowitzPR value... "just enough" open source as some call it. marketing ploy (ish)Oct 21 20:54
_dougit's how 'business' is done .. always has .. always will be ...Oct 21 20:54
schestowitz_doug: it needs to be transparentOct 21 20:55
schestowitz.Therein lies the lower of the Web.Oct 21 20:55
schestowitz*powerOct 21 20:55
_dougot: I see you mentioned by ACT .. :)Oct 21 20:55
schestowitzYes.Oct 21 20:57
schestowitzHow did you know?Oct 21 20:57
_dougis this the same ACT you/we've previously mentioned . .the one so concerned for the industry ?Oct 21 20:57
schestowitzWell, yeah... but somone reported them to regulators a week ago. ;-) 21 20:57
_dougassociation of ???Oct 21 20:59
schestowitz*LOL* 21 21:01
_doug"association for competitive technology" ..Oct 21 21:01
schestowitzAssociation of umbrellas.Oct 21 21:01
schestowitz 21 21:01
schestowitzThey don't like the fact that this stuff shows up in page 1 of Google. It exposes who they really are.Oct 21 21:02
_doug"A trade association for computer software, hardware, consulting companies working to keep e-commerce unregulated .. ACT is the only organization focused on the needs of small business innovators from around the world"Oct 21 21:03
_doug 21 21:03
schestowitz*LOL* more images: 21 21:03
_dougNotice how none of the other members occupy the same eco-space as Micros~1Oct 21 21:03
schestowitzWell, that would conflict.Oct 21 21:04
schestowitzCan't stock competing brands, can you?Oct 21 21:04
schestowitzAndroid in the wild: 21 21:08
_douggtg ..Oct 21 21:10
*_doug has quit ()Oct 21 21:10
*schestowitz wonders if doing weekly roundup of important news once a week would be suitable for BNOct 21 21:17
schestowitzMaybe a newsletter... I don't know... newsletter's are yesterday's technology, no?Oct 21 21:17
PetoKrausdon't know if you read Beranger today, but: 21 21:26
schestowitzYeah.Oct 21 21:26
schestowitzI posted the links to the images just half an hour ago.Oct 21 21:27
schestowitzBetter than the rape thingOct 21 21:27
PetoKrausmuch much betterOct 21 21:27
PetoKrausbecause you know what? This addresses point in appropriate way.Oct 21 21:27
schestowitz.It would annoy some people, no? Well, maybe not in London.Oct 21 21:30
schestowitzImproves Ogg in Firefox: Video Element Update < >Oct 21 21:31
PetoKrauswell, pro-christian campaign annoys me. Muslims dressed in their traditional "outfit" annoy me. And I am nice and quiet. So they should be as well.Oct 21 21:31
schestowitzAnd {God Bless American}^TMOct 21 21:34
schestowitz*AmericaOct 21 21:34
PetoKrausI am in the UK, not in the states, AFAIK.Oct 21 21:34
schestowitzWhen reigion becomes a national chant. Just see those E-mails from Palin...Oct 21 21:35
schestowitz "I pray he gives you energy..."Oct 21 21:35
schestowitzECT is becoming more of a Linux-trolling network (Enderle placements and all). Now there's the beef on Sun: (AP)Oct 21 21:37
PetoKraushmm, i am quite surprised. Nexuiz + Radeon open source drivers is actually playable.Oct 21 21:40
PetoKrausat "medium" detail level & 1024x768, i get at about 20-30 FPS, which is nice. Good to see working open-source 3D accel.Oct 21 21:41
schestowitzI'm sick of ZeeDee propaganda: (modified headline to say "Microsoft is as open as everybody else"... because it threatens Red Hat and has Novell licking its boot)Oct 21 21:41
schestowitzRelated article on  the side is like a Microsoft Hyper-V ad... more like hype-v and some lies... as as "lies, damn lies.."Oct 21 21:42
twitterI added this to your discussion of Yahoo/M$ technical censorship.Oct 21 21:43
schestowitzThis ZeeDeeNet biz (Microsoft urges employees to comment there) is part of that "advertisers advertisers advertisers" thingie Ballmer was raving about.Oct 21 21:43
twitterThat was a good run down.  I had heard a little but not all of it.  Thanks for putting it in one place.  We see how M$ has rewarded Yahoo for their cooperation.Oct 21 21:43
twitterIna Fried.... cluelessOct 21 21:44
twitteroh wellOct 21 21:44
schestowitz 21 21:45
twitterlookingOct 21 21:45
schestowitz"We simply focus on getting the news out there, and putting everything we have on display every single day. A critic once warned, "I intend to monitor Truthout!" So I recommended that he sign up for our newsletters. That way, "You'll be sure to get everything delivered right to your inbox.""Oct 21 21:45
twitterha haOct 21 21:45
schestowitz"If you told me six years ago that we would have a staff of 30 and almost a quarter of a million readers per day, I would've thought you were nuts. But that's exactly where we stand today. With financial support coming only from our readership and a couple of small grants, we are able to employ all of these dedicated people, maintain multiple servers and produce high quality services."Oct 21 21:46
schestowitzI try to see if there's controversy.Oct 21 21:46
schestowitzSome people libeled BN  and Groklaw, saying they had launched DDOS attacks.Oct 21 21:46
twitterThey are a political group not spammers.Oct 21 21:46
schestowitzShortly afterwards the sites were blacklisted (for no reason) by Websense.Oct 21 21:46
twittercensorship.Oct 21 21:47
twitterM$ is afraid of you.Oct 21 21:47
*trmanco has quit ("I just hit the close button :)")Oct 21 21:47
schestowitzThe libel came from the usual Microsoft Munchkins, some of whom monitor this channel for a fact (they copy and paste stuff from here and never ever deny it)Oct 21 21:47
twitterand every source they do not control.Oct 21 21:47
twitterif they do not own it, they try to destroy itOct 21 21:47
schestowitzGoogle is in the headlines.Oct 21 21:47
schestowitzThe Dutch police want them to sell out a user.Oct 21 21:48
schestowitzIP address/esOct 21 21:48
schestowitzAnother reason tohost your own mail or use a trusted hostOct 21 21:48
twittertruth hurts their advertising, and that is what Steve Balmer says they are all about.Oct 21 21:48
schestowitzThey intrude sites with ads.Oct 21 21:49
twitterGoogle is always in the headlines when governments attack.  Meanwhile M$ and friends sell out as a mater of policy.Oct 21 21:49
schestowitzShane doesn't manage to block ms ads because they come from sister 'domains' (Microsoft partners and all)Oct 21 21:49
twitterSounds deceptive, just like M$.Oct 21 21:50
schestowitz"Google is evil" is he message to sell now. Microsoft is either already assumed to be evil or must make competitors look "Equally Evil"(R)Oct 21 21:50
*libervisco has quit ("New GNOME!")Oct 21 21:51
twitterThey have been at Google's throat for a long, long time.Oct 21 21:51
twitterOrganizing the world's information harms M$'s broadcast assets and their ability to lie.Oct 21 21:51
schestowitzLet me find something.Oct 21 21:52
schestowitzIt's a ref I'll want to pull in the future..Oct 21 21:52
twitterIna Fried/M$ said, " the Novell deal, in particular, is an example of how working with a rival can ultimately benefit both companies."Oct 21 21:53
twitterNovell, the good example of surrendering without a fight.Oct 21 21:53
twitterLook how good that was for SCO.Oct 21 21:53
schestowitzFound along the way: (Microsoft Befriends Google's Foes)Oct 21 21:53
schestowitzDesperate Acts (of Microsoft) < >Oct 21 21:54
schestowitzStill can't find itOct 21 21:54
*libervisco (n=libervis@tuxhacker/libervisco) has joined #boycottnovellOct 21 21:54
schestowitzAh! Got it.Oct 21 21:54
schestowitz "It's ancient history by now--and certainly not news--but it's worth noting that Microsoft (MSFT) still hasn't made any headway in the search-and-portal game and, in fact, is falling farther and farther behind. As a result, it is not surprising that Steve Ballmer is now warning media companies that Google (GOOG) is the Evil Empire -- because no other competitive Oct 21 21:56
schestowitztactic has worked."Oct 21 21:56
schestowitzAlso related and more recent: Ballmer says "Google reads your Mail" < >Oct 21 21:56
*neighborlee has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))Oct 21 21:57
twitterM$ Censored Web, FAIL.Oct 21 21:57
twitterM$ Libel, FAIL.Oct 21 21:57
twitterM$FT, FAILOct 21 21:57
twitterha haOct 21 21:57
schestowitzNot failing. Just busted by people.Oct 21 21:57
schestowitzDid you know that they censor bloggers?Oct 21 21:58
schestowitztessier (who is in this channel) received demands or threats from Microsoft to remove blog posts.Oct 21 21:58
twitterdown 5.5% today. 21 21:58
schestowitztwitter: wait until Thursday. :-OOct 21 21:58
twitterM$ calling tessier?  Directly?Oct 21 21:59
schestowitz -0.32 (-6.25%)Oct 21 21:59
schestowitztwitter: I don't know the details.Oct 21 21:59
twitterThere are plenty of people in this room that say they represent M$ and Novell and are paid to be here.Oct 21 22:00
schestowitzBut they didn't "pull an Ou" like they did with Gutmann.Oct 21 22:00
twitterThey did that to you.Oct 21 22:00
schestowitzNo.Oct 21 22:00
schestowitzNo Ou.Oct 21 22:00
twitterIf writing your University is not "pulling an Ou" I'm not sure what is.Oct 21 22:01
schestowitz 21 22:01
twitterThey have also libeled you by proxy.Oct 21 22:02
schestowitzSee this < >?Oct 21 22:02
*libervisco has quit (Remote closed the connection)Oct 21 22:02
schestowitzWritten by the guy who only just came back from a free trip Microsoft gave himOct 21 22:03
schestowitzSearch his name in BN and see the whole saga. Bribed journalists.Oct 21 22:03
twitterYes, that's part of the poison pen collection.Oct 21 22:04
twitterBribery, shame.Oct 21 22:05
twitterIt's funny you would mention Peter (stage name) Murphy today. 21 22:06
schestowitzPaul?Oct 21 22:06
schestowitzIs it one person?Oct 21 22:06
twitterYesOct 21 22:06
schestowitzSomeone who mailed me reckons it could be just a placeholder nameOct 21 22:06
twittertypo, my badOct 21 22:06
schestowitzIn fact, the Cringely you see in InfoWorld is a fake one.Oct 21 22:06
schestowitzIt's naot Mark.Oct 21 22:07
schestowitzI mailed him and found that out.Oct 21 22:07
twitterNo, if you look at that article it says fake name.Oct 21 22:07
schestowitzWhose?Oct 21 22:07
twitterPaul MurphyOct 21 22:07
schestowitzYesOct 21 22:07
schestowitzPeople whose identity can't be reveals are like self-confessed trolls.Oct 21 22:07
*libervisco (n=libervis@tuxhacker/libervisco) has joined #boycottnovellOct 21 22:08
twitterHe actually said to stay away from Vista.Oct 21 22:08
schestowitzOr in the case of one Microsoft shill, rather than change name they change sex.. but there ya go..Oct 21 22:08
twitterRecommended OSX, if you had the money, for usability.  Ha ha.Oct 21 22:08
schestowitztwitter: Murphy is not a Microsoft shill... but he was pro-SCO, UNIX, and often anti-Linux... and he rewrote history.Oct 21 22:09
schestowitzSee Jones' latest post on Dennis ByronOct 21 22:09
schestowitzShe mentioned the Murphy thing (he's blacklisted in GL)Oct 21 22:09
twitterpro SCO?Oct 21 22:09
schestowitzWell, not exactly.. I don't know the history.Oct 21 22:09
schestowitzHe can't even spell Ubuntu correctly... makes the same mistake endlesssly.Oct 21 22:10
twitterLink to Dennis article?  I have one from 5/16Oct 21 22:11
schestowitz 21 22:11
schestowitz"Isn't that hilarious? To be fair, those Wall Street dudes are likely under a lot of stress nowadays. If he needs a job, maybe he should write a column with "Paul Murphy", who also comes up with his own histories on the birth of Linux."Oct 21 22:12
twitterOh yeah, I got that one.Oct 21 22:13
twitterIt's like a SCO echo.  Confusion put out once comes back many new and unexpected ways.Oct 21 22:14
schestowitzI was a victim of the MINIX lie.Oct 21 22:15
twitterM$ knows this and it's one of the reasons they pollute the online world.Oct 21 22:15
schestowitzFor years I thought Linux was derived from Minix.Oct 21 22:15
schestowitzIt's a Microsoft-derived lie rather... echoed many times, even in its conferences.Oct 21 22:15
twitterwhat did you think derived meant?Oct 21 22:16
schestowitzI use it loosely in this context... but I was talking about a fork.Oct 21 22:17
twitterOh.Oct 21 22:18
schestowitzI read it somewhere... part of the 'pollution trail'... disinfo.Oct 21 22:18
schestowitzThe problem is that U unknowingly spread this lie further for at least a year. I thought it was true. So it's an infectious broken telephone thing... Microsoft just needs to 'plant' and seed the lies.Oct 21 22:19
schestowitzI suspect that the anti-Chrome EULA FUD came from Microsoft as well.Oct 21 22:19
twitterYes, that's why they work so closely with journalists.Oct 21 22:19
schestowitzOn the very same day it was announced I think the Ina Fried SHILL is the one that started spreading  (seeding) this attack.Oct 21 22:20
twitterI'm reading the Intel Ballnux article now.  RMS has said that Intel is an enemy of software freedom.Oct 21 22:20
schestowitzAnd knowing (with evidence) how Microsoft used O'Gara to sabotage the OSDL announcement (evidence in BN), it's likely  that Microsoft intelligence knew about the announcement and did FUD homeworkOct 21 22:20
twitterYes, M$ plans it's lies in advance.Oct 21 22:21
twitterThat came out in the DRDOS case.Oct 21 22:21
schestowitzThey also plan to sabotage the next Apple laptop announcement... just as they did with VMware's event, Lotus (many years ago) and PS3 parties (launch parties in several countries) that management at Microsoft coordinated to sabotage systematically. Kids cried.Oct 21 22:21
schestowitzBut don't listen to my facts. Microsoft is a nice company. Yes. Shiny!! Yes.Oct 21 22:22
twitterThey made sure Win3.1 would not work with DRDOS and planned to blame DR in newsgroups.  It worked perfectly.Oct 21 22:22
twitterUntil their email was presented in court.Oct 21 22:23
schestowitzYesOct 21 22:23
schestowitzI have the evidence in BN too.Oct 21 22:23
schestowitzHave you seen it?Oct 21 22:23
twitterNo.  The records have since been destroyed.Oct 21 22:23
twitterI'd like to see that.Oct 21 22:23
schestowitzSame with ODF plugins.Oct 21 22:23
schestowitzSearch bn for dr-dosOct 21 22:23
twitterOk, dinner time.  Later.Oct 21 22:24
schestowitz 21 22:24
schestowitzIt's a good thing NVidia is losing market share (IIRC): Oct 21 22:34
schestowitz 21 22:34
*neighborlee (i=neighbor@unaffiliated/neighborlee) has joined #boycottnovellOct 21 22:40
PetoKrausif you consider being sold on macs as losing market share...Oct 21 22:43
*neighborlee has quit (Read error: 60 (Operation timed out))Oct 21 22:46
**** ENDING LOGGING AT Tue Oct 21 22:53:19 2008
**** BEGIN LOGGING AT Tue Oct 21 22:56:07 2008
*Now talking on #boycottnovellOct 21 22:56
*Topic for #boycottnovell is: "Exploring the reality behind exclusionary deals with Microsoft and their subtle (yet severe) implications" [publicly logged]Oct 21 22:56
*Topic for #boycottnovell set by schestowitz at Sun Oct 5 19:20:28 2008Oct 21 22:56
-ChanServ-[#boycottnovell] Welcome to the #boycottnovell channelOct 21 22:56
*#boycottnovell :[freenode-info] help freenode weed out clonebots, please register your IRC nick and auto-identify: 21 22:56
*ChanServ gives channel operator status to schestowitzOct 21 22:56
*PetoKraus has quit ("The purpose of IRC is to...IDLE...")Oct 21 23:00
*PetoKraus ( has joined #boycottnovellOct 21 23:00
schestowitzLots of FUD: 21 23:01
schestowitzIck!! "In the past years the phrase Linux has been mis-represented as a full blown distribution and not it’s original meaning. Linux, actually derived from the “Linux Kernel”, which was originally written by Linus Torvald in the early 90’s. So it is important to not refer a distribution as Linux, but as a Linux Distribution."Oct 21 23:06
schestowitzOuch. "What is the best Desktop Environment? Much like Distributions." Lots of disinfo out there.Oct 21 23:07
*neighborlee ( has joined #boycottnovellOct 21 23:19
*neighborlee has quit ("This is my custom quit message : I am quitting now, - bye cu l8r g8r.")Oct 21 23:50
*PetoKraus has quit (Read error: 110 (Connection timed out))Oct 21 23:50

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